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Uterus- functions in the egg development List of the 5 fins of the dogfish shark- 2 dorsal, pectoral,
pelvic, caudal
Pericardial Cavity- holds the heart and branching
arteries; protection The Depressor of the Pectoral Fin- allows the pectoral
fins to lower; located caudal side of the pectoral fin
Testes- oval shaped; dorsal to the liver; produces the
male gametes Pleuroperitoneal Cavity- holds all the organs in the
abdonimal cavity; such as liver, gallbladder, stomach,
Ovaries- two cream colored organs, dorsal to the liver;
pancreas etc..
function in the storage of eggs
Gallbladder- functions in storage and floatation; has 3
Heart- has two halves- atrium and ventricles; it is a
lobes liver
specialized muscle
functions in the storage of bile secreted from the liver;
Efferent brachial Arteries- Brings blood into the fins and
located within the smaller lobe of the liver
back to the heart
Adductor muscle- a large muscle just caudal to the eye;
Atrium- smaller and functions in forcing blood into the
its the main muscle in closing the jaw
Esophagus - connects the mouth to the stomach
Gill rakers- increases the surface area of the gills in
order to take in more oxygen Esophageal papillae- helps move food to the stomach

Ventricle- larger and function in contracting blood to Stomach- a J-shaped organ; has a cardiac part and
the rest of the body pyloric part; functions in digestion

Gill arches- made of cartilaginous arches that support Pyloric Sphincter- the end of the stomach, a musclular
the gills and gill rakers ring which opens and closes the stomach to the
Nares- used to detect chemicals in the water
Duodenum- right after the stomach; recieves bile from
Ampullae of Lorenzini- allows the shark to detect prey
the gallbladder
by feeling vibrations from movement
Colon- Absorbs water and salts from the solid wastes
Spiracles- openings on the head, allow water to pass
before its stored in the rectum
through the gills even when the sharks mouth is closed
Ileum and spiral valve- After the Duodenum; absorbs
Gill slits- allow waer to exit after passing over the gills;
nutrients like Vitamin B12 and bile salts
they have 5
Rectum- functions in the storage of solid waste; btw the
Lateral line- a pale line begining at the pectoral fins and
intestine and the cloaca
ending at the pelvic fins; small openings that open into
the underlying lateral line canal, a sensory organ that Rectal gland- controls salt concentration within the
detects water movement body and releases it into the rectum to be excreted

Cloaca- the digestive tracts exit and opening for the sex Spleen- works with filtering blood; caudal to the
organs stomach and proximal to the spiral intestine

Claspers- a finger-like projection that assist in sperm Pancreas- has two parts; ventral and dorsal, long and
transfer during mating; males only! thin organ

Myomers- musclular bundles of segmented muscle in Dorsal Aorta- Distribution of blood throughout the body
the trumk and tail; arranged in a zig-zag pattern

Myosepta- where the muscle originates and inserts


Mouth: regurgitation of the fluid. The secretory activity of

Mouth is present at the tip of the head and is the crop-glands is controlled by the hormone called
bounded by horny upper and lower beak. Teeth are prolactin of anterior pituitary.
totally absent.
The composition of pigeons milk is given:
Mouth cavity and pharynx: Water … 65-81%
Mouth leads into mouth cavity and pharynx.
Protein … 13.3-18.8%
These regions contain:
(a) Internal nostril: Fat … 6.9-12.7%
It is a single opening on the roof of the pharynx
through which both the nares open internally. Ash … 1.5%

(b) Tongue: It has a great nutritive value, even more efficient

It is a prominent structure with free pointed than mammalian milk. From the crop, the
anterior end. Some taste buds and numerous oesophagus enters the cavity of trunk and passes
mucous glands are present on the surface of the dorsal to the heart to open into the next part of the
tongue. alimentary canal called stomach.
(c) Glottis: It is divisible into two distinct parts:
It is an aperture which leads into trachea and is (a) Proventriculus:
placed near the base of the tongue. It is the first part of the stomach to receive the
oesophagus (Fig. 1.113A). It is tubular and
(d) Gullet: internally lined by numerous gastric glands. A red-
It is the last part of the pharynx which continues as coloured small spleen remains morphologically
an opening into the next part of the alimentary attached to the outer side of proventriculus.
(b) Gizzard:
Oesophagus: It is the second part of stomach and is semi-circular
It begins from the gullet and runs through the in outline. The walls of the gizzard are highly
ventral part of the neck as a straight tube. Near the muscular. It contains very little inner space.
junction of neck and trunk it comes between skin Internally the wall contains numerous ridges and its
and muscle and enlarges to form a sac, called crop. epithelial lining becomes very thick and tough. It
The crop plays a dual role in the life of pigeon and has innumerable small tubular glands.
other birds. It acts as a large temporary reservoir of
crude food grains. A few stones, which are swallowed by the bird,
remain within the lumen and are responsible for
The presence of crop enables the bird to ingest a crushing the food (Fig. 1.113B). The function of
considerable quantity of food grains very quickly. gizzard is purely mechanical and acts mainly as the
Food may be regurgitated from the crop to feed grinding machine to crush the food. The gizzard
the young. Besides its normal function of storage, compensates the role of teeth in pigeon.
the crop glands present in the epithelial lining of
the crop produce a proteinaceous, white slimy Intestine:
secretion called pigeons milk. Intestine begins from the gizzard near the opening
of proventriculus and is divisible into following
This is produced in both the sexes during breeding parts:
season. The young squabs are fed by the parents by (a) Duodenum
(b) Ileum The following membranes and mesenteries are
(c) Rectum. (i) Parietal peritoneum is the membrane lining the
body wall.
(a) Duodenum:
This is the first part of the intestine and is distinctly (ii) Ventral ligament arises from the ventral body
‘U’-shaped in appearance. Internally, the wall to the gizzard.
duodenum contains villi, crypts of Lieberkuhn and
goblet cells. (iii) Falciform ligament arises from the ventral body
wall to the ventral side of the liver. It is continuous
(b) Ileum: with the ventral ligament.
It is the second part of the intestine having
numerous villi inside it. The length of the ileum is (iv) Oblique septum is a partition arising from the
shorter than that of other vertebrates. The first and lateral body wall to the centre which separates the
the last parts of the ileum are loop-like and the body cavity into an anterior and posterior
middle part is spirally coiled. compartment. This septum is continuous with the
pericardial sac at the centre and encloses the
(c) Rectum: posterior air-sacs.
It is the last part of the intestine and is of same
thickness as that of ileum. Near the junction of (v) Pericardiac sac encloses the heart. It is
ileum and rectum, a pair of small lateral blind leaf- composed of parietal pericardium and visceral
like caeca originates. pericardium.

Cloaca: (vi) Coronary ligament attaches the anterior side of

Rectum opens into a chamber called cloaca. The the liver to the combined pericardial sac and
cloaca is spacious, muscular and is elaborated into oblique septum.
three chambers: coprodaeum, urodaeum and
proctodaeum (Fig. 1.113C). The coprodaeum (vii) Gastro hepatic ligament attaches the gizzard to
receives the intestine. The urinogenital ducts open the liver.
within the urodaeum and the proctodaeum opens
externally by the vent. (viii) Mesogastric mesentery connects the gizzard
to the dorsal body wall.
In the nestlings, a special thick-walled glandular
chamber, bursa fabricii, remains in close (ix) Meso-duodenal ligament connects the two
association with cloaca and communicates with the halves of the duodenal loop. The pancreas is also
proctodaeum. It degenerates in the adult bird. The located on this ligament.
bursa fabricii may have some local protective
function in young ones. (x) Mesentery proper attaches the small intestine
to the dorsal body wall.
Cloacal aperture:
The proctodaeum of cloaca opens to the exterior (xi) Hepato-duodenal ligament connects the
through the cloacal aperture or vent. It is present duodenum to the liver.
on the ventral side and near the base of the tail.
(ii) Digestive glands:
Membranes and Mesenteries: Following digestive glands are associated with the
There are membranes and mesenteries which alimentary system:
divide the body cavity into different parts and also Mucous glands:
support the viscera.
These are present on the surface of the tongue and Glands in the ileum:
crop and are responsible for moistening of the These glands produce digestive juices which
food. contain various enzymes.

Salivary glands: Caecal glands:

Paired angular and unpaired sublingual salivary Produce certain digestive juices for the digestion of
glands are located in the pharyngeal region. The vegetable fibers. They are also concerned with the
secretion called saliva moistens the food and also absorption of water.
contains diastatic enzyme.
Physiology of digestion:
Crop glands: The physiology of digestion in pigeon involves the
The secretion called “crop milk or pigeons milk” is three following steps:
secreted by these glands. The secretion is used for Ingestion:
the nourishment of the youngs. Pigeon is a grain or seed eater. It picks up grains
very rapidly which are quickly swallowed. The
Gastric glands: shape of the beak is modified in such a way that it
These are present on the internal lining of helps in its ingestion. The swallowed food, being
proventriculus and secrete gastric juice. moistened by mucus, is stored in the crop.

Tubular glands: Digestion:

These glands are present on the internal lining of Within the crop the food is moistened and
gizzard. The fluid secreted by these glands is thick, macerated. The passage of food from crop to
yellowish green in colour. proventriculus is regulated. Inside the
proventriculus, the gastric juices containing HCl and
Liver: pepsin act over the food. Within the gizzard the
Paired deep brown coloured glands of immense food is completely churned by the action of gizzard
size are present ventral to the gizzard. It produces wall and stones. The secretion of gizzard glands
the bile which passes through two bile ducts, one helps in the process.
coming from each lobe of liver. The bile ducts open
separately within the two limbs of the duodenum. The churned food, while travelling through the
The gall bladder is absent in pigeon. Loss of gall duodenum, comes in contact with the bile and
bladder is an adaptation to aerial life for reducing pancreatic juice. The bile neutralizes the acidity.
the weight of the body. Different enzymes are present in the various
digestive juices. The completely broken-down food
Pancreas: is absorbed through the lining of small intestine.
It is a pinkish white gland located in between the Residual part passes into the rectum where water
two limbs of the duodenum. It is a combination of is absorbed and the fibres are broken down by the
both exocrine and endocrine glands. The exocrine caecal juice.
part producing pancreatic juice opens into the
duodenum by two or three pancreatic ducts. The Egestion:
endocrine part produces insulin, which is directly Residual part called faeces is temporarily stored in
poured into the blood vessel. the cloaca where it mixes with the urine and is
periodically dropped through the cloacal aperture.
Crypts of Lieberkuhn and Goblet cells:
These are present in the lining of the duodenum
and its secretion influences the pancreas to
produce pancreatic juice.

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