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Sample Unit – Mathematics Advanced – Year 11

Unit title Introduction to Differentiation Duration 20 hours exposition

Topic Calculus Subtopic MA-C1 Introduction to Differentiation

Subtopic focus Resources
The principal focus of this subtopic is for students to develop an A module of work on coordinate geometry:
understanding of the concept of a derivative as a function that 
defines the rate of change of a given function. This concept is
An overview of a calculus course:
reinforced numerically, by calculating difference quotients
geometrically, as gradients of secants and tangents, and
algebraically. The derivatives of power functions are found and used Activities to consolidate ‘If and only if’:
to solve simple problems, including calculating gradients and 
equations of tangents and normals. 
Students develop an understanding of derivatives as representations Exploring Gradient workbook:
of rates of change. This process is of fundamental importance in 
Mathematics and has applications in all quantitative fields of study
including physics, chemistry, medicine, engineering, computing, Introducing Calculus workbook:
statistics, business, finance and economics. 

Filling bottles demonstration:


The Shell Centre free downloadable textbook:


Barnes, Mary (1991) Investigating Change: An Introduction to Calculus for Australian

Schools. Teachers’ Handbook 1 & 2. Student Books Units 1–10. Curriculum Corporation,
Carlton, Victoria.

This book is now available as an eBook free of charge through the Open Library

Limits and continuity activities:

Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 1

Outcomes Assessment ideas

A student: Informal Assessment:
˃ uses algebraic and graphical techniques to solve and where At the start of the unit teachers assess student prior learning using a variety of different
appropriate, compare alternative solutions to contextual strategies, including:
problems MA11-1  students working in small groups to brainstorm what they already know about
˃ interprets the meaning of the derivative, determines the straight lines
derivative of functions and applies these to solve simple  a mastery quiz
practical problems MA11-5  class discussion to develop a mind map of prior learning.
˃ uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise, model and Teachers assess student progress through the unit by starting each lesson with a brief
interpret information in a range of contexts MA11-8 (five minute) quiz that reviews the key concepts of previous lessons and key skills that will
˃ provides reasoning to support conclusions which are be required in the lesson that will follow. For example, the teacher assesses student
appropriate to the context MA11-9 ability to simplify expressions involving fractions prior to the lesson in which students will
y 2− y 1
use m= to find the gradient of the line joining two points.
x 2−x 1

Formal Assessment:
Students develop a learning journal as they progress through the topic. The journal could
include things such as:
 screenshots of the applets they explore
 reflection on their learning
 key concepts explained in the student’s own words
 examples of problems they found difficult with annotations about correcting their
 a list of terms used in the unit and their meaning expressed in the student’s own
 a brief explanation of what the topic is about and why it is worthy of being studied
 problems they are proud of solving

Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 2

 some historical facts about the development of the calculus.

See the exemplar assignment tasks in the support materials for ideas on assignments,
including more detail on a learning journal for this unit.

Investigating gradient
This unit of work includes content from Stage 5.2 and Stage 5.3. Teachers should differentiate the learning experiences to meet the needs of the students in
their class. Teachers may decide for particular groups of students that they:

 comprehensively review related Stage 5.2 and 5.3 content before studying the Stage 6 content
 briefly review the related Stage 5.2 and Stage 5.3 content

Content Teaching, learning and assessment strategies

● model, analyse and solve problems involving linear functions Review the linear equation y=mx+c as previously studied in Stage 5.2 and Stage 5.3.
Students investigate the significance of m and c using graphical technology and a
– explain the geometrical significance of m and c in the
constant controller. They explore the meaning of m and c when y and x represent
equation f ( x )=mx+c
specific quantities. For example, if y represents distance from a fixed point and x
(Content point from MA-F1.3. This may be omitted if assessment of represents time then m represents the velocity and c the initial position.
prior learning reveals that students are competent in this The teacher provides the students with a set of cards, some of which have the graph of a
straight line and others that have possible equations in y=mx+c form. There should be
many more possible equations than lines. Working in pairs or small groups, the students
sort the cards by matching an equation to each graph. Following this, they then draw the
graphs of the remaining equations.

● examine and use the relationship between the angle of inclination The teacher reviews the concept of the gradient of an interval joining two points on the
of a line or tangent, θ , with the positive x -axis, and the gradient, rise
m , of that line or tangent, and establish that tanθ=m AAM Cartesian plane as m= where the interval is the hypotenuse of a right-angled
triangle, the length of the vertical side is the rise and the length of the horizontal side is
the run.

With teacher guidance as necessary, students use graphing software to explore the
gradient of a line. They construct a line and then choose a moveable point on the line.
They construct a right-angled triangle to calculate the rise, run and gradient. The students

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discuss the effect that changing the position of the line has on the gradient.

The teacher defines the angle of inclination of the line. Students explore the effect that
changing the position of the line has on the angle of inclination.

Through these explorations students should be encouraged to:

 distinguish between positive and negative gradient.
 link negative gradient to a negative angle of inclination.
 describe how the angle of inclination is related to the gradient.
 use the formula tanθ=m to find the angle of inclination of a line.

The students take screen shots of their work and annotate them to illustrate what they
have learned. They describe the results of their explorations in their own words. In their
learning journal, students include samples of the problems they can now solve.

● distinguish between continuous and discontinuous functions, Working in pairs or small groups, students sort a variety of different line graphs into
identifying key elements which distinguish each type of function groups that have a common feature in regard to their shape. The set of graphs provided
– sketch graphs of functions that are continuous and compare could include those from newspapers and magazines, graphs from practical situations
them with graphs of functions that have discontinuities such as parking station fees, graphs that are familiar from Stage 5, piecewise graphs,
– describe continuity informally, and identify continuous graphs already met in this course and unfamiliar graphs sourced from later topics in this
functions from their graphs course or elsewhere. Students describe their sorting strategy using terms such as broken,
unbroken, jump, restricted, in pieces, finite and infinite.

The class comes together and discusses the different sorting processes used by each
group. As the discussion progresses, the teacher refines student language describing
graphs that have a break, using the terms ‘continuous’ and ‘discontinuous’. Students sort
the graphs using the new categories and then further sort the discontinuous graphs into
those that have an asymptote, a jump or a hole.

At the end of the activity, students add the new terms: ‘continuous’ and ‘discontinuous’ to
their learning journal. They provide a simple explanation with accompanying diagrams to
illustrate each description.

Working in pairs, the students play a game in which one student describes to the other
student one of the graphs from the original set of graphs provided. Their partner is
challenged to select the graph described.

A description of continuity and discontinuity can be found here:

Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 4

A description of limits and continuity can be found here:


Exploring the gradient function

Content Teaching, learning and assessment strategies
● describe the gradient of a secant drawn through two nearby points The teacher provides the students with a variety of graphs representing practical
on the graph of a continuous function as an approximation of the situations (eg the price of a house over time) and asks students to describe what
gradient of the tangent to the graph at those points, which information the graph illustrates.
improves in accuracy as the distance between the two points
Students describe the information using words or combinations of words such as:
 increasing/decreasing
 quickly/slowly
● describe the behaviour of a function and its tangent at a point,
 dependent and independent variables
using language including increasing, decreasing, constant,
 steeper/flatter gradient
stationary, increasing at an increasing rate AAM
 positive/negative gradient
 not travelling
● interpret the meaning of the gradient of a function in a variety of
 stationary
contexts, for example on distance–time or velocity–time graphs
 at a rate
 going fastest/slowest
 on the return journey.

The teacher guides the students to the understanding that the gradient of the graph
indicates the rate of change.

The teacher poses the problem of finding the gradient of a curve. Using graphing
software, students visualise the situation of zooming in on a curve, for example
y=x ( x−1 ) ( x +2 ) , noting that for smooth curves, the curve begins to look ‘straight’ but for
a curve that is not smooth, for example y=| x|, the curve will never look ‘straight’ at
x=0 .

Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 5

The teacher explains the meaning of a secant and a tangent to a curve. Students
conclude that, for a smooth curve, the gradient of the secant joining two points on the
curve that are very close to each other, gives an approximation to the gradient of the
tangent to the curve at either point. As the distance between the secant points
decreases, the accuracy of the approximation improves.

f ( x +h)−f (x ) The students find an approximation of the gradient of the tangent to a curve at a specific
● interpret and use the difference quotient as the
h point on it using their knowledge of the gradient formula. For example: Find an
average rate of change of f (x) or the gradient of a chord or approximation of the gradient of the tangent to y=x ( x−3 ) ( x+1 ) , at the point where x=1
secant of the graph y=f (x ) .

With teacher guidance as necessary, students find the gradient of the secant of the
● sketch the derivative function (or gradient function) for a given graph y=f (x ) using the points (a , f ( a )) and (a+ h , f ( a+h )), developing the result:
graph of a function, without the use of algebraic techniques and in
a variety of contexts including but not limited to motion in a f ( a+h )−f ( a )
straight line
gradient of secant= .
– establish that f ' ( x )=0 at a stationary point, f ' ( x ) >0 when the
They note that as h becomes smaller and smaller, this calculation becomes closer to the
function is increasing and f ' ( x ) <0 when it is decreasing, to
gradient of the tangent at x=a .
form a framework for sketching the derivative function
– identify families of curves with the same derivative function Using an accurate graph of the parabola y=x 2 , the students use ruler and pencil to
(ACMMM121) locate the points (2 , 4) and (3 , 9) on the curve and calculate the gradient of the secant.
– use technology to plot functions and their gradient functions They then locate (2.5 , 6.25) and repeat the calculation. The teacher challenges them to
locate a point very close to (2 , 4) in order to estimate the gradient of the tangent.
● interpret and use the derivative at a point as the instantaneous
rate of change of a function at that point AAM Using a similar strategy the students complete a table of values for the gradient of the
– examine examples of variable rates of change of non-linear tangent to the parabola and, from their table, predict a formula for the gradient of the
functions (ACMMM087) tangent to the parabola at any point on it.

This activity can then be repeated using graphing software. A sample of this is located
● understand the concept of the derivative as a function
Using graphing software, students explore y=x 3 in a similar way in order to predict the
equation of the gradient function.

Students are then posed the problem of finding the graph of the gradient function without
numerical calculations. With teacher guidance as necessary, they estimate the direction
Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 6
and magnitude of the tangent at points on a curve in order to predict the shape of the
‘derived’ or gradient function. Students use the terms ‘stationary’, ‘increasing’,’
decreasing’, ‘increasing at a decreasing rate’ etc to describe the gradient of a curve.

Students use the values on the axes of a curve to interpret the meaning of the derived or
gradient function. The notation f ’ is introduced as a way of communicating the derived
or gradient function in writing.

Students then explore the relationship between f and f ’ using dynamic graphing applets
in order to develop a strategy for drawing the gradient function when the equation of the
function is unknown. A sample of this activity can be found at :

Students answer questions such as:

 If P is a stationary point on f , where the corresponding point P ' on f ' ?
 If P ' is a stationary point on f ' , where is the corresponding point P on f ?
 What is the relationship between the gradient of the tangent at x=c and the
behaviour of the graph of f ' at x=c ?
 If f ' is above the x -axis, describe the shape of f ?
 When does f attain a maximum or minimum value?

Students apply the strategy they have developed to:

 Sketch the graph of the gradient function when they are given a graph of a
 Generate a number of different functions that all have the same gradient function.
 Sketch the graph of a function when given the graph of its gradient function and a
point on the graph of the function.

In pairs, the students play a card-matching game. The pack of cards should have a
variety of graphs, some with the graph of a function, and others with the graph of the
corresponding gradient function. There should be some cards that have ‘no match’.

The teacher introduces the notation f ' ( x ) , y ' and as expressions for the derived

Students research the reason for these multiple representations and also research some

Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 7

simple historical facts about the development of calculus.

f ( x +h)−f ( x ) The teacher reviews the informal understanding that the students have developed for the
● examine the behaviour of the difference quotient
h key concept of continuity and the idea of a limit. Until now, the development of the
as h → 0 as an informal introduction to the concept of a limit concept of the gradient function has been largely intuitive. The teacher explains that the
(ACMMM081) discipline of mathematics is grounded in certainty and proof and consequently we need a
formal framework to confirm the results so far and to find the derivative using algebraic
● interpret the derivative as the gradient of the tangent to the graph techniques when an intuitive strategy fails.
of y=f (x ) at a point x (ACMMM085)
The teacher introduces the formal notation for limits, namely lim
x →k
f ( x ). Using this

● estimate numerically the value of the derivative at a point, for notation, students calculate simple limits which involve direct substitution, factorisation
simple power functions (ACMMM086) and cancellation before direct substitution and limits to infinity.

The students apply these algebraic techniques to the calculation of simple limits and
● define the derivative f ' ( x ) from first principles, as apply their learning to solving simple problems. For example, students could explore the
lim f ( x+ h)−f (x) x 2−9
h→0 and use the notation for the derivative: graph of y= , realising that there is a discontinuity and then determine the point
h x+ 3
that is required to ‘fill the hole’.
dy '
=f ( x )= y ' , where y=f (x )
dx With guided instruction the teacher helps the students develop a theoretical framework
lim f (x+ h)−f ( x)
● use first principles to find the derivative of simple polynomials, up for differentiation, ultimately arriving at dy = h →0 .
to and including degree 3 dx h
The students apply the formal process of differentiation by first principles to

f ( x )=mx+c and f ( x )=x 2 to confirm their intuitive results from earlier in the unit of work.
They practise using the process to find derivatives of simple polynomial functions up to
and including degree 3. They use formal processes to find the gradient of the curve at a
specific point on it.

d n The teacher poses the problem of finding the equation of the gradient function using
● use the formula x =n x n−1 for all real values of n
dx algebraic techniques. With teacher guidance as necessary, students use dynamic
graphing applets to explore the algebraic relationship between the equation of a function
● differentiate a constant multiple of a function and the sum or of the form y=ax n and its gradient function.
difference of two functions
Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 8
For example, students use the applet called ‘Investigating the Gradient Function’ which
can be found here: to choose a function to explore.
They use the applet to generate the gradient function and then guess the equation of the
gradient function by trial and error, recording their findings. The class then compiles the
results and uses them to generalise the pattern that emerges.

d n
The teacher formalises this rule as x =n x n−1.
Through guided discussion, the students understand and explain why:
 the derivative of a constant is zero
 the derivative of a linear function is a constant
 the derivative of a constant multiple of a function is a constant multiple of the
derivative of the function
 the derivative of the sum or difference of two functions is the sum or difference of
the derivatives of the two functions.

Students use the derivative to find the gradient of the tangent at a given point. They use
this information to solve simple problems.

● understand and use the product, quotient and chain rules to The teacher explains the meaning of the product, quotient and composition of functions,
f (x) and students practise using these terms to construct new functions using this
differentiate functions of the form f ( x ) . g ( x ) , and f ( g ( x ) ) terminology.
g (x )
where f ( x ) and g ( x ) are functions (ACMMM104) With teacher guidance as necessary, the students use digital technologies to gain an
– apply the product rule: If h ( x )=f ( x ) g ( x) then intuitive understanding of the chain rule. A sample activity can be located here:
h' ( x ) =f ( x ) g' ( x )+ f ' ( x ) g (x), or if u and v are both functions of
d dv du
x then ( uv )=u + v
dx dx dx The teacher may use differentiation by first principles to establish a proof of the chain
f (x) rule. Students practise using the chain rule to find the derivative of composite functions
– apply the quotient rule: If h ( x )= then involving power functions.
g (x)
g ( x ) f ' ( x )−f ( x ) g ' (x ) Using either a rigorous method of differentiation by first principles or a more intuitive
h' ( x ) = , or if u and v are both functions
g( x )2 approach, the teacher explains the methods of differentiating the product or quotient of

Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 9

du dv Students practise using the product and quotient rules to find the derivative of functions
v −u
of x then d u dx dx involving power functions.
dx v
Students solve both theoretical and practical problems that require them to find the
– apply the chain rule: If h ( x )=f ( g ( x ) ) then derivatives of a wide variety of power functions, including those that involve
h' ( x ) =f ' ( g ( x ) ) g ' (x ), or if y is a function of u and u is a acceleration, velocity, displacement and time.
dy dy du
function of x then = ×
dx du dx

● calculate derivatives of power functions to solve problems,

including but not limited to finding an instantaneous rate of
change of a function in both real life and abstract situations AAM

● use the derivative in a variety of contexts, including but not

limited to finding the equation of a tangent or normal to a graph
of a power function at a given point AAM

● determine the velocity of a particle given its displacement from a

point as a function of time

● determine the acceleration of a particle given its velocity at a

point as a function of time

Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 10

Prior knowledge Questions and prompts for Working Mathematically Summary of technology opportunities
The section F1.3 should have What would happen if…? This unit lends itself particularly well to the use of technology.
been covered, with particular Graphing applets can be used to support student understanding
What is the same and different about…?
reference to the work on of limits, continuity, gradient, tangent lines and secants, the
equations of straight lines and Explain why…. process of finding the gradient function through numerical
gradient. means etc.
How can we be sure that…?
Visualisation of the relationship between a function and its
Of what is this a special case…? gradient function using technology will ground student
Give me an example of … understanding and ensure that they have a deep knowledge of
what the algebraic processes are actually achieving. A clearer
understanding of the nature of calculus will be fostered through
the use of digital technologies in this unit.

Teachers may wish to simply show an applet and explain its

purpose in order to save time. This strategy has some merits.
However, students are more engaged in learning and their
understanding is deepened when each student explores the
applet and discovers the result for themselves.

It is important to guide student exploration so that the student’s

attention is directed towards the concept that is to be
understood. This can be achieved through the provision of key
questions that need to be answered as the student investigates
the applet.

Reflection on learning and evaluation – to be completed by teacher during and immediately after teaching the unit.

Mathematics Advanced Year 11 Sample Unit Calculus, updated November 2017 11

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