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l ife·skctch of the late Behramshah
Navroji Shroff, the 20th
Century Exponent
Zarthoshtl Elm·e·Khshnoom
(ie. Esotericism of Zoroastrianism)

N~ \AllllO\ I . 'lh \\.\, R. "·· LL.D.,

( AJcocal<)


Prtsmttd to the
UBRARY o/th•


Willal'd C. Oxloby

I hove written this <hort otcount of the life of our

Revered U•tod-S•h• b e~hrom•hoh Nowroji Shroff with • de•p
loelinq of re1i;>ert for d,. '-'K<ed• of "Kh1hnoom",
which h1t br~ht f<0m the Sw~il• of Iron. My ettompt
Princ"p1lly has b.en to gove on;<• ., .., for .. I could I ind ... d
the poou1 .,.h..i,. of t"9 'Firdoo", their w1yt of life 0-id theu
methods of It i1 """"'""' that ot was almost •mi>onl
ble for me to do full J<1Stice to thi• gr••t <ub1Kt but of I hn••
s.ucceed.d iin givirig 'SOme u:foa of how a pious ccmmuruty oF tho
ttue (ollQ!Nvrs of the ancient- religion of- Ze1athuJ..trl'I tt'-lfi"n
to-doy In their 1trict HK:lulioo guard oveo Lh•u fold •r~J help to
n1ointa1n thelt tollgion5 Feith, Lhen r -;holl bow in liflce•• qrntitude
to Ahu1n-Mo1da I 1eque't my r~oder'i. ett@r.tion to lhe cllttptct
on the my,to11•• oo.J the morvel• of Kh.hno.>m, pog<> IJ' 61)

Nanabhoy F. Mama.

Preface ...
Birth and Boyhood
~ uurc ltnow-s no acciJcnl• , , • b
The homewud nut<"h ul 1be car.tvaa 8
l'bc Fird05 not a mph 11
!'he M"S"v of 1~c llern~vanJ
and his "'"Y'
of I .•le , .. I •J

roe activities of 1hc MtlftQVt

The mysteric. nnd 1he marvel! ol
Khshnoom H
"Khshnoom" anJ dr111lt it deep 35
"li.h•hnoom" The Lem <.:horJ 3Y
"fbe Lo.t ChorJ" ... 3'1
"Kh~hnoom" in H•muor , • . 43
"Khshnoom" is Joy 48
"K h~hnoom" anJ the "!>1o1 Yuna" 50
The Boy Bebram's &luuuon 11 1hc F.rdos SJ
The Professors of f ird01 • .. 58
The Bo}· Bcbnm lea\(l lhe i;1rdo. 61
I he Boy Behrim returns home b7
A .l{aztlnznan _jfystic.
Hy .llr.•\ a.ii.<1/Jl1im fl'rqmii Mama,
H. A., LL. B., Adt:oca~.
Bl RI H Ai\10 130\ HOOD.
Behnom bin .Sowr 111 l'••hofou •kb<• ,.;hroff w"" born
in BJ1J1l.nv of ><•ll-i,o:.uo 111U re•f>"Ct•hl• \J ;«laznan parenui
on t c:lr U•I) of ,\ lgll I 5'; fW u 1CJ al :>urat aftt-r au
.,.utfnf 11mro luuj: 111 • '' 111y )•Ht'°"" h•e1>ly-..,••u
•l1yaon lho 7Lb •la) of July 10i7, hom lu, IUotbers liiJ•
ri;. boi<lnD... lo Lht r Uuli) ur th• • 'l'arach 1nJa auJ Crom hi.
f!\lhor'• •ide to th• lawily; uf tho "~nrt,. . lie WAli an
"Alltttlv&u ( prll!~, GrtLhuun > fi.>· Cll&lU en•i l11saneesiors haJ
actu•lly )>ritotl""'J lhAL flt11[0,.,i II iu the f"il'6·'.l.. mples o(
Boiuooy and 8ur~t. Out thu lll•t of thuflll in the ]"><800
or hib fnthor '""'11111 lnk•n U(' lh• bn•iuubS of " .. Shwlf"
(monoylotl1 lor) ho lwl 00111u to oe known by ~hat •11r111u110,
Hu w•• thoroughly ol111•l• m In• privt~l6 liCe, tila.lwnrt in
build Jiku ttll Jmn11111 •Ul~lcl', ttlld !Jy inhe1·iu1UCu bu W~6
t>vut· t!L1th1,ht11P•liu 1u1J hiKll·,;p1r1t1..·d iu w•llttrs ttslig1ona
~nd spil'iLu•I. flo lan<I pru11choJ l'rutl1 u11J J.lrucLiaed iL tuo,
a.nd pOSfleRed o 11uunors wlocb \\'IUi 1u•r\lellouely 1·ete11tivo
Ilafoz&/. il11 loug lifo J111Jo11~110lf into three periods of R
rallicr una-·en 111J oontr.. wJ 1!4rcer. lhe lirai. uf tbei;o wu
hia boyhuoJ l1IJ !Jc "qi about BllLl~OD to aight<MlU )'8llrd Of
a:;c, tho octoud tho u1uot \llAll) 11upur1Au~ poriOd of bis life
waa th@ ptnoil of aWllt t hrot yeara •nd a half, which be bad
•rieo~ in tho e.mJll>D) u! tl1@ grflt ~ az<llluian {l;ilp;<\ or
St\hel>-•lel Ma>L•r~111 tho precrncta of the " ~ ird"" 10 W..
lrau·<·liAUn I nDllO.'On , aud finally tl1<> third and the liu.t,
which de•I• w11li lht Jl"<IUJ 11£\rr Ina return t.o worldly li!e,
oJ \Tlticb a;:atu aobdividm itl\Ulf int<i two ~rta, th• tirsl of
Filcuce &.uJ MJChttctOH Vt ~1ieh \\dM thirty ,}', anJ lhe next of
1"1\Jlic Activitiu• whicb W•• lwt111Ly Y""'.,
Ili• childhood 1>11<l !Jr1111111·y oJucoti.m takes one brief
i;enteoco to dooo.ribo, via. tb&t lu hi• $t11dieJ1 be hat.I not gone
much l'art.her tbun 11 mer~ l(IAll oCtor tbe 111•~ letter of lbe
( 2)
Gujrali alplisbel, nnd cv6n thia i1111i~ni6cant little ho could
•lull"r nnd Murun•r wi•lo d l!icalty. To line roach•u ~ha
ai;e of eighteen with onl)' ~o much o! ru~inl( an•I
wn<ing and no m•>r•, doe. nol 1lio1>l•J ~ny nnnotJAI al/1liho•
or any 1•recocioUA iulolli,:•uQol 10 the WJ hnl be wa1 all tl1•1
1n111tt 1J~~t.ineri t.u rr.oord hie 1'0f\'iOCJI as a l1.1hl1nark..o( OOnt-i..
tlnrablo 1mportauc.; in lho hl•tory of Av. 11111 tlllt•nrch.
l11110r11tnhlo are tho Wfl). or N~lUN which work ev11r for lbe
i:OOo] Of UlnU, 1Ln1! ie i• tho "11}y llly•tOl'iOUS Jl)?Ullt lba~ oxhl·
Lil• lha rAJ'O powt<r or h1 inl(lt111 forth guurl U\'Oll <;_11t ur oovll.
A t1ikpule ~t,\i'eeu a. 111oll1nr •'11•1 L.eJ Ht111 is Lho 1110-;t lnrnc-n•
ublo feature cl • 111•11'1 lire on rarlh but the """ whid1
1... r-11 llehr:lm, 1hot1~l1 l uMnl&bl•, WM JOI d_,.11111") for tl:u
M•>Ompliahrnenl of a •J>dCl6c pur1""'• Ibo moot imporlallt llnJ
tboron.shly ble3!P.1tl. Yuun.: Br.htiilR ,f;"l_c:ro~d w1~h hi•
1110lhor. aod Iott l11• h.,.rth on•l hi h UL• inn t..•rnpur, bo it
I\ r.11iri~ o( 111Jvo11tnro. or bo it I\ fu,jJh1g or rli.,appo1ntttHH\L Ur
di•..iu•t, but he mml.hJ.l '""' 1·111nblod away till tho ru•tio
li111itM o( hia oati\•o 1•illngu ~·1111< buue11th tlo~ horfa~n buhiml
him If there io nny t1llll(ilil• nntl louch,hlo """ rooloblo
1otHett.t;o11 of the l>ivirill f'?bl't..•noe n1nuug rnntoriftl •urri>und ..
Ing•, th•o it i! w bo Colt 01hl expenu11ced in the 111olber'a
fo,·o an<l lhe lo•.. for lhu rnc.thor. At the 8ltoe tiiue, if
iJt atoy 1·roof or in•iie1tk.u of on 1111 "'" he.tility ilo•llngabout
in lhe air, Cl\Osiuh ., L1111lpora1J a\Mtlrali.011 or l1i• intulh'Ct,.
th•u th~ bo·t prwf C( 1l1ot •ini•tor pr..... Doe ia i11 that ••iur MJ
ph\lnomenou uu,,le 1nnnift1~L in Lh1t oi 11 1uan'• d1a-
ogreotn~nt and di•cca'fl with hi• dear inother. Uullor ovory
nnd ul l ciru11wst11nc••, tlut 11101.hor n1J1.1°lbe·cllild •Olltin11111t 11 &
doublo tloinonaLrotio11 ''" Eurth, which when ourreotly •Pl'•&-
cillloil •Uffic0&, frrse, tu IJ11fl11 •II nthe1&tic •pecuL1tion•, and
oec udly to •tabiliu in rea1U11"<1 flitu many an •f.ITI"•lio 1wi111(·
iug ~•wt1>n iguoranl~ a1u1 knowluclgo.. .Angro ~l1inyua i" aA
e-uLial for the pr-rvaliNa PU con~innance vf 11,.1 rou-
ttant moliou pcnadi11i: th" Univ•,... as ~p<nlo .M•ioyaa ia:
Awl Uie blll•nc.o L<ltweau lloo 11\(o i. UlllUJlaiu..J b) llo• life·
i.;hing ct:•u•idiou '"'11·11 •l>01·e, tlml Nature ever work1 for
tho good of mau. TheN i~ to bo n "Shukri-Khudo" ( 'l'bna· ka
b& to Ool) for •II t.lmt h•ppoo 'r.~ 1• nwl• of "clr.y'•, uya
tho holy l<nrau; b11t from lh~ BU•• .-enerabla "'101'C8, al..,
COD'-1 tht gl&d:leninl{. news tha•, wit.tun ll1.0"\tue clay lllJld•
form ill t.110 br•t.h of God. I I rho clay therofora in the boy
&hrR111 l.<!m~•rarily maJe him uwto•iblo to o wothnr'•
ofl'totion, on•I borried him RWl\Y frou1 hor, Lho bre:\th o[ 0011
rovjved ill hi111 th1t noble aontirnonl l•t.or ou uad pnlloJ him
baok lo lror oo wo ehC\ll presently••• ·
The Ra.mblinge of Bebra.m a.nd his Meeting
with Ra.sheed :-
Tbo ~oy wu going northward• Alnnedabad, K&t.hia.wad,
Ponj•b, an I fiMlly "' tho frontier proviooH of Peshawar ho
oa1110. H•ra, he m•t hi• nncle (hi• u1other'• brother) and
bah ... I I'oobA\V&r ia a city or 'l'olh•uo, a (MOCiOUJJ and a
w•rli~o lri~. and youni: Buhrarn h•il been warned to bo
very Ol\rtlul In hi• •uociAtion with limn A.a lhe pre.J.e•tina·
ti11n ur p•~t." K11rm"'" would h~vo it, howo1·er, the boy in hin
loilel'inj( u1111 dny accident.nlly c~me up tun ? IMe wh~re 11
CB<O\'llD of for·nignoro hnd 811CJUllJIO•I ilo iond just ano1vero1J
llm CAii ul N•turc aud iu &lriOL oouful'luil.y with the \l11z.
dunno roligioos rilH aud curcmunlea of hi1 forebears, ho ha.J.
wa>he<l hi1 lt•nJs aud C..ce anol oilier op•o l"'rts of bi1 bOJy •
bad uuwouud hia "Kn>ti" and wat inumhlioi; hi• pr•y•rw
for lh~ rR·Wh•ling of it '!'hi• ,.,. enough,-the Maz.111.Mn
bad boen rooogui...t by bi kin or 1110 Cllravau Two «tal-
wart1 rrou1 Lhe o•mp soon 11ppru•'lh1• l him with •n iavitalion
from their ohiof. he uncle'• Wl\rnlul( """ the olemout. th•t
or06tod n doubt "oa hindered i~• ACcepl.nuce. There wa• n
feeling of l6Kr in him, tho boy "'~• 11lrnid. Nutu.- howavor
o•er work• for the 11ood of rMn. llnm&n pbysfogoomy
ht.• bath an o~trM~ong l\Od • rep•lling fore-, and works fo a
manner, natural llDd foroalul • F•11turas-the great aoul •
apparonl tt<t." (Bryant)-lt 1)111clu •• th• kind and lb•
'lfiok..J, dtt 1iinple and th• ohrillfol, &Ud •vtr ;,; ii Lbat in ·
•tinct more than expert ,!iill ia ablo •llllrply to disclrirniunU.
Tho "'intly ••ronity of th& now aomoro h~•l Alre•dy won tho
boy'• hr>Art, nnd the little awkwO\rdn••.., n.nd he.sitntion, thu\
still lurked bahind, weakening the attraction, was eoou ilis-
pellod when the good stranger• pulling &•hie tho folds of
tbair outer go.rments showed the "Sudreb and the Kusii"
they were themselves wenring. Tho ir!l.c•• of doubt and
be3it1tiou in t.l1e boy's mind, therefore, \Vore thus •wept
clean out, and he followed tho strangers to their chief in the
camp with the joyful willingness of "The )!ary's lamb'",
The name of the obief was "RaNiwlji Sahib!' The very
look of the man was a mute commancl to-bow. E!c was n
"Soheb-Dil". The great Swami Vivek11oand baa somewhere
eaid that bhe forebe&ds of tho "Rishis" nnrl the" Mo.hatrnM"
cli•play a. sparkle which csrries a voic.,Jos.• command to tho
onlooksr, to say ... "Bow I'' H6re was a perfect "Mazdeznan
Mah3tma" an<l tho halo round h1s head voice•! the &•me order
t.o tho 11.Stonished boy. Tho det.ails of whot hnppeued at this
meeting &re noi on record. But it aoems the S111lnoss th•t
bannted the boy for tho rocantly caa•e1L 11ob"8nce of• mother's
love, Wa.• noe.rly oomponS!ltod for by the fnthorly treatment
given him by thia great Athr•vau 1md his a>SOointes. Hob•- to hiA host. n.nrl WAR evon: nn,viUing 10 rctur~l
LO hia uncle Beltram fol' tLu 6r•t tim• in hi• lif• foll his
hoort throb l.o the rhythm of on indc•orib,.blo fooling of
surprise blended wiLh jo.v. But the "gla,] tiding•" of tbo
meeting had to ho related io lha uocle, (tho Gujarnti word for
• mother's brother is. Mom•.) The old man uaturully gl'ew
quite nervous over the inch.lent, nod when lho young n1au
•trni~ht off t.old him thnt the strangers \Vere desirous of
taking bi111 to lr•n along with t.11em, Lo loft uo duvil!<l nntri•d,
honest •>r othorwi8'l, to diosnn.<le him ftum that r11shn&ss.
The olu man roadin~ tho dotormiootion on the I.Joy's fMe
ro'lOrted to the oxtrome or i11v1111ting ll lie, which o( COUTS&
could w•ll be excn..,ol him. llo lo:1ld Lhe boy Hehram, he bad
received s.n urg<!nl telegram from B~rubay intims.Llug tb"t
his mother was on hct··heil anJ that ho •l10ulJ thcl'e-
fore return to aer. Th• love of nn1l duty towards a mother
is o.n uoexp\,.nnblo problem for all m1Lokind natl so 11'"8 it
for th• hero of 0111· •tory. Tho olfoctg 0£ tbo sad DOW• LIL<l
til&lly been intoosifiod by the loug distance between bis
mother and himself and also by her long absence.
( 6)
",Just that one word, Mother,
Comparo it with no other;
'J'ho 61·st word of tho infant
A.nd tho last word of the bravo-
So gentle and forgi viog,
Oh, prize bor while sho's liviog.
No truer frieuJ tbM MoLber
~'rom tho cradle to the"
(American :\l.uzdaionn Magazine, November 1937,
page 37.)
!for 1.he hoy, Rashee<lji bad already become a &0!1LOe iu bis
.orrow, o.od a companion of hi• .ioy. He wa• the ornole
whioh Bob.rAm conld never 1\lford t.o neglect. He therefore
ro.n up to this 1Han of wisdom and relatro the whole story of
the Thom 1ster ju~t closed hi6 eyes for one brief
rnomenb o.ud &imply "ud ~ronoly s11id, "3ly Sou I tho story
of the telegram is oot truo. AM l cao \!<le, today ie tho
anniversary of your mother's aod she i• llittiug
w·ltlJ her uoighbours, ch·•tlini: unJ gossipping with them ond
onjoying the dainLie• peculin" tu Lhnt •:hly,'' Swift •& n lll•h
th• hoy remeuiberoJ the "1·oz" (Juy) anu the 'mah" (month)
or hib 1nolhor'• birth And WAS OOllVinC<ld Of lbe truth Of
R~·h•edji's worJ;, was " g•nuino inst~nce of what
"~lnzJnzuan 'rl'uth" is really lik•; ii ii tVH' l/1s slri<ito•I Truth;
it ii susr Uio whols l'ruC/1; and ii is ovtr 11olhing but tl10 Truth.
'!'he ell'ects and the infloeocoa of suoL 3 "MnzJaznnn Truth"
ho.vo" conr.,go about th""' th"t will dofy a world'• opposition.
And the h•••nl!SS c£ n lie sht11l mnkc " CCJW&rd of the most
valio.ut solJior. llel'O was Behra111, every little ninsole of hia
boyi•h frnme einanutA!d the •parks of nn im·inoiblo re.sol"•·
A ret!OJ\·e it \V8H not to n1occ. or to go Lo his Mtuna 1tn31 ruore.
Untruth eveu ruu&t and"''"" duos dafo,1~ itself: And in NVer-
cnl i~I love nud uodoubting eonfi1leneo lie~ 01 er tb.• Lriumpu
or 'J'ruth. Bohrnm IVOUt boldly to his onolo l\lld Lold btm
ll11•b1>cd,iee's explanation. 1'1te old mnn steeped io nsLni5h-
me11~ "'''" oomp<illod to tho lrutb of tbo •latement uf tho
Groat" Dilvat" It 1~•s still .somedAys before tho caravan
would et&rt on its r•turn journey nnd those law daya helped
( 6)
to oryatalisa the boy'• rol'Olvo t.ii the rigidlby of l\D unbt!nding
rook. The cl&y of departuTo 11Uon &rrivo•I: lt waa tho Jut
<lay when Beliram'e uncle had m•ltod in vain (or the boy'•
return Ile bad leit. 'fhe C&rav•n wu dao to rot11ru, &Dd
il had already , &tarted on it.II how•ward jooruey, Bebram
oo bo&rit •

:Satnre kno\vS 110 ncci<lcuts:

Sow and r eap Is Its one r igid law:
Aveetan religion i1 the Stu·.y ol Natu~'• Lt.w11; the lawa
tha\ oxplain a.LI phoooUllllla ·loeoribeJ u accid•nt t>y th• limited
iololligeuca of :ll•n It hu iuuclt of a myotery which mWlt
aatonieh tna unioiliJLt.e,J gonorolity ot U10 hulll&n epeciea,
My, it m•y even appear •• 1om1tbi1111 abaurd and 111Jicroua
Thero is no inexora.blo ~t}!ltiny, but lbo dootle (in Khahnoom
lenoinology Kesh&slt; Snnakrib K•r11111) or m•n make it •o.
r~1t the 1loubting minJ think but for ono momor1t, whothor
tho whole •Lory of tho hoy Bohr11m, om111oonclug wilb hi•
1li•ni:roem•nl with hi• 100Lho1·, J.ia lMving !.01· in a temp,.,
bi~ rllmblings over hill an•l •Iola, hi• arrlv"I nt l'u•hawnr, hi•
•t.ay M bi• uncle'• hou•e, hi1 nimlo.,. luil•ring• 111 tbo streel,
bi< foelinit for ·• Nnlure'• oall, hi• porformauoo of Lho
"KbWl•i·Plldht." coremooy on tho "J"'D ,..,,.,,, l\od Lbo ooiuci-
deuoe ur the uranu t..:iug Lbon ju•L lU U1• pOsition to .
obeerv• it, and all Lh~L f,llow.. t, .:ouM r-ibly h•vo been
but 1Dl!re acci,leot.. l Tho l1•r1J.,.t •l too 1n1at Jl"w.!
tor a roi'h. The law of "1'0ll1~•h" h••I b.wn L,.J at t\'Ork :
ll10 drama that bad long commnne«I w.. coining ID it.."
dt1nouemenl. 'The rare fortuno of a vi!Ul to the "li,len Iran"
that h..d fllllen lO IJ10 lot of ti" boy Dthrow wu only I.he 1
bor·l"'t o[ all U1at be bad wwu peri..p1 c.int11ries ago. {
"A·ru.·· the vrJer th•' (M'fYO•loo O\'ory atom ul tho Uni•on.o
anJ which is th• u11111i1takablo ··xhibltion of diviue Justice";' JI
proves the conviction• of th~ '.l:hoiat and dftoblith"" Uie trut.h "II
of ihe Gatbic law :-
"A kem Aklle Vaoghuhoea1 A1d1oem V1111i:h~vo"
( lfa. XLIII, V. 6)
( 'l )
Good aball beget i;:ooJ, •n•l evil O\-il, Let not the
roader 11rcjudge emu bo ~r•judieod nguinot a pheoomcnon
rnre onough r-0 ho orillu•tily oliounod, but lot him eonlrider
6".COt with rovorenoo ond faith an J th•"~ 8hall 1urely be much
Cur him thnL is new and \\'Ot lh huowin6.
The S t or y: -
Uatad Sahob <110 clay iu ,. nwrry mood explained lhal
many many yu111 a;:o>, 1110,.. lived 1n tlta ~ntry of Iran a
a gTdAI ".< bet.i" (a k:4ru\lll a11 l • piou prion) and a great
11:euoral of tho lrani•n anny. If it 11 ool uno-1 in tho
rocio~ u( m..11'. to tiaJ ein 1ni iiinominy di-nled and hAlml,
it iii alao ooL r.r• that p1•1ty and le11rw1111 t.oo eomotimee
eomeo ntr0"1 I\ 1!111il1u hto. •rb.,.., will bo many that hAt~ vice,
yet tltoro aro not lcN< that lh1J r,.uJ t with ,-irtuo as well
So it \VA& auol •trnngo M it mny 1410tn that oven tho piety or
thi• piou1 prieo~ h11<l ltliuohow di•plui>serl llOIDe iguoran~
fsMtio of hie t ii ne•. Nu doubt tho b&ru08L coeiny to couLend
with ie Luo iguurAnOtl o( lrt11rt: and juot Ila knowledge 0( t ho
right k ind IWAtle to eulli;hwnniaoL, opens up brighter vil!lone
Lo view, and 011ublos ono w hoar lbo vvicu tllut iloots down
t.o him frflm lbo honvou" llO llO<'• LltU •l•l'knniog ignoranoo not
only Jin1it tho vialon bu~ posit ively ma~os one bliutl to light
l\Dd deaf to all healthy admonition 'l'lio outburst of ferocity
against virtue hu a Jtroog•r uri;o truw the one agaiuat
vice, aud tho onNuy of tho Ab<d-Sabob had therefore
f1lannoJ and 1ehcmod hie \'loa;eanoe to du ii. worst. Tb~ oppor-
tunity aoon came, ond ho wu thore, tho uneheetbed weapon
in hie hand and ready lo strike tbe fal.&I blow. Tho propo-
•t. lllJIJI how•• er ... not alway• fulfilled. The \'aliant
Iranian genoral, aa if •hut out from lbe mother earth,
apvea,...l on tl1e -n•. l!ver P""l"' ....1 as he WlUI IO do his
Jaty, bra•• ""'I Corgotful or ..,Jf, aw tho oinieter motive of
the a.•eaila nt, llew at him w 1th all the Bercenese and epe<ld
uf •Hon's leap, an<I l•l I tho '"'"'ult.or lay dioabl«:I in hi• limb.
and frustrated in bi1 rnolive• '.!be Abed was safo. Tba
haniAo geuerlll had oavt>d W~ llfo. I t \\38 "n obligation 110L
"""Y to r opgy . 'l'hore mu~t have been thllnkgivioga nud
r ejo ioiug• l!"iure.


( 8)
Yo&rs and genors.tions and perhaps centaries ma•t hue
pa.eeetl by and lhe Lime had uollelme ripe for that obligation
to be repaid by n. ficling reward. 'fbo pio"" priest of yoro
b&d now been reborn as tho "Shrosb.n vnre•-saheb.Mo.rzbauji"
the Reverend Gr•nd chief of the colony of <he "Sa hob-Di I•"
of the Kuhe-Demavand: and tho valie.nt genoral too bad
been reborn in tho .t.. Jwart person of our young hero Behmm.
Tho former had by his clainuyauce seen ..nd located tho
oxisteuoe of the boy, and oogcr to repay his debts of tbooo
day• of many centuries •go, had coutrivecl tho Jrarua or
Roaheedji'• oers.van to trace him in Peshawru· and to fetch
him to Iran. l:le ""s to bo iustruotetl ill the .cienoe of
"Khshnoom" which moans Esoteric knowledge which loads
tu beatitude and •·1lvation. Thore could uot luwe been a
better 1'1pi>ymeot of U1e obliga.tiou 0011forred. H had bean a
body.saving obligation and it was now sought to be repaid
by " lifo·saving reward.
Suoh was tho cxplaoot.iuu of the reve1•ed U•tad-Sahob
him~lf. We who oherigh his w0mory, rcap11cL and boliol'O ii
l•'or sucll a.a bositato oo harm aball come: ~ut let uone 1060
himself BO na to ridicule and trea.t it a&"' lie. A pious Joubt
is • virtue of gre"t merit., but at1 impious onu I• a
oardinal sin.
The Homeward March of the Caravan:-
To re.sumo tho thread <lf our narrativu, lbe cnravcm
started on ils return jouruoy. The route was long ~lld beset
with dangers, dangers of higbwayineu, aud dnugere of attack
from religious fanatics. 'fbe trn vollors w•r• nll Zaralhush·
trians of the highe•t order: but they dared oot to disclose
their identity. They 1111.J to be cautioas and oareful. It was
a C6revan of holy men, and mo11y a limo must it have
happened that iL had oorne to clo~o• wiLh tho roughe8t
of men, ruid the wildest of 1·obbtiro: 11NrcileS11 manndera. nud
hea.rtlese meu or ferocious lillimal J>rOpeoeiLie.. But Ra-
•heedji the iearler """' a man of pioty and when be and hie
comrades could command retrospective \'isiou over lltinturiea
gone by . and could ..a ea•ily fort.ell eveuts prearraaged by
Nature'• lnm1, i! <locs not become <liflicnlt to believe whiit
Uatatl-S~helJ related, tht on oaca•ions ot euch immhient and
grtive ila.nger, R.tisheeJJi coulrl m'lke hitnself l\ntl his compo.ny
iovisibl~ to hostile eyes, o.nd they wouhl poss by •uch g&DJ;H
quite within touching •lil<Laneo aurl yet rcll1&in unseen by
them. All mar.•ol• and evory mystery are •s muob in
accordance with tho lnw• of Nnture •• was Lbe apple that
foll on ~ewton's he•d. bot ignorance it iH 1lmt m~kes tbo
miracle The simt>le villager, when be Hrst ._,w n flood of
the most brilliant light •hoot out of a bull 1>f glMs not
nluch higger thrtn a tnarb1e al the to\\tru1mtlll ti a•ure t·)uch of
n button somewhere, boliovcd tho Inlier to be o. tledl-in,pired
mti.gicino 1tud beca1ne q-nite 11ervo11i; O\·&r it. 'fho perfor-
nlnnce of It miracle is riothi11g 11,0t"tj than tln exhibition or thu
knowledb'O of Jaws unknown to the gener&lity or 1neo.
'rho city of PeAhnwar •nd even tho fl'Ontio•·• of lodin.
woro soon lost ''icw or. Tbe first halt was n.t Kfifri•t.Au, fro1n
thorc t<:i , [g,.ui•Urn'K '1ppor border, Anu thonco towMdq Lh•
northern pMt o( th• r.. mous country of Khom•sn, which id"
province or Jr..u nod wbiob iu it• olt1ys or pruspodty 1o..t1 for
long ;hiolueJ tho Irnui fugitives from tho p•rsecu\ion nn l
tyrnuuy of Arab con<1aerors. ~'ro1n KhOl'&S"l.I) tha
cnravan proae<iJed iu 11 uortb westerly 1liroction till t hoy all
reacho•l tho city oi Azarbuitou, tho truo birlb·plnce o[
Z11r11thn•htr11 tho fi1·at prophet on ~:"rth The cn1·uvRo wn•
llUW in the north· province" or I1·1~n trhonco they
•tnrtod alrcob for the 60111 >t.lge or tho blessed jonrnoy noJ
tiUUn ca1oa Jo sight or tho longad-f •r UD•linntion llDU goal,
tho "Kuh·o·D•mav1>11tl" in the Albru• range of the mouu-
1<1ins of Irnu. Tho trunk roaJe ootl oiJs rU&<I• Ll111t loaJ up
to the plnina in lhu .,alloy of tho Demavaud mountains are
ap•o o.nd known tn 1111 ; but the pnth• tbt1l le..d thence to tho
city of Fir1los are wb11t may uo spoken of as tho mystery
runreh of Ibo trnvollors. '.!.'hose p1>tbs M'O guarded by lalis-
maoe anJ nre invisible to nninitinted <yes. Io this be~ntiful
pin in on the open side of the llern.•varnl, tbe Curn \'till, quite
nnaocountably, dl"idod its•I[ into two parts, one of whicb
left for a Lle.tinntion no one knows anything about, perhaps
for " 0haH1••'""· Tbe other, whioh h"l H•hram with it,
proceo l•d i11 A p&rticu l&r direction tow•rd• Lho hill&. 'J'he
nAnath•o I• etuJJe'1 wiLb ev ..11t.o ,.,,d occurroncos wbfob
1llatlnKllit1h lh8WiJQ)ve3 AS \111USUH1, 11111) 01\0 IUUl'U or HUCb \VR8
Lh11L a~horo11\'1 Ct:iend~~ when thoy hu1I J,{•JUJI h1at. {\ [11\\1 pa~s.
•111i1e •u•ldonly and 1mexphiu1tbi\ •11d 11110.•1,.1ctedly found a.
von11rahl~ l>nstoor Yary comiorti•bly i-r.cliuiu.ic 1.1n ~ rock in
tho uoinhnbie•ble wil.Js of that r•l•c•. h 1oe111ud "'if
he had
h<>on ioforme•I of lb& Appro•ch or llm CAl'I\\ ~II 1.y a telep1.·
Lhetio lol•x-um, ftn•l th•l be h•~ lhordur~ •>•M out I<>
l r&GVive Lbe1n Thi• myot.irr, wh&tever iu 1o>lo1tion mny
be, t111J~i cert.aiuly conn(;.tt"lt a perfi;ct. orl("ni!l.1'Lioo and
a pufeo\. "Y11"°"•0 of\Jn 1 "luch. thou~h '"
11ura lly "·irolCM1 .)'tl h"'I it.;:; lr-anit111itt.,r1 iu tho L.u1ua.n
111in'1•, an•l il/o\ receivers in lhij. hu1111\u l1ertl'tl. f'h t J)aHt.Ur
lo I Lh·• wAy for Belira111'• lri•n·I• l'li•y "°""
c"ua t.:i
I\ J>I"<• where tho luosa h>uld·11·• h"d h"0tll11• h•nped
into 11 hilluok Thd /)A•tur ren1ove1l 11 f·•w <>t lltotn lo dis·
OQViH' n tl1•pp J1, 1·k t,uunul; n.url t'nt1;\rjng thuroiu, uuoo 11toro
lo•I thu wny. H w•• utwr Jnrkno .., lmt thore wa8 trust,
Aud faith •ntl 0>11fiJonc'1 The tlO<'i \\AA fo11r·fr~~. They
Arft \\'tong ,,·hu """Y <lnrknog iur.pirL"l"I r... ~... No: i~ if' t.lis·
tr11•'· llo"L d·J<a it. An·J true 1' i• what St Jultu las oaid :-
" l'n'ftr t lu1·1 "''l•ll•oul /oar". 11 waa ""t l·Jll)( boforo a
lultdnl r•y ur Khor•lteJ !"'Cf.. I throui:la 111• i;!oom ODClll
moro, ...1jor •lirre•l afroob th• b...rt• or all 'fh• bl~'Md
lii;bt IC'"" bri:tbwr They Wero iu tho al1<>lo or Lo••
Lihtrt,Y: Tho ~'in!.,., the u1011••i.<11·y .,r ",,,J,.tuan mouluJ
th~ ":Saheb-e-DiJ." the IDA!ter< of ... tr •111•1 the eervoot.s
of God.
This pl1>co o( mystery, whioh hn1 upto now Ju6ed all
archu-oloi:icnl nnd geologic.~! rl!t!<tnrah nn•l oxc 1 •<>liou, i9 looa.
t-O<l ll('lllHtwLure on tt.u uuseeu pol\k u£ Uu101r.\'tl>11tl, A•ul jts
phyhi0t1l bouudaries, aro thnt the Lvwn of l'nufi• ia ou it&
wost: Ito. c:1pil•l uiLy of T~hrr~11 u11it.~11011th-woot; nnJ th&
c<1u11lry or Khorooan lAl i~& UU.bL. '1110'41 ploCUti of myat.ory
Are like tba ~t.i>r•J:•·'••UA>rie• of tbo forau1 of tho All·Uood
and have there.fore to bo scrupu!oualy gut.rd,..! o.gai.ust

onfrfon~ly or rtnriOU• intru•iln. On th~ stnt.ogic roinh or
it• limit.•, thoy My, lhoru keep >1'""'1 by tnroe during
tho dny tho high.,•b a~vnncon sou\g, th• ra•I '' A•h.v~n•"
\vhu, no t,q l'l•Y, \\•,\t-ah frtHU t..huir to\vers \Vhonovtr 1i IOJlli•
pioious approRch i• •igl11A!J, 1.hoy w;e the hiRhly <levolopod
]JOWl•r• Of lhUir 1<1111, t.o°"' inlluenee tho nppro111:hi111( Lr<JOpt
a& t.o unoon'l<!l<>tuly lo•~ thorn nway from the dlrocU011 of tho
F'1rJ•>.t. Wbotber U i1 beli•ve<I "r d16beliovaJ, for thorn thd
have r,;t.h, i~ it 8 hrtt, ""d far tb~m t.hllt bav• not, it;••
legend Faith Lo a l•rgii extent is the result of knowlodr.
and tho aboonce o( it may 9therwiM ha d•ribetl ••
ignuranc-. Wu •id ~atnre know• no socidonl; and it
m•y b• ~"'1•·1 th•t 'SatuN know• no miracle• either. Rvtry
rh•inom•non, of wh• V.vor chOl'act.or it be, happen• ill obo11ie11eot
to • law or \ at11ro, an•l there i• nothing beyo111I that
T H I: F ll~OOS : NOT A MYTH 1-

'!'hnt O>lning l\VOnl& CQ.~t thoir HhadOW• oofornh~1'1) I• n.

very •iguiflc 111t '1\ying: lrnt they aro ouly a a\10•011 fow wbo
can Heu tl11rn1 •J>pronch It 11 • porteut t.o h1 pr.••I 1'he
C>untry of I rnn i• 1111 •noicut lQ1u l of uumborl""~ •11int.• nu1i
""!!"._ Aud th•y nre Ibu c\'o)ved progeuy of •llC"•LorA trnin&J
by 0011iuri•• u( lhu •tnoL-.4 of epiritu•I 1liMliplino. 'fboy """
claim 'he 0<pahilitiH to verify the poet'• •!•roll and diop1"y
ti•• er Lo " 11&• auil toll .,f thinga invi•iblo to oye1"
( )lilt.on). The"""" advanced of d~80 ha I oeen lho •l,..\o\\ •
loominii Lori:• O\'tr Ibo horizon and had corro.Wy i•lterpr•l••I
their ai~nificancJ t.o •n;.tor the comin~ calutr"phr, • full
hnmlred ye.u• U.f rv 1t1 u u.,. 'fhey k11ew th"ir Juty ii WAI
Lo •nrn, auJ 1hey knew •• well, 'heir wMningo woul•l bo
diirri,;.:arJeil 'l'hoy 111.. I but OM •lccisi~n to mak~ fur lhe
prllllorv•tion of thuir "J>i11" raligioo till "tho alou1l• roll
by" ond thnl wn• t.o 11t0luto thorneelves from tho hull~r~kol lor
of tho existing disurtlnr, iuto a pl,.co of •nloty who1100 Lhoy
could by 1hoir forooful moilit3tion do tho bo tLor eorvioo to
Iro.u no1J rt;H.i.ciou nnJ also tto buwnnity !lt. lAra,;u. ·_rhu
olou1l• and tile •h•dow• woro tbe vt1n·,uarJs of violont
dil>Uter wltich •>011 ovorlnok l ran aud destroy1"1 all tlmt ,.,.,•
l~nlightanad Iran, tho mother or tho U1en world
a<1>tlNoi••, wu to M run over auol tlrau1il•1J by a horde of
moro bArb•ri11.ns. A right.eoao •igh mutt a1·iAo, but lut not
Ibo justice <>( tho Jispen.atious of lho LorJ be, r.1r all th&t,
lookoJ upon with diatrn•t. Ono 1uch llook uf "Abed&" U.J
Lhut lurt lr•n for i>n unknown place a. hundru•l )'"~•• boforo
lbt iuv1.1iun l>y the, and • •00011'1 ,,.,. ba..l 11hnil.rly
loft llOIM BfLy yo.1r¥ far the Milla noble purf>Of14. 'there
w•r• 01hor1 which her! eimil.rl)' rlop1U""'1 ' a• l.iiue "'and
oireuJ11•\•11ce h.d favoar~d Lh•m The..., oro 11..i ooltno..D
and un-n•liawi or ""' lhduu '" rdigfun enJ lhe
Murl.anan people : bn1 to their l1ro,d .,,.J hn1aani1...lan
vio"· tho ll1uJurum religiWJ ia not • ~ri•n cull, but an
.11..mbr.\oing S<lieoca or the L\wa or Noturo, whence llOM
· aro uxcluJoJ: AnJ to tbom Lho hum&uity -• hrl(• Pi the
~f "''lfL.~n '" tlock. lt reo}gniaee nu Ji1tincti1Jn11 ~1f C"htu; colour.
or crcod; tho one thing it know• 11 ll1• grod .. loaJin1t to
p$rfueLiun ot the good, tho bottor 111111 Lbo hOli.. U•Lnd·snhel•
'""l t.u 11:>y, 1M11)' •Och con111·•11••Liu11N o( holy men e~i•t
kHJ,.y, itou OllU Lh'lt Jofl Jrao tbu 1t..t h lcieal.otl Bl A pl
h11owu 1n ll\O Avefitt\ 1\~ "Ol~aich11tt1.1", Lh• e>thflr Willi nt the
t Ku.J1·•·D111vH'lnd in lrAn it..,H, u ll11r•I """ MUUl• ·I 110111e-
whut·o un Ll11a b lrd"ro of ~urope."n tluffll·'· l\H•l to "·ard Lh~
x:r "l'' •Jr b~ly 1uau ~oattere l u\·er v.1•le •ru.aiS, \vheooo &.bey
tuainL u11 au organilt'J auJ 11Cieot.itiCJ ayetA:!aa of c>nuuunic.•tion
and help ll> prokl•· tho poace of lhu W••rld. Tiu! formwr hu
IMn I lun~ti') j with what ia ltou1ro in nl>dtrn gOOJ(rapby ..7
lbu IJ"1p1•n S.-1 Sot0e f1cto 1>bout tho "Cbalch""I"" >-
The I 1\n\ au.I U1e mon auJ.horh.4tJ'e g,. g1·,.phiosl l'ublio.tian
(All·•• vf tho \l'orH ; fimet or laJ1a, &111b4y I aay• uuJer
ll.,.olot;. Judex 1bot the c..pi•n Sua i• "Lho 1:r~~ iulaod '
'"' in tho ,.., 1~.J. 7UO miles long, II r. t 1 2'10 uoil.. wiJ.s , 26
10 WO (.,L11urua .loop, $.Jo feel below t~u l·JV•I ul 010 lJIAck Sen."
'Phu lo.tter J11u1 cununuuitatiuo \vith t.lurhLarrAnoun Sea
thr<Hl~h tho SDA ot Mnrmora, aoJ tberofor• ii.. lo•·ol oo.a ti..
tak~11 •• tla" >8.1110 IUI ~b• orJiu&r.)' ., •• lovol. U1•di111... i!y
lhort!f•«t th1Jn.: id no scienti6c uxpl .1.u&tlOU fur the cur1CJW1
£Act I r tho walere of Caapiau ... lteinl{ 84 r..1 hl'IOW tho

.. •
- lnel of lb~ nul ide wort.I. 'r""~•tnan myaleri.. howtvor
have au oxpl~o,.tlon to i:iv0, and as the rnorod U1t~<l·Hahob
would ox11l&io, 1.h• lower lovol is acoouotad for by lht rroxi·
mity of tho s11bterriu1aan oulony of " Magava" numbednj( a
million HOlll•, 1Vho hy "''mo dsvi"6 of Lheir own draw lhe
wat:Gr• ol lho ""'' for n••, a~ricult11rl\l, &rohit..,tnrAI,
domn•tic, 11ntl i111lo•trhl Thi• dxplanation not oul.r 11couunL1
for the <htl.. nnct o! th• 1.u.i, bot nlRo h•lp• to prove tho
oxi•taooo ol 1he • Fir<J..,," •t Oh•iclmi<ta. Tlw Magna of
thi• colony art1 •pirilu•lly of a bigbu i:r;ado, LIJl\n U1- of
Kub·o·Dtmavaod: b11t they botb are it1 •~n1taot intucow-
muoiC'ltion l·.~ telo5.,lli<rtc m•>thOO.• of coo~nt.rat.erl O'nleru·
pl•li m whicl• they e1ll "Sbi10l'l.w Tbe!!8 llai..>&n ba.. 1111 ir
owu llm1-Tomplo1 an•l Towor• of Silonce, ao•I have 1•re11t.,e1l
tbnm«kea in " .1,.te of i;re" ffjliritool pcrf.,.lion. 1 l1u10
eehol,r11 \\:h> havn 1t11Ui1oel a.n.J kD'l\\·n or tho •• Vnr ., CHU ..
•lrucl.ed liy Hhah Ja1111lw~ and ,J,iscribed in tLu Voa•lid111l,
(u ploe• v.. ry ol..,.11 I f~11tir.-.I with Noob'11 Aro), will rMdily
tU1•l1•ralau1J, th''""' pin co" Ar<l 1'1d0 n. " \1 4r \ ( \vhicl1 \V•Jrfl
tl1$1\1111. 11 11atn1•"1ly 111•of•"CLe·l lJlttc~). \VhioU uufr1011dl)' ,yo•
ei.n1 rieveii 1t1•0, nnJ 1turri1·n·ll) h'L.11118 CJ.tJ n11\'l.'t" h.u·111 'f 110
OJlC.1 nu Wli l 1 t h1 u ffclu1l..,..J pl ace i ;trd n1y"'L"riYU1"l)• 'U 11 •h1d
and tho uu~ f11r tha ., r:ol.teh l t ~ •' cJlooy i11 U !tUr1bu.t ittt
.:\bt ", wbicb UJl)QUh • WAlery or i.nrough tlia waLer~··;
.. htreo• U1v ,.orJ u•t•I C>r tho eolrao°"" ur tbu 0<>lony u
Doma.aod, ""'I 1.. rbaps al ~ Uie c:.tb!r C>>I( ••I• •>4Ml1 a fa
"Khl"-i ', "'1uoh 111tJu1• .. 1ua1ft! of ea.rth. c.r through • aa\:• ".
~ml•• our U 1.&<J.~obob, is only ono wore inttauoo, f
on ri:O:•rJ.. 1rlJ.'-
an out i•ior h"''ini onten1,I ihe •• \
itllir..u1::111 i" of tiOU lJ,)' IH,UlQ • Jluoto.m ~&"4.J011lr1'. •• '~ho 1J1u:1
,._r1.-1t a peci1'"1 u( iueiiLruGL1.1u!I at. the l1Jrllos, rutur11 .. 1l to th11
ouL1u•lti \Vorl1l u1 i hH.·I t.l1111JuRU-iahe,j hiwwlf 111 lrtt11 111 a.
"Nttw1J1n1 ' 1 or n1:1-lrolo~er The second oaiu waa our fO\'Ctod
Ustt•J.Suhib l<lrn•uff. 1111 pr~achotl lllld pror~gat.etl tho ~•otu.
1·1ca uf ~IU.:Ctl1\tuttn in l11du1 n.nd ha.a im1norudi.tu•I hiw UIU116
lh•re. ()11r Nvor•J U•hd·S•heb WAA ,. t1i1101plo <>I M•;:•v•
or ]Juuatv"nd: lt1Ui1t'JlD Nn:it'.lOWi porhllps Wll ~HJ U·1JU.& th.-
&&Ule pluco. Du~ • ~liir·l iuOL..oto which reuh\!a 01 fruUI
• beyond the Aryan Janda of India and Ir~n, is of tho l.t,e
Rovcreud Dootor Otom1u1 Zaradusbt Banish, who, ae I &m
informed by llr. lf'ramroz Cbioiwalla, tha proaent Exponent
o[ Kl1ahnoom, lmd boon the di.ciple of otbor lra,nian eages
who had their" Fir<los" on the borders o[ European Rusiia.
l{o e111orgeil tltorefrom n Masdaz11an of o. Prophet's dignity;
spread tbe ltnowledl{O or Mazd•>.non procopl.s ~od principle•
in tho contiuonte of Amoric• n.nd Europe, e.nd there le[t an
undying Mme [or hhnadlf Of him can be a&id, be wont nbout
''doing good''.
It is not unMturAI that m1my will onet vory gr•ve doubts
on the e:dsteoce of such mysterious colonies: but besides
the sevcul proofs cit.ed above there are other& equally worth
coJ1Hidoriug. A Khsbnoom devotee of considernble repu~tion,
Mr. Dinsh•h Shapurjeo "\lnanoi, B. A, lell~ 1ne persoually of
a friend 0£ !tis Mr. Nnserwn.nji O~rn.bji Poat-m uior having
read in an Eogliah newspaper priotod in Bomblly an acoount
publiohe1l therein by a Europenn hl~jor, who hAd gone to
Iran iu n surv•y uxperlition n111I of hJU•iug there met with a
wouolo1·fol nnoi n strange i;ocioty of man. 'rho Major hAd nlso
rnonrioue I tbnt the encolan~o.r wi's sud<lon, a.11d thn.r. oncl) he
wAS out c.f thei1· limit11, all his e.ttempta ngnin to ideotify the
plnoo :u1d finLl ao ootranco provo1l ~l1he name and the
dale o[ thi~ n~1v•p~per are unfortuunt.ely 11\iStiing. Tbero is
yet on" moro 1•roof of tho existence of theae l•oly men snd
their holy co1loniue whicb is to be founJ in ~ho world famous
poe•r• or lhe lraaisn poet "Hafc: ". He has "" foolingly
suug of tho •~ Sahttb.f)ils ., und of the '' Pir..e.. lfoga.n ", from
whose osoteric ioaohings bu bad IMrnoJ "° 1nuob These
exporionce. ar•· "record of tho fourteenth centu1·y, exper.incea
of trn~h. truthfully n&rrntoJ The high inspiration of Hsfe7.,
which tho t!ivino nrr•n::omont of his words displays, goes to
prove l1i• aliSOOinotion with tho Abedo of Iran. '!'hare i~ yet
oM 111ore nnJ thnt is tho at! vent int.o India io the sixteenth
century o[ tho great Da•toor /liar K•ivau. The record i•
that he w•• actually uoo £rom ~mong tho mombors of Lh•i
Society of Irani•u mngsvs. Ilu hat! come oo lnJi• uuder
certaiit circuw•t3uC••, ~ut! by bis learning a nd piety ho<l
di•tinguiJ!heu hhnscll to such an oxtont ""lo have e. large
following for himsol!, the descendants whereof eontinuo to
true di1y. Ifo had 'vriteen many mysterious hookff in PeroU..u,
w!Uob are nil availllbln Lo-dRy. Let •o 11111ch suffice for tho man
of rAitb and teverenc.i, to cuufirm bis boliefs that the iso!Ated
ffOcioties of tho holy men of lre.n are not a legoud but • £11ct..
The Flrdos at Demavand :-
The country o[ Firdos i• ell8en!i•lly •n agrionltur&l one,
with " vast territory of !nod, justly !lnd equitably pnrtitionod
for the u•• of man and beast. fo is an unending vista or fields
undl1lating with Nature's •parkling green: where the lambs
gt"••ing •ud tho cattle lowing proclaim o feeling of uuiquo
oonfiJence and security, grouter and strongor to be Sure, lhon
what our cbildre11 can over bop• for in lhe engine.infested
etreeta of uw· rnoilorn city. Agriculture h!Ul been the 6rfft of
IJn.zcln•nn.n virtues, and the whole of Fargarn 111. or the
Book of Venditl11d he.s beeo <lovoted to its activities. H is
there aoid, Lhe ~srtb fouls mo•t bnppy, "where ono of the
faithful sows moat corn, gr1U16 and fruit,-where there is most
increfl.Se of llooks nod herds" (S. B. E . Vol. IV. pnge ~S-24).
The high esteen1 for ogrioulluro ae a profo..ion, and tho high
dignity or ... ngdc11lt11rist is further testified t.o in the same
Fargsrd, where i~ is said:-"0 Maker of the materiol world,
thou Holy One: What is th• food that fills the Religion
of Mazd& 1"
Ahurn :Mnzdo. 1rnswored: H is sowing coin again llDd
again, 0 Spitamo Znrathuehtra:
Ile who sows corn sows righteousnesa (S. B. E. Vol. IV.
p11g.i 30).
No stronger recummondatiou of an agricultural life ci.n
be imagined: und naturally, where such 6 simple •nd noblo
life is fo llowed by &II, nothing can bo fort her from their God-
guided mentality, than tho un-Oodly and inhuman itlea o(
ouilllal el1tughter. 'l'he benst knows foll well, Lh•t there never
~hall be a ctLrnogo: and Lbo men do pride the1oselves on their
knowledge of the legitimate use of the mother earth, •nd her
quadruped off•prings. 1'be ox and tho cow, the go&t and the
· ~ la1nl1 llDd the horse, ''"ith their lu1n1"" m1tt~rt, f1>rm b,.rtt. nne
family. Thi- great exl11bition of ~lo&tlun•n L<>~•. u1oind•
H mo or thaL ramoo9 poinllUI( uallrot .. 0110 "'the fob1ily •. lo "
ilio1 picture ii.ii bigh-ooulo l f'•rntut hu doplct,.J the aoouo of
lho humble interior of" l•rn1,.r'• hut: U1t l'Cl'IY chil·lr"" nn1
IUGte.f'round a homo•DIO<Jo ti<blo, "htrt tho 1i1opJe fore of
br"".J and millr. i11proacl 001 fur Lreokla8' : an~ through $!Ue
om~ll window cl... by, tho fann bol'llO h:u l>'ll 10 hia b• • I for
JUa obare of the npaot. Ho i• the ~!ond, "on• of tho
f~muy•. Take tM picture u I) pica! of a dailf teen• Co thll'
lird They are all happy a11d oootooi.I in one "'otbtr'•
OOIUJ'llllY· ham the 00"' \hero I• millr., from tho lamb t 11ero
11 w~I, inJi"P"llli&ble fur ""creol thru<J-g1rdle Kn.ti, aud 1bo
bona it for Di&oly •port. Wt nil know tlut.L iu Ibo \'OJ•l•blo
kingolom, tbero nro pla11t.. winch 001·"• n1 fo1>d, and theru 01·0
1•l•111l" lhllt act ruo poi•nu; lh"ro nr~ pl~nt1 tlllll hM·t hooting
011; clJi 11nd thoro "'" othtrm Lh•L h<1\'u oooliug elT.,c11 In
I •hort, nm! in gonor•I it '""Y Ito ISlll•I lh•I thoru Art• ..,wu
, 11la11l• which are he11lth l(i•ini: a1ul otlu•n "·hicb oro or a
I\ co1Mory ..!Teet Tbe5'1 1•ln11t , tho A\'t!!l.a 11Cion"" hu di\'IOlod-
i uto LW<> part.;· lhe be1106cial 011C1, iL ha clanifie<! a•: h11 iug-
... tho "f)f.lttJ'"' 4oa.1itlt111, an~I t.ho rmat a1 ha,·iug lh$ " J"o.\U uci ··
c1ualili••· Among tloo "lloap~u·h • ( cint lo) ol thc ..utlc, "
I 1rlicoliir lyl"' o( Lho 11111\i hAI • J.!ii;hly di1Crtmmaliu11 eon..
ol .....11. anu ii. u.ea ii lo ,,.rfoclion "' lht 11oloolio11 or •l•
f00<l. II chooee~ Lho ,.,.,. •• anJ tho roola "of •uclt Jll•ult ouly
which II'•·• the l.ugut 1.roporUou of' li1>1• " •1o~li11 ..,) ie!J
iog wool for the Allll19 of Siho\Mlilo Tho 'll"Or·l "Gun• tr>&y •
take ~ni: to •Xplain, l.ul h 11 thoroughly workable Lo •Y il
dtliotff the qualitiu of ' Rll-eu16ce ', •·~-~ tbe worrl \
• Vold-" carnee •um uf banng the quliU. of oclllab--
0 - The rormer rejo1oe. In the goocl of ~hon, •ad b willing
0 011 w aaerifi"" i1.1 uwu h•ppioou !or 1L : whtrea1 ll10 latter -t
rej<>i- in the misforl·UDOll af nu ••••• If iL hrrng• him n w~a
\11 ~ mor• of mnl~ri•l cvmfurl 'J'l10 11biloHOphy of tho Maidas·
uan rnlu :-" As a man t/1i11k~th in hit h~rl, ao it ho; t1a ti .alolh, 80 11• lhin!:w," i• time mA•I• oloar auol w0JI.
~ . rxploioed ia th• ~wo Avllllla wb!!I*, ·•Oava" M>d ~,Vobuna ".

'fho lamb lhereforo i• U1u wiM•t Ul\ter, and tho lamb therefore
is rhe mo•t euit~l to prodnce tho llo&t material for the of
me11. 'I' here nro tnany t-poc:101t vr l•,mh~. unJ there grades
in those •rc••o•, wuleb dep•oJ 11poo tile relined quality of
th~ food tl1•y c>n•urne ; 1\111[ it it j u1t therefore that the
Muduoan Ku1ti, hAa lo be woven out of a lamb's wool only.
The kinJo- wwards call lo ia ~ duty imJ'O""d by the lluda.s-
oan reli~-ioo, auJ IL cau '"'' couti•Jtntly be 1u1&erted that
thatduLy i111owh•rt110 ocrnp11louoly t11rrioi ouL ff'i" theoolony
or I.he Firdr». .. Gouoi ,._, ·Um l~m M kAartlMi fell ~o."
tG•tha JL .\. XL\' 111. •·er.., >"V ••,£or lha kine (0 Armaiti :)
lot (\by) 1<>11 be ghon, •nd m•y'bl lbou caull6 her lo proaper
for our life." (Ro.-. 1.. II, ~I Ill"• trnralalion.) 'l'he hol"!IO too
is for tho lr1111inn an un1111•l ol :;ireut import.ence and useful·
ne.., and jaol 010 l!Am• "" th" lroni~n breed of a lamb is the
fiu08t in 1110 wOJ·hl, it mny be l11at th• horees bred and trained
in Mazda.JIAU disoll'llno in tho Jrir<lo•, tnUHt al~o be or" vury
high qt1l'lity. Jr1111 from lime• immemorial bas loved lho
hor&u, nud tho t.1•11i11ing of uvury Tru11i1111 ohlld "'"" bablld oo
Ibo lhruuf<1ld dh1oi11lluo of 'l'ruth, llorsemr>nehip anJ Archery.
'.l'hi• rniule rule, lhoui;h nol coulinuod with 1intbusium U! lbe
oouulry e>I Ii-nu al tho prroon l Jny ytt, wilhin the boUlldari111
of the k'irJuo, thi• thri·•f<1IJ 1lieciplmo i• euforeed wilh all lhe
rigouT, •• it u•o.I to bo in lho J"Y" of Iran's world-wid•
Empiro. 'l'h• Hl•rn· Yaohl h•• a •·ery •ignilicant l""""'ge abou~
tho horae, "t.ich clearly llho1•1 tl10 magnificent sporu,rneu tLe
Jrauian1 l11&va beou a~ a lime when the r<"'l of ti.• warlJ k.uew
,·ery little about iL. "rtae lrain< r of a hone. is oa among
ruauy, who reoein1 lhe blwing. of Baoma:-
.. lluomo Aoibtc&b yui urv•nto bit takhsheoli crenaum
zavare aojaowcba bitkhabrlili,
( Ji!J'f!\ J'1uM ,,am ff)
" Jhoma i:r~uh (•lr•nKlh nod ""urage) to those who
.,oulil nm l·rldluJ l.v1·•u• on rn~u oouroa 11 oou1·,.. which •pan1
bol \J "l" .,J auJ LuU01u \ in thui r hor""") " t Rev. L H. Milli!
kaoaldiou 8. 13. E. Vol. XXXl. p. :!81.)
l!'u.rLhor i.n lbu ..JJ,. YuH ht, (Ynl!D• XI. para 1 ), lbo oow,
tho horse, anJ tho Ffaoma a1·e described •s being the " three
cleou creatures (full of blceaiogs )'' (Ibid p. 244). Such is the
family relationship of men and c"LLie in tbo oouo"ry or Firdoa.
It should bo noted that the citntions from the Hom
Yusht beo.r mystical signifie~nco
It is however onfortunal:Al that there is no eottou growing
OD aacl no iron ore found in the 6elds or tho Firdos. The
hind is cle6cient in its mine1·a I products, and lo •ooh an oicteot
that metol cunonoy of coins is entirely unknown. It i11 all
barkr, ooth within 1111J without ~he colony. Thor• is no
kiJli1\g thoro, neilher for food, nor for spurt, nru.1 much Jess
thoreforo for war. Milk a.nd wool are of Lhe best qua lity,
bnc•n•o or the pure vegetable food which the cot.tie got, and
lll'e "1$0 olimatiCl\lly Cf"4lntial for the mainloaAnce uf hu1oan
lifo. ;\nd oho horse being ec1u11lly 08il6[1tiol for tbe physical
culture or the iububitnnts, am! it beiug their unshakable
belief that all kinds of bodily training and oxeroise, th ..t of
horsemanship and archery, are the beat mo&ns for tho promo-
tion of man's apidtWll advance as well, there has come to be
dovoloped " condition of mutu&I depondallce b<itweoo man
am! beast, this hos evolved inLO mutual love, and all thero-
foro is poaao au•! prOt!perity and contentment Tho ali-eote
or l<'irdo• are .. row or 1·ook-hewu (lll\•ea (rooms), whore ~hoy
' Jwell in pel\CC unknowa in oua· engio~&l·ed cities tormented
with nuiS<> and smoke. fa·ery •lreet hllll o rivulet of uec:tsr-
like walers Anwing paot, and lho whole country is &loo
studded wilh wclb 1111d other streams of life-giving waters in
bloe•ed profu•iou.
'!'he wont "Ff/rdos '' is tho Iranian e11uivaleot of tho
Bibliml word "I'aradi•o ", J3ut the latter for ita being
Biblical is no le88 Iranian thnn the former. In fact the ideo
of Ileaven is 8 z... atbustrio.n discovery, whence it pormoaled
into J udoi«m, rtud theoc.! into Christianity nud 1alnu1. Tho
ty'° words have IJut on~ oommou root, the Ave5ta word
• '' Pai-ric/,a(): 1 ' '"htlre "cl<•-;'' ;;igni61:H:1 fL cilad~I or ao enoJo .
sure, ancl "Pain" iudic:.tes a couduot of JHe in aooordunce
with and 10 obedieuco lo the laws of Nature. Even tho la.test
and the most authoritative of English dictionaries derives the

wor<l "Para<liso •• from the old Porsiao '' Pairidncz '' meAning
enclosure. (The New St•nda1·d Dictionary, Vol, Ill., page
1789). A Paro.di88 or a FirdD8 is therefore a forti6ed or a
guarded onclosuTe or n city where God's will ia being ho-
oonr&d and obey~ Rod ful6llod: where men have faith in
God and honour hia law$. Not therefore is it that Paradisa
alwl'y• is a post-morl.em cxparienco only; iL is also an expe·
rience oonnect.ld with 1ns.n'• Ii!& on earth whnne•·or it iR in
full sympathy with N•turo'e order. Oh I Airyana-Vaeja,
tile mother-land of the Aryans, thy hallowed ruins have never
ceased t.o bloss: and for bim whoee " Hvar&hi.11." h118 carnecl
for himself the privilege of a touch of thy sacred soil, Int him
but oooe with a measured step nnd n meaaurod breath go
round the Kuh-e-DelllAvand, the mountain abode of the
liazdaznan :.tahatmaa, the guardians of the •pirit of Mazdaz-
nan, whose sinlesa and sancti6od lives breathe blessings on t.he
wor\tl ot la.rgo ; a.nil the serenity of that holy void ah~ll preas
all bis 6ins out or him and shall perme&te his p<iraon with tho
virtuea of ao Aveslao Ashavan Just the ""me that a Hower·
ing garden inspires songs o! love and feelings of happiness,
l!O shall the a&nctity ot this vast emptio.ees •wall.en in tbe
sincere wanderer an inquiring thought of bis whence, where·
fore, and whither, and shall lead him lo 6nd the solution of
it all in the music of thRt "ti-ill Bm1Jll wic1" which he thon
eh&ll hear. Lot tho tour bo n.ccomplished, with the mind
cenwr&il on Saheb-dil sninl.9 who are there aomewhere 11boot,
and who thougb aneeen, see, and who though wtknown, know
and ble88. .
The Magav of the Oemavand and his
ways of life:-
Tho" Magav" is a past.or, n spiritual agricnlturis~. He
ondeutands the spirit of tho.t one Avesta sentence of tho
Vendidad, wlllch says, "Ho who sows corn sows righteousness."
(Vcodidad Fargard Ill, Chapter HI, para 31. S. B . E. Vol.
1V. pogo 80.) The" Magav" sows righteousness, Be Lbinks
of bia Mazda, lllld by hls "Humata" (good thoughts) a&nat.ifies
the atmosphere all around : the Magav pre&ahes words of
truth, gnirlAnco and admonition, and by bis "Hnkbta" (good ,
words) the listeners oro charmed anu bleaasd: and Lho Mngnv
eows corn and by his " El varsht•' (good deeds) incites imitation
tboroo! by all. '!'he st1nctifying of tho lltmospbero, tho
bleeaiog for the listo00rs, a•id the inoiling imi~•tion ••·• each
an act of sowiag righteou ; nol!!I: nnd thU• it is tbot tbs
Maga v is " spiritual agriculturist. Tho colony at Dema.vnnd
is but two tboosaod strong, men, women and children : a11d
this entire population of the" Var" dh;d~ itself into tbreo
classes, tho good, the bettor, and the best in spiritual Advnnco-
ment, •• we have already observeJ. '.l'hoy l\rO all, however, lhe
"Saheb-o-Uils" where the word "Sabeb" is fraugbL with Lhe
sublimest of conceptions. First, it is commonly used to mean,
(1) Almighty God Himself, as in exprE18Sion, "Saheb-ni-mnrji"
(His will ba done.) Seoondly, it is or every do.y and every hour
uee,aa a reminder of God's blessings th~t rain con•tonlly, io 1he
oriental word of greeting "Sahebji.'' The orientnls uao this
word, where the Europeans use tbeir " good inoraings and
good evenings" Thirdly, 1t i.8 used for the one who i~ abov&
tbe others in any pni·ticular place, a private institution 01· a
Oovernltlent office, as 'vben we 8peak tho "Office-no.Saheb "
the bead of the Offico, and fourthly, as used in the phrase,
"S"heb-o·Dll " whore" Saheb" tnei~ua maste1·; e' me.llnS of ;

and "Dil" means heart or tniutl. He who is the mai!ler of his

own mind, he who has gained, aud tries tO gain, complete
control ovor tho pllll8ions of hia Uesh, ho is tho '' Sabeb-e-Dil"
or o. "Djl·p•t" whore "pat" stands £or the Avesta word
"paiti" meaning master. He wbo has cooqnor~d 8'ltf and
serves God, is tho S1>beb-dil.
or the class of the best, is the ~laga\• proper, and incl ados
both mon and fewer womon. 'fboy ~re the celebatos, of
perfec~d birLhfl; 11nd pree&nt to thij world grand epeoimone
of the evolved and angel-like forms, which tho whole huma·
nity is destined Lo rMch iu ,Jue time. 'l'hey •re the "Kkritlh-
,,adalh<u .. of the Avesta, perfected, asexual souls, thoroughly
prepared aud only waiting for tho "Great Morning" to
appear. They h•ve reaS&lrubled and mergoJ wibhin them·
aolvos the sparka of their own soul, that lay scattered in the
mineral, Lho vegetnblo, the animAl orMtions of the world :
nod even assimilotod into them..,lvea the masculine and tho
fominine ingredie11U\ of hmn&nity itself so ae w emerge a
perfeotod and n completed being, tho "Kbaetbvadnth" of tho
Ave•lA liternture. •rbU. fact explains "11eir celebacy and
prov"" lhem congeuitally •inless nod passionle""· Jesa~ was e.
"ll•z•laz11an S•heb-Dil ", ond ZarAthoabtra led ~hem all. Their
principal oeoopalion is doop contomplation l\nd introviaion of
U1e Trubhs in Nature (ScJda) and ooa•eless pr&yors, which help
tho spiriLul\l progrMI! of the world fl.~ording w the Will of the
Lord (Ahon&V~iry•.) Let it not surprillO the reader to know,
the•o Magav Saheb-Dils oevor sleep. Tho Avost& has 1t :-
"Him tboo shalt cnll ~n, 0 Holy Zarathushtra.:
who throughout tho night sits up nod demn.nds of the Holy
wis<lom (i, 6. studles the L<•w. n.nd lonna from those who
know it) which mAkU!I mao £roe from anxiety, and wldo of
hott.rt, nnd easy of oonacienca, nt the bead of the Chinvat
Bridge, auu which UU1ko• him reach that world, that boly
world, 1u•t excellent worlrl of Para<lir.e." (Vendidad. Fnr-
gorJ XVll 1. Chapter l. Verso 6. S.B.E. Volume IV. page
Their diot is" ve1·y well regul~ted affair, so that nil
1m>y got jUHt tho ingredient~ thnL their bodily frame most is
in need ol'. Those in the class of the bes~. subsist only upon
Lhe qul\ntity of milk drawn from speci~lly bred cows of noble
brood: such ns we in ~ modern llOn"" won ld call 'pedigree
cowe.' It cl\ll bo said that Lhosc 511bsi~t mainly or only on
the milk uf cow• bred by them. For each of them the food
is prescribed bolh for ita qaality nod quaut.ity by tho higher
mystiC5 who marn>ge and organi..e tho dietetics of the entire
colony. Ju•t the °"me that milk is obt11oined from apeeially
bred cows, so also the ve:;(etables are grown on plots of land
epeci•lly prepared by prayers recit;ed over them. The ide,.
i• to raiO<J both aoiulals nntl plants on the principles of
"go.\',, u.ud 0 vohnu '', so that thl.!re mRy be u.s large n. quan-
tity of lbQ former and Ill! little of the latter as posffible. 'l'be
diet of the seco,,d nod tho middle ch...a of tho inhabitants of
..i, (22)
. · \. Fir.Joe, u a mixed OllO c·i Uli:I{ and YO.J'IAbl<lll, but,..~ mo,,_
of mil.Ir. tliu ••wlAblot, ud the di~ of tlM tbirJ an-i tho laiL
cl&M i1 aJs, " mi~od l.u>a of 1Dilk aod v~;:o Labfu, but ti.ore th•
proporLfou Q( ••K.ibbl111 ia lnr;.'llr Lban 1b~1 ol milk. 'l'be
Anoi.,nl1 not only bolioved in cooking their ciwn fo><l thorn·
eeh•ea bu~ nl10 ueeu tboir ~osb abilltioa iu th• ve1·y produoLion
of H. 'l'ho former aLHI among m•uy a higher
oa•lft llinch111. who wHI only eAl Lho food cooked by tbom-
1111l•u, for lh~ID eveo & toocb 0£ a •lr1U1g•r m •kW 1be [oo.J
"taboo'' for chem. The latter tta;!8 bu bteo torvottoo
beca- of the ohaopJ oon litlont: but iu the ....tad•! anJ
iJeal 00•10Lr}' of tlrdoa, both hne bMo !'1'9Crvt·l"aod an•
being eeteJ op to even to-day.
fhe Activiti es of th e Marave :-
'fhoir ou1look and thoir andoty and ••!:"tllOoil 1a for tho
goocl ~r un.Jl•tinirulahed hu101mty. Tbo wholo hu111an 11iocie1
i• Lh6lr "wArd" nud lhcy ure it.s "guuJian1". 'l'ho "Magav
&hoU." nrv thcrc!uru itle~lly tolerant. 111 fact, tho W&)' they
upl•iu lht lil·,;~!ini; forth or the difforenl prophet.II on .
""'"h tn ditt<roo~ ·~"'"• w<koa iL practi~•lly i1n1""1iblt for
th"m..lo t.. othor"i... • Tha 110Min~ priociplo i1 tht la " or '
"Jin1m • ;,,\'It wbiah <a.~ ordioarily anderaLoo<.I in:tpliea tbal
tho reliJ:ion• of tht worlJ are ditl'erentiateJ from ooo anolher
in no other way than aro Lite gre•led 01- ol a Uoi•orlity ·~
<.:ollogv. Thor all 11ltimatoly load to the Dool.or'• clog..,.:
au•I th• IAlll• tM.t the prinolp•l of a oollegu rOl(U\!J the •
atu·l'1Ha or all o].....,, u his eo many •1n1, eo do the Sabobe -
roa:arJ, llro Hindu, tho Moalim, the Jew, ~he Cbri1tian and ,.11
olhora u an un•li•linguiabed llook ur tboir own children,
varying" inter ae'' io •;:•,development and inherent wu.lom.
Thal ••·ery roligion or every kind of worship ulli111alel7 IOllds
to union "ith the uma liigboaL Ont, i• bcaulifolly oxpro•d
iu a Sanakrit couplet, which uya:- • • .,..
"Akaohat Pati1a111 loyaw ya11la gachchaU ~•garam -« (
Sar,.in' Jovo nama•karam Kesluwnru praligachhati" ~ ""
It IAfl, lkbo!.l the rains lb&L coruo down to the eerlb in 1
fiooJt AD•l liOrr<llto, t.-C:Tf Jrop thereof O!tit0&t...l7 r.achOI IJie
' - .. ~ ·~,~.J.11 -.'.•
~.t;T~ JI,

• ; 111 eball th• rr"y...,. and the "orsb.ippial:" or rn•n t.o

wbom-•or Addr",..,,J,-Allah, MAl!lla or JehQ•llh, ehaU nod
.,m ult.iroately reach the "K8Bba\'&" wh•. i. tht \11-lligholel..
On ,. worldly anJ • practical ocmpnruno, we . man
reach .. thu highoat ho aim& al, not always through tho same
channel: Thu NUW Lbat led Na11oloon to tho 0111perordhip
of ~'ranee, ~o,J prnoti011lly of the world. wuru fto dilrorent
from thu ron tea lht>t led Abraham l.inooln t<i tho
ship of the Uni~·d St.tee of Au:ioriou. '1110 h•bits, the
temr<>MUMlllt, the likes aoJ ibe disliked way be uilferent for
evory iuJivi.Jual, •nd beeaW!tl of thia Cuudau..oial 1lilforonce,
th ir NOMI AllU tboir waya I.ah dir•clione, bot load
olliwatoly Lo one and I.he ame pl: ., aro lbe dill'orm5
religion• ul tl1• world, ocme ioLo c1iateuca Lo IUit the n...J1
of tho nr1i1111 circom5tsoces of Uw tim.. a11J Ibo changed
tewperamout.a And conatiwtod ooulo of meo, and t.o
provide thorn \fi\h tho roulo• and way• that Ar•I most condn·
ctvo to tholr quick.or pi:ogre&11 t.o tbo gool. 'l'hOftO routos nnd
"'"Ya are what tho Avuta ecionco calla "J\l'(lmt". 'l'he word
is akin to tho English word "germ", perhap• tho latt<lr ls a
derivative of tho former: They both c1pt"9M ~ho •me root
thongbt:-"fh• anbttanae that ie to do\'clop a ntw individaaL
l"ljtunllvely, lho primary flllaroo of ony thing, lbat from
wbiob a lhioi; 1nay ti.. developed as froUl a 9"<1 ". (Tbe New
l)landMJ Dictionary Volume II, paie 1026). \\ bo llioo W'ill
doubt th•t tboeo micro•copic beginning• •od tb•ir 1obseqoeot
mighty induo11ce• all ocme from the et.rnal HMvon•, where
the ang.ilic ®·workers manage and Orgt\ni•• and arr&Dl(U in
obedionao lo de6oito !&w<f. Tbe atuJy is not t•ey, it involvoa
tho oon•iJeration of faat.s which many Ifil l bo unwilling t.o
aclmit Somo faith, aome sobrie~y and enu10 palionoo •hall
and will ulthnowly wln and r.11 eball bo u11<lor11Lood. lo
Av..Uo eplrltu,\I •cienc.i ~ primary loDuencu which etart
lbe Univol'H in ii.A progre""i"e molion o.r. Mlle\! "llllflum
St..f'(}m . 'l'h" r~1ult is tbe bl....,.j Ap!J<l<'r>uca iu spooo o(
lbe aouutl- 1alar oy&l.l!ms lhal deocrate Ul• cloudl-9tllllmer
&lty llDd MlmouW. n111n tA> remember •ad r ..pect bia Crotor.
Theao prnnary inlloellcos permcat.o tbrongb the Universe and
wben they reach our eyetem, th ir inlloence i• felL in lh

differentiation of the idea1 of meu a.coordiug lo tho gred• o
their pnrily and iotelligenco and tlins give rise lo wb~I tho
Avo~b<n spiritoal eoionoo baa called "Jiram""· '£bo1 it WM
that the iolluenoe of the planet Mfrreury brougbL oboul tho
"T~r11di Ji ram" of the ll ind Uj ant.I the BuddWate; tho
influence of Venos gave birth to "NAboedi J.iram'' or Jmlia"m
and lhe Jewi;; the ioJluenc• of Maro t(l\VO ri&e '°the "H&shatni
Jira111" of Mohamedani1m a1ul 1he llobame<U.ns; tho intlucncoi
of Jupiter originated tho "Bujiw Ji ram" or Zaral.liaohtra aud
AJ..daanan, and the iniloenoe of :iuuru created tho "Kaivln1
Jiram •of nnd Chriot.ionity. ThUB have they all come
from lbe mme cele•tiaJ eource, 01na1>ated according t.o definite
law• and wore spreei.l rmd promulga Led according to Ibo needa
of the timea. lt ie alw11.ya au Atboi= lbal '£bno•ophy
gorminftl&!, and it ia alway• In tho disp<msation of N11t11re
that when tho oontlilion of mtJu •inks down t<> a rcgrottahlo
depth, that a loreruunor, a warner, a prophet i• l>,ru. Of
eucb were l. Rtw1l&m J.Ya:oomi• for the laud of lrau 2.
Otoman Zar Adll8bt l:lan1ah for America wd Europe, and 3
Beramllhab Na•'l"Oji Sbroft fot' the ancient U.nd of India. lluL
unfortunate a.nd lamentablo baa it b..on that oompetitioo bu
u...11 conceived wharo coopore1lo11 anJ coordination bhoulJ
bave been. The diflereuli•lion which was intoudod by the
Augul• uf Beaven to bnloooo tho dottuicnciea of tho time• aud to
remedy the defects of untltJnilanJjng, was iotorrtcloo t.o
moan a race to rt on to tho front rank•, and a race to ueo
all one'• otrenglh to impoM one'• viowa of thing& on all others.
forgetting for the motueut, how and why tb811& differenliation1
bad originat.d, llJld that it ,. .. for the purpooe of pr-rviog
the harruony of man'• dll&liol:' with one another: aad alt•o
forgetting at the eame time that to impose one wan'• likee
and Jialikes on another loy force or &\•en by porsuaaion was
to croat.e n most damaging Ji~h•rmony in the society of mM1
Uut ii wua the call or wlf: it wne tho Jo, o of lhot \'ain~

• No'>or worked for 11uulic. Hu WM only given MCei.A

t.o Firdaus.
alurious,-" I tlid it." This proce•• is the one we coll "pro-
;,Jytizing.'' It has cre~lcd st.rife where previously peace had
prevailed; i•, has brought JiHcord1 ''· l1~l'r. originally unity had
reigned, and it ha• cau""J blood•hoJ, whero" cordial cml•racu
would othondso hav• 1i cm. Woll uncl trnly h11• Dr l•nunroz
Ghiniwnll!I., our prei;ont promin,nt Eiq u wnt of I ho !Im-•·
Khahnoom i;uid that "Vatlllvv•m+KcN·
ebo" i e, Proselyliiiug ia of the inspirnliou or tho Jlovil,
Masters of tho 'Jirnma' have frorn time l<> ti mu apponrod on
earth, not to disturb but to pacify, and uo• to compote but to
co-ordinate. If world-p<iace is the aiin t>ml ohject, le• not the
pence Pnlnce at llaguo dolay tho advent of it by Jiscus•ing
rules Rlld laws and holding oonferencca, but lei ii, hurry UI'
to rcoog11iea tho genuine intcr-nnLiooal iwportnneo •nd ruorlL
of lho tn.Azdaznan la\\· uf 11.Jira10" Autl prcnch nnd propagnto
ite truth to the world. Thia shall •fot1a"oy u.11 unvy and nil
animo&ity and rsco snporioriLy, nu•I the Priuoe of Peace shall again•i the Demon of Di.cord.
In the colony of the Fir.Joa ihore nro 72 •uch Magnv
Atbrnvone of the bigho•t oln••, towering nbovo ,.11 other
Atbrnvno& or Prie•tly Order of Y11ozdAlhregart1 beaded by
Daetur.. Thie nomber of 72 is pre!!Orved without"" inoro1U1u
or a docrC&Se, Lhoreio 1 iuJivitlual ls a st&l\vnt·t. BO\'on
Ceet high, b1md•omu l.>eyonJ comp•rison, with poinLed nO<le•,
oomploxions lmllo\ved nud fair, wlih looks of love nnd icar-
niog, wisdom and piety. 'l'h" wuole colony of Sahob-Dils io
under their leadership &od guidnnoo for evory mattor concer-
ning births, marriages, 11uJ deallIB, and even for "ruitrntion
in cases of all dilrer•noe•, which aro novor of,. grave cbaru.ctor.
Tho result i.e tbo.t there is ideal potl()C followed by id~l
plonty. Nature is luxuriant iu its spark liag green, and ""is
society most happy and joyful in its profaeion of prosperity.
Moo nod women ai.., ..JI bn equal footing and ~liere does not
exis~ a task which is" iofrB dig" for nny man or too complex
for any wom..n. '£ho mou all wear loug hair that flow dowu
to lheir uock• aad lllllintaiu vooerable beards. Ju•t oho ""1110
that ihoru are wen-uu~gavs, there arc w.>weu-wagavs as wall
but only few. 11lgb l!OU!JJ they all are, who b&ve reached

the perfeolio" or the "Kh11<1h11a4ath<I" They ar" Uio guor-
•li'°'' aoJ tho guides o[ n II tho women fol~ iu the ' ;;Ab 1bclil"

colony lu a true Aludazoan fashion, tho :lay "tl•I the night,

tL• full poriucl of the e irth'• on• complet<> rotAliou ou its
axiM, 2~ hou•·• is divided into llvo "giibe'', '!'he "AiviMrutb·
rem O~h" ( 1uuset to rnlclnight) is th~ time for serinons,
whon e\'cry i111liviJual lllUJjt atteuol Thu "U•hain-Gnb"
( midni;,:ht to AllDtise) i• LI•• time for lb• i"'<80u&I vr~y•ra of
tbe Yagn Atbr&\'aDI and the .Melior- •-Hb&na and early
llAv1<nn ie tho Lime for their rest. Tho ·• Ujimo-Oah" (after·
noon 3 P Id to sut18et) iR tho ti mo whon they uXAWino and
control the org1u1ization ol ooeiety, i.. uo orJers, and maiutAio
diecipline. &veryooo of the ma1,.. v·Athravans •• ' t.>BIA!d
iodi,·idual lie is a "RubAn-Biahb. ·· Tho ho•J of the
n1ons~tery lioe an extra title or "Sbro•hlviuez" who goidoe
tho dostinie• of all entrusted to Iii• caru, and b1Jne6ollilly
in8neac.. th• outer worltl a• well !::very child boru iu the
colony " b1.iugbt h.tfore ham, and bo euanrn'"' I.ho aii;u• frolll
a •piritu•l or ,·iow. and dcciJu whether the obild will
turn on\ to bu" magav or not.. 1f tho llii;us augur tlmt tho
child sh11ll boa magav of the la\u1·u, tlaon its aducatlou is st
once trnu•lurr .. I t<> specially appoiuleJ 11t>r.Ouo, and 11 oorriod
out in a Jetormined manuur. every other child la returned to
ii.. parent• .~II tllli' du1ciplino and rii;uur anJ piety ua&d t.o
oo tbu daily rontioo of tho Iranian people before U1uir fall'
uud i~ """ lllHO the souroo of e.11 thuii· vitality which bad
c"rried ~hum to tho olawu of power Dut with thu '4xity of
that disciplio•, the downward juuruoy, and lMo loet its
nil, it.. royalty, it.a treMorn, it.s religion, its pbilo'ICJphy and
it.s learoing. Bu~ !run i• ao ancient la111l: it• a\moephero is
charged with the 11Coul. or tho mii;hty J~eus of ,·,.lonr and
mightier Act• of solllussoe111, anJ tl111M1 iu its times o! troublo
yet breathe into tho ooul1 of its .001 a hopeful cour.g<i; and
tho voice of the Unll<'OD reverberaw l.c> fortify them in tbeu
fallen condition-' /..am01ll Not. 1'b1• WRS the high ''Oice
from tho Houvoos that onlivonod and uuoour$ged ll1u vnliaui
wus o! Iran ~uJ hulped tho discou,ulalu oneo to bcu it aU op
with a calmness oopre.:edeot.ed in the bietory of hu1tuu1ity.
ll'rlle valonr rnaoifeot.; it.wlf in tho con1net of a aoldiec wh•n
bo fearl..,.Jy fa.,.. th~ g'UD'; bot ~rno valour also rnAOiforil
iteelf in thal ("\Mive yet ooorngooa• •tt>aJ 1gai114t tyranny
when Lhat. conrlition of tlomin1t.na6 an1I rnlo ia no tnore., ftind A
changed oouditiura or depenJonoo Atl•I 1ni•ory take• Its plnoe.
Tho latl•r •I.ago gives l(l'e&IAr opp~rtuo1Llos for the exhibilion
or that ancestral nobility of ooh!>viour. Tho oons of Iran
were le•l<ld with both these aud wertl found as valoron• ia
••r aad victory, "" they were noble 1n dependence and
dor..1.. Wl\h the C.ll of the empire, came in untold acd
ont.Jtiokoble atrocitieo showered on tbu eonqu•red aona of the
..,,1. But for ouch of them as bad dared lo remain faithful
to the tr11<litione of their forebears there Waa abundance of
propttious ~ign•, ,Jemonstratiag but one me•ge-L4mll1ll
Uot Th• Iranian kttows and c~n read the will of the lortl
ht ev6r)' pheoo1nenon of lb& earth, and he 11&1 tberofdre also
learnt to be ["'tient and sedate In Lhe 1troog eonviotioo thllt
all i1 boing JU•Lly done. Tbe royalty of lr&o i1, Lbey My,
presorv..1 in their Jeacendllnt.a who r"8ide io lbe •[e vanlll
of lite l"il'<l•lll to-d•y They think of paaoo, and peace pr..
vails: They pray to )Juda and their proyere are beard.
Tho u11,..urea or Iran t.oo arc lllh"1Ilanically atored in the
1'0ndertol mn'l8UIDI of the Firolo..., the exhibits defying
human comprehen•ion by their eompleidty, and enchanting
all by their bonuty, Tbe philoaopby and lo~rning of auoient
Iran too i~ 1t.ord1l in Lho!Ml Qo<i-guartlo•l plo.coe. 1'ho libraries
of tho Firdo• aro Lbo pl1<cet wh"MI tlm anoiont and even the
modern lit.oraLuro that relat.oe to Mn1dunao1 i• to be aeen
int.act, untoucheJ by bo•tilo hAn•lt, •nd 11ninterpo!.Lod
an•l uoa!xitlg~J by inter...teJ!ef·mongns. A.a an
instenoo of lhtA. UlllaJ Saheb n..,J to •!"'"'k of the originl\I
and tho troo copy of the "Shah-Nameh oven al Firdstt•i
wrow it 011L hint'l<llf, which be hn•i ~•en in the library ul
the "~·,.,1.,..: 'l'bo60 t,t.,_sseJ puople aw1'it th• coming of
tb.e "ISl11>~h1•11t", Varjavuml (Behrnm i e. lnvinciblu) and tbeu
w!ll tho~"" u1nor11~ from tb~ir fa•tno•"""· onriob Lhe world
with tl.'otr trc~•urlll!,. and blOSll tho wurlrl li7 thair presence
aml piety. !hat will be tho "Oro11l Morning" of tho
planoi earth
(Ii} The ""'cmcfcl.lhS-viz.. Ille Yr: I \\hr~ra-Priel'
olA!!a onJ!lll(tl<l in porforming o romonies hlllldoil by Dal!tara
aader tbA direct.ion or the Mog•VO. MozU. hu inton·foJ th&
the priHI. oball bo tho pillar of th• oocneiy, ~.,J wb«r.vor the
pril!bt llllJDtain• hil.oaolf \fith piety onJ lo.unin~, tl!MO
follows pro•perity ol the higho•t kind: but where \hij pr1eat
haa mlleu •hort of the standard of moral nucl epiritn•I eOici-
ency e:rpectod of birn, the ...oioiy round alidut loo mllb"t
do~oel'ftl.o and IClltkr 1w1y Wilbin tb• aoclosnre. o! the
~·irdoe, the prie•lhood it of U1• 1d011l standard of porfootion
and I.ho 1t00iety round About ltlm (horefora ia nlso 1·ei,'ll l~t.ed
ond mafolaiaed in on equally iu• 11 eflicioucy. I.I not tht.
proved btyund doubt by the manner in winch tba Fmloo Ii,..
not only conducl.ud It.I o wn aduii11i1lration for centuri.. !"'St,
but has 11100 auoctl1ldod in rooi111Aiuing its ~)oofneae from tbc
worlJ undetected by the moat 1nqulllitive. Tiioy bod witne••ed
Uun tbt fall of Iran'• f mpu.,, 11..J otarw I with th" mJ
change that had cumo over it.I ~rienhood, AU•l they thorofoo
well tho.~ tho i11t~•grity of th•ir •111111! oolony 1tncl tho
aa(ety of 11..i inhabitant.I nil .1 .. , ...11ll0tl dit" ctly on lhoir IJ"•·
ll>DAI i.,1i. , 1our or tr•1th snd lllQC roly. The Vo<dAlhr g•na of
Fir.l 1 "'' "noble cla&• of praOllt.s, whO .ind• ratao•I Lltoir
clutioa t.ow•rd• their Out! and their re.po11Mibilitios t,uwarcls
m•n. 'l'hoy are the Jlillars of tilt' lltlCiety ol tho F1rdo1
(c) The third cl•u U. he ma10 portion uf lbe popu'l.Lioo
and th- 1'r• th •h•pberh, •1'riculturi•i.I, wuriora and
•rtis•ns. It 11 nnfortunaw that ~her• it! nut much metAI 10 Lbe
J~nd of th" ~·1r,1os, auol ooos"'lu1111tly tbore ia "'"" uo mo111llic
c11rrei1cy to tnle wilh : it i• all barter ·rb• colon) ol•.o
hcki O>"<>U onJ iron: bu~ I ho Fal'd ...... n bo<i>t or iu .. 001,
Lb, liko of \fhich 1110 outllid wot!J will "'"r rrt.r1vc m
t._. prool uco. When lhorofor•, "t •ptioinlet.l perl<1da th~ onravo•n
com'!i oul. t.hey bri111: out their ex lu1-,it11 "'0 JI, and oxcb•nie
i~ fur au h coinm~i1J~ iu th•.r i. ..e neod of. They r ..r
•hoop auJ c~tUe: the former for their wnol, and tho IAt!m-
for tho aupµly of milk nnd ilat Altunrlnnt products tor their
foo<I. lt I!!, lb• very kind and Lruly •yw1.. th•tic Lreatmont
"I ich th hmb• l'J' elv an I ~h pu ••g>!' bl~ \Yhlcb tl1•y
al waye e&l &bt bocom.. tno c1ui... ol Tery .uporior q1111\ily
or t.hoir tfOOl. The laml.. UUllinct.ioly know tbo1r muteu,
• ...,. _. childrC!D kno., U.Oir paronl.o Their feul- free<lom
ii their healLh, and thclr lie&Uh Joi.ermia.. &be qcahty f
Lhelr wool Oul uf aucli pnre :woof uut,, tho KU!l.i 11 m&de
ror • II: vory ufun 11 II tl1" they make the " K:n•ti" fro111
lho wool of a l"'rt.iculnr pd lamb, •md only chiln&• ib when
the animal 11 doad 'l'be k11rti made of 72 •ingl• 6lam•ntt o r
,.001 bl# an -Lene 1ooso1ng of ica own apa" from 11.1
~mcacy in prayurL Thero aro 72 obaptert1 of tho \T&m• 1
72 ma&'av Athrnvona in thu Fir dou I.hero • •·• 7~ steJ)I or
gndcs of A1l1u1 wbicb lead to the Abode of Light, the
Oarodo1ab•; anJ I bore .re 71! •tt.ribat.8' of God io the
!Iormud Y.. ht, The ecltnCI o( nwnl>eni (Jlm ...Aioltd) u but
a rh•pler in lho Book vf "KhBhnoom ". 1£ tlu 1li11it1 carry
a ny ID)..tical tipificaaoa, then MY• the 11111-e·Ald.\d, tho
cllgit "9• ttprucnu t>erl-ction: and lbenumber 72 ii 7+2•11.
The WOlldora of lbie digit Ir colleet...1 would dll • •olnmo,
Ono at lo\ t will ~:.IA)' •ullioe, for the corioo• to ecok more
ror himsolf Tl'° dii.,jt ''!I'' ruu a m>;,>'ic !Ooch Jo11t tho
oamo lhat iii• &oucb of wi;-r ai&luil u-.rythln;; aw L, llO d -
lho &ouch ol • 0 • ru.•koo aol •D<I ••vry oumS.r rn tho world,
alau "9''. A• nn IUti~utu, tako nny r•odorn nurnlJer, 111y
li0167, Oivo this 11uu1bor a touch of "II":
llUU7 x 0=80i418
Totel op tho digilAI of the molloit•le 8-t-0+2+-1•1•3•18
Tollll up ngoio 1+8• 9.
U1ta1l-SohoL hrooi:bt tho nows thlll the l:iaheWi of Firolo1
knew L~ llm..,·AidaJ and Ui:.t th• 'digit "9'' \f1tJ1 I.hem w~1
aymbolic of p rfocl.ioa. This expen:uont •• hot ooe Rr&1n
from tho UltH"irele• hCAJ>ll th&l coo..t1tul>! 1'1• "llm" 111111
t4on tlU. Um..,· Aida J tU.1£ ia bot ~ '-""io ii tho Solian
l>&ods of tbo " llm-..X.ti.hllOOID •.
To rotoro to our 101.J"Ct, tM " .of• Otl!Olly lo 111a1oly
agr1eal~ural 111 I eclf. npJKOrting m the matt~r of fooJ; grow
•og th•ir Otto aoro, •ti.'llablu1 anol lrnll.•, an I br,... hng th~ir
O'lrn cattle, all wlUi a 1 intaal oa.Lluolo: and &tricL c oanlinoaa

p1ty.;..1, •~ral aud opmcul Th• ?"l'llQD~ l.o be
it prim•nlJ divitled into porMl1" which th• .,.g.. of tho
001001 a11l A •Ka&\•·, which lllMU8 a 1Ali•n1•n10 nng •lrawn
!JO lht I.Un& o>f rito•lia~ic incanatioo• llftd io itflnite propor·
tioa.. Tho ideu btiog Lo mako tho laud frnttful and froo
Croon harmful pa,...1ii..., wbiob not only tl••~l'()y Lh• vegut&tion
bot a lSJ on.._• oplJomica among mon . l'hua helped amt
" llli•tod In thuir ·lovulopment and growth, and 11ruli'•n!,t!d J'rom
ontaido ~unairiug inflnonoos by th- t:alt~m&tie ~ing• drft.Wll
!() t;bc ""°"mpnnm.nnt of tuneful l'"'Y'"'• lh• vegetableg
grow op ..trong and lwalthy wit.Ii virt.u.-aectlornting aod
l•..t.-killio~ 'l'*' of lbe "p.,." fnll1 Joelop0>I within
lhem. Th• rood of mtn mates hi• cbanelAr • l•t him there-
fore gro" ..i... by erptrienca and fil"lt ahon11& aftd then m&lre
hill own food H lb• ninte of the Firdoo do " I! thou will
ba genlJo llko a ll\lllh and ooo-rellilllAnt and docolo, eo that
thou m•1'1L obtain i:-• knowlodgt, food thou upnn horQ.oo,
nud fruilt and oeroal• 1>nd thy blood eball oo puro And cool,
u.nd ohaq(Q!l wHh lood for thy ttpil'it in 11•~ and love".
(O~hspo: Book of lotpira.tion Chap!.tlr X:ll. vor•Oll 10, I I,
pa!l') 800). '1'11oy know the ECionce of JiuLuLio~ to perfootion.
l'hsy know •wl aru Rware of veget..blo val11•& <C•loriOJ ), not
only for foo,J anJ m1>lioinn, bot allJO lor Lhoor u.. in z. .....
lhoshtri'n ooromoniala which help •p1rilu•I l\•lv11ncemont.
l'loey nu•lentand th• healing and I.he 0>0hng inftuente< of \•ar1uut hl'trbt on mAn s lower- pt!l~ioua, dit.Linguif.h Lhc·m

a• the "\Tobon• plants. and restrict !orhid or ""~ulale their

""' by propor in.iruclions Io Ave hn 0<:jeueo uf diototic.,
tho '1'ord ":S~b:\t&t ·• repr89ttnts the whole ol the v1·g.i1Able
)tiog<lou1; 1\11' t th1• \Vr>rJs "Vqhun1i.. '' ""•I "(h•vA"' roproseot.
roapeotil'oly lh•1 injurious and tba bonoOai11I ~1!'¢ct•. lroon Lh&
apiritu••I point of view of I.he various plant• wh•n uoed tJ.s
food for m'll 'rhey l:now the 11Cien"" of W.l"l.ri•ntom and
r•><ionuu•n•I it 1.0 the world at largn u no Kb•ol11tely ••1"lnfiil
aoxiliny Lo the utrnOHl veracity of th~ t.o>ogue (Trnlbfnln· ,$)
""man'• UOI\'• roal religfon iwJ M Lbe ba"'c fir l dop for tho
ad'"'"'''went of Uiil l'j'iritoal up1nat.t of I'll "'hg>On• The
inadvi,.bility or ••11mal food i• olecid0<l "' uiore than one

:r · nl.illc &od moral CC.D11denti<>ll6. "Jt i U.. o;

t.b'I blood f IDIUI, by tarW\"OCOU food, wbu- IJ.ou abaJl
ioodor", (0Ab pc: Book of lDJi~lr•l•~D Ul••P~' XU '<>n41
l9 p•jl• 800) Tho lit•t of th..., 10, or ..olly, thu aeoouJ 11&y•,
i~ ~xoltc. ll1u l'A 1001 u( thu lleal11 uuJ tho U1iril •• lh~l iL
iovul•<lll t;h11 •l••tr ucl ion of an i111portnul hoJ1..11u1t<1 to human
labour All tlae .., '"" true 1md 11ro ACce11tuJ, Bui lhc SAho1J11
bavo ouo 111oru to giv• which baa u 111uch '-lnutlflo 11<.Curacy
iu ii aa aoy otb rw. llio &hebe my th4t "h•n au animal ie
aboal co be alauitimoJ, anJ blood nJ ayu JUJd &ho !<ariul
dlJtorti 1 of Ibo rbjai<>;l!lomy of ti IJruLW. optraior aod
tbc other C"h" aurroundfugs .,...... • f,., 10 ill I~ thia
foor Locom 1 U.. cause of a ~Baa-lhlhra'' or a "llaJ-Dul"
which tho holpl- Tiel.iui then brcaU.. out '.11>1 word "Bad•
WOIUI "'. ")lilhra" llll!llDI tboughLt "'"' '!JUI.' Dl611WJ
a l'rayer ut a wio\1. "Ob I ungrawful 111011 ••i;ho Lile Ccigb·
t.cuoJ !Joa t, •fur all the CooJ that yv roo1nv.U Crum m•, ie
tbia the 1··•wnril r' The 'igb, Lhuugh iL due1 Qot 1avo, yet
1prC11•l1 tlAolf on tho wavefi of othtr, gatboro tog•tbw: t.. Iorm
a clouJ uf L1·lwo1 buo. aod wbon ri1oe, ro1111 ltli 1bowU11 of
Jire VWIAliu111 "il<>cao... tboo C&lllL llOl f..;J \Ill liah DOr
11..i. but tl•rouglo dei.tractioo UDto cluath, avou IO, dt.truct;iQD
ont.o ,1.,.11i .W.11 ooma opo• thy 11>01", (Oti.ii!J9. Book of
lnap!rataou tllllJ ICr XJ1. verse H Jlll&'l llO(I) Tb114 II ioa t.hal
ignora11t 111~11 111 111• hurry for the grati6,.tlou of Lia barh.cic
pleuuru 1uoclvorlonLly eowa tho 1iai "'°""'• "'bauce iD
due tame lhall •rrini,: forth, war auJ fanuna and poatileuQol
and plagut aucl ""rlbqoak.ea ant.I Broo; It la ~•t.i.m•
ooun~ro&r1te11oJ chat vcgetablu food aleo luvolv• a epecie1 of
Ufe-kllhog. Th<1 "'"'wor to LbU. u Uatacl-~abeb brought i~
froU1 lho l'iroloo i&, Y~ tho fact.,. admiLtoJ: bul there i.e a
oot.eworLby Jitf<ronoe between tho twu, 'fbu formor i.o.
animal fuocl 1111y be dt:eeribed u man'• nlt.itaJo of being
"cruel t.o t.. aoln•h''; whureaa tM l1ttor, 1 e. vogolol>le food
ln&y be llo1<1rlhocl •• man'6 l\lliludo of L<rng ..crool tu be
kiud' 1·1io fonuor ia comparable lo a li11h, the lat.W lo a
azula. 'l ho u11<:tatlo4 of a butd1<:r'a kmfo i.uJ a farmer'a
1t7141! hav• 011.oeiw i!ll"oct6. The C~ru.iu l:allaOll )&in, lb.,
Iott.or e&U!lll rleuort The killing arrats tbc propai... tlon
of 6(>eCI'"" U1• reopiug h•lpa to farwanl it. llav we oot
••pcncnced llio contrary tJl'oeio of a aigh •na a emile t t:ach
baa Its own raJiu. ol lnUu•nco '1111 cigh of nlfotiug ~preada
"'""'" an<I 6triku •lo.,·n all progr-= bu~ tho •mil 011J tho
IAµ oi exul!Anl joy can •v•n bring the dud to lifo.
Such exadly ••Iha 1U1tl1ho•i1 of animal and vegttablu fooJ.
Lot ovory on~ I hinlC !or ham.., I£
The colony ol HrJoe is &elf-aapport111g beoau,. of the
fewnea ol its noe•h and Ila• ch&tttt} of ala plauu~ 'tho
wen ;;row tbezr own C')rn. "'°''• tbeir uwu clo\.h••, in\·eo
draa: their owo plou.,111, c:»lt their own food, oo\ct .avy or
OO\"tt tbtir ooaglabour•a forlonct or~~ nor evco amagiue
a ocanJal for any ooo.; Women wear veila and lr.eep their
boAde oovarud It 11 a oovcriug •pecially oontr1voJ to koep
Iba huaJ cl°"od. lluroJ.itu1 anal lhe otbur Or.elau hiawrioa.11
bavo made me11tiu11 o[ th•• he•dgenr in tbUJr work•. Thi.II
re•I ancient Jre• ill !Jte1ervod perbape lu tho l•'itdOll only.
The men too keep th•ir 1i..d1 cuvoroJ wiU1 a wbitu ""I' Tho
dignity or tl10 t."nllo111ou auJ the beauty of tho IA.ii .. ba•o
•n iuapirinii c:h&r111 or their owo Tlte &eer•t ol t!Je wbol
hes in the,{Jr.d Ci( lhcit lllU!erJ O\'ar eeJf, tbtir ....-rvoJ a.,.J
•nctilleJ phyaical •he:ig1h; 1lmr pore vu,;• tar111u d1ul, (pur•
bte&U80 it it gt°O"°D UUJtr tl1t holy inJloence& of tho t.ih•mAUIO
raoi;a, calleJ the "K<Uh" aa u1•lai11,J .i..i,·•,) lhoir conataut
vractice of good th~11ghi.t, onJ their uvo:r actl\'o anidnty for
the good of the worlJ al lar119. lo .hurt thuir woy• of Ufo
ure •lrictly in accoi·Jauuu with the Mn&daman law cullctl
"lt&lhavia cbakra," which io • eort of a .. uatiBud curriuuluw
of pr_.-ibed ral.. of conduct, dn1wu awd Jicut.od by thu groat
0 Rata," leador, caUcd "1 .. utboahtrou11uo ~ lb• "'*" oed
to the Lord lantbuahln.
Tho r..-nt he11J ul the colooy 11 the "Sr6aba•·•ru
&Lob ;uarzbauji" Ulll>leJ by. oommilt«i or 72 p1ou1 auJ
18UJ..,. allOlbl.aut.e, all Maga'"• chief amuog tb1:111 bcU1i: t.b•
N~b (deputy) SrObliavnrti ll..obutiilji Sah~b. Sbol1nryar ::X.bub,
A•i-ndiar Sd1ob, KliQdaJaJ•b, nud KbiuLirnuuJ Sahub,
and •li.o by &oCI Taun11~ Sabuba as Uie head la(ly.:Uagiiv of
tbo o:>lo11y. h is es90olo•I lo '"'lro word "Shr•'llli!-
nns" for tho re.dtr'o li01wr Ulldor.taoJfo;:. The wwd to
dorl<oJ from tbe roo~ ' 'rot"; wh1cb mooo.o 1.:. limn or LO
m•ke 0Lber1 listen lo the eornmondwont.e or 1be LorJ. h
therefore prac\ically mea1111 • "caof- r• of si111 "'aim on•
wbo can make Lb• snDCr ttpanl a nil ttfarm ADd be able bill)• to limn tn Lbo gui<lin;; voaco frum U.o Un!OC<?n. In tho
wonl "Shr~~h•" there ag•ln !1 lhn uane root. TbolO Lhere!ol'<I
who Ii"• wiU1 'Shro"bn," l>flhavo Aoo11rdi11g to tho dicf.11.t11 111
"8hr~!ha" aod •~ho are a~ one wath "Shrv•ba" they alon•· ,. ..
bo ca:JeJ • Sr~v•res·SAlieb; 111•1 W 1<Ucb high·111ul•I priat.t
alooo e.n tho layman oinfe• bi11i111 and Ncoi.. hi• •hroc·
lions thereon The pnctico of coufo•lon of aiM now prevalonl
among oar bl'Ol.btt Cbrbtla~ of U,. ltoman C.l.liolic folol lJ
a raoaaot of U.ila ancient lh1-luaa11 CUSl.QtD The ltoman
C..lholio prlQ!ll is vuy often a very l""rue-1 man, anJ ""o!teo
• 111011 uf pluty alao. Moy bo thurofore, tho 1innor'1 co11f••·
siona or1<111 1<nou;;h fall on worlliy ear• but a "Sro•h~varns
s.hob'' azuwtiriog tho Ava..'lAD ''"tuire:IU('nte mos~ renUlin.
rnrity now, a1 it wu in ~ncient. ta11'oa Thus It i1 that ru~uy
A M•:..l•ia11111 au.tom nuw cntiroly f.iri.;ottoo in the fol.J it..,11,
bu ko1,1 ii.toll alh·e by a 111111ifoabtioa in oth"f r1<ll1:fo11._
Tbia proveo thal l!ASdasn~o fa olr foOTYading and all·pe•m•t·
I~. lhttill h th& prOof of lhli9o famous rinlo of thUuoom
orlenialin llr. Mumoll<r whon bo MIJ "Afa:da:nall w t.\o
r1l,Jk>1' h 1" of aU Nl.j,JW1'1." In ft4uloK it may be nulod
thaL "Srlloba" la a "Yu.ta' wbich word mllllL not be con·
huaJed with the Eagli•h worJ "Angel" Tb• letter hoinr
II lower, tt0 thnt an aog~l ru•y uvolvo and do<olopo ant.a
11 "Ya•.aLa''. Tllo Srd1h&var&< SAbu~• are Lbo "ZMatbu•I"
tr6t.emoo• who guide Ibo desl.iot~• of Aladaznt.01 in lieu C>I
lfArllhU!ht:a bimaolf,
Tho child of the Sohtb Dill grow1 into yootb, tralno<l
Cnt in "'° b.obit.t or tho •trictoel. truth, ..coudly OU the t.t•to
rlAHd from ialaocy IO ucel in h.....,man.hip both for Ibo
bo7 and the girl, and thirJl7, on tho longin;; 1,, a r-
41kaJy ban•I and a tore eye for archery. Th• lif•• of IM
lnhaliitanto or tlio FirdOfl, lherdfurc, oommencoe wilh tho
throt1tfu1rr Jil'ift'l\ry cduc1tl,n1 · n.ncl a.a hor n1un11J1lup 1L1ul tuchery
arn ftlU!t'nti,1 ror tihe ~1·1r1lu1I A•lv11ocen1 nc. or m1'1l, Lli11 prO·
11r..., of In• hr •ml tho • v •lot on of hi. llOU •ro but 1he
h1,.:ber •n I th •rooger \h1vel lpn1 nt. or •h l 1-roo C"\I <llh&l
• 1rrue>< Wo have 111ont1 D l bd •re tl10 · llad" •• chd:t.rn'
or 1he curriculum of ala laxr:no od~«lion II h • five
rrinei1 ..1 dlrecl~M f 0 oeaun,: I.hop.op ... hi II 11.eown
~bnoloa 1t t:1 ls tf,c "I\ rnt wli cb m""n '"St n !I' AI
ti~ fi,.e ··~O•s.te aro co1nplia1cnln.t.) io each utl '" and lb-:
\l'ftllliDI( i• nu\ C'Olpl•ttl 1111t1J tho pupil is otliCICUI Ill >111 Of
tllntu · -
1. 111<1 iog and arc! r7 fonns but nne it tD ol th• Ion::
couroo of o luc:ation known .a• K ... ~Tan ', ,., re K ml"
means 1,tr n;:tb. and "'foul", from "C..11" liodJ ph) •e&•
2 Tulhug the Tr11\h r •nrur but 1mo o!.em iii n lengthy
C'Cureo "' llr••t .. tu""tiorr C111loJ tho "K1ha1 ~;kltl:t'u" "hon;
"'" n1c 111 peaorful ooc.. J and •llui:al rel•ll r rul
of polite ioc1cty
!i :Str1ct~t faith 1u tha 1 1>/\~111." a·tthgton 1~ •Jiii? 1Ltuu w
tho 9C1ouon "11own a11 '' K''' att·Z u11ir1" \\'here "l.a-uoirt .. frutu
l.un1r 111 •n11, porta101n:,r tic;~ \ruo unJor&anl'llUt:' an aLLa1u
m1Dl of• irotual Im ,w cJ "'
4 "l\uwt..-Bamkh •In/ i• one rnore brand I tl1<
1 icmc nf 1n .. n',. SOClftl rel1tt011~h1p wliort .. f1ruu'' 111CCLWJ
ono•" l'•wu ftncl "Kh~1'h'" 111t.. nn rtl1LliOnt1 \J,u1'i11 OIJU•Juot
wit.h hl'I 110 'r tOll\~ive11 11 a prJ•>r oon1H•l&rlltiun f,,r hun, t·J
l•i• rlutiet1 towarda oocioly " largo~ ~'amily ...,lat1<1n•
5. 111utrict.eU ol11erva11cocf U.o law1, r la11og to U1..,o~I
devdopomonl irrclaJiug ouch powers u tft!ol"'thy, clainoynnce,
clair:tt11Heno.t~ eouls' ll1p{ht iu 111®t>1a Jea,·ing tlJ~ hoJy Lel11n«i
,. known u "Kiivale·HllhAn1 ·• &"gVO<I y;onrelf, alltl there
1hall be good~M all around F..nvy a!Arta in the lo'~ of .., f.
oovt-t.o , ...nep ~s in greed, aoJ 1t it in one'• own inns lhat
the •oa111lal M olhel'I! orig111uw• GuarJ egsiu.t tho I· aud thu
"Jl'lrdO•" •hAll be at ban•l.
"Tl.roogb lhe pure h!o of oue rnao, a "' ol natr~u
r-1nt a 111 n y" A1,y h11.11 ro irl XS. Cli•plor I p1n1 16,
pogo 187)
The '1 ysterl c• an d t he r\lar vel'I of
Khllh noom .
If h • t,he en I na~ 1um u( h'• Lo ruch &fiat ooeneM,
wherein a I h Joy, lh1<• J\wl l'•noo nnd Know111r, and 1(
i19'1Ci no tofindiL,then thltt101eacel!' "KM!•J&•um.·•. IHra·
•nl•"": I h r~ aro <Jth<'t wor It Jn the .\ve IJI •ail l'1hl•vi,
<»gnal4 to ib,-•uth M, •' /{/1•/1tia<lth•a, KIW.n<, /(Juli.
'H!"'''"·110, --which nru nll •l4trlvod l'rom & Ol'Jrtuuun rout. -
Klulmoo which e1H1t1 tho i•I"• of doing 111uicil11oll wl11oh
woolJ advanot the ...... or &h• Cnia~A" o( th• Univtnoo AD•l
lhu p lllm
Top eaM Abora Malia lho', aad to abaro 1111
J 1 of ptrf 1ng tho U111vene, 1' th~ l>Uic idea. Thor• 10 110
pl are t ro plea 1111;, aail no J>y more eDJoyable, 11.,.11 U..
on U11t f II we tho convichon thu Muda h.'9 been J<l•oad
by our oo-oporall·1n ;,. 11,. w"rlc. an I if thou~h&o wurd1 An·I
ti a ro na iry to act: v1: t.hllt bh:h'16t of aun h•v uv r
Olthtl d, t~ n n i th i, rl tod aeien.., f l\h hn m
ch hat a ph ti.:
"k'.hsh noom ! nnd drink i t deep.
Wh nm his ••arth I~r lh '"i:h- t, th ,Ji.., pl• w11h
Fnith, )'OOtM ~· kaow llt lr<tlh lh1t roeuucil"• tit• M11lr11•
•hotlona uf hr.,, Kn1I ju tillt• lh,.,1r exlatiu11co for • 1~uhl111• t11HI,
'"'tin·•· ll 1111 wrnrp•d 111. veil ch 1l dotio• hu all1111pl c.o
p1 lt., hi liec 1nfurL 11 l • 111teu t kno·v;a l • tn11n ·1• 1r.i
thlelt f ie.. "i"' I " en taolali;uraif th•n 1'1•
un rout u~ nna'l w~red 001:111. of LI e
f t rl re • e~ n •• AA\'"" lllPPh
>f o in•n (I"" wor dnv~ h m to
• f If lruc I t 'f 11 t 1 uta • I a
hope nuike 111 QB t'IU IR' IUU&llC, fOt bot I th ti"'
I oft,. u,1.,.irablo !U O~pl unabl• ••d
t .11 d •lleuJ~ lh Ct) of 11te h.,.n"'1 t.u •h•
win I• •ti ot &n an wer ~r evo 11 M• ...:ho. fha li.e1~l" Ii.&•
set o. riddlo (or himself and is out to solve it. This suspenRe
in its ferocity, is liko unto & storm; nnd in it• eOools of
dejection o.nrl dopression far oat-measures those of Lhe shArpest
CATASTROPHES of tho WOll.LD, It is tho "Season Q(
Darkness," when the "Fidd-,-Haq.'' (tba devotee 11.nd SCllrcbor
of Truth,-God)-exporiencee untold p1tngs of the body ~ad mind,
a ll enacted, in the dispensation of nMore, to test bis patience,
his perseverance, and bis sinc•rity. Wheu the riddle there-
fore rises to this pitch or ernbarras•ment•, thero germial\tell
in it the first beginning or thnt joy, which gathers strength
with every st<1p and burst.B forth with the loudest and Lho
brightest eelo.t, when the solution Lheroof is gained. It is
t.he joy th:>t O><OOeds &II worldly happines$. Jt is tho joy th&t
distinguishes itself from aU tho unreal a.nd evaurt•C<ll1t mani-
festatious 0£ worldly gladness 61·sLly by its eruLh and then
by its ia6nity. It oounotes tha• oouditiou of the mind,
whore all questionings have boon solred, exist no more, when
nil righteous desire• have been attained aud tho jou1·11oy
comes to o. joyous pe•ceful end. This i• the joy, oho beatitude
of tho westerners. nud tho "Aonmlom" nncl the "Ushtll" of
t ho Aryani of tha East, If you would have it, cuiue to
"Kl1Blmoom" o.nd feast it.
''Kh.shooom·' and its root; 1noaning:-
l n the whole of Avt!l!tu Ii taro.Lure, tho word
")(/Wi'llOom" occur• but twico. ~i1 ~t in Oll.thll Usbtuwaiti-Ua
XLVIU verse 12, aud noxL i~ Gi\tha V"bi•htr.>ieta-lh Llll
verso 5. Halso uccurs ia •notber form in Z~my"d Ya$ht,, whore
the word Powru.-Kli.a/1rwoti!.o is used. 'fhe full text runG
thus:-" Raokhsh1,i-Khshuooton1 iF1h(l.')nghaet11 u.ih,., ho

rllt.antlm; Pouru-Kh•hnootem ishllonghaeto. otballi·uno ho

rutauii.w--iwplying "Ho acquires tho Right GiftK of Athor-
nans namely the Light of Kbsbnoon1 nnd tbe Proticieacy of
rro every 90holur of a.ucieoi. li t~l'iLLUt'fJ, w ftir as Avestt:L.
is concerned, it is au establi•hel fact, th .. t the Yasua iiortion
is the 111o~t 1·evered p~rt o( 1t; und of the Yasna,-the Ga&ha
portiou h•s a dignity of its owo, which ie higl\er still. I\' 11
p farther it tn•y S1Lfoly be ••id th&t in this almost perfoo·
~ Por~on ~f tho moat sacred toKt, tho finest word to be
uruJ iB "Kl.ahnotm1."
Philologist• have Found that the A.vostn and the Sanskrit
re sister langu&gos having a common gram1lltlr &nd rosem•
lance between them. Sanskrit l'OOt renders great help to
<pl•in many Avesta words; in fact it is Sanslr.rit that oos
volNJ oat or tho primary pristine Avesta, thereby
evealing the ~tages o[ Aryan evolution. A insbanoo
f tbie rule is now before us. Ju•'!. the !l4mo tha< tho Gdlhtt,-
moro strip of the larger text of tho eeven1y two chaptered
t.811&, is tbe most revered of the whole literature: ao too the
Gita", ,. more strip of the almost endless "Mahabharata," is
e most revereJ in the San•lr.rit language. Enjoyable there·
re it reAlly ie th~b both the "G~th11.," aud tho "Oita," have
oommon &nslr.rit Avesl:an root in "Gd" which moaus "to
·011 diviuely.# They both nre something moro than more
0~•11. What a simple description of the most marvellous
roduotion of cho humRn intelloot I lt is n lesson in lruo
·mplicity and unost<intntiousncss, pr•uehijd m&tl.)' 11 thons1rncl
cats •go. 'fhis self-elfo.cing modesty iii preserved in tho
ord "Bible" ""rl tho "Kor1111". 1'ho former i~ derived from
he Uredk worJ-·'Biblion'' \Vhich 1oonn~ nothing n1oro than
"Book'', auJ. tho latter is derived from tho At•nUic "K•\t.1.\A",
roid; •nd vcl'y truly indeeJ, it only moans th11t which is
orth reading.
Returning t.o lhe principal word "Kl1s/1noom" wo fine!,
L hn" ita root in "Kita/moo" ( Snnskrit "Kbshnll") which
oau• t.o know, to uppreciatc, t.o understand, or to bo ono in
Virit with. ('!'ho modern lrnnian \\'Or<l "ShnnO.khtan" ia
rom the sinn• wurco). The !\rove is tile interpretation of tho
to Erwail Sahob K•wa~ji ~"'1lulji Kaogn. Enropcnn savants
rn~s~te it differently. Rev. Mills callH it,-"Contonting-pro-
JtmLion"; Mr. :\loultou,-"Pleasuro;" ~Ir. Spiego.1,-"\Vis-
Otni"• -1.J r. Oalhrie,-••Sati.slnction";-Mr. Ha-r lez,-"Kno\v-
odge;'' llad Mr. Darm'?stater,-"Joy." None of these is
vrong: and yet, ovon nll of them pot togeLhor do uot c110plate
the iot.erpretation • K•U.t1oom " an "/l""' ,--. oe1 nco
•· 1l ii t.he acienco of nlY•Lion, • dJ,.coorAfJ ''hieJ1 ho,:u
with tho beginning ao.J ondo with tbe end of •nan lt uloln•
frot11 toe AL.age whao lho 0 l.1rv1'na,'' 1aal1 w"r., 6rat. n.rmc:f
with the ofl'owrivo an I d f ""'" 1reapoo of w111>lorn ,.., I Ji
rru11111at100, to propare thom for their dooc,nl tltNUlfh 11 ul•
to the "~isti•,-t thll net.her worlJ I, 1.> lho mQral aod ti
•thicol oode, to regnlat-. th•ir bohoviour on Eort~ an•l fi 1all1
the la wa of opiritnal knowl<11li1• to help them ren .. ure.J l >,
•n•I roach th• bl••ie 1 cl ,m1n1on• of lbe "Iluti onco rn• re
Th,,.. throe etagee eorretpoo I with th "UIP'll pr 1knClln,
"~tbiti-pralrClln ', an I the .. l>•ya prakCllo•, ol tti.i "4rt.•~ri
(lhil-pby Tbe •·Ji.Jubnoom" uf'the Ave.ta 11 th•rofore ..,,,. • •
what idenlu:al with the' Tal\'A Jo&n& of theSanakr111 I• It 1
thio knowl9dgo lh•t rualr""' "''" r~•liaa, thal heJa 111inl•JIT1
l"•rtlon of the lntinil•, n•y, 1111 tho koowlodg wlnoh prll••
1111 l.o a man Lbai be will one ol•y 111 ·rg~ in the J..iintto h1111•0 If IL
ti1ll11t 111an, how ho bo_,:11.n, '' 1:11•(lo1a 1n!lo a1 tu lot functiuut on
F•tth, •n•I 6na'ly it ua1t.O• ~ """ ~ hia ~l •k•r Thi•" ''Kh•h·
"°"'"' his the ame Ol lh• Sat Chit Anaod", .(I • I •h•
S , i.n• 1 ~ :Truth 111 Lh \v et.4u I «A i i "" 1l"'
Jm wl..J~ .u th AT l..t it-.h .ao 'J.11<1 ~ii ,J tbe
\ •UiAiA"', Th a- 1nlerrr~tat1on th l 1r 1110
trtntty ao ,..t\l, it D I"'""" •I n! with 11111) 1110 frpth"
inilil'::l\t.ea thl\ £ac1* of I\ 10•11'11 1>e~i111unJ ~nd ~11 11tr th•J
' 1\.uo,vlo•lgo!' regulttl.01hh•1t1•hflvi1111r 011 R·•rth1 ll111I thu ·.ray"

••" 1111tn'1 r"un1on '"illi hiM ~lnkor. l'hQrP ia yj!t. u 1h•4'p~r

ntTiuity blt.weein tht! t\\'b ·rt.e "Ve1IA" ttnii ~h,, ",\vr,•t•" ar'
bttt. m• word from L ' cruun 1 MX"t ' \'id"' •., a w ...
kn»wled~. whiOb ;, "Kh<iha m • The It.. l>r Otom1n
1Ar·A· ht lla•i•h tit• 0 .....1 I• un•" M.a er b 111 11
11voly, tr<•n.biod thew rd "A• ta -..u ti ' "' i: " r, •
au 1 1n thllt. 1noa:. c r n,: ut •• ooly
,J.,cr•l., I "Khshn""m' ) ., di• l/u, W r I 1/.1>1 /1 ,.. rrnd
'1U.tke.. l~t1r. 11l1Q ,·ory flrlit th· 111.,h! of tit. ,J,1Ju1, t 110-, \Yrtlt ~ht
"""'" Ho 11<1id, "ifl 1111 lru1ill11in!I ,..., lit• Wonl ·rnd 1110
H'ortl u"4• u~lh God and II•• ll'or I w.u God.·
( "t J~lm Vh I \@1"" I )
Thero io "Khsbocom in all roli!lions. In II there 11
lhe reooncllmlion or t!.e dm: l'<'Dl absurditfo~ "' life; 111 il 11.....
is tho -:ation for vvory priclt CODJeqaent on apparonl
io9<1atut1; In aL la lbo pra..., of lho loood and oen lbo Ju ta.
Iles of lb exaote:ico o! e•ery OVll U a 81oan1 \<; a nobler
end, and, la it b the cal:n n•LingJof" f.r all and and r all
d~ - The ~ooe of lbo whbf ,. C:-lI1..,nLralc I 111
the marvel! 11s ,.or lo of MaZ<lo111•u ocript"'·"•• wl11al1 "'Y
.. A• AnM Kia ·r•hnndo llolll.' ( r ..tot }- I fr,.., trnn•lah>11
whoroof wo11l1l 110 "I rcJoicu 11t th• &Jvoot of miMforlun!tll, for
thoroin loo l1 tl111 l{UtOl ol Joy' "Kb•hnoom" lhoreforu 11 Liao
"llm",-lho ocla11Ct1 LhaL tiMIL ro\"MI• by intuition lh•n pro•·••
by pract co, an I llnally esCabh1h11 by roalialion, the abioluw
amly ol all Ualnno.
'th11 11 Ibo lepey loh liy our nvend ll•ud
Ssbob Behramabab No wro Shroll" ol blmed m•mcry '1110
l~cy b poc!fio, but Ibero is no lr~IH opecafied., "'l'u
"homaooY•r hn fa1lh an.f incorrty, "Khabn00>m~ &11111 >10IJ
ic.ssocnt "K/.,J.MOm' 11 'IOI" MJ,I/,, bul u ii IA. 1ol..s""'
of ti, rcoched by the oJco.11011 and el•~atioo ol the lempora
men& by the piety an I atln '"" of LIM! boart anJ by 1h
mind mado rmJy LO a1 preaat.o tho Jualice o( ""'Y phcn<>-
menon, and LO realize lbe baboco of ~•turo'• E em 01&.
"Kh!\hnoom'',-thc Lost Chord.
'l'ho ·-11111"-..uieuco uf "Kl11J1noo1n!! not 0011 .. tl'IL iu
the tn•rc r11110111bra11co aml roputtlion <>(ancient. toxLa, but au
tlto uuclonu111din11 of tho c• cute aud lbo acting up lo at iu
Vary<l&y Iii... t ruiu ouo JJOial <11 ......-, "Kll4hoooau • 111
wba' ti• Weatemera lo-day k1JOw u 'llermenoolJeo," (TL
ol uacatnL text) Tha rnJ.,, of "KbaL-.m
la'fn1All011 l:61.&d·.':iabob would ""J, ware CODlamed lo t.bto
~esta.-1ilao' Y•ma," which 11 now regvJed ... loot. If
ho word • Staot• moaca v1bration1, aud af on• ol
0 ce lhu andeot.o coul I eolvo ti.air Ji[e'a pnszlc1 111J
• •1
U.o joys of Uoavon M tbeo it i.8 certainI ll10 ";:itAot
~• •aa "oL IOet befur• it h..J ii. lllOat £orutidablo &w~uii•
nd b&d 1.loo lhoroby ca\UeJ a eyutfJGtbetic am io Ibo bw:nan
b..rt, which I~• 1.ot Y•' eompkt• ly d1..J ouL To JMn
mind, the idea of aolving lif•'• puul.. l·y ~. oouoJ1n::
MHDt not• of IDllllC, ID•) ....,,. Joabtfal [O U...11 I pr
tbe 5\Qry of a """'' unique n1.cnenee or ao l:Oglisb 'lady
Mr owu noblo
The Lost Ch or d : -
"Seel.ed ooe day .. ~ tho ori;an, l wu weary, &n•I 111 at
And my lingan wauJero i i II) O•'tr tbe nof.y koy•·
1 know 001 what 1 WM playing, or what I wu dr1a1

nut I 1traok ono ch()r.! or muoio, like the aoun•l

pn l ,\111on, like tbe aoun°J ur o gran 1 A
f'looJoJ tho rriweou Lwiligb,, liko tho clcao of an An

And It lay on ID)' fovoreJ 1piri\ with a loUOb

or inf

It quitl.e<l 1"'in, onJ oorro", like lovo o•·urc:o111i11g otril

It eoomoJ the haronouioue oebo, !ro1n our Ji1COrt1mt
H link'J a.II ptrploxoJ woanin~. into ono p<'rfod l"'•<X',
Aud tro111bloJ away into 01le11cc, ,.. if it wore loath

1 bavo .ought, l.ot l eoek II vainly, ~lie

oao lo•l c
Which can10 !roin th• aoul or tho Orgiin, aod ont.ered

It may Le that Doatb'a bri¥Ll An~cl, will "l"''k in

chord a
It -y be that only 1n ff•'ln, J •fut.II belt that
( A lelaido A Proc
"Kbalmoom," r.1 we ha..-• ler.rnL ID It: h it
" U,.~ Chord," ol Adol&!Je J.. Proctor I la il uot w
bad Jooo !or Lhe ancient., that l' uperitnceJ but
'60o)l!.i t 11 Kb&hoOOU1" li$9 oonoealccl 10 "tStaot'' of Af
worJa. It ha• Leen aounJod bofon', •n·l it W.• llince boen
Once more it appeared in ''Tho OranJ A1nno," aud a:;ai
iL beeu lo~t.. Ia not tho "N/ld'' (At01osphorlo undul~tlon
the Loni'• Will, (the Ahunft Vairya ), reapolllilble for lhe
appeal'lln•e of lho iuun~aaurablo Uoivo1..,o I &od in CacL,
whal i• U1oro lit•• o:ri8t.t aod dooe nol owe Ute birlb lo lho
pronauciation o( the "Wor<I," llu•ic. H bu all been sweel or
diJ;oardaol, oplirtlnit or demorauilng. The ecre&m of l\D
injured dog, aoJ the or tho eamo dog, wblUl
be - l e hia 1naetfr are ti.. mo•t common, and lhe "'°"~
impr...,;vo inal.a11- of the otl'oct.t of a "Staot.., oa the hnmao
diapalitlon Tbe oolea of ao argiio, aod I.he ICIWJll8 of a
dQg are boLh 1110810 In I.heir own way : aod tho oobl• and
tho bigbett, lho oeleol1al form of it, ia "Khshooom" Oll tho
cne baa.I, anJ the loat chorJ of ''the Groat Aman" on tLe
ot~. Jn.•t tbe amu that tho l11gb will of the Lord baa
been caugh~ in Ibo Lune or the Ahuna Vairya, and jug~
lhe am• th8l tho "Falaki" (Dlue) uodnlatioos of the
Rea~• have lioon reducetl to eound in tbu "S\Aot"a of AllboLO,
and joat Uoe l&mO th•~ all tbOM chords of onion between man
aod bia Maker h~vu uvor boou eoumlod and \oab: so waa tho
aocioot "Kh•hnoom," onGt moro eouodo1l io tho "St&0tll'' of
tho Oruat Amen and loeb again. But It i1 n Hfe.suslaiolng
Ol>DBOl&tion lo know that, that which ill l\l8t at.ill &xl&t11: it ia
1111dying, and o.. nnot die. A 11<1und not hoard, ia not no11-oxis-
tent, nor ia it inolfvoLual. Thro nro BO many colraocee and
BO many exita ill Mao, wboroio "Khelmoom" CAD (l&8S through;
and i1 Duo of tho miglitlob~, rsreat, and best. Why .,. ..
"I.he Lol<t Gbord'' of the "0l'tlllt Amoa; Khobooom for
Adelaid A. Proct.orl Tho unconocio1111 word.a tlis9olvo lha
oocm. Tbt •(oat ohord' baJ "Oood..J the crim.on twilight:
t.DJ had B>Olt.od "liko tho cl- ol ao Aogel'a Palm."
The worriee of tbe world bad found au antiJole, bad
l'<>und a oure, a lurg1.Uol""'8j it had lain on •ho "foverod
•pirit with 1 lo11cb of lotlnile calm." "h quioled paio and
BOraow." lt wu "like love ovuoomiog alrifa" and it indeed
waa "Lbo harmooiou• echo from our ditcordn.nt strife." Wu
oot all Ulla, what ••Kh.ihooom•' promiaea to do for the one
•ho will tlnd \LI ll111 not that "Great Amen" funct.ioned
ouotly and m&rYell.owsly liko tho "Kbabuoom" when it
"linked all porpluxed mcnuiug int.a ooe purfect ' peace• and
then "i' trembled a"•Y iolo silaoco, u if iL were loalh
_ . . OoM no~ lhe aompari.oo develop into,.., ld1nl.ity
The worot., "loeLh to - . · are very ligniGcaoL. lgooran
m&n hu been pelllimistio, a od deplorOI tho 1-, eome of
"KhJ;hnoom", am! A1lolaid Cooper of the ''Chord~ abo say
"I bave oongbt, but I b4!ek it nlnly. Th&t ono 'loet chor
dlvino, which cnmo from U.e soul of tho Organ n.nd enter
into mino,'' No, notl1ing bns been lost, noiLbor tho Khthnoo
nor tho "chord divluo;'' theee only have "trembled away iu
silonou'• but bftYe not ®! t.o re110uuu . 'fo be deeponden
#Ould be •¥rOlli for our...Jvoa IUld ungratofU\ towt.tdft Q
Romombtr lbu oocouragiog words of Joan1; "Se&f'Ch and
wll liocl.w The words of the eong aro an ev•dooco l
KLahnoo1u had c~mo to life oooe more, provin11 lhuoby
It h1111 nu•or died or disappeared or I011t. &ch and eYGryon
of th..., won!• ia a UUUiterful and marvelloue doecriptioo
"1011hnoom," ond it.a at.tributea. '!'ho ma~Lor or11anillt. pla.y
011 "i111pro1nptu.'' Sha aound11 a chord and l<1 I iL tiot• bur hoo
A-throl>bing 111 uuiou with lho rhythm ol tho spboroe. S
had oxperioncocl l\er ououess, with tho only One Who ·
Uor palu n111l oorrow eho found bor alriiu w
chango..1 to peace: lho diaeordancoi of lilu had oomo back
her lran•furma<l Nit.a "hllrmoniouo ~ho. "Aud above all'
bl\d eoho•l all hor ricldfoa of life; anawered all lho quorias
igooranoe, aooLboJ all U.. rotflioga of lboughl, and Lruug
lo pesc:<1, wbtroin lAy the highML realiZAliou o! IUo, tho On
n. . with llorutud. llow I Tho anawur la lo tbe auog i
It had "llnkt<l all perplex&tl tncalliog into ono porr.ict peace.
Every thought anJ O\'ery sound 11 a lorco of li1uill
power. Evory thought which i.8 pious nud BOlfloas nud ever
eouod that ha. en ught the cadence of Naturo, booomos
"Ohinwat.'' in it.llelf, to carr y the bu111blo to the High an
make tbom ooo. For every man, with hie lik~a and dielik
lhoro 11 n note ro•orved on the i;eale of an oelavo, the twaugi
whereof awakoot dormant oondilioo of bi1 .iul to
activity of realia\lion, TMt vibration of ooe'a own indi
doal wavo·longtb, eo rue lo !inti, , • ..,.. 1till to atrikb wb
found, givea lhe lute of the Unknown and Uoknowabl
''K hshnoom " In Ha m azor : -
Wb•t doo1 lh• etodent of ''Khllhnoom• yearn for, long
r and ullimatoly attain tof Ho ..e•kll the "Ham.Azor"
;;u, Ahura 1lasd&. 11 thit word were rightly noderaf.ood
aocl Approoiat.&'1 It would not be llO frequonUy and IO vainly
otterod. rt we have soon one form of "Kbabnoom" as a
dtvlno uot.o from an organ which was eoundod and wr.a lost,
bore we have a dlvlnt word, utt.ered in ignoraoco and wn~t.&d
on tho wind1. 1 lnt.&rprot ''Kbabnoom", and I int.&rpret
"B'am&,.,r;• u dilcl-.1 in the spiri' ol Uiat gre.~ uprouion
io tbe "Afreen-..Ard&-fravosh" which •1• :-
"lla~r b&d DMAr H~rmaw, Ray4m 1od Kb~rohOm&nd.-
1 •Y· "Kbahooom" ia tbia "llo~r'', bee&u• they are bo\h
the &pn wherein &II ie One. In the apex and oolmin&tion of
m•n'• progr- an<I perfection, there i.I tbia 'll•mAzOr, and
the very•••• apex and culmination of man'• proirroea and
perlooUon I• the u!Um&te ood !lDd aim of "Kh1lmoow" onouo11a.
Snob lo the aoloatiOo logiCAI and rat.ional idontilion.tiou of
•HauiAollr' •ml "Khtbnoom." Mazd11oznnn1 Jo tho "li&mlltOr,"
bat 01100 on lht New Yoer'1 Day (Navroz) Thoy do it by &
clup of tho ht.ndl, aod with a foeling of mutual UoQtlwitl. b
lo U.orvluro noL unfortunate though a ooriOl\ity that Paraia,
U1111111J1llo•i community in lho world, btvo throe l\ew Yeo.r
D&y1, all wiLbln bat one period of the Earth'• ruoluuoo
rouoJ tho aun, ancionL aoloa'Uggestlon h-. oomo down
to ua in tho waewraor'e oastom of ".Shako-handl" eeon evel'y·
whor~. It i.I tho phyaical symbol of that 'PiriLual or "MioOi·
llarnAwr;• epokon or iu the "Afreen And ah1i0J at by tho
etadont of "Kbsbnoom." It is tbia "Shako-hanue" with bis
Makar, \01in1r aucl blonding himAulf In the all-11ervadlog
oneno.., l.1111.~ tMI\ yearns for, and slriveio ltia utmntt to roalizo.
Tho phyaic•I or e&rLbly abnke ol Lbo h&uda, it aoooonplishod
by l~·~ p•rtloe ~t...otehing out their banda 1o...arJ1 each other,
bat 1! one aUondt lo tho psychology of a man, whoo ho is
fel'nnUy at praytrw, i~ will be - n that be dlrpl,ya hit aoul'a
ea:~n... lo flrid tbo baud touch di vino of Ood, by iostinctively
rahing both hit band.I towards tho 1ky: Be then wait. in
that potiLaro, and in rare - only a ndianoe lpl'Wode on b•
f""9,-tbt nnctifying touch i1 expcrieocod. It is an intLin
developed ioto an inlttition but it it the gift common t.o a
manltioJ wherever and whaLO\'Or ho i1, blaok or brow
yellow or whito. We Jl<lint ibo devil blncik, or the Afrio~
Negro pt.iota bit devil white, but whatevor tho dioitltea
rnao'a mentamy may bo, both rai.o their beads, bands, nu
eyu high up tow&rds the aky, when they ar.. in a aober m
aoJ think of •heir Oreat.or. Juat tho IAIDt, that a now·bo
ducldioa will ruo to the water1, mooh to the ooost.ernatioo
it. boo molhor, eo will J0111, wbeo in a prayerful mood, i
1tioctiv1ly ra~ his band• t.o the 1ky aod wait for a rospon
Too thouand years ago, wu lhil forcefnlly expro-1 io l
vory opeoiog words or the AMoavau GAth& :-
" Abaiya YlllJA NemanghA OetAna-aaat6 lta6odraiy
'l'heee art tbe most ancient of Aveet.n word•, and almo•t ti
very ftrs~ Zarathasbera uttered, when ho bo[oro t
public. This one word, "U1tAna-za1to,~-{b1111J1 1·ai
hi11b) prov11 once more tho univerality of MazJaznan,
all-inchJKive and all-pervading. 11 by a clasp o( the baoJ•,
Maadasnan doea the !Dmu<lr, wiU1 his friends and relati
whoo be evoh•oa furlbor, be dovolopi his iW1LincL into
iutuition, ho foels the air for a touob or his Creator, tho m
f11ith!11I or hi• friends "Urvathio," and tho most affeoliona
or bi• rolations, "Homkhooehi.". In tho rieiog etogo or t
"llamlbOr", wo soo lha~ tho "Hamai.Or'' with tho "Din
(religion) procedos tho "lhmA&or" with 'llormazda'. llo
again ii tho "Khahn0<>m'' ita mothoJ1 ancl its llcienoo eo 1ki
fully auJ eo 1!ffecti»ely il101kated. 'l'bo Mazd••n•n 'Din'
ootlung uthor than tho four ategeo or "Khllhoonm', by whi
U.t a~a<lon~ of faith will lldvtnco towarW. lbo goal. The 6
one of Tllriltat (laws of lifo·loading). tho second ouo
"Mllrofat" (laws of n&turo'eagonoy), tho I.hi.rd ono of 'Shari
(ln1ta or righteous behaviour) MIU thu fou1·tb one of "liakilul
(laws or the one &allty), leading up to the "Vehedllttiot,
(Ibo IOf!ing oneself in the e.Jfulgeucooltho Ono, Who created a
Tho first ono of "Tariknt," (study aud attainment of
tho phonomonal and Jlo~manal, or WOT~ing of N"tnro in her
,;.tino purity in wbiDh, Man, Animals, Voget&blo, and
~inerale show their general and spcllial bohaviour, in all
their oomplooc diveraities,- in the midst of which Man h&s to
tolld Ji[e in• presoribed wa.y, which will profita.bly condnot
tho abovo 8'1id Natura.I Workers "ilh 11. good re8ult,
( Kl'.llyAti Fre.shokereti, i. e. wbolelillle salV&tion of the
The sooond ooo of Miir3fat of the study encl tttt.&inment of
tho vehiolo; tho Natural Agencies or diver&O kinda, which
aet in motion the above said Natuml l'booomenal Working;
w b.iob ( i. e. the vehiolo) is sol forth in consonance with
tho ~wa ol JDBtioe and Liu:iit<i. 'l'he moo who leads his lire
nooording to tot rnlea of Tarikat, becomos tho natural boir
to propitious Nalunl Ag<moios, both of whom i.e. the m11n
11nd tho propitioua Natural Agencies becoming of one mind,
bring aboat tho ultimnte end o( Common Snlv11tion
( Fraabogard) sl)Ouor.
Tho Lhird, of lhkikBt i. c. Study nod realization or tho
one Reality in hor diveree phases, nrrBngod in divorso stations,
forming Lbs great White J3rotberbood, gronqing so to say the
mnchine of Mllrerat..
The M&n of 'faiikat who bcoomos fortunnto in nttaining
tho Natural Working of MllrGlut, enters &11 a momlJer in the
great White Brothorhood of tho ono Reality o[ Ji plulaes
The fonrLb one "Mitbro-b<•tin," i. o. knowlodgo and
oxperionco of tho att.ninmout or the Common Salva Lion;
( Fraahokeroti,) wWcb in bor march, is called
" VdW<tnW," i. e, losing Conscionsness iu tho great ocosn
of Ruallty,-beooming merged iu Lh.i Rl!<>liLy.
Thero is tho philosophy of tho A.freon, mnde mnnifost to
mankind, that 'lliunl!.zor' with the Dlo' is tho condition
precedent to the • HamAzor with llormazda'. It js tLe
abor~t route to St>lvatioo. The " P4tba '' (road) of
Aah11-Ashoi-Rightooqsno8"-its geomotrfo-grnpb boing but one

straighi lino, do6nod "' tho 1horteat di1tanoo botwcon nny

two points: (hot'O betwool\ tho man &nd hiJ !falter).
'l'he word "llarubor" ii a bi-ayllabio word, where
"II&m •' m01L111 "one in 1plrlt or feeling, or io perfoct
wlion, and "Zar" oomu from the root "ZO." wbiob me&na
"to be strengthenod by.• With this etymology tho best
Eoglillh eqai valent of tho word -au lo be " U Ilion is
d111oglh," and Ibo ben intarprctation of the word
" Kh.sbnoom" ls t.o be foond in tho Pannd wont. of the
Aheen: "B&mbor bU DAJA.r llormud Bayamand,
Tboro is alao one more beanli!ul 11111tanoo in the Avesta
whitb so graphically dllilCribea tho porf~ot.lon attained through
"Kbihooom ''. Tbey are wor.11 of prayor wbiob &1y:· -
"YA Vor~oo Ahura-MazJ.oo t4 varodobB tkAoabAcbll" (Naiaimi
Daevo, or Yll80• UA XII.)-" Moy I attain to tho porfection
of" li'rutu tho Avoftt.ll tbi1 Wgh idea baa
pormeawd tho world. Plato hns snid iiomowhoro; ·'Try to
bo liko Got.I." An1l tho IAm•m• w11rd1 of tho lloly Bible
sny-" ne yo thorofo1·0 porfool, ovou, nt your Fntbor, whioh
is in tho hoavou, i1 porfoct". (SI. MAUhow: Oh. V. voree 48,)
Tho • Kbslmoon1 ~ lhoroforo i' ovorywhoro; and Uieroin it
its slronglh and it.a lrulh. Tho zu,.\hu,lrlao and tbe
.Mudunao reHgiona are no\ difforool from, or iudepeodenl
of, each other. They are linl ~npplomonui whiob whoo pol
bogetber form ono whole, which ario OAD bi called by eilbo-r
of th• uam• H is I.he Avca\a r~ligio11, the religion of tho
J..uowlodr of Naluro anJ NaLoro'• Ood From tho ' liai.ti"
to tho " Nisli,'' it tho " Din·O M01.dun~n "; and from tho
•• NiaU ., blck to tho ,. Aatli " i• t.ho 0 '' ;
a ny on• of which singly, would be ooly Mlf of the whole.
'rhis whole ia "Khabnonrn.''
Tbo Mazdayami Zuthoobti Doon i• ono •howiog tho two
gtlllll p~lhs in Naturo;-ouu of lnvolutinu ; i.o. Ibo mnklng of
the Corporeal Body,-lbo oth~r 18 Evolution - i, o. olovation
of the Corporon! body to tho level or all light.
It therefore iocluJ01 tho kuowlodgo or how and why tho
"Urw&o" of m~n Wil& eonl Jown lo lhu &rib~ a knowledge
( 4'7)
of tho ,.Mpon of •lofonco an1l offonoo providet.I fol' iL w
baL tho influenco of Alll!t'"• who exiif!Ad, nnd shall oxillt.
~h• ond of ti mo: a know lodge uf hi1 wicked way• .aod Wa
m..,.t.erful maohinatiou'"
Tho eocund ·~• i1 lho prnctice of thia knowl"'311~ iu
tho Ii(~ cm E•1 lh t.o r00>gni1111 tho •optrioriLy of" Ashoi,"
0.,er all <>thor •irtuOI of \ho world , to be confhfen• o(
limiLIO!ll polCDtialitio•, n11d to bo bravo Aud coura~UI, lo
acl up to iL under all aud overy circu...tanCM ; &Dd th<mo£oro
tho &nal .Ugo ,.( a r....,10<0~ L4 th• " Huti •' : 1 foututa of
tho " joy·• that t\W&ill tho good, aod r.ha training that moat
fa ll 1o ibo lot o! tho lk>t ~ : "' lhaL, in the Infinite llercy
of MuJa, ti••)' all may bo prupcm,.J, 11UOoor or lnler for the
gro• t •·<.>th0<I Day:•- tho "Fraohokilr3ti," tho Jay or
Union, tho tli.y of Joy, when queftLiooa shall no lo.oger bo
pu8llib1o 1u11.l <>II tloubli eh.ill ha.1·0 boon raJicolly d""troyoJ,
and whoo lho word• of tho "Afroou '';-
" U•md.f.or li~J ll1tJt\t• Uormozd, &yuU11md,
Khor~honu•nJ," 1h11.1l bo nually folfill~d: aod all sbnll be Ono.
~·r<>m tho Sl&rt af thu " U1·wa11'1 .. uownwarJ journey to tho
"Nilti," its lioltl auJ oouOJout*Lt.nd against the v<U"ieu iufi uuu·
°"" whou Lhuro,anJ ii.I Unol lrluwph111Lcolurn lo itsSoJnrou, i•
one 001n11luw cycle, lb• kuuwluJgu wLurcof i1 "K.luil1nwm."
"Kh•hnooin" i1 • rivor 0£ Ulea:dn- :- " Khsh.ooom '
u like noto a river lh•l OOJUOt ll"'"WI( dowo iD tloods, aprd0.!i11i;
bappio- whcrevor it l.'O< S au.I yet remaiua unpollnl.od aod
uodim!nltbtJ, aod ovon ~•or gruwlng monger, 1vu nll can
&ck lo ill banks •nd I.a•• c.ur &II .. we -11 may incliviJoally
"RAm -o-N lldi, 6ka Sl\ruln ; l:lnb.kohildl-dt!t,
IIAlh·lum bh j•i•A jlakl'>,-Vatu.Jlhl bltar·let,-
1. o.,- RAu1 and tho River : of tboir gifts a free dU.Lributiou
mnkc. Ru' .. ia tho hand jug, eo each one doth !Ake.
Tho gilla ot Rati.1 anti l:!iver al'O akin lo tho gifll of
" ~bnoom;·• lltld Lbo •yw bcilio "Di•tba·K umbb" t.b& b.aud j ug,
oarr1.. Lbe oompArioon to It.a ooln11lotion in "lliBh·l'iah"
mot bod of lb ad01iniet.rl\Liou.
"Bish" carries tho idet. ol not to&ehing more iliao the
disciple can digest, "nd "l'llih" hu thu ider. o[ not tooobing
prematurely or before the disciplo is ready to receive.
Eaoh on• soloots his Jug, in terms of bis needs; no one
should a&rry a jug bigger than his needs, or no one should
go to the watere, un1898 he is thirsty; for, ho must boar th,
weight of it and no one should carry o jug that i• smallor
th1u1 his needs; for, ho lhoo muet thirst. From tho Blell8e<j
River of "Khshuoou1," is moto!l ont a portiun, not tnore
than tho d isciple c~n nll8imilnto, nor &ny, before ho is pro.
pared to receive it. Not too muoh, und not too early, io tho
osoonce of "Blsb-l'ish," or also, the pbilowpby of tho Jug;-
(( Kh shnoom " and Charity.
"Khshnoom" is charily in tho true sense of tho term,
The Euglieh word "Oharity," does not always mean a
monetary gift As" •natter of fnot, a monetary gm is but
tho result o! Charity; it is on• of its loboitimato ooueequencoa,
IL is one of tho forms it takes, or it is but one of the wa.ys
iu which Charity makes itoolf manifest to tho World.
••Charity'' io its root, moaue "Dllaroeee." A word or an aot
of kinr.lnoss therefore in more genuine exhibition ol Ohnrity
than oonny Ml tiCt o( selfishly inspired monotory
gifts. A word of guidnuoo to the ignorant, a helping hnnd
too. brother, disll.blod by tbo road-l!idc, "care61 to tho sick
a.od the ailing, aro snporb oxliibitiooa o! "ChArity''-all Uieao
and many tuO•'o aro epitomized in the t hird line of tbo
"Ahuna. Vp.iryo.". H is the Will of God whioh 15ays;-
"Khlbathromcbf..,Ahflrili"-A-Yim-Drogilbyb -Dad•!.- Vlli!W·
rdm"-1 interpret it iu my own way to men;-"Ile alone
shall renfue Rormaid, wbo unto the noody ehAll sLrotnh 0111
a helping band." The re>lir.a~iou of Horma?.d is ''Kb.shnoom"
and it ie therefore in the stretebin~ out of n helping band
to a. needy brother, and if ~ltis 1yropathy for the do110rving
is Charity, then certainly tb.o practice of Charity is the
procie• knowledge of "Khebnoom•.
Khs bnoom is Joy.
Any 98B&Y on " K.hsb.noom" would, ft:om its start to i le
finiah, practically be a ~i".'ert&tion ~~vising 1> reply. to tllo
oo.e qnestioa,-"\Vbat is Klll>hnoo'!'. . As. a gom, its faces
on> beyond 00uat.; as ~ book of i'lc1eoce, its chapters are
unnumbered; as A tre,ti•• on Ethic•, it exh•n•~• all tho
1firtuet of the world; ancl 6Mlly ~• ~he µor~d t. 1 t h lo .. 1,
of li~bt, it 1& a dt•light, Lhat hn.!.i lo~i.. nll :-it:08P. o( d·J'T ,.,\. l u
uJfering, j~ is a delight thJlt onjoyd bo~l1 " c tL u1J ,1 " '" "-"
and talcea it all as for tho goo-I of ui.n. All tbis leo.;th and
breadth 1>nd depth, sro undor high compression roducorl t.o the
acripturo words,:-
"As AnlLi Kborahend IMm •'
"Kbthooom" is a btossing, not a curse; it. i.s wi:>dom,
not ignorance; it is Foresight, Mt n\rrowmiododno.a; it ia not
a riddle, but"' BOlutlon of all ritldles, whero the •loprossion
an<l disoomfort are •II Jis!!Olvotl into Joy-- "Khshoo:im" ia the
Truth and the Joy of all Mazdaznan Scriptures.
There is nothing in tho world, wholly good, or wholly
bod;-aod a ooudition of unmixed good or unmixed ovil
perhaps is &!BO not to bo wished for. His all to be o. pro·
gross towards the Good, the Greater Good; and tho Highest
Good;-witb a corresponding retreat from the evil, even
from tho leuer evil, ond thonco to tho absence of evil.
Tho clay or suob a blessed oloarnnce aball have to be postponed
till tho "Great Morning" shall nppenr to usher in the
"Son-Clothed" day. But "Tho Pilgrim's ProgroM" to that
gDAI •hall be a hard journey indeed.
It shall be a journey over perilou$ boigbt.a, t\nd along
more periloWJ deeps, through violent bliZl'.arde ftnd
choking storma, but tho end shall be worth more than all
~be ri.l!k, enoounterod. Wbeo therefore, Ibo top is reached
its perfect panorama eolvos ftll problems; its majestic height
dwU:fuU th~ snrronndings into tboir legitimate iosigni6caoco,
and 118 all piercing light leaves no dark oornera unrevealed.
The intrepid mountaineer of to-day, ms.y be likened uato
the etudent of "Kluihnoom." We hear of his fenl.8 of oourage
every d&y, he h&ngs over diZ>y height he balnuces himself
neodlo~po~ rooke, and considers u~thiug too valuable to
riek,-t.o ton.oh tho top of tho crag. He negleots tho rlung•r•
encl tho risks because ho la n.war• of the Joy ~11!1.t t<w,.itll him
on top. 'l.'hla oompar~n of n pbyaical venture, atrelchod on~
to Ila epiritnal counter(l'lrt, N>vMla tho law, thaL tho path of
tho pleasures of the Soul ruo.o through clia111~I •hrkne"8,
which helps to' saoclify and to cleanse the mortal frame of
ita damaging and obslrocling "t\acbmeol, diaptla i11noranca
and O<locat.oa by e1;perioo0&. Thero is no t.achor in lho
World that can excel U]M1'fon04 SbakMpearo koew t.ho
valao o[ exporionco and ronllzod it, and the 1>roof of iL liee.
in hia wordo;-
"Swcot """ the uaea of adveraity which like tho toad,
ugly And venomol15, woara yot 11. precioos jo ..el ia ii., bu J "
"Khabooom" ia tho ScienC4 an I eolulioo of th1 World
Problem• of good aod <Vil, plea1111ro aad .-in, joy and
" Khshnoom " and the Staot Ynsna."
"lthtthnoom" t...oohea lh•L vibration is at lbo root of all
noturo llnLl that consolouMllMll proooJes all thought or Pl1>11 or
nature And that Piao reven 11 or oxpresse• itoo!C iu StMla or
Nature.language or colourful thought.- ,.;bratiou1 generated
by tbo priatine oonociouancu For l:ui ldiog up lbo Coo.moa.
"Staot" iathe A•eall wor<l for vibralionuad "Kh ,)lnoom"
claima to inU.rpro~ A,·eatan 1eriptures on rulea of phone·
tioa. H ia Avestan bermeneulioa baud on tbu &iouoe of
soun;l and oolour. That sound ovon when It I.a inar(ioulato
carrio1 IL mo•ning in our oommon oxp~rienct. 'l'ho lxlrk of a
house dog i.a clearly indioative of it& pleasure or pein. Na.y,
the bleotlng of lamb convoy• to man, its fooling or aatiarac-
Uon or lonolin• or fear. The voioe of a Patli or a Melba
bu helped bo.i.dreda to experience 'be ecataciu or heaven.
Sound therofoM with ii.I harmony, ita me.Jody, ita rhythm, e&n
aooompliab a.U. The A•oltan phrueology wa1 all formod
on principles or pbon1Uce flrat to cb&rm tho eoul by its
mcoauro IUld ita melody, aud then to translat.e iteelf into tho
practice of E!umata, Uakhta, Hvarbshta. '!'bat tho 10und is
also colour is a proved problem of Science. '.l'he Av111&n koow
tblo; it i1 com• down to 111 thaL the ooloan or tho •St.ot' ~!
,. A•hom" are bh1e. The l1'6nlnu worJ• for the tbreo primory
colour1 nrU,-F po
- '
811rkhi:0Rod; and Z..rdia'l'9llow.
'fho , Staot • is a lo•t Na•~ though eomo cobolara
ha &r!od to identify it with cerliun p&SS&gee or the utant
.A.':ta; •nd ochers bavo maintainer! &hat lbe three pro·
7.a Lbu&hlrian prayer• ol tho "Alhom," che "Ya!W-AhO·
,.~:yo:• and tho "Yenghhe lillAm" po~ togec.ber would
waka up the " Yaeoa.''
n uood to be the koy lo the oorreet interpret.a Uon of tho
AvOltn bu& aa a Scionoo of hermeneutle1 it i• lost.
U•tad Sahib as a true Mt>ZdaiU•lll, rtnd pledged to W. muton
*' the D-mavand, would not lell IUI clearly whetb~r ho knew
it him..1r or not; but he proved 1tt existence and ita koowledge
wi'bio tbe precinct.a ot "Tho .-irdOll" by giving lbt iDlel'J'r•·
wtooa of many Av.ta worda, which simply &atounded
tbo echolor• and lbem ocmlleious bow meaniogl• were
tho 1110Auiugw they had bith~rto rolied upon. Ue!Ad Sabeb'a
iol11rprolatlon bad cbarme wb!oh almost hypnotized hl1
he1wora, wllh ile newneu. H WA! a m&rvel in il.IM!IF, ond tho
truth di•ola.<'11 10 different, that tho aid one looked like dead
tn•ll.r compar<d to tho vit.alily wltl1 which tho new one had
come to life itaeU, and evon rc·vitalised nil other• who camo
in t.ooch with iL Ult&d S•heb'• '8rtnons and 1,cture1 gave
..\•oat• 1iterota.roa n.ew aigoiffcanoe, n new importauoe, A new
111ei.oing, which not ooly eo rodiClllly ""L Mide Lbt dull, and
iD•ip1•l, •n•I 10mo without, an1i others with wroug ml!Aning,
oo U111t tho now intorpretatio11a preaoatod tho olu toxte ae 10
wauy rovelatlnns of •ciotttiUo val110, of apiritu•l lrull111, And
col...ti•I li;:ht. To quot<> ooo auoh instance would be oOOURh.
'!'he Anu1ta worJ "Yuau1•id•" u111J to be und•ratood as
"!'"';..,, laudatiJa, or wonhlp." lho Ouj•rati wore! being
"Ar&<llm' - Wit.Ii 41Ua m~ u1ing, it had become 1o riddle to
eolve for &be •ymp•thi&or1 aaJ a handle lo work up an
op110011lon for tho lb i~ Lbo most u...d word in
Avetln lltero.turo: an•l it hu boon used with Aharo. Mazda
~h• ?•·••tor, And His Atvioointe. on tho oM hnnd, and with Lt.a
n ~.uilitlllo 111°llnt.Ains and rivera l.\Otl 008tLOS on tho <Jttior. ln
faQ~ tho wh•>lo •rr&y of ~b~ V•rie'y of it.• 1bM it ti.yood
calculation, and with ita ordinarily accepted meaning of
praise Or worship, it bad bacomo perploxil\g sud onintelligiblo.
Bat "Yllzam•ide" has much more in it, thrut mere praise or
worship. To have used this word with that meauinit ill
juxtllpo•ition with Ahura MtLZdl\ and Ili• Associates would be
possible, but the word in the same senoe, by the side of
"' moonl!lio or" river is not easy to oicplain. Ma.zdaznan hM
never ioterpreted worsWp to mo•n a joining of hands and a
bowing of het\ds, oor ha.a Mazdaznan over stooped to flattery.
It is out of ite essence, the basis of tho whole being Tratb,
~udunana, thoy aoy, have lost milliooa because they would
not flatter; but i( Mazdaznans hnvo stood against ceoturiQI! of
nnnibilating vicissiLades, the sturdiness ol Lbe whole u
traceable to the same virtue. Mazda.znans havo not flattered
oven Ahura Mazda. Their basic odacatiou of Truth and
Indopoodeoco bu saved them from it. They bavo only boon
"Yez11maid6" with Ho1·mazd, aa they have boon with Hia
Good Creations. Oostad Sabob derived tho word from the
root ••Yaz; which moans to be one witb. E'ar from tho idea
or I\ r~Jse praise or an ignorant worship, it carl'ioa in it tho
iJon of study. It is a course of study whore first the
attribute• are searched for n11d ascert.>ineJ. Then follows tho
iuvestig.. tion of their effects on the conetitution and afl'aire
Qf mnn, nun Hnally tho 1Lt·one-ment with it, to utilize it for
the ndvn.aoemout of tho Good Creations ol lionnazd. Every
invention is first s study and a discovery of a law of
Nnturo, ""J soconclly a co-ordinMion with it to holp Man
ovolvo quicker nod bettor. Man'• evolution shu.11 be advanced
or 1·atarded h>. oxnct pro1101·tion, as ho either •lmll co-oporal\&
with or contradict and oppose the Order or Nalore that prevail!!.
"Dllmiln YnZ1uaide,"-( llormazd Yasht ), used to bo
interpreted as u 1 praiso \\'iadom;'' it is in~ipld and 1neauing..
lllSS. 'l'he sentence has tl.e following import: " [ shall et.rive
to gain knowledgo, kuow where to eo·opcrnto nud where J.o
contradict, and •hall load 1ny Ure accordingly 60 LhaL my
neighbour and 1uyaolf both m<>y adv<>.nco easier &ad 600uer.''
l'o be "YazamaiJ~" therefore with Ahura Mnzda, ia
first to know whaL His will is and thep Lo do i~ To be
"Yammaide" with the mountain both ph.l"lical arid altrt.phy-
eic•l and also in thoir eomplete physical and spiritual
eonstitutioa-" Aom Gairim Y11zamaid6" is to 51.ody and
learn their Cunct!Ollll in nature, to accelerate the
bono6ts or their uaee, to prevent the wMte of their
virtue, and to bo "Yu" attuned with it. all, eo as t.o bring the
greatest good to the greatest number. Uatad-Saheb woa the
first to teach the esoterica of "Yazamaide," tho 00.uty
.,,horeor will become apparent, when it. is oompared with ite
first iatorprotation,-"l praise the mountain."
Other Avesta words which received auob acienti8c
explanations, are 1. Ahnaavar. 2. Kosh B!Lm, a Fravaahi,
and a great many others: too numerous indood for the tnt.n
or thought to &ppreciate nod enjoy tho ten thousand year old
&0riptures of Zamthuslitra, as the rovooJlng laws of Scienoe,
whfob th11 dieeovories of the modern world con6rm, and the
law• of social and mora.1 Soiooco, which tho modern humanity
regret having neglected to observe.
Ustad Sabob had loarut it from the Sahebs of Domavand.
The Boy Behrom was receiving this typo of ednoation in the
l:>cl1ool• or l'irJos, and it wns his good fortune t.o rocoi\'o it
for more Lhnn throe years.
Such be the Marvels of "Khshnoom."
The Boy Behra.m's educa.tion a.t the Firdos.
Du1 ing his stay at the Firdoe, Bohram had boon a good
boy . Tho Sohebs him well anJ coiled hirn by the pet
name •IJohram.' Bo had learnt his leseona with zet<I and had
honoured and respoct.ed lhe discipline or the &~ored enolosare.
An anecdote rel~tes tbat au agrionlturist within the eocloeuro
who hod opprociatod tbo worth aod "irLne& of tbe Boy had
offered his daughter ia marriage t.o him. l bal'e oo datn to
describe the physical •PP"•ronC) of thnt girl of the 'Pairidaez'
on Enrli1, hut my iwagint\lion shall not havo erred when I ea.y
that her chn.rms must luwo boon superb and there must have
been a halo or bright nose around her pereou to which &u
ordinary Earth-born individual would be attracted with an
irresistible foroe, Her virtues must have shaped the Qorvea
aod oooloura of her perllOll, and mu•t lhenfore b•n beeft
fault!-. her colour mu•I but b9on ~e genuine wbiL• of th~
AryaJJ raoe made ,..hit..r alill by the innOOiOOO of bor hoarl.
Th• jlirll of Firdoe are 10.0111 of troth and excel iu arch•ry
aud ho,.manship. The lnat two demon•lrallon1 of phyaic,.t
power• rrc in fact Lbe true lrain&re of •pirllual oxn<lllenc~:
Rid in& the hone without " oaddle and i;overuing Lho auimu I
by boldia& Ha mane aci1nli6cally an eleclricnl contact
which belpe the un!oldin11 ol hi11h•r virtuo111 and tbe eznctilude
of the eye u developed by archery ii a gT•at
of uudentanding and di8Criminalioo. Ber waya aod habit.
aod temperamenL ID traioeJ mu.I indeed have made her
word1 eouod ! anJ her &ell look more bl-1 nod The Oowio& fold1 or her garment., made Ml lo
.xi- bot lo protGCt lbe moJoety of lhe w.. rer 111utt have
added lhe 6nal looob of porrection to that picture or lranion
maidenhood. JC lborulure the pro•poct. or rolation~hip whh
the damHl mndo Bohram frol himeelf in tho bigboeL hcM·en;
indeed tho muter'• rofu81\} t.o permiL Iha weJJock tnUll lmvo
made him experiooee tl1t1 1haq1..t 1li•ppoinLmenL ll<!br.m'1
obedience howe,-or waa i.1...,1. lld•r»m-. future "·•• lo 1Jt1
beyonJ tho Ii mi ta or Lho l'irJu1. an•I anylhiu,; tl1ereforo Ih 1L
woulJ keep him in wu di ...~11~,.oJ in hw own iuhrea~
'fbe Boy l!ebram had "''L"<e<I the Firdoe with a m•rkt.J
btomwer on hi1 liJ •, he wo.1 now l."'ing ou~ u n •HAS.a• oC
Av<•ta and PabalYi littralurtll. l:lere Wll n living Pl'<Or ur
whAb ao Avesta 'Nir&ol(' oC4u do, when prouo1u1c ..1 by tho
11iuu1 llJl• oC •• Ab"'1 Druitn r. 'l'ho •Lllmmcriug had gono •111tl n
memory of oxtraordinnry rol.<!utivonc~ had htou wit.ow•·'
on illfl young man There i1 uotbiug that no 'Av•la ~1. .011'
cann,L aceoaipliab, "hun pronoou~l by p1~u1 lipe .\n
"'''°'ta ~iran;;' is a ..tccLJoo of pa•;:-ea from Lbe l<rgOC"
A•CloLA or the 21 n..ks. It i1 a aoltclion uiado bv thOl8
AbtJa who knew end uodtrflood lho l1w1 or Lht 'SL&nL \"uoa'
(the law or vibrationa). Th- ..,Joct.ocl paMago.t aro.pponJoJ
to tlie recitation of tho Yuh\4 nnu other prayers or lh1 •rnollcr
or lho Khordah-Avesto. 1u our ordinary OXJl<lrfonco or life
ibo ~rreot1 of a eong aod a 11c1·occh aro tborougbly wa II koown
01111 lh8'"$ "" well aro bnt tho law1 of lbo •Staot Yuna,'
c~empliHeJ in pr11clie.i. A a~und vibr•tion can bring joy
or ..,rrow lo> tho human mind, it can uplift " fallen eoul, can
alhr th• phy1ied con<titutioa of man by curing der.iet. aud
by improving upon or &trongthoning int.o l~itive exceUGDoe,
thu el.i1ti1111 w•aknCl'JI. H can reanod)' and remo\"O all
phy•ic'I dufocLI, 19 at.ammeri ug or ilufue1e or a doll memory
or •l'•n oh1111go u m•n'a o&Luro from habit.I of eolfishne88 to
t.ho IRud~blu doode of self-socriAcu. h1 tho real ma of naturo an
'A\'cetn Nirang' rightly selectaJ nod plou81J' recited CRo help
man to grow• crop of "egetation, cart help man t.o rai&e or
1.. wor lhc lov•I of 1.. rge 11odergroond ..... rvoire or WIUl1L Ou
the.., principlea the words of an' AvtlAta Ni rang' are aelected
an I uliliaaeol to obt<•in dl!l!ired ruult.. The"" are but a few
...r ll1n (>OWOrt or lhe llm-hm-Nirnng of the Aveatau ~ya,
l1ul tho 111,.uranouotable difficulty for tho 11r-.i~ g<JUOraliou
in •pitu or post<l""iou or 1bo migbLy formulas, is the want
or piou1 lips to pronounce them and the high and praotieed
wul• Lo know ttn1l understand Uaeir powora. Such pioua lipa,
piou• liy tho pr11otice of trutbJuluoea ( l!ehor) and pious by
lit<' olA..rvauc:" of .Nature'• l1<wa ol behaviour (Tarikat); men
cl un•l1Al..lllt faith and coovictione baeod on experience of
hlo, euch nro tLo t;aheb-Dila of Damavand. An English poe~
J.,,.,,.iLff tt.ooi;h uncoll8Ciou.Jy U10 atlribott:.of sucbble&tooea
l:lo taye:
.. who are lho bleat I
'l'bey who l1M'• kept their eymp1U1ia11 awake. •
Aud soottored ,joy for more llmn custom's 11&ke-
l)loodfnet and lender in hour of need,
Oonllo in thought, benovolont io deod,
Whoee loclc1 have power to ID&~• d•nlfoD ooaee-
W"°'"' piles are pl-Ill, aod • " - wordsare peaaa:
They wlio ban lived aa banolo• u do•-e,
'J'oacbero Of lTUlh &nd mioi1te.-. Of lovo;
Lo•·• for all moral power-all mental g-racoi-
Ul\o ror 1lae humblest of the buanau r~
Lovo for UmL tranquil joy that vir•u1> briDgs-
Lovo for tho Giver of &!I goodly thlnJt1;
Th- are tho only bleat!''
Theae Sahebs sent ua animpe&Qhablo proof of tho powers
of &n "A.-eat.a Ni.rang•• in lb~ l"'r*'n of our revere<l U•IAd
Saheb, k&oi.formed from a mmmcrinii laJ into • fiery aod
a Ouenl orator, and from • lad of about lirteen who bad not
gooe 1-yond bis •Bf.1-Potbi.' Lrannformed into " 'BM~' of
Aneta and Pahalvi literatorea. Did not J111111 cleanee the
unclean by the aimple 'Nlrang,' "Be thou clean" I And did
not Lhe Mahatmas and Hiahiil of old gift all the world coulrl
boot.ow by their •Nirang' o! hut on~ word •KalyAn 'I Tho
Boy .Bebram emerge.I frotn tho Firdot, equipped All a ho.'ller
of the Ill and ailing: a tutor of philo110pby and an intorprol<lr
of ancioot texts which a.slooisbod tho PaudiUI and Profcsims.
He know: llm-c-Tib which w111 the llOiouoe or medicine;
llm-e-Nazooro which wae Retrology; llm-o-~'111 whiob wu alBO
111,metbing similar: llm· e-Zafur which WM the art of
inllue.ncing the mind of man, IO hi to ml\ke i~ bolter,
untruthful iolo truthful and eolA1h into Milieu. l lm o-Hnmal
or lorluoe t.elling and many olhor 11·t.11 ~ud scieocea, 1och ""
elootricity (KHlstar), Rndinm properlie1 (1ti\Juu1) olc. .,i.e.
lL ia important t.o kuow that Behramol1ah'1 oJocalion in tho
Firdoe co111u1euood undor the guidnace of a fomalo M.agava,
&no Tannb who wa.s a lady profe..,rln lheoacred oncl01u1e
and ended with the fatherl7 guid•not or Marsbanji the
ShraoahAl'ana. Behnm'• education wu lh1111 oommenoeJ,
cooUnued and oomplet.ed oo principlee or ld•I pel'fecl.ion and
purity. The Abe<IA beg&n by th• pioua nteilaLion of •Ave.ota
Patole' tba 'olola' (•ibratioDI) whoreor, whoo euog with true
faith and love, b&ve llie effect of ineplriug coulAlotment,
deaire for the performaoee ol good deoda, aod ultor lu1mllity:
"° that when the training of the boy WH bcigou he already
wae wonderfully po880Md of th•ee very ONeoiiol virtues of r.
disciple's tile. The &.Mlle by the rochaLioo o! 'Avesta
Niraog,' g-..vo boy robast hoalt.h, wbicb bo pomC83ed aml
maintained till Lbo end or hi• li£o, Bohramshab Wl\11 a
et.alwe.rt, 1bc foot bigb, And ever healthy and acti<"e as a
young lll4o. &bramsb~b had Atbravan blood in bis veine,
and he bad f.n Albrav•n lompor..mont for tho love 0£ mattoni
spiritual. These th• Sah1be bad for-en and by proper
prayen, properly r.ciled had acctleraW Aod a,·•n porf&ei..d
I.he development of theeo pha"°' ol tho boy'1 oharacter.
When the phyaieal 1irte or lbe boy'• training had been
atl<!ndod to and mlllle l'tJ\dy, the Sahebs I.Urned their ati.otion
lo tho moral and tho llpir.itual aido of it. They knew lhst
whoo lhll hoollh or tho body wH 11n accompliabed fad
( Too-dlUUti) it waa time to turn t? Lbo health of his mind
lll>d speech ( Man-daroali and hbon-darosli) and laatly to the
health and the 1tr•na1h or hi1 aon&cience. The boy wa1
trained to know and ln arpreclale the value of bal.. nce
( PatmAn) in every, and prim111ily in thought. A
h•lanaed Lhought that will noL run riot either by
inilnenoo or lemplAtlon, and 11 oolsncod lbought that does not
etagnato either for fuar ft-0111 wilbout or iicuoranoe from
within, le •n auot impoMiblo to c..Um~to in lerms oC worldly
value. 'rho thought thnl rc111nioe uodilttorbed wheu
attacked and undi&turbod "hou ilatt.ored ia a balanood
thought. The mlotl lbd rem11in1 steady, above in8oenoo,
and unmindtul of 1urroouJlog clrcumotanoos is the mind
that will give birth to 11 hAl&nooJ thooghL and "hioh when
oooe aaLablitbod eha-11 be di Oleu1t to dislodge from
ii.II trotha. &hram•hah Shroll' diaplayed t.hia impregnable
lil.rengU! or •Patro&n• (Lalanc.) on 111.ny an oc.eion or
jealoua oppo1it.ioo aod unholy auimoaitlea. Bebr11m'• oduoe·
I.ion .,.., about the 1ooet perfect it ...-u pouible to impart.
Re waa eduoet«I io tbe philoeopby or luuoan life, frosn iLI
eeed to ite end, (ita Eb~'b to iLI lntebn) llDd all that would
intervene between lbe 1wo; the oompound char&cter of life
which is a misLure of aood eu>d of evil and I.he prinaiplu on
1vhich I.he good wa• to bu loved and inc~ and the evil
not to be ha led bnt moroly to be 1•educed or transformed. 'fhe
ueeoesity of evil for l11ij JlrHurnlfo11 e.nd increue ot tho good
was u we hllve eoon • 111.roug £1\otor of Uohnimahah'a education
in tho Firclos. The instructions wore noL OllO •ided only, in t,bo
proachiugor the profell80rs, hot it wu vory rigoroualy" doublo
procel!S where lbe exertiallJI or lhe boy to r1>11J><>nd to the rrayera
or o\froonghiut, Dalmm-A£reetea were roquirod to be ol>eye.J to
by the obeervance or 6lric~ rrcoedan. (Tarikate). 'fho boy
wa a willing worker, 6raL by truth, lhoo by temporamcnt
aoJ lastly by dotumin~tion or Xature. !Jo rotp>ndeJ with
l,.rmony and rhythm am.I a will to acbil\·o. Thia waa enough;
Lo ochio•od, be presched and 111 ma1la hio namo immortal in
the hi•tory of lite progrOJ!ll of hie ~JndaUJatt roligion. a ..
\;ne"' tho mya~ries and the mA.-ola or 'Khobnoom,' he ba•I
naaind Lbo knowledge 'Bioh·Pillb' and •lli•h-Piah' bo gave
iL unl.o othere.
The Professors of Firdos.
Juel Lho eamo llmL .. Rower hooo111C1 lhe CllUIO or
R<hniration of tho tree, it happona that tho high atlniumaot.t
0£ "disciple become Lho cauae or Inquiry about Lho profioioooy
or hie gurull. The IHe of Uohrn1nahah WU II lirilliuot
inawnce, which stirred up univor1111l ouriotlly regarding his
Lonoh•r• at the Firdos. li•hram1hab'1 ll""tiludo towards
\hem wu very oolapokon, nnd the 111me wAI! ulwitya declared
hy him in unmistakable Lenna. He wonlcl IO 0(1111 My, 11ntl
""Y ii wilh assurance for hi111aelf and lii1 hearer• tbal bi1
S.bobs u! lbe Uema••antl would help all •• lltoy holpo<I bun,
if tl1ero was for diem and bi1n fp.ith and lu•• oombiood wilb
a d1tintereel@d dOJ!ire w learn and to t.eoob. llu deocripbon
r•f tl1eir cbaraeler and learning IWd piety m,re aa iolerosting
and \\Ondarfol aa tbe ben taloa of Mlvtnlure and ro1Unce.
Apert from us all who honoured and belioved what our
U1tad Saheb had to relate, there it a \'ery luge number,
who Jiebeliaved and aooll'ed at it. It i1 the mtot<alily of wan,
it is bis faith, and il iii bia love, which Alwayt guides and
e•·eo dele=in1111 the direelion o( hia lilcoa and Jlal!kea and tho
pr,..ence therefore of Lboee that eoolf i1 from a phllooopbical
poout of viow just aa essential for eociety and for Ibo advaoce-
rneot of learning ILi! is the p1·01onco of those who 1·o•·ore nntl
roopecl llto 11t1mo. lloreio h I.ho COL'rcc~ uudvroltludiug autl

int.orpnitrttion of tlll' A\'~~l.111hilm.orhy of d\lfllity. 1'here i1

l11• lu&epAral;lo and th~ moet Ollll')ulinl co-exht.enoe of the
"Angra" aoJ tho "lSpo11ta" in ovcry noticenblo pbonomenon of
the wbolo of the Univor*I; be ii iu the dom&in of its pbysiCAI,
moral or llJliritu~l activity. '!'here ia 11othing truly hateful
io the idea of tho "Allgr&," but that tbore ia in il•nial.eoce an
app,,.,..iable an.I an iMvilAble importance quite iodil!panable
for the regulalioo of the world'1alt.ire. Without the "Angra,"
the "Spcnu." wouM ~ practiaally iout.; Mid witb<>ul the
"Aol:T•" there would be no impetua to evolve aod to aooqu,r,
The beat prwf tliat in the burl or Bormaad libeM two fact.ora,
o•er eo oppooing Ibey may -in, nro equally beloved, is, in
the lU8 or tb1 word,' Mino: marle common for tba rl-.iption
of both of lbcm. For Ibo ad vanoemtol of man to hie goal,
therefore there 1bAll be love for "Sponla" £or be ie 1o Yino and
thoro shall not be ouy hatred £or thu "Angra" for he too is a
~lino, and wilbout ii..~ exlalence the onrthly life of mAD

I would be like udo" pool of et.ognaWng water instead of"

bcightly Rowing ri,.er ruuning to i(J blouod destination.
Ad,.ance tho ''!;pent~" and roduoo tho "An~rc"' 60 that lho
former m"y o\'or 11row null iuoreue nnd, compress Ibo latter BO
thAt it m~y uxlat no ~lggor than n 1)()inl in mathematics.
Tho S•heb·Dol1 of J>om•"and aro u band o{ Zaralhnshlriao
Mystio&, who lh-o unseen by 11nd unknown to the world.
They ate like tho i;u•rJiao 'l'irit.s or Mudazoan, and they
are tba holdore or tho roorete and true ellOlerica and who alao
bold with t.he1uEeh .. lb• true ecionco of A \'e&tao hermeneu-
tics, the •SU» Yatna.' Tht !:iaheb·Dela are the true Servant•
of Ma~nan Sooiot.y, 'fbtir tervice i1 in lbe strength of
their U10ugla11>. They l>old tho l:lumat.a "" • weapon or
offense and of olofcnco aod when tho MuJaaruu> 1JOCieLy
attaio• exoellence in any direction whate\'or, it is lhe
thought power or the.. -~~ that baa worked £or it.
The blell8'dno.1 ol 1 tbougM ecnL nut Cron1 ll devout aod a
pion• heart ill ever crUAtivo And omnipotent. The pbil0110pby
o[ "llnmata," that Znralhuohtt·a 6rat rovealed lo lbe world
though p1·onouncuil \1y aorl kr.own to every individuo.1 is nol
nu easy thing to cooeoive. It i• the mightieaL force imagi·
oablo by moo ond it u lheroforo also the moat diffiowt virtue
to alU.iu, Tho prof_,ro of lhe Firdoe are the beEl. DUl8toro
of their own Bumata. Th•y can conooi•o tho good rJioagbt
and they oan \Yield ii.II ulwoat llirength. Tllo fortune t.hat
befell Sobramabah to be In lbeir company for over Lhroe
yoara and to be inslruo~d by them in Lbe marvell of
Mncdunan waa one really t.o be en,•iod. ll waa t.l1e result or
hi1 •Kuh&s' good do001 or former liv11 when too he waa good
ud obliging, that lho "4»mpenao for U!u awe to him.
in tho form of this tut.olago. Within tho precinct& of lbe
Firdo1 tbo11 high eoola uo "orking for the good of mankind
in gonoral, Tboy have their grade ot dignity out nocordinit
to the value of their pol&Ossions, baL aooordiug to their
poroonal dovclopmoot of piety and lUl'olng. The higher
grade ia known aa •Kha.• and lbe olh•r aa •Am.'
The former grade bu in ilaelf one group or perfected ooul1
lcnown H lbe 'khA1-al-kbAa' which group always ooiaili\11 of
72 man, whom the Avoat. dlstioguieho. a1 the 'Mag,.v•.'
Abovb all tboso masto~-mioda is the 'ShroHMvarez'.Sllhob.'
Be 11'•1• hie Mme Crom Lho aroh·o.ngel 'Sr-ha,' ttilb whom
be i1 In 111rroot tune, tho of hil holy breath koepa
him t.LLuned with lbe ornanalloo of "Srnoaha." Theao •iota
o{ FirJoa have their bodiea, minJ, braio, speech aod
conlMlienco all attoneJ to I.lea.I tru1blalnau and sincerity,
n.n.J love which enable• lhem lo know all nod to eee all.
They much moro thnn wh•t wo 01-dinarlly uoderst.Antl as
olairvoyaola 'fhey havo powor and oapaoily lo lorn nil ovll
into good wb~lever it it, ud £or all lboir worlb they are
known at the -S.h1b Dill.' H was Bohramehab'a ruo
fortoot to havo learnt tbi1 law under 1uob profeuol'll. 'l'he
Sahob1 are ever averlil tu wMte of any klrnl, a rule that hoa
come down to this d&y to the Mnzdaiuau; to whom every
apeeioa of wast•, larjfC or emoll, is n. sin. Tho commoooat and
tho moet practiosl illu•tralioo of it is ro1·oaled to us to.dny in
the Mudaanan anooyaoct al the aig~t o( wat4r ruoniog lo
wuU from an opoo lap. '1110 Sahebs aro liooere be!iovua iu
the 'llad·lnllAI' of AhuramuJa and they never iot.erlere
whoro •hey soe tho limitations presoribed by nature, ao<I
wheo they aee that ju1lioo hat prevailed, Thia rule RI well
bu oome down to tho Mudunaoa who on occuiont or diN
diatre• only •y •Let lbe will of A.haramaada be dooe.' Thl1
rellignolion to the dlvioe diliJl"ll&alion bu Iel&m,
and the very word •Mualim' me&n• nothinii more than ~he
one who 11 rosigoed to tho will n! Allah. Tho sallle principle
can allO be aeon in the voree1 or tho holy Bible, wb~re we
find lhe words "Thy will be done,' so en1pbalically imp-.!
on the reader'& mind. The abebe al"ll followers of angelic
virtuee, they imiblte 'Armaili' and alway• make mighty act.
of self-uerll!oe lheir Orat and only pleaaore.. The good of tho
neighbour ia tho 6rst oonccrn, and tho good uf the neighbour
ia tho laat ooocern. Self-11.1.crifioe ia the breath of tboir llfo,
and tbt oonlrary ida& ii unknown am! non-uxi1tent in Fire!...
'I hi1 virtue u well baa .un-ived to lhit day in the life habit..
of MaJlduoan, !or whotu it ba1 prnetie&lly bec-:ime their
dlffertutia, and bu marked them out from humanity at large.
Tho Mudn1nao haR &lw•ya laoked 6ut t.o hit neighbour ind
thon t.o himHelf. Ile lnves his neighbour 88 bimeell and hi1
pleuo ru are rognl•t.ed ou the prinoiple oontllinod in that
Oem o! A\Oe•l&n thought, lbe first line of tht 6rEt vorM or
lho •C•tnalty O•lh~'
•Uehu\ Ahmil.i, yahmAi U•hlA, Kab11u\i chit.'
"J'ruo pl1:&soro sholl bl! his throoi;h whou1 Lruo pleMuro
hat boon broughL to a 11aighb<1ur.'
The Boy Behra.m lea.ves t he 'Firdos.
Tl10 &y Bebram h•d oow been at tho l'inlos for rnoro
than lbree years. On tho principle or '' Bi•h· Piah," be "'''I
lesrnt to much Rll he hall lhe 5trenglh to nain1italo, and ..,
much sa be htld beoome 1•ipo to receive H was now onco
ngaln lhe mo!har'• love Lhat worked. lo the in•crnLalllo
dispM..,.liou of ~alaro it "a~ tllilt same moLhorly afleeliou, a
!A!mporary ab<trrnlion whereof had led to ao u:trangcm~n~
and had pushed him aw•y from home, now reacted t.. ~tir in
her tho oonlrary feding of a longing IO - ber eon. Th•
enme l11111t11r who had onco aeon her enjoy gosaip wi'h hor
ooighboars 011 ~ha nnniv~r1111ry of her b!r~b, now saw hor 1~
eeoond timo waiting and feeling lonoly and miaerable b<M!no98
or the abeenoe or her eon. It wu a coincidence which tho
Muter riglitly roreeaw and nodcralood to be the proper time
for the return of the Boy to the \VOrld out.oido the Fir<lo~.
Naturally oooogh wlion tho Master had so televized for
bimaell tho l!Ceoe of the sad con<litioo or Dohram's mother and
had oominuuicalod eamo to him, it excited in tho Boy a
11J>Ontanoou1 pull of filial love. The Iranian word for what
wo know u television u "Suda:" and the diflerenoe
between tbe two u that according to Mudainan belier. the
former ii the reanlL of an act ol a Scientific outrage on the
element.I oC Kature, wbereu the latter it the natural outcome
or Lhe inherent powers of the Soul Jevoloped by a pereoo
through lr1dividual piety and •piriLual odvnnoemeot. That the
former ie re&lly an outrage on Nnturo ia explained and
proved by 11 very recent discovery of Science, which records
that All the <llr~ct result of tho tro1ncndou1 &tmosphorio
di•turban~• OllUH8d by the radio and other nerial wave.,
lunacy amoni: meu bu oollfliderably iocrcab8d. The "Sewa"
is free from all euch sioi•ter e<>neequ•m:ea. Hi.• a condition
or lire ac11uirvJ by tlao.o hii;h ooul•, wb.? ha,·c porg•'<I
Lhcm&el\'tll or 1111 eio•, who have di•rarJvJ the lasl3 of Jile,
who 1.ava liveu oolely for tho •lo,·alion oC otl1cre, who hn•e
belitM•l in eelr-SAcrifice and .elC-etT110«1nont •• plo..ure, nod
who hnvo co·ordin.ted with the dbrntioru of ~nture. To them
time and apncu eU.oJ nnnibilatod; t.o Lhem dMnnce doos ooe
disturb ~ud tho rime it takes lo twinkle 011 eye becomes
enoui:h for tho nccompU.J1went or rhoir beart'a uesire. The
truo oonditlo11 of a 0 .Sezda' iR uotliiug but. the geoniuo
roohviliu1 or 010 tabulou. looking ")!uoio or the Spberea."
It ia the adju•ting or tho wave-longth• ur ono'11 LhougLts to
el.e unJulntiooe of Nature. Of thio tliera an two etago•, the
one lower and the other hi1th•r. 'l'ho former is tho
"Sczdn-e· Nitnroo," which require> for its successful
operl'LiOn the pret\CllCO or lh9 lllKhtor ( Unru). and lhe latter
is tho" Shc•1.Je.-o-Amroo," whore tho pious ma.n can offioi~te
indepen.Jontly relying on his own l"'Ychic & spititnal
atWnmontB, 'J ho 'Sczda.' is io foct n re•ult of the supor-
dovclopmeot of nn individual, wbieb evolves bis personal
powers and potentialities Uu:ougb spiritual exercises (Tarlkat)
and pereoonl piety (Asha). It is a st.ago or perfection which
enable. tho A.heel lo CMI and to see a.nd to hear all that an
ordinary mortal iu bis ordinary life c,~n ne'Yer hope to feel,
to aeo or to hcnr. Let not the materialist scoff at this idea.
If he does, let him read what sightless John Milton prayed
for & sincerely believed he would get, and be did get.
He BAid;
"So much the rather lhou, Oclostial Light,
Shine inward and tho mind lhrough all her powers,
Irradiate; there pl3Ilt oyes, all 1nisL from thence
Purge and diaper••, that I may eee and toll,
or thing• invisible to mortal eight."
{Milt.oo's Part1~ise Lo$Li Book III, Lio6!1 51 to 55 ).
U is not the eyes thnt •••; nor tho cars that hosr; nor
the tongue tb11t tastes, 'rhero is o. power and a spirit
behind these aensee who ie the true enjoyor and worker of
all, anJ in lbo proportion lhat an individual by his own
spiritual advancement comes closer h that iodwolling of
Light, that ho is able t.o feel independent of the burden of all
his phyl>icsl 880888. Tho S&beb-Dils of DemAvnod wore very
ndvaucool 8Jule, possessed or super-normal powers, and they
ronlly oould "see •nd tell of tliinga invisible to mortal eigbt."
The television on the other band ie that know ledge o(
mntorial Science, whiah spreads vi<>lonoe iu the silence of
Nnturo, disturbs ita rhythm t.o a degree and shows "resolt
which looks mighty and mnn•ellous only in its outward
appearance. It acts and there ie reaction to balance it, U
is the reaction that neutr&lizes tho goodneea of the rillow, and
for tho short-lived pleasures of the scienae-mado marvels
there follow n series of untbiuk111ble and unremediabfo
disasters, which leave humanity and the world more
uiieerable than before.
•ro coutiuuo tho thread of our story, there is in Nature
a b~fanced reciprocity of afl'ecMon between the mother and
her child. It holds good for the whole of tho hum•o family
OU Eartb,-be t,ho child born 00 the ioe alabe or frigid
• .
Orepnlt.nd or bo the child born under lhe scorching rny1 of
' the Sun in Torrid Mid A!rica. God made mau the 11UD1
everywhere in his primary likt1 aud dielikea, but m&n
himeelf yielded to tho influencoa of bis individual oiroum-
atAnoes and aurroooding1 end auft'eri>J bimaalf to be ••gregatod
into clana, caaLea, and creeds, uun•tW"al llllJ repugnant in
themeelvee to the c:uiooa tllllt govern Univoree. Nature
oxempli601 bor laws for the guid•noa of man on Earth and
nlllO £or hie progreM towarda hi1 gool in regions beyond.
But It ii bil own negligeoco to obey, that leada him aatray
aod delayt hie oalvatlon. U ia one of the IA>Khingt of
"Khabnoom:• that lhero ia not a aingle principle of bamao
Hre, tho truth aud tho virtue wberooC ia not o:r.omplified in
the en be.ranee of ioi>oimat.e Nature: a.nd that there is no
0tremonial on Earth which iB not a couoLerP"rt and the
reminder of the activitiH or higher entities in the region• of
heaven. Ono euch in1tnnco of tho rogulaLion or the love of I\
oblld for It.I! mother ia ao b<iauli!ully illustr&Led by & grent
p:iet, who ob.ened and diaolosed tbe 1piritoality that lay hid
behind the behaviour ol a t.nyan tree. Tbe really in•pired
words ol tbe poet are:
"They tell ua of an Indian tree,
Wbioh, bow-vor the sun and eky
llay tempi its bongha to wander free,
A.nd shoot and blouom wide aoJ high,
1''ai· !Jolter loves to bond Its um1,
Dowinrard again to thAt dear Earth,
From which the life that &Ji. and warma
Its gl't\teful beioi;, Grat bl\d birth.
Iii is thus, though woood by flattering frioude,
And fed with fame (if fame it be),
Thv /iforl, my oo<m <Wr.r tno«Aw, MldB,
Willi lotif'• h'U<I ""'M, baok IQ lhH.•
- M oore.
The Uoy Bebraw now succumbeJ to • diflcrcut feeling.
h WU the remembr•n~ ol his • Hutu• s·..eet Ilome.' Be for
a t.imo at least beCl\010 uoconliCiou1 of the joy• ...,J Lho
oomforts of the ~'irdos and became unsuppor!Ably impatient
to retnru to hie eaduened mother and once moro to ijOO
himeelr in the bu ruble and rugged roonia of Lis re•iclouce in
Dom bay. H wu indeed "Tbe Mother'• lo,·o calling." It
WAI all wonderfully in the di1penation or thinge that lbo
end of Behra111'1 education at FirdOI ooincidod with the
onde1.riog impatitnct of Bohram'e mother to ..e bor long
~hMenfl and dearly beloved eon. llo muet go baok to bis
mother and to bi1 friends and t-elativea, and to proaoh and
propagate the grand Scion"" of Khobnoom, that wu b4ing
overapread every Jay more and moro by Uie beape of rank
and sparioos mi1interpre1.atioD1 and miaooderetandingt boro
of ignor&DCO and fanaticism. 'fbe proepeda Of tbe return
journey were indeed more grim th•n the onos that hMI led
him to the Firdoe. When be came to Firdoa, there bad beon
friends wifh him more lo,·iag than & f)"teDt, more knowing
than the bes~ or euideoi, and more reliable u.. n th• beet of
friend•; but now on the return thtre waa none to acoompeny
th Boy, nooo to be friend and none to pl'Qtec~ or guide tho
youth through the hazards ol tho &rduoua travol. The ways
of tho SAbebll r<ro inecrut&ble, yet perfect, o.ud tboogh
appnrontly cc.rele11, yet lull of love and 1ympathy and
guardir.nsbip. The value of a piou1 man's bleaia1,,. i1 beyond
mea•ure, and the pot•atiality of that ulteraooa i1 unconque-
rable by the worat of world's avila. It beoomca the guiding
voica of a friend, the protectinic lovo or a. mother, and tho
in~Lructiog wiHdOlll of a "gnru." The!!& blce.•in11•. the Boy
Bohrtun htid received to their full : with these, he was o.rmod
to defend hitt1..,ll when ati.acked, anJ bimeel[ to atw:k wheo
oorrounded by a danger. 'l'hete blo•inga wore an in•pirlllion,
to embolden the boy to uudertALko tho journey homo alone.
Ho became bravo, trueting to higher poweni witli siocare faith;
ho al"" becarno self ooniidcnt anti Pelf-reliant. 'l'bo Mhebe
811W the oourago of tho youth, hi• oageruess to return to his
another, and in th1'•e feeling• or a man, they al>!O raw tho
1ucces.fol working or the worol• ol bleslling they had liO and· devoutly pl'Qoounce<I on him. 'Iba yo uni( maq
waa ready to <i•par~. lt must ha\·e been ll moment of psin
for All concerned, for the youth bad beoo of good buh•viour,
oliodloot to his superiors, willinir to work nuu willing to
plo..e, willing lo lenrn nnd wllling to nntfort.Ake lho grand
mi""ion he w1u destioet.! to tuJ6l. All oh•n11•• or limM and
circomatane<!s have to bo aurrondned tu. Pro1.. rations for
lhe arduoue• return joorney woro m•do ond complel<!d. It
""" obvinua the young tra,·eUer woui.I long bo iri unl.nown
and unlriendly land before he r!M>cl>w hi• d•otin•lion, •11•1
rh:rin~ all that period a thot,.and oec...JL1M woul.J ha••e to
bo aogwered. Jt it on ,_.,.1 and "o who honour the
mhmOry of Otll' U1'tatl Sabeb befie\·o that thn ::iahebt of
J>oma\'&od had W""" him. phial or "Akrn~-Aurn" with tho
mott definite and the m<>•t ri:,•<>roU• •n•I ~tricl i""trndioos for
ii.ti a... lt was• aolution o( chemi..l• which lt"'I tho power
by more applicalioo of turning COl'I"" 11110 i:ol•I. It WM to
pr<l\·ide him with pocket monoy ju~i ooou:h tu ktop him out
of ortliu•rJ' difficultio1 and no moro !Jo lwl nooJ •nd ho
h•d never h"d to bog for his exi•tence. Whi.11 this i11ci1to11~
hicCILl\11 nn ~t.ablisheU faQt, UULUY J\ j~JUlltJ CHIU fttArWtl\•nnt indinudiona ugain•L u,. IHu incidonts or
nu lrRlllHhah i:)hroff and inlplll&•l IOOLh·o• ,.,,J
which would hurt him•• n '°'"
o[ honour nnd euruiu:i.
Bf\hrl'lm1hah Shrofr wlt.R a J..~Oci uu,n, 1" lonrni;,J nHul, 1\ nlan
o( t<leal humility und a mnn who b«hovod In gtvlnj!' whanovur
h• could find a rccepui.clo worthy tu rtCl'i•"· Wn1m h• Jett
tho ncadlllDy ct eeotortc Avo•tau roMaroh ol lht) Doronvantl,
b~ wu blind-folded for a while, an1l lot out b)' n rolinblo nod
foving icuide for a certain di•t..lnce nw•y. whou tho fol·l•
w~rc t-emo,·ed, be w0;... blheed once tnore "nil h:•tti. lo follow
b1a o\\'D way homo. 'rhe •l~o~Lh of lho bl<!P n_gi reci:iveil
on U.u. return journey thougb apparently uoprot.>ctod on•I
without a guide he coul•l wiLb J<erfect •l•ty tr&Yol over the
whole o[ Iran, tho whole<>( upper l111lia anJ coulJ Hen pen•·
Intl• into Ure JJ•y&Uioui lauda oi 'l'tll(lt ri11ht uvto Rdioma.
1The fri1•0J.hip of Lhe ~heb• wu not brok•n by B..llram •
•l•f"'rlnrc Crom t.he Fird.,.; bo cou\.I 1<111 l11t IUIDd 10 tho
tu•oters <>f tho Firdoo ao•I be could hear ll•oir rol'h .. thoroou.
Ile bnd beeu iusl.ruC>""'1 in th• mymrita ol tho ••Se~,"
anJ be =derstood its inlricaci••· lilt 11omcd1•to d...,1plo1
in ladia kno"· ho coulJ tel•d&o 'l'ith h10 ::rnn,l mnator
~lilrtba11ji •n•I solvo tl:o difficull.ies wl1iob woro t<JQ grea~ £or
hie individual iuteUigeooa), Ho rtlurn•J ,.,.. Pe•ha>var,
whore he onc.1 more met his dear uuolo 11u1I \hone• to h1•
duar 1uothor.
The Boy Behra1n Returns Home.
PhywiClll courage a11J phy•ical onduranca had oomo lo
the Boy Bobra111 u lhe uatursl and expected result
of hie educalfoo ot tho Firdoa: Aod tborofore when he
lefL that oac....J enclO!ure, hi1 !JolJo.,.. ~uJ bia hardihood
0D11blod him '-> wonder throui:h Lbe not countries of Iran,
Burma and India, before ho ruo.cbod Home E.-cr w weloomo,
and ploa..ureoble l11i• 11ow •nn•vundiog may have be<ln to him,
yet, it mnaL bavo ...,med Lo him M>metbing unbelievably
different from lbu 0110 ho had loft behind 'fhe charms of tho
Firdoe were u11!orgott.ablo, nncl with tho oudden varu.Jiing ol
that cuchnnling vieioo ho mUJll havo oxperi<lllced • dullnu&L
very difficult to ahnko olf. Thia is truo, but the psychology of
tho human mind works mMvels, when it comes to ilB climax
in it.a exhibition of tho fooling ol Olin! love nntl atfoction,--
a !IOU oomiug back to bla 1110Lhor'ff 010 brace s!Ler " long
absence. Tho phyaiool port ol tho tlret joy CUI to wlmt Behrn111
nod hie motlier ml\y hnvo Mid and dooo Lo each olhor, ;,, cMy
Lo iml\gine: but what tholr Lbrobbiug bout.I! and panliol(
breath had to proAch !or tho 1ierm•nont upli[t of their llOUI i•
beyond tho powor ur tho pcn, even r~intly to translalo into
articulnt.e word•. The motb•r'• love i• a ruigbty myst.ory ooth
for it.a etrooglh and its 1noolrnaa The love of Lhe MoLber, "ho
hsl1I tho child, who nuuriohee it wilb tbe very easeoce of her
own life, aod who, lo pr-ot it lo Lho world, sulfore tho
tbroee of child·birU1, tl1e vary astremo of phyeical pain !mown
to nature, that love i1 the moet faitbfal reBectioo of that
divine emaoatioa, whom apark penn.. tos the Uoivcne and
wboee alfolguoco eholter1 lha entire creation through all epaoe
aoJ through all time. It i• 1Hll eaid:-
"0od could oot bo ovorywboro and t.boreforc be mado
mothers." (A J.,,,w, prourl>.)
Of the protecting and ov~r watchful LigM, that is God,
the motbor'e out·eprond nrrns thAl y0<>ro to close around hor
child, ia bat a dimiDDliYe, yet lolthfal eymbol. Thero are
many a reoor·I of ti... opont.&nMo9 dilf!'lay of a ruoU1er'$ Ion;
ono aU.... t of which do .• ,,..,, lo t.- truthfully recordo i One•

UJ1<ln R LUM, it HO hoppe110J tha~ I> j!OO<l tMthcr hnd [~r fOlllt
boon •op11rnto<l from hur lloarly boloved aon. D.icadu• h~il
J>Rb'C1l ~ud eho baJ rO()tliv0tl no now• from hirn. Hl1n had
nlways hOJ>UJ and wa1t.uJ, Aud 111 ""doing had become olJ nucl
ehrh ,.11..1 t.o U10 bouo.
\"e1r1 to a mc•hor brini d1ttrou
Rot do u~t tnake l><r love the 1-."
(lr~ Th• oj'~""" of Ma"Jfl"'·"l
l:ibc hAJ m ..1. 11 • habit of hor lafo C\'or to !lit at tho wiadow
or hor hUulLlo hut, and aver lo ~eep gnz.iug llt lho v1u1t. au1I
Ullft.ll~WOriug UIJ"ll•Otte Of bllll'C40 laud in front ur hor 1 O.UJ OYCt
h.>tl •ho uurlureJ wtLhiu her heart tho uodriog ~xpuct.&liou, to
.... 11 'Peck appeAr ou tho Ji•taut horizon, which 111 IL Jrow
ucaror, "'oultl t.ranrifornt itAtolf iuto tho iwngP &od J~rllOn uf
Lor Jou IOU, or tho 1nulhor alun• can it bo •id with at-lut.e
appropri1'tuea", and u o( a rulo 1''itbout. uceplion,
"Al.,nee make• ll•e hoarl grow fonder.'' Betwocu lhe wothor
anti her oon, It 11 won•ler!nlly true. The wailing and lho tt•r
l•OJ iog mother ol our et<iry wu • manolloua ill1111tration ul
lhia l(f••I rulo She 1.-d oulfol"O<I, her 1ulfcrings '"·I olway.
increucJ, aml 11he w.. being oofuobled 1he mnro with lho ol-
o( each Jay, a. "Kbonh,.!" U1e eourc• of nil lii;bt aauk l>eyuuJ
Lhe boriwu anJ Jl•ppc&red. Tho patient uwlbar, Wiii ouw
fccliog her eud drow near, and oho prayeJ uolo the Lord,
that. oho would welcome the angel of DeAtb, and woulJ
wi1bQu1 a murmur acoompaoy him with joy aod conl<!alment,
U only btforo the arrival of that great raomont ebo couhl 1.aavo
a aighL of her .,n, aud feel him well in her motherly ewbraco.
It io oft.en the llllDODl of nngrat.efol rnan that hio prayor1 aro
neilbor board nor anewcred. Thia i• ool true. Th~ accepl.auco
nnd t.b• rojtct.ion of the prnyor, ie regulat.i<I, firtl, by tho
ri:,:bt.<uuauOM of the eopplicatioo made, nod 1<>conJly, by tl•t
foit.b aod •ioeerity ol miuJ, and tho aioleao. . aod tho vlety
of Lhe hoer I of Lhe ono wbo pr.ya. (Seo Lbo AV(!lta At.11 Yut..)
N~ pnyor, LrOftLh,,.J nnt with faiU:i, ein-ity and pieLy, aod
lho e&mo b•ing righteous io ii.a purr-, wa1 over lofL an·
an1w.r.J. Nuno nncl nc,·er. Of Lhis let m•m be ever eure:
"And ~II Lhmge wb~t6oe\'er ye ahall a"1c in prayer,
bolie\'ing, ye shall receive."
(SI. Malthow CJ,. XX f. ~~86 f!J.)
Tho prayer or the good molher, right.eon• '" it Wll8, and
heoved out in fnilh •nd piety was heard and answorod and
granted. Tho witberod form once moro W<\8 at tho window
one day, •t.oriug Vll<'Antly u ever she W.d dooe When lo I r.
fast mo1·ing form disturbed Lbe monol4n} of that faulU-
line bey~ucl; The ep<ck drew neu; lbe !&111.-ebbing life-bre:iLh
of the blOlh•Jr, roee atonce into a ragiag floo.L A 1Cr11am of
raptorooe joy OOC:l!'ed her lipe,- -il wu tb.e ooo come
t.o bi1 mother. Th~y met IUld tho record• My lhal in the
lnmult of tho u1oinonL'a high emotions, tho mother aprayed
forth in uubuliovnble profusion, the m011t preciou1of111! Bai<la,
--tho milk of hor broa•t•. The aceuo inJoud w1111 stuot.ilyiog.
1'ho hnppine•I or Bohoram's m<>~hor oould uot ht.Yo been ditfo·
1·ent nor coul•l it h~v• been lesa. Wo nnrrnto this 1t.ory, not
for ii.a nonlty, but, aa we have just aht, for ita ennobling
inllaenoo. Thu roolhor"e embrace and the molhor'• joy are a
Jl01"nt faetor in tho formdion and d..-olopuieut of tho oon•a
characi..r auJ ideal&. A Uu·ee and a half yoar'1 alay at tho
Finlot with iu uplifting and emboldening inti uunc:o, and added
oo Lo Ll,i•, the ooo oioglo incident of tho motber'a rmbraoo, had
well oomliinocl to tr1m1!orm Bebram fr<>m a 1tam111erlng youth,
into a et.alwnrl orator, from an illitorsto yourag•tor int.on veri-
t.Blile U•t"J or Ourn, and [rom a orudo uupoli~hod individual
into 11 man 0£ humility uud humanity. Ilia uducation and bis
knowlodg• hncl l"'ou oousummnLeJ int.o pcrrccUon at the Firdoa;
but hi• pereonal iacliU11tions, hie rnnn·•lloua t.olonnc•, nnd bis
idool love both for man au•J beast, bis sedate t..oring, aud t.he
solemn d1i."'il}' ol his general behavior, were tho direct resolt
or tbaL O>erwhohmo:; reoliment o! bia moth~r·• •mbrllet'. Tbd
Boy ~braru hll.J ~turned a Uetnd or Gnru Crom tbo firdoo,
1md MW Lho l'nndil &bram had been lraneformod inU> n
pbilnnthrophi1L. Tho moLber's love 11..1 donu ii. IL hnd gono
doop int.o every li111b o[ his, and h•cl chAn(('ld it• Mlion from
ordm•ry tolf·snoking procliviiios, iot.o n solCIOM boboviour
of oo nll-iuoluding goodness.
Thu• reformod Belirom had yot n Cull fifty yoart of life
hcfore him, wherein io oxhibit tho knowlodi:o, whloh woul<l
rovcal to tho world, the e!lO!Alrio• of the Z..raLlm•htrinn t.cnel<I
nnd loacblng1 a• an uochallonged proof ol hi1 1\Ay al the
~'lrJoo; aud a)JIO to oJtbibit bit perfect humanity •n·l bumilily
"" l\D uncballooged proof of lbe marvelloue alcbrmy of tho
mother'• ombrac.!4 Thia half a century iLaolf 1uto lwo
J"'riod. o[ thirty and twenty years eaoh: <luring tho Ont of
which ~hram romoinod inactive and incognill, till an acciJunt
ui..,.>vure<l bun. And the second p.irioJ o[ twenty yoan of
o:dro1nu l\otivili•• of preubing, of praotioo, nud uf tho
fuunrling nP variou1 religious literary usooiotion•, nnu
oooieti•o. 'l'ho Bret poriod o{ npporoot •ilonoo anJ sooming
ii111oiivily i• tho lhomo of the prosoot ob~pler. Tho ro11der
111U1i •pprooiatu tho faot thnt thi• pcri0<I wo• 11 l'"Ychologic
ll0008'1ity, and O\'Ull lhough it ID•y looit Jiko & •(IOOiUI or
lotharicy, yol, at tho Mme time that it wao phy•lcal inortnoY,
it nl.o wn• a period or gNat mental go•tation and excrilon.
'rho youth was a"llduonaly escbe"•ing anJ Jii:uoting the riclh
bft1111uot ol J.igb religioU11 lore that bad 1-n forOO<I down
int.u him uaring b11 abort stay al lb• FmlOI He WM pract1-
cally rogargitatiog the be.l<y meal,aad r-pitulaling the v •luo
of """'Y mdi,•idual item of the preceplb anJ principle•, bo had
boon lileoaod with. Ho indeed wa1 l>"'l"'rini: for l'r•ctiRO. Uo
yot "'"" • boy ul liut twoaty years or •i:•.
anol thvul(h h• b,J
within hi1n "" the reqnieites of a rully ovolvod "l'1rndit", yet
ho knew ho was too young to doolaro hi1n••lf,.. •uoh A true
1'1mdit hns beou JoHnod to ho the ono wholO hnnJu aad hoort
co·Ol'dlnnto in po1·fect nnitwn ''•itt. his luuul, l luru \Vl\8 Lhe
young Jiociplo atendying bimsolf lo wiih•tond tho oxpcctod
ObCilll'ltiouR Lhnt '\10UIJ inevitAL\Jly COUlO. l:lu l11L1) tL 1118BSRUU tu
gi"e, tho mo..~go hi• Mai,.. v Maswro h•<l enlru•l~•I him with.
l:!o wa• w I rcoch bumiliLy and prooti•• it. Uo wu to 111 •Uifea~
by exnmplo, tho true ocri1•t of l\fozdaz11&n 1elfotneri6ce. Do
w&a to unfold lho highoaL philoeophy of Natnre'• i:on0ti•, or
Nnturo'a Ordor, ontl or Nature's e..chatology with rol&tion to
nil orORtod boinga. Uo WM not to bo a l.ooaher of Umo·worn
procopte, but ho wn• t-0 be a t.eaoher with forcnaia ncouraoy
and logical ouatnoa, supporting ovory att.tcmont ho m.tldo,
nn.y, every word ho uttAlrlld, by tbo undisputed authority of
ancionL A.vool4 and Pahlavi textll. Ho wu to reveal Lhn
secret.I of tbo1e aocie11t treuuroo, which hitherto lay tiLl1~r on·
int.arpreloJ, or ooly balf-iot.orpret.&il, or oven milinLcrpreted.
De wu <loolio..t i.o bring to light (for lodia.) lhe marvellou.t
knowledae af "Kbahnoom", of whooe Mlotory an•l lifo-gi,.ing
ray•, tho world at large hAd yet remained wactully on•
con.ciou•. Tho word ' Khahnoom" occune buL twice in th.,
whole Avoe!A lit.era taro. It is to be found, 6rot, in tho 01\thJ\
spontomn<I. llll 4S, voreo 12; and eecondly in tho O~thR
Vuhiehtoi•htr1 llll. &a, voree 2. H would be" difficult &n<l ovon
n vain 11t1orob to Ood o simill\r iost•oco in ony other litoraturo
of tho world. 'rhi• rather roro pbonomonon, JJ<Jrhnpo I• roe-
ponsihlo for ite rt1maining nnnoticeJ by the echoloo or I n<lin,
but eo Car nt tho profoaeon of F'irdoe woro concerned, It WAt
tho very brtll1th or their life, and the oue l.'°"l or their li(r'•
!Audy. H 1n1 to th•m an unoodiog sourcu or joy, and it wu
fur th<•m the p•th or Mh•alion. Jost the aamo tbst "Kbdrnoo<n"
is• worJ "hioh hut a (aw can oorrcet.Jy pronoonce, ., at.o i•
it a 1oCienc.i which bot o folV cao ondorotand and 1pprecial<!
It ie bot natural therufore, th.•t from nm~ni.:tl u1, th•ro !>(!
uoly a ftw \vho revere. and many who raiJ n.l iL: anti even
from among the low U11>t re,·ere, there are fewer •till who
oon look •l tho Light without being ,lsizlot.l. la it Llwu any
wooJer lh•t our ll•ti1d-S1\hch him..,lf, nfter he hl\d loarnt the
tbeorie• llr1t,.lU1nd, Look thirty long yonra, to n88imllata tbo
grout trulhe, nnd to put thew forth in bnlnoood thooghta nnJ
words !01· tho onligbtenment of those who wore 10Ct1tod in
dnrkor eornors ., '!'his was Bthrn.m'e miuioo iu lifo nod l10
fulfill,.l it in • m•nnor th•t ngrocd with tho rhylhmio pt1ll!ll-
tione o! Naluro'M LawL Bobrsm was a groat buliovor in the
doctrine e>f Lhe fif;lloM of t.imes f r the &M01DJ1liahment o! any
uodortak:ini;, and in lal«r life, when pre$80d by hi• cllic1pl09,
oithor to t.ake a doBnite •tep towarJ.i a fa tare venture, or !or
tho oxplanaLion of aomo mystery word, be woul<I often par·
auade th• iwpuleivo •piril of yoath to barn ratience, and
woald in a fatherly wanner 1<11l I.hem, "(hU~t->1111-11(1"
(ray chi!drtn, the timo;. not yo'. "I"' far it). He wa6 not a
fanatic fatalist, nor would be 8Uff•r himself to be the victim
of the moment's urge: bnt ho wonld ever conaalt tho voioo
that would come to bim from hia Maaiers (Sdzdi.) That voio.1
would eiU1or encourage him to actioo or bid him be qaiet, till
11. bettor opportunity offered itetilr. The Eilenco period or hill
life, WA8 ftD uumiat&k&blo proof o[ Lhia great principle. fie
ooutrolled himr;eU to rewain obt;cnre, be gaTe a practiaal
domon tnLtion of Htudied p&tiouce, &nJ r•roved him..u
thoroughly d-rving llnd worthy of the bononrable appellation
of •'Ust&d-Soheb'' which his nppreoiaLi•e dieciplea snbeequon-
tly g&\'O hiw . Evory oodoavour .ball bellr trait, provided it
i• launched forth in ri::ht limo, and no ono will deny Lhat an
unt.imely effort mo•l need~ lMd to diln•~r. The geniua or
m•n rovMl• 1lsolf in the oorrect oelection of tho time to bo11in.
Bohram indoecl waa correctly oonetituteJ &n<l abundantly
bl...ed. He had tho aupport a1;J lhe sympathy of his maotore
and he thoroughly nnderotOOd and appreci•t~ ~•he sigu16aanC<l
and the ncceS<ity or bi• •.'WO initial inacti\;ty. He koew tho
jnstiCil anJ wi•dom of Nature'• Di•pcnMtiona.

TJ.1 tromilion from 11/me inf·· •1..:di:-

It m•y hsppen th•t a f>r•cioa• jewel hangs ronn•l ,

uufl'alow'• neck for <loy& and W< lkA but lbH llUI& •hnll "Uroly
come "lttn an appreei•the jewo r will pus by and reco;:ni""
ils worl.h 1'he Boy Bebraw wa• a '" a ,.,.re JOWel loiterin,:
KIJOot unrecognilled, till the conno1 .....,ar f'A,.cJ by and 11<\W
ile valu~. Though vilent, be hud ioterviewe<I l'an<lita and
Alolvis, and rnch of them 11.• wore piou, anJ uoprejuJical,
tboy bad recognised the meribl of the Boy Tho One bowevrr,
wbo bad 1 .J•rning eyo, 1md who we.a capable ot appreci&t·
ing lhe true worth ol 1 true jewel, even lboogb it dangled
roooJ a bu!Talow'e neck and to whom !he full merit& of llrtll.
daoovorniog Lhe ],.t.eot geniua of the Boy Behrnm mu~ Lo
nwarJeJ w:1.> Mr. Muucherolww Polonji Kaikobiid (lli•wr).
lie waa a man of sinooro nod genuine love for the l!Mrod
literature of Iran. !Ie washimwelr a u111n ofl~arning,and ho wa~
a true philantlirophist ae ,..eJI, Bi• orthodox oct.ivffiea in Sar~t
w~r• bciu11 counteracted by the ReConniat movom~t. in
IJombay. Tbe Reformist.s of Bombay L.iJ primary import&oco
on philoloi:y •• the m0&t pct#nt inelrumeot. for religiowi
r-rch : wbere·&e t~ orthodox workert1 of Sarat had Le..u
o.ttract.ed by inherent merit•, wl.ich uuJer the guidll!lceof the
U•t '.d.Sahoh •ubo<qoeotly formul1Led it.eolf as the hermenou-
tica of tho "Stbt Yasoa" It""" indeed n divine intaitiuu
Lhai l<i•I prompt.e<l Mr. !UikobllJ, to found in Surat tho
"Baamb Roz~ Bortn&&d." It wae an ln1titotion for the .tudy
and oearch ol th~ rdi,;ioua liteutoro of tho Parsia. Here
in@oJ took place the granJ tran!l.ition ol the Boy Behrt.m into
lI1Lf.J.Saheb Behram6haw, u aloo tho ehanr from tho Boy'•
poriod of preparat.ory sileoee into that of Lbo Ul!IWJ....!)abeb'a
muterly or1>tiona. 1, musL ha•• be1111 a happy day, and &II.Ip•·
c1ou1 too, when one dAy yooog llehram, went for hia moruit1g
prnyera nt lb• Ac!Aryau Saheb uf th• Blg-<l·P~rsA. H waa
bore lbnt tho said BUllla was al.'!O baviog itll clMlles of roll1,oiooa
etudy .w.t re-Hearch. &hramabaw, on U1at day, when be bad
finiaheJ hi• prayers beforo tho KeblU, jun tarned to an
adjoining room to see what WH goiug on there. It. waa tho
roow where, u we lave jaat &UJ, tho Buma wu bolcl"" iis
cla-: and where, jWlt on lbat day, a member of tho
Ctioiwalla family 11·aa lecturing oo the auhjed ofAtasb-<>-Voho
l'rian. llehramlhaw when he was - o at the door wu wel-
cc1nod io and given a seat.. The day's work wasdoly concludod,
aod Bohram~baw the c!o..., waa over and when tho
mombcra were abool Lo disperse, 111\id that be had board with
sincoro inter11et tho discourao of the Vobu Friao, Fire, nod
added, that there wero e.Joo maoy other kind of Fires deacribud
in ~ho Avosti. literature t>U., Ala•h-e-Vui,,.,La, Ala&b·o-Spmi·
shit>, At.tlsb+Dara, Awh~-N~ryoenngba, oLc. Arul ho lbon
que•tiooed whether the i:cullomen Lh•r• p,,_oL know &UY·
tbiog abont them. Theee worde ...,... ju•t ooou;;h for
Mr. K&ikobed ( IA) ~nL in Lho spe;.ker, • mintly
'lC!bol&r. Mr. Kailtobad frankly admlLl.OJ, they did Doi. They
both became frianda. This ..... tho bci;tnning or u••
Prof,,_rial part of Beramsh•'• lire, •nd loL wt ~mi• I.he
auapiciOIJJJ IL!pecl of the whole, which wu tb&L be b..d begun
hie 6rat di!COune, on tbe ""bject or Fm1 jnot a!Ler be 1... d
off&red hie heart's devotion IA) that acred el•menl.. The fntOTC
preaching of "Kbshnoom" b&d thus ruoivod ita •U!piciou;,
happy •nd 6rm iound&tioo. llr. K1ukobaJ introduced
Btilirsm•haw to llr. Kaikbiu.bru Barjorji Choluoi, wbo brought
Mr. Bebramshaw to Bombay. With Mr. Beboramabaw'e
coming to Bombay tho trarurilion bad b.oo ooruploi.e<I llod tho
L1•L and the blesood pre8obiog p<!riod of hi• Iii<> had commeoooJ.
Nu life account of Uetli<l-S•heb Bohmm1h11w N11wroji Shroff
would be complete wi,hout tho gral<llul romombrauoo therein
or these ~WO greaL names,--Mr. Muoohorabaw Pallooji
Kaikobad (Ma~oor) wbu lint di-ve...,,I Lbu goniua tbnt
•p&rkled bihind tho very l!imple looks of our Uot.»1-Saheb,
and the name of 111>lb Kaikhohru llarjorji Cbokli "it.boat
wbooe eelfl""" and t-0 a very lnrge oateut thoroughly ,;el!.
•crificing philaoi.bropby, U11 1<1-Sabob would hardly bnu
bcon able 10 la\-iBhJy to l!bower ll1e blosui.!" or "Xluhuoom"
oo all T~ two oamcs mDlt ner be n:rn<mbored with
lla.dnn•n gratitude by ovary 1ludenl of "Kbabnoom~ ae
being DBxt only to that of Uet&d-Sabob himwlf 'rb- two
~t nnmes, and thair great otforta mOlt roo.lly have been in
right. time, beeanse thoy socctedod in a.earing tho hoarl·felL
CO">pention of the pillar-like oorv 1cet1 or other four equally
great eqoally 11e1Ile!li, and equally 10ll-w:ri6cing geotlemoo
of rlirling aincerity and rare IC11.ming. 'L'beee K"ntlom"°
cu-workers aro firet, the pl'l)Sllnt Uottl<l-&hob or "Khahooom·,
Dr. t'rarnrO• Sorabji Chiniwalla, n. A., L. M. & s.• G maelor·
mind of wonderful lrank.n&ed and aplriluohty. Secondly,
llr Jot.. n,.'lr Surabji Cluo1•nlla , II A , 1,1, B , A\h·ocat., O~ ,
• yoang man or ,.,.. ur•\C.Or10.l gifa.... • llll lMrrl6'J Loth in 1••
awl lout,.; 11nr,J.y, tl4n•I• the ruuna of Rrved Sal1eb t.,rot
Sba(•UfJI 1la11111, )I . A. Lt, II, Solicil<>r, the edic...r or n ••
Fra•ho-OarJ, a <jU•rllrly JOUru4I o! the ruoot 111anello11•
re.-.lauon. lie 11 a ech~l•r o! A•...ia and l'\ln of gral
vr1grnalrt7, ao•l u allo tho author of many ~" mlighumn1t
ll..ok o:i tbo eoouriotof \••'"" lxe. And fo11rthl7, otaod•
""' m a proauoeot -n•r lb• buJ •w'11'ked yet llD&!tlUm!og
mu! eei of llr l>inabaw St..parJi Y,....oi, B. A. lie It
·~ 1m~1V• pr..dler, a Jeep ataJenl and 1 coed 110.J ao
-m&.hud\.'-l10 •urker iu lhe CAU9I c;.f ,.KbAhooum•·. May Ma&· IA
pr.,,.ir•e them nil for long Atntll With this body·gU•ml
tlf\llAhon Of Oil< llAf1Mtll llehra1111hl\W •tarted the Joal llDU
the rr... chln~ f'!'rii>tl of hi• hf• whicb oootinoaJ r~r o~rly
tl1irty y••o.

Nanabhoy F. Mama .

Prtruci ti,.
Mt 0.ntht.h °'ha~1 Ma.u.n;• .a. A.•• Hon. M.n•vr F1•"1g..(N,,J Pnr,tjht Pttu
I' Ba.nk Scrttt CtaH Un.. f-on lu.'t1liay.
anJ "-bll' ~ dK Patti Vq_ttU1lA a.nd Tt.mpttl.fU• Socl..ty and
Zanho.tH' Radib Soattry of Bomb..y.
.. - ----·

,. ti

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