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Computer & Technology Survey

When accounting gather,they often swap anecdots about how technology affecs their
proffesional lives-from stories about a computer networt gone awry to tales of software product
that save them from disaster. in fact,suct personal exchanges are among the pricipal ways
accountans discover which thecnologycal tools to avoid and which might sarve them well

This special report present they result of three survey that detail information about
accountants`computer technology use.two of they survey ,’’HOW CAPS use computer,’’and’’ HOW
CAPs Use Software,’’ were conducted with the cooperraion of they journal of accountancy.

While surveys can be useful to CPAs looking for guindence on computer eqipment and software
purchase,they should not be used as the final arbiters on what to buy .there is no one computer or
software product that is the best choise for all accoutant. What is matcheless in one application
may be calamatous in another.they key consideration are how and where a product is used-an by

Therefore,readers sould use this information only as a guide that describesthey popularity of
sertain product among specipic group of accounts,keeping in mind that popularity by inself does
not neccesarily gauge effectivenees. Only each propessional,working whith the product, can do
that. Wise try out product before committinh to it.

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