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Writing assignment – Production

Grupo 90170A_761

Presentado por:
Juan Nicolás Gómez Quiroga Identificación: 1098747789

Presentado a:
Maryury Useche
Tutora - Consejera Académica

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Administración de empresas
INGLES IV - (90170A_761)
Abril 1 del 2020
Juan Gomez
Cra 16# 58-58, Alares, Floridablanca | 3155303893 |


Mr. Ban Ki-moon

United Nations
405 East 42nd Street
New York, 10017, USA

Dear Mr. Ban Ki-moon:

I want to open with you a discussion about technology, that has had great advances over time; however,
it has brought great changes in society that have been beneficial, but on the other hand it has brought
consequences for the environment. First, as a positive aspect, it has brought help to human being to
carry out his daily activities with more efficiency, in the same way he has contributed in the support to
education, among others. However, in previous years people was more proactive because they had to
do their daily work without any help, through time, laziness increased, because thanks to many
technological advances people leave their loads on the machines, and they use their minds very little,
thanks to inventions such as cell phones, computers, etc. These great advances not only human being is
affected, but it greatly affects the environment, since through factories that use technological devices
for their production they pollute the atmosphere greatly, on the other hand, electronic devices are
charged of radiation and in this way pollute the air which causes loss of oxygen and finally death.

I consider that the aforementioned effects have been evolving and if consumerism and technological
progress continues the world will continue to degenerate, for this reason, human beings have changed
their healthy lifestyles since death rates have increased due to so much technology and the impact
generated on the environment will bring serious consequences, land degradation, etc. It will lead the
new generations to suffer mental and physical diseases such as: stress, depression, anxiety, obesity and
many more of this type; It will also reduce intellectual abilities such as communicative skills leading the
human being to an irrational world without common sense, they will live as a robotic era where there

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won’t be time for feelings. Technological advancement and consumerism will result in the destruction of
the human being.

According to these technological developments, it is important to act immediately for the environment,
I think that an important factor to improve these conditions is that people become aware of the
consequences that the misuse of technological resources and high level are leaving us Consumerism,
taking into account awareness as the main step, you can make eco-friendly brigades where you can
encourage the good use of technology and you can show the reality of the environment. It is also
necessary to carry out prevention campaigns to reduce the levels of consumerism and for people to
carry out their daily activities with more energy without the necessity that they are in technology
devices every day. To accomplish this, I recommend that the United Nations create advertising
communications in which the concern of what the world will be for new generations is expressed if we
do not make a change in current lifestyles, so that people can make decisions about change to reach a
common good.


Juan Gomez

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