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What Music Means to Me

Salomón Calvo Serna

Music for long has meant a lot. Its what I do when I feel bored, sad, happy,
anxious, or calm. Listening to the multiple pieces is a real treat, and more
when it help me upbring those feelings, embrace the lyrics and enjoy the
music. All I feel when I listen to the different genres, when I play all my
instruments is comparable to none, because it brings joy to my heart in a way
no other activity can. How Claude Debussy can make me thoughtful, or Billie
Eilish sorrowful is exclusive to this mixture of sound us humans call music.

I am thankful for what it has done, since it has accompanied me in my

solitude, and helped me understand and help myself out of diverse situations.
I believe in the importance of music, and the originality of it. So many
possibilites, rhythmic, and melodic,that is truly beautiful. With 12 notes and
some creativity hollow sound becomes monumental. And despite the things I
don’t like, genres, sounds and songs, there is something for everyone. What I
feel when I listen to Rex Orange County and his single “Sunflower”, or
Skinshape with “Filoxiny”may not be the same to Reggaeton with Maluma,
yet they are all equally respectable.

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