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Shocking state secret: PATRIOT ACT illegal spy

domestic terror campaign against Whistleblowing TIs

U.S. citizen informants, part of PATRIOT ACT illegal surveillance operation/ Photo credit: Targeted

Chris Zucker is a targeted individual (TI) due to his whistleblowing, only one of millions of innocent American
citizens illegally, covertly watched and only one of an untold number of those under shocking attack enabled by the
USA PATRIOT Act's illegal surveillance component that he calls a "government-mob program" and government calls
"state secrets." The term domestic terror is also apropos, and albeit homegrown, it has little or nothing to do with
Muslims, except perpetrators' racist exploitation of them as scapegoats.

Simplified, domestic terrorism is "terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people" (, or "involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are directed at our
government or people in U.S. without foreign direction." (

A new study out of Duke University on U.S. homegrown terrorism says that "the threat of radicalization among
American Muslims has been overstated." (AP, Study: Risk of Homegrown Terror Exaggerated, January 6, 2010) The
study report does not state, however, that homegrown terrorism does not exist.

President and founder of Freedom Fighters for America, Zucker knows it does and is raising awareness about
American terrorists by exposing their national system and cells that incorporate illegal government spying. He is not
alone in his mission.

Zucker's story, detailed in Miriam Snyder's Talkshoe Radio ( audio) interview, and on Freedom Fighters for America
home page (text), is consistent with over 600 American TI horror stories, each representing USA PATRIOT Act's
capacity for domestic terror, including "trashing people's lives" as WAEA's Captain Dan Hanley calls it, plus torture
and assassination on U.S. soil, covertly unleashed in full force, using the 911 mass murder as pretext for suppression.

General David Petraeus, current Commander, U.S. Central Command, advocated the "global Phoenix Program,"
alluding to the notorious Vietnam-era CIA data-base operation used to torture and assassinate innocent civilians due to
their political beliefs. (Tom Hayden, Reviving Vietnam War Tactics, The Nation, 2008) Global includes the U.S.

"Revelations that the Central Intelligence Agency launched a world-wide assassination program, and then concealed
its existence from the U.S. Congress and the American people for eight years, carries an implication that death squads
may have been employed against political opponents." (Tom Burghardt, Antifascist Calling, Dick Cheney's 'Executive
Assassination Ring', in Global Research, July 17, 2009)

Veteran humanitarian, Tom Hayden reported, "The mainstream media has never reported on the use of the "global
Phoenix program" in Iraq, perhaps because the explosive terminology has largely disappeared from the writings and
résumé of Lt. Col. David Kilcullen after he first being referred to it in a forty-eight-page strategy paper, 'Countering
Global Insurgency' published in the obscure Small Wars Journal in September-November 2004."
"To achieve deniability, the CIA trained and transferred operational authority to the South Vietnamese national police,
who tortured suspects indiscriminately," states Hayden, painfully familiar to Zucker due to his experience in the U.S.
according to his interview.

Illegal surveillance

Illegal surveillance is not passive watching as commonly mistaken. (See Paul Baird, Surveillance Issues, As Zucker's account highlights, the terms illegal spying, surveillance and invasion of
privacy are smokescreens for the program, tools and treatment the PATRIOT ACT enables to target whistleblowers
and some people indiscriminately.

Just as stalking is often only a precursor for targeted rape and home robberies to determine whereabouts and when a
home will be vacant, illegal spying is required for lethal covert attacks, set-ups and other forms of corruption to ruin
the target's life, in Cointelpro (COunterINTELligence PROgram) signature style. Zucker describes the network of
U.S. extremists, their tools and assaults in the shocking Talkshoe Radio interview, a testimony of how criminals
infiltrated at every level of society and government, some as citizen informants, are involved in the domestic terror
program that supposedly protects Americans from terror.

"Today's Cointelpro not only involves the above elements, but now targets of this harassment are routinely tortured or
harassed in their homes. They are followed around by Suburban Spies or paid community snitches. They are spied
upon with technology that can be used to listen to them and watch them from outside of their homes." (Targeted
Individuals One system to rule them all, Cointelpro)

The contrived acronym "USA. PATRIOT. ACT," stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing
Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (Public Law Pub.L. 107-56 cited by

Since the 2001 USA PATRIOT ACT (PATRIOT ACT) secret "tools" enabled the US government to intrude on
innocent Americans' privacy and violate fundamental constitutional rights that the Bill of Rights Defense Committee
(BORDC) has worked to expose and reverse the Act.

BORDC aims to restore Bill of Rights and rule of law

BORDC has helped lead the struggle for transparency, accountability, and restoration of civil liberties and rule of law.
That struggle continues.

The next two months present an opportunity for genuine change that only American citizens can create. BORDC
invites the public to raise its voice in Washington.

With three provisions of the PATRIOT Act set to expire at the end of 2009, the House and Senate rejected a proposal,
the JUSTICE Act, that would have added long overdue civil liberties protections to the many controversial provisions
of the PATRIOT Act. Other competing bills simply renewed the provisions without consideration for their significant
toll on the rights and freedoms of law-abiding Americans.

Instead of passing any of these bills, Congress voted in late December to renew the expiring provisions for 60 days.

"Now, with calls emerging to demand even more power to monitor and spy on Americans of all walks of life, we
must demand that Congress uphold our Constitution and protect our rights. As the Constitution once again finds itself
with few allies in Washington, Congress is about to resuscitate a cornerstone of the domestic surveillance regime and
shred what little remains of constitutional privacy," stated Shahid Buttar,
Executive Director of BORDC. (Emphasis added)

Buttar is urging Americans to join BORDC in Washington, DC on February 3, 2010.

"Help us flood the halls of Congress and bring your concerns about domestic spying into your representative's office,"
Buttar stated.

BORDC, in collaboration with a broad coalition of allies, is organizing a grassroots lobby day in Washington to
oppose the reauthorization of the PATRIOT Act.

The lobby day will include a morning briefing with advice on how to talk to your members of Congress from issue
experts, meetings with your congressional representatives, and an afternoon debrief over lunch.

"Come to Washington this February to show your members of Congress just how important it is to you, their
constituents, that they stand up for your constitutional rights," states Buttar.

If able to visit Washington, DC or send a community member to fight the PATRIOT Act on February 3, register on the
BORDC website and a staff member will be in contact with further details and next steps.

Mr. Zucker's account of "illegal surveillance" of individuals placed on a "watch list" is consistent with what hundreds
if not thousands of innocent Americans experience.

Mr. Zucker's experience of forced drugging and medical torture, that began and continued with illegal spying, did not
occur in an overseas hidden prison. It occurred on U.S. soil. This treatment could happen to any honest, law-abiding
American and is happening, particularly to whistleblowers, but also to random targets in communities nationwide, due

Learn more by taking responsible action and continuing to ask, "Why?" and "Why not?"

Listen to Zucker's story in Miriam Snyder's Talkshoe Radio ( audio) interview, and read it on Freedom Fighters for
America home page (text). Tune into anytime to hear Captain Hanley on Blogtalk Radio where he interviews aircrew
including federal air marshalls, targeted to have their lives tragically ruined from the system of terror, all due to their
attempts to these professionals' attempts to protect and keep secure airline passengers.

Your subscribing to Deborah Dupré's reports and posting the link to this site (rather than entire article) is requested
and appreciated unless republishing permission is granted. Readers can support Dupré Reports by contributing at She emails a free copy of OPERATION H1N1 ebook to all supporters.

Also read:

DOJ's shoot-to-kill, law of jungle rules woman's TI life

Expose and Expunge Targeted Individuals of domestic spying racket

Top-level nationwide criminal racket targeting whistleblowers hits the skies

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