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Frequently Asked Questions--Zoom Webinar on 5 May 2020

1 These tools assume students have the devices and skills needed. What is your
view on this?

Generally speaking, it’s easy to give lectures online. Just click, record PPT and share the link with
students.It’s secure and simple. But tools are just tools. As teachers, we should have good
presentation and good plans before the class begins. Our class is not tools-driven, so we only need
to choose 1-3 tools to improve students’ engagement. Yes, there might be a problem with tools. It’s
a tricky problem with mobile phones and laptops.We need to train them how to use those tools.
And we should allow them to have some time to relax. Second, we need to improve our teaching
experience. Plan is the keyword. Plan in advance what tools you’ll use in class is the most

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