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Surname 1






Briefly, the communication climate is essential as it is a social tone of a relationship and

the way people interact with one another. Hence, my important communication climate in my

friendship relationship is interpersonal and spontaneity climate. The interpersonal climate in my

relationship is contributed by the soft skills when interacting. Also, I like a friend whose habit,

personal quality and social grace make me have an easy time to get along with him or her. It is

clear that when having a person who appreciates me and understands my needs and knows when

I am weak is the best for our relationship. On the other hand, spontaneity relationship is helpful

for me as my behaviors contrast with the strategies when communication. The reason is that I

am always honest with my friend but I cannot manipulate him or her for my interest.

The confirming behavior is important as it lets me understand my friend’s likings,

appreciation, and respect. It helps in endorsement and then acknowledges and recognize. I

usually endorse my friends and support them when there is need and to show that I value them.

Since communication cannot be smooth there are things that I don’t agree with but I politely

acknowledge it by showing them how they are angry, and things would become better. The

disconfirming behavior might be very hurting as a person may feel depressed, annoyed and

jealousy and loneliness. In this way, when I offend my friend when we are interacting through a

joke to perceive a gentle insult as a playful affection. The essentiality of confirming and impact

of disconfirming behavior in messages might not be overstated. Lack of confirming messages

Surname 2

can create anxiety and behavior problem due to self-evaluation as they feel neglected and



There was a time when I found myself defending something that I had done wrong. It

was during off class time m friend had asked me to lend her some money and so that we can go

swimming at noon. He is my best friend, and since we trust each other, I could not have

imagined she doubted me. However, it happened that in the afternoon I had used all the money

since I had forgotten about my friend’s request. Then, I avoided him, but he knew I was doing

so since his friend saw me evading him. Then when we confronted each other, he told me that I

avoided his messages and I could not lead him the money. I felt sorry for myself since I lied to

him that I had an emergency at home that I forgot about it. He insisted that I have wronged him,

but I defended myself that I had a serious issue to take care of; something that I knew I was lying

to him and he bought it anyway.

The thing that I was protecting is dignity and trust. Since, he is my best friend I could not

have imagined that telling him the truth would have cause aggression, hatred and even shackling

our friendship. I took another turn to convince him so that there will be no development of

unreliable and to see me as somebody that does not care about others. The consequences of m

defensiveness are it lowered my self-esteem and confusion if I had ruined his loyalty and trust to


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