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Are you thinking your parish could use an app? Maybe

you already have one and you’re curious to see how
your app stacks up to our trusty pillars. There certainly
is a healthy selection of parish apps on the market
these days and it can be confusing to figure out which
app to call your own. This is especially true if you are
like many parishes that want to step into the app world
but are overwhelmed right from the get go.

To help you assess which app is right for your parish,

we put together a list of the key qualities of an effective
parish app. The final result is what we call The 5 Pillars
of a Parish App. These pillars are a way of organizing the
many features and needs into one easy list. This guide
helps you ask the right questions and gives you a starting
point to answer them.

You will also find a checklist included this pdf. When

you are ready to start looking at the different Catholic
parish apps, be sure to print copies of the checklist. Use it
to take notes and to score each app you consider. When
you are done you will have a starting point to make your
decision. This will be especially helpful if you have a team
making the decision.
*Before We Begin

It’s important to ask yourself,

“What is a parish app and why do I want one?”

Too many companies offer a parish app because it’s the

new thing everyone is doing and too many parishes
are getting a parish app because of the same reason.
This results in parish apps that are strictly vehicles for
text. They list facts like Mass times, contact information,
a glossary of Sacraments, a glossary of prayers, and so
on. They’re one dimensional. Your parishioners won’t use
your app for information they can get faster from a
simple Google search.

A parish app should have depth. It’s a valuable resource

that engages people. It should interact with Catholics
and help them form lasting habits. The following pages lay
out just what a parish app can do for you and your parish.
Have a Plan

Before we get into the specifics of
the actual app, it’s important we
draw attention to launching the app
into your parish. Many parishes get
an app but don’t have the time or
Why is this a part of the 5 Pillars? As
you shop around, we want you to be
thinking about ways your potential
app developer can help you. The
company you work with should have
a plan already developed for you to
resources to develop a promotional take advantage of. Some companies
strategy. Many don’t even realize even provide a physical launch kit.
the importance promotion plays. This takes a lot of planning, energy,
A challenge you will face without and money off your shoulders in the
a good plan will be getting long run. Make sure to ask about it.
parishioners to actually download It should be an indispensable part of
and utilize the app. If the parish staff your launch.
isn’t excited about the app, neither
will your parishioners be. So, how ONGOING PROMOTION
are you going to launch it? It’s a You can also keep a lookout for
good question to think about before assets that will help you promote
you embark on this journey. A good your app on a regular basis. It could
launch can really add to the app’s be something as simple as a graphic
perceived value and overall success. in a bulletin that calls attention to
An announcement from your parish a specific feature within your app.
priest is the simplest way to launch, These are things we try to provide for
and does wonders. Stagger them our clients because we believe there
every few weeks. is value in ongoing promotion and if
you can get help from the company
you work with, all the better!
Care About the User Experience

Good design plays an invaluable
role in the user experience. It’s the
difference between an app that
succeeds and an app that flops.
design and layout should reflect the
beauty of the text itself. How is the
image(s) in the app? It should be a
nice photo; well shot and cropped
with great colors.
Without it your parishioners are likely
to have a poor user experience and There is a lot that goes into good
are less likely to use your app. design and it can be tough to be
confident your opinion will resonate
How does the app look and feel? with the rest of your parishioners.
Download every app you consider Ask a small group of parishioners,
using. Test drive it to get the full user ranging in age and gender, if they
experience. We recommend paying would be willing to download the
attention to your initial reaction apps you’re considering. Getting their
to the app’s interface. Are you feedback and opinions can help you
overwhelmed and have to work at make a confident decision.
finding your way around? These are
signs of poor design. A well designed CONFESSION
app should be organized in a way An effective Catholic app should
that is simple to navigate and has a connect users with their faith.
low learning curve. Many people struggle with going
to confession with regularity. When
AESTHETICS done right, the app can help form
The app should also look nice. Take positive habits. Along with your
time to consider the look of your app. confession times, the app should
Is text black on a white background? allow the user to set reminders for
When people see this, they are a specific time and on a consistent
uninspired by the actual words. The schedule. Other valuable elements
Care About the User Experience

of a confession feature include a

guide to confession, an interactive
examination of conscience aid, and
the act of contrition.
Because of recent changes in the
App Store, universal apps are
becoming the norm. A universal app
is a single app that contains multiple
MASS parishes. Think of Facebook. There is
The Mass feature can be pretty one app with multiple profiles. There
simple. There isn’t much that’s isn’t a unique Facebook app for each
required outside of accurate times. profile.
However, consider additional
functionality like Mass time favoriting We think a universal app for parishes
and reminders. An additional function is the way to go. One powerful asset
we think is helpful is the possibility a universal app can have is the ability
of adding a “silence phone” reminder for individual users to create a list of
before Mass. their parishes; the ability to follow
multiple parishes. Your gut reaction
PRAYER might be to see this as a threat to
Daily prayer is vital to our faith. your parish, but hear us out.
Another way phone technology can
promote the formation of positive This ability can mean snowbirds can
habits is through prayer reminders. follow their parish in the north as well
Aside from a list of prayers, the as their parish in the south. Families
ability to set a daily prayer schedule with children in Catholic schools can
with personal reminders can be follow their home parish as well as
hugely transformative. Look for the school’s parish. Favoriting doesn’t
an app that gives more than just a take your parishioners away from
glossary of prayers. you. It gives your non-parishioners
the chance to also follow you.
Tailor it To Your Parish

It’s important to be able to shape
the app to fit your parish. If the
app company has done its job well,
Chances are there is already an
online giving platform you’re using.
You shouldn’t be required to setup
you will be 90% of the way there a seperate one just for the app.
before you start but the last 10% Look for an app that is flexible and
will be determined by the unique integrates your current online giving
needs of your parish. You should be system.
able to customize your main image.
You should be able to have specific SPECIAL CONTENT
features added to your app. This AND PARTNERSHIPS
could be things like a local Catholic Some parish apps come with content
radio, your parish YouTube channel, for formation. If the company you’re
or your parish blog. Be sure to considering does, how is the quality
look into the various ways you can and variety of the content?
customize the app.
Some companies have partnerships
We should warn you against too with other Catholic organizations.
much customization. Too much These partnerships make it possible
customization will almost guarantee to have great content within the
your app will end up unorganized app. While you’re thinking about
and ineffective. It takes a lot of time the content, ask about any potential
to develop an app well. We caution partnerships.
everyone to beware of companies
that do fully customized apps.
Communicate Effectively


The short answer is yes. Look for
an app that can send bilingual
messages. This ability should
allow you to send two messages
This feature should be a standard
feature for all parish apps. A push
notification is simply a notification
from an app that you receive on
simultaneously and the user, your phone while that app is closed.
depending on which language they For example, if you allow push
have their phone set to, will receive notifications from Facebook, even if
only one message. If the app is the Facebook app is closed on your
developed well, it will automatically phone, you will receive notifications
default to the language set on the that someone has commented on
phone. So those parishioners with one of your posts.
little or no English won’t have to
figure out how to switch your app to This is important for your parish app
Spanish. Not every Catholic parish to have because you will want your
app has this capability, so it is easy to parishioners to be notified right when
overlook. you send a message. Otherwise they
will only see your message when they
open the app.

Lastly, look for additional features

with messaging. Can parishioners
bookmark messages? Remove
messages that are not relevant to
them? Are your app messages easy
to share with others?
Communicate Effectively

Basic messaging does a good job of
informing parishioners of important
events and news around the parish.
If your app has group messaging
You will want to make sure that

the safety and privacy of your


this feature is moderated, ensuring

you will be able to message a A well designed calendar can make

specific group within your parish. For all the difference. It should be able
example, your youth group or the to upload from an existing calendar
choir. you’re already using. You should
also look for the ability as a user to
You can even find Catholic parish set event reminders (an example of
apps that allow for group discussion where push notifications come into
in private, moderated space. play), RSVP, and get directions.
Parishioners within the group will be
able to message back and all others
in the group can participate in the
discussion. This saves your parish
leaders from having to respond with
the same answers to multiple people.
It also helps to foster small group
activity in your parish.
Take Advantage of Latest Technology

A smartphone is a powerful tool
with many great features that help
make our lives easier; they provide us
directions using GPS; send reminders
based on time and location; quick
Phone updates are notorious for
turning apps on their heads. If
a company is not prepared for
phone updates it can cause a
access to phone, email, chat, and lot of problems for you and your
the Internet. As you compare apps parishioners. It can even affect
for your parish, look to see that it is something as basic as not being able
using phone technology to the fullest. to tap on anything. Look for frequent
This will include things like using GPS updates and new feature releases.
for directions to the parish, setting This will help you identify the
reminders for prayer and confession, company’s track record with phone
and two way group discussion. It’s updates and give you confidence in
also good to go with an app that is your provider.
developed around phone technology
because as phones develop,
improvements will trickle down to the
The Next Step

A Catholic parish app should do more than just deliver

information; It should interact with users. Gifting your
parish with a well designed app will make a positive
impact. Take some time to consider the above content
and when you’re ready, use the checklist to help you
critique the various parish apps on the market.


If there is something you think should be on this list,
or if you have any questions, we’d love to hear from
you. Give us a call at 1-800-997-8805 or email us at

Learn more at

How to Use the Checklist

The following checklist is designed to help you better

gauge the fit of a potential Catholic parish app for your
parish. Use this checklist as you evaluate an app.

The checklist is broken up into the five pillars. Each

point relates to the points mentioned throughout this
document. For help understanding a specific point on the
checklist, please reference the corresponding description.

Use a 0-5 point system as you evaluate various aspects of

the given parish app; 0 being the worst and 5 being the
best. If one of the checklists does not apply or you do not
know, give a 0.

When you are finished rating the app, total up each rating
and write it on the bottom. Use the result from each app
for comparison.
The Five Pillars of a Parish App
Launch Promotional Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ongoing Promotional Material . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Overall Experience / Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Aesthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Confession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Favoriting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Customizable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Special Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Content Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bilingual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Push Notification Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Group Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Group Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Utilizes Current Phone Technology . . . . . . . . . . .

Functions Well on Latest Phones . . . . . . . . . . . .

TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Learn More at

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