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Joke and Dagger

Title: Days of Sacrifice

Haven’t we had enough?

Thousands are dead or in prison for a “war on drugs” that sees billions of pesos in illegal drugs slip
past the fingers of authorities and few, if at all, drug lords arrested and made accountable.

Economic growth continues to slow down, well below expectations of even the most conservative of

Inflation continues to rise, with new peaks expected within the next two months. That’s not even
considering the impending passage of TRAIN 2/TRABAHO/TAXTAXTAX. (The last one is a humble
suggestion, since they can’t make up their minds what to call the new tax measure, and for

The People’s Republic of China continues to make a mockery of international laws of the sea, not only
illegally occupying artificial islands in the West Philippine Sea but even aggressively warning our own
aircraft to keep out of international airspace over our own EEZ.

Malacañang continues to plod along, with no discernible solution to any of the ills facing the
Philippines, other than for Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to deliver the same “I heyt drahgs”
speech from 2016, over and over again, like some defective bootleg CD from Quiapo or Toril.

Do they really think of the Filipino people as that numb and ignorant, that they can keep bluffing
Duterte’s tough-guy “political will” stances while the country is spiraling downwards?


Speaking of the Lord of the Undead, what’s with Duterte’s grey color?

Spokersperson Harry Roque claimed that Duterte often uses powder, and indicated that perhaps the
odd skin color was due to Duterte having not used powder as normal. So, did Roque just tell the world
that Duterte has been hiding his skin discoloration on purpose and for a period longer than is
currently known?


Joma Sison claimed that Duterte was in a coma. Special Tagadala ng Colostomy Bag Bong Go used
Facebook Live to broadcast a video of Duterte having dinner, as “proof” of Sison’s false claim. While I
was personally disappointed, I couldn’t help but notice that the video response came hours after
Sison’s statement was made public. Why the unusually long lapse of time?

Duterte may be awake, but that doesn’t mean he’s not sick. If Duterte is as sick as is rumored, then he
owes it to the Filipino people to inform the public of his condition, and to inform Congress if he is
unable to continue performing his duties as President.


As I write this, we celebrate both Eid Al Adha and Ninoy Aquino Day. Both days speak of sacrifice as a
show of love for a greater purpose. For our Muslim brethren Eid Al Adha speaks of Ibrahim’s
willingness to sacrifice his own life and the life of his son for Allah SWT. On the other hand, Ninoy
Aquino Day commemorates his assassination at the hands of the Marcos regime, and his willingness
to sacrifice his life for his country. Both valuable lessons to ponder in a day and age where life seems
quite a bit cheaper than it used to be.
It is somewhat ironic that the Duterte regime inadvertently (?) declared Eid Al Adha on the same day
as Ninoy Aquino Day. A key lesson of Eid Al Adha comes in the form of Allah SWT stopping Ibrahim
from killing his own son, providing a ram for sacrifice instead. This divine act signifies that we should
never sacrifice a human life, especially not in the name of the Divine.

I’m 100% sure that this lesson is lost on this regime.

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