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Avinash B | avinashb.0913@gmail.

Certification Number: JSNR8FV1B1Q11B9J

 Around 8 years of experience as DevOps/ Cloud Engineer with 4 years of strong experience on server-side
deployment which includes application, middleware & integration layer. 
 Extensive hands-on experience on DevOps Environment working on various technologies like Puppet, CHEF, GIT,
GILLAB, SVN, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Kubernetes, Docker swarm, ANT and Maven.
 In-depth understanding on Amazon Web Services which include EC2, S3, VPC, IAM, Cloud Watch, RDS,
Dynamo DB, SNS, STS, ELB, Auto Scaling, NAT Gateway, Cloud Formation, Route53, Lambda, etc. 
 Experience in dealing with Windows Azure IaaS - Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, Resource
Groups, Express Route, Traffic Manager, VPN, Load Balancing, Application Gateways etc.
 Involved in installation management, configuration management, maintenance, upgrade and backup of Linux
Operating Systems like RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu and windows.
 Expertise in App Containerization technology like Docker which include creating Docker images, Containers, Docker
Registry to store images, cloud-based registry Docker Hub, Docker Swarm to manage containers
 Experience in creating clusters using Kubernetes, creating pods, replication controllers, deployments, labels,
health checks and ingress by writing YAML files and managing Kubernetes charts using Helm.
 Experience in migration of all servers from on-premises to Kubernetes containers & wrote the scripts in Python, Perl
and Shell Scripts to monitor installed enterprise applications.
 Converted existing Terraform modules that had version conflicts to utilize cloud formation during Terraform
deployments to enable more control or missing capabilities.
 Used Terraform to map more complex dependencies and identify network issues and worked with Terraform key
features such as infrastructure as code, execution plans, resource graphs and change automation.
 Experience in Migrating a production infrastructure into an Amazon Web Services utilizing AWS Cloud formation,
Code Deploy, Code Commit, code build, code pipeline Chef, EBS and OpsWorks.
 Streamlined installation of OpenShift on partner cloud infrastructure such as AWS and Azure. Edited and managed
the creation of relevant content for the OpenShift online channel.
 Integrated Defect tracking tool JIRA with Confluence and Jenkins CI server for identify, log, track and document
issues in real-time Configured Nagios to monitor EC2 Linux instances with Ansible automation.
 Created roles, users, groups, adding user to the groups, attached customized policies to provide minimum access to
the resources and customized JSON templates using AWS Identity Access Management (IAM).
 Experience in provisioning and administering EC2 instances and configuring EBS, S3- cross region replication,
Elastic Load Balancer, configure Auto scaling, setting up CloudWatch alarms, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC),
mapping with multi AZ VPC instances and RDS, based on architecture.
 Involved in AWS S3 services like creating buckets, configuring buckets with permissions, logging, versioning,
tagging & lifecycle policies to back the data from AWS S3 to AWS Glacier.
 Designed end to end automation of infrastructure and continuous delivery of the applications by integrating cloud
formation scripts, Jenkins, AWS & Ansible playbooks.
 Administration experience in branching, tagging, develop, manage Pre-commit, Post-commit hook scripts and
maintaining the versions across different Source Code Management (SCM) tools like GIT, Subversion (SVN) on
Linux (Red Hat, CENTOS and Ubuntu) and Windows platform.
 Proficient in building deployable Artifacts (War, Jar, Ear, Zip, Tar) from source code and maintained by using Maven
(Pom.xml), Ant (Build.xml) and Gradle (Build.gradle) and also worked with Groovy Scripts to Automate
Configuration in Jenkins.
 Worked on Hudson, Jenkins for continuous integration and for end to end automation for all build and deployments
including setting up pipeline jobs and upstream/downstream job configurations in Jenkins.
 Effective in creating functions and assigning roles in AWS Lambda to run python scripts, and also used java to
perform event driven processing.
 Managed Maven environment by setting up local, remote and central repositories with required configuration in
maven configuration files and defined dependencies and plugins in Maven pom.xml for various activities and
integrated Maven with GIT to manage and deploy project related tags.
 Extensively worked on Chef Roles, Cookbooks, Recipes, Templates, Resources, Attributes & Data bags
Proficient in the setup of Chef Servers, workstations & bootstrapping infrastructure Chef Nodes for configuration
 Experience in writing Ansible playbooks for installing WebLogic/tomcat application, deployment of WAR, JAR,
and EAR files across all the environments.
 Experience in writing Ansible playbooks by using YAML script to launch AWS instances and used to manage web
applications, configuration files, used mount points and packages.
 Responsible for creating puppet modules and manifest files from scratch and experience in editing existing puppet
manifests and automated manual installation processes using puppet.
 Experience in using Azure Stack as a hybrid cloud computing software and combine Iaas and Paas services in a
software stack. Enabled the enterprises to keep workloads on-premises or seamlessly move them to the Azure public
cloud as needed.
 Experience with optimization and performance tuning of SQL Server Database and performance tuning of SQL
Server Store Procedures with SQL Server Profiler and Query Execution Plan. 
 Experience in Monitoring infrastructure to identify and troubleshoot issues using tools like Nagios, serviceNow,
Splunk & JIRA. Custom Kafka broker design to reduce message retention from default 7 day retention to 30 minute
retention, architected a light weight Kafka broker.
 Experienced using different log monitoring tools like Splunk, Application Performance Monitoring (APM), ELK
(Elasticsearch, Log Stash, and Kibana) to see logs information. Monitor & get the health & security notifications
from nodes. Created monitors, alarms & notifications for EC2 instances, VPC, Load balancers, S3, RDS and Cloud
Formation using CloudWatch.
 Worked with different bug tracking tools like Jira, Crucible, Bugzilla, ServiceNow, Rally, Clear Quest and
Quality Center(QC).

EDUCATION QULIFICATION:  Master’s in engineering technology from West Texas A & M

 Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science from Jawaharlal
Nehru Technological University (JNTU)
CERTIFICATION ACHIEVED:  AWS certified Associate Developer.

TECHNOLOGIES:  DevOps Tools: Chef, Puppet, Open stack, SVN, Nagios, Jenkins, Docker SWARM,
Maven, Ant, Git, SVN, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Ansible tower etc.
 Amazon Web Services (AWS) : AWS EC2, ELB, VPC, RDS, IAM, Route53, Cloud
Formation, S3, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, AWS Snowball Cloud Trail, EBS, SNS, STS,
SQS, SWF, EBS, RDS, Dynamo DB, NAT Gateways, Subnets, Security Groups,
NACL's, Code Deploy, Code Pipeline, Code Build and Code Commit
 Ansible: Ansible modules, Playbooks, Ansible-Galaxy, Ansible-lint and Ansible Vault.
 Ansible Tower (AWX): Inventory, Projects, Job Templates, Workflow Templates,
Scheduling Jobs
 Scripting Languages: Shell Scripting, Python, Ruby, Perl, Yaml, Node.js and Groovy
 Monitoring Tools: JIRA, Bugzilla, Nagios, Cloud Watch, Splunk, ELK and SonarQube
 Chef: Cookbooks, Recipes, Supermarket, Kitchen, Knife, Chef Client, Food critic,
Kitchen Test, Kitchen converge and Kitchen Doctor.
 operating systems: RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, DEBAIN, Windows 2012 and Windows
 Package creation : Windows – Choco Packages, NUPKG.
 Linux – RPM’s, tar.gz, tgz etc.
 Source Code Management: GIT, GIT LAB, SVM, Bitbucket.
Bank Of New York Mellon | Ansible Developer | New York Oct 2018 – May
 Being an Ansible Developer, I am responsible for migrating the layer products from Brown field to green field.
 Used Ansible and Ansible tower (AWX) as configuration management tool to deploy the application to multiple
servers at once.
 Involved in writing various custom Ansible playbooks for deployment, orchestration and developed Ansible Playbooks
to simplify and automate day-to-day server administration tasks.
 Responsible for rebuilding the servers using VMware vsphere web client for a fresh installation of layered products
on different environments.
 Rebuilding the servers can be achieved by reverting to the initial snapshots and responsible for taking the server
snapshots at a periodically manner and configuring ansible.cfg file to adjust the repo source.
 Manually deployed Choco packages on windows servers using Windows PowerShell ISE which helped to trouble
shoot the issues in the NUGET packages.
 Maintained Ansible playbooks using Ansible roles, Ansible Galaxy, utilized combination of different module in
Ansible playbook with YAML scripting to configure the files on remote servers.
 Used Ansible to manage systems configuration to facilitate interoperability between existing infrastructure and new
infrastructure in alternate physical data centers
 Experienced in using Ansible to manage Web Applications, Config Files, Data Base, Commands, Users Mount
Points, and Packages and Used ansible-galaxy to create roles which can be reused multplr times across the
organizations and calling these reusable roles uding the requiremnent.yml file in roles.
 All the deployments are carried out using ansible tower (AWX) by creating job templated and pushing the code on to
the target inventory and executing the workflow templates to patch the inventory.
 Involved in high level discussion with app-owners and mayors for migration planning and ensure a smooth work flow
by coordinating with app-owners, Release managers, technological service group architects and developers.
 Involved in cross team code validations and approving it for further deployment on Test, QA and PROD servers.
 Providing off-shore support and training the developers to better understand how end to end automation is done in the
organization and training the developers to make them familiar with the BNYM’S deployment process.
 Executing the workflow templates which will deploy the ansible scripts on to target servers as well as gathers server
status which will be used for server patching. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the servers maintaining team along
with the executed logs, fully-qualified domain names and IP addresses of the servers.
 Document the technical details to describe the mnemonic development, reusability scenarios, testing methods and
deployment of playbooks. which helps other developers to understand the playbook more quickly and reuse the role
according to their specific scenarios.
Environment: VMware vsphere web client, Ansible tower, GIT LAB, JIRA, Ansible, Linux packages, Windows
packages etc.

Sr. DevOps/ Cloud Engineer | Rodan and Fields | Sanramon, Ca April 2017 – Oct 2018
 As a AWS engineer, I was involved in migration of business from a physical data center environment to AWS and
designed, built and deployed multitude applications utilizing almost all the AWS stack focusing on high-availability,
fault tolerance, and auto-scaling with CloudWatch monitoring.
 Worked with broad range of AWS Cloud Services like EC2, S3, ELB, Glacier, Cloud Front, Code Deploy, code
commit, code build, code pipeline, Elastic Beanstalk, AWS snowball, Auto Scaling, Route53, AMI, SNS, SQS,
DynamoDB, Elastic search and CloudWatch.
 Implemented a production ready, load balanced, highly available, fault tolerant Kubernetes infrastructure and created
Jenkins jobs to deploy applications to Kubernetes Cluster.
 Worked with Kubernetes to provide a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application
containers across clusters of hosts and managed containerized applications using its nodes, config maps, selectors, and
 Created Clusters using Kubernetes, managed them on OpenShift platform and worked on creating many pods,
replication controllers, services, deployments, labels, health checks and ingress by writing YAML files.
 Used Docker to containerize custom web applications and deployed on application servers with Ubuntu instances
through SWARM Cluster and automated application deployment in cloud using Docker HUB, Docker Swarm, and
 Experience in Migrating a production infrastructure into an Amazon Web Services utilizing AWS Cloud formation,
Code Deploy, Code Commit, code build, code pipeline Chef, EBS and OpsWorks.
 Configuring and deploying instances on AWS environments and Data centers, also familiar with Compute,
Kubernetes Engine, Stack driver Monitoring, Elastic Search and managing security groups on both. 
 Used Docker to virtualize deployment containers and push the code to EC2 cloud using PCF. Built additional
Docker Slave nodes for Jenkins using custom built Docker images and instances.
 Used Cloud Front to deliver content from AWS edge locations to users, allowing for further reduction of load on
front-end servers.
 Orchestrated and migrated CI/CD processes using Cloud Formation, Terraform templates and Containerized the
infrastructure using Docker setup in Vagrant, AWS and Amazon VPCs. 
 Created Terraform modules to create instances in AWS & automated process of creation of resources is AWS.
 Worked closely with application team and support on various performance and configuration issues on daily basis and
Planned release schedules with agile methodology.
 Involved in creating IAM user accounts, groups, adding user to the groups, generating custom policies, assigning to
groups and users, customizing the JSON template, Created snapshots and Amazon Machine Images (AMI) of the
instance for backup. 
 Performed all necessary GIT configuration support for different projects and Worked on branching, versioning,
labeling, and merging strategies to maintain GIT repository, GIT Hub.
 Worked on Jenkins for continuous integration and for end to end automation for all build and deployments including
setting up pipeline jobs and upstream/downstream job configurations in Jenkins.
 Integrated Jenkins with various DevOps tools such as Nexus, Puppet, configuring Kubernetes container
environments, utilizing Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment.
 Written/ Developed Ansible Playbooks to automate the entire deployment process as well as infrastructure admin
 Hands-on experience on Ansible and Ansible Tower as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks,
quickly deploys critical applications, and proactively manages change.
 Utilized Agile Methodologies - Scrum meetings to manage full life-cycle development of the project.
 Used Splunk as a monitoring tools to identify and resolve infrastructure problems before they affect critical processes
and it is used for Event handlers in case of automatic restart of failed applications and services.
Environment: AWS, Virtual Private Cloud, AWS Lambda, Cloud Formation Templates, Snapshots, AWS AMI’s,
Tomcat, Nginx, Terraform, Docker Engine, Docker, Grafana, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Web Sphere, Web Logic, Apache
Tomcat, Amazon cloud server, Git, GitHub, Maven, Nexus, JFrog, Jenkins, Ansible, Vagrant, JIRA, Nagios, SonarQube,
YAML, Bash, Python, PowerShell, Ruby, Groovy and Perl.

Sr. DevOps/AWS Engineer | Aetna Inc. | Hartford, CT Feb 2016 – April 2017

 Involved in managing and maintaining IAM policies for organizations in AWS to define groups, create users, assign
roles and define rules for role and customizing the JSON template.
 Hands on experience in setting up databases in AWS using RDS, storage using S3 bucket and configuring instance
backups to S3 bucket to ensure fault tolerance and high availability. 
 Used Jenkins pipelines, which helped us, drive all Microservices builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed
to Kubernetes.
 Used OpenShift to enables efficient container orchestration, allowing rapid container provisioning, deploying,
scaling and management and used OpenShift to build, launch and host the application in cloud.
 Setup & maintain Jenkins/Drone pipelines for application continuous integration / continuous deployment.
 Created NAT gateways and instances to allow communication from the private instances to the internet through
bastion hosts and used Kinesis to stream the data over thousands of data sources.
 Converting existing AWS infrastructure to serverless architecture (AWS Lambda, Kinesis) deployed via Terraform
and AWS Cloud formation. Designed and implemented an entire infrastructure to power micro services architecture
on AWS using Terraform.
 Used Terraform in AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to automatically setup and modify settings by interfacing
with control layer and automated data log dashboards with the stack through Terraform scripts.
 Used Docker continuous deployment tool to run, ship and deploy the application. Worked with container base
deployments using Docker, working with Docker images, Docker Hub and Docker-registries
 Deployed various databases and applications using Kubernetes cluster management some of the services are Reddis,
node.js app, Nginx etc.
 Worked with Groovy scripts in Jenkins to execute jobs for a continuous integration pipeline where Groovy Jenkins
Plugin and Groovy Post Build Action Plugin is used as a build step and post build actions.
 Worked with Ansible playbooks and inventory which are the entry point for Ansible provisioning and management
where the automation is defined through tasks and run Ansible scripts to provision servers.
 Wrote ANSIBLE Playbooks with Python, SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes and Test
Playbooks on AWS instances using Python. Run Ansible Scripts to provision Dev servers.
 Used the Ansible Galaxy, a shared repository for the roles to download, share and manage the roles
 Developing Nagios plug-in scripts, various reports, and project plans in the support of initiatives to assist in
maintaining Nagios Distributed system monitoring and management via several data extrapolating applications.
 Used SonarQube in build system for continuously inspecting the code quality, Nagios for monitoring and performed
log analysis using ELK stack and created monitoring charts.
 Implemented and maintained the monitoring and alerting of production, corporate servers and storage using AWS
CloudWatch for efficiency.
 Used Jira, Crucible bug tracking tool for both hosted and local instances for issue tracking, workflow collaboration
and tool-chain automation.
 Used Nagios to monitor and manage server logs for different environments in the organization
 Supporting 24x7 production computing environments. Experience providing on-call and weekend support.
Environment: AWS EC2, S3, VPC, RDS, IAM, Route 53, CloudFormation, CloudFront, CloudWatch, Docker Hub,
Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, NAT instances, Terraform, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, Nagios, Maven, Ant, GIT, HTML,
CSS, Node JS, Ubuntu, Httpd, Websphere.

DevOps/Azure Engineer | Charter Communications | Greenwood village, Co Jan 2015 – Feb 2016

 Automated various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack monitoring
using Chef cookbooks, chef recipes and has Integrated Chef with Jenkins.
 Written multiple cookbooks in Chef using Ruby scripting language for various DB configurations to modularize and
optimize end-product configuration, converting production support scripts to Chef Recipes. 
 Developed version control of Chef Cookbooks, testing of cookbooks using Food Critic and Test Kitchen and
running recipes on nodes managed by on-premise Chef Server.
 Creating Ansible roles using YAML such as tasks, variables, files, handlers, templets and writing playbook for that
role, writing Ansible scripts and used Ansible for configure Tomcat servers and maintenance.
  Set-up a continuous build process in Visual Studio Team Services to automatically build on new check-in of code
then deploy that new build to the Azure Web application.
 Experience in configuring Azure web apps, Azure App services, Azure Application insights, Azure Application
gateway, Azure DNS, Azure Traffic manager, Azure Network Watcher, Implementing Azure Site Recovery, Azure
Backup and Azure Automation.
 Selecting the appropriate Azure service based on compute, data, or security requirements and leveraging Azure SDKs
to interact with Azure services from your application.
 Worked on Docked-Compose, Docker-Machine to create Docker containers for Testing applications in the QA
environment and automated the deployments, scaling and management of containerized applications across clusters of
hosts using Kubernetes.
 Wrote Chef Cookbooks for various DB configurations to modularize and optimize product configuration, converting
production support scripts to Chef Recipes and AWS server provisioning using Chef Recipes. 
 Invoked Chef Cookbooks from the Chef super market and modified according to the application requirement.
Repaired broken Chef Recipes and corrected configuration problems with other Chef objects
 Exposed to all aspects of software development life cycle (SDLC) such as Analysis, Planning, Developing, Testing,
Implementing and Post-production analysis of the projects. 
 Created clusters using Kubernetes and worked on creating many pods, replication controllers, deployments,
labels, health checks and ingress by writing YAML files
 Proficient in using Docker in swarm mode and Kubernetes for container orchestration, by writing Docker files and
setting up the automated build on Docker HUB.
 Installed SONAR on Jenkins server and configure with the build process for the code analysis process for better code
quality and code metrics, and rapid feedback for development teams and managers
 Experience on Configuring the Chef-Repo, Setup multiple Chef Work stations and Developing Cookbooks for
automating deployments via Chef.
 Worked on setting up virtual box and Vagrant boxes for testing the Chef cookbooks using kitchen and involved in
fixing the Robocop and linting for several cookbooks
 Involved in NoSQL database design, integration and implementation.
 Experience in migrating on premise to Windows Azure in DR on cloud using Azure Recovery Vault and Azure
backups. Working knowledge on Azure Fabric & Docker containers in Azure. Created Domain Controller in one of
the Virtual Machine and added users to Domain Controller.
 Implemented Splunk infrastructure and used Splunk to capture and analyze data from various layers load balancers,
web servers and application servers. 
 Developed stored procedures, triggers in MY SQL for lowering traffic between servers & clients.
 Configured back-ups twice a week. Streamlined applications delivery to get applications out to customers faster.
Environment: GIT, subversion, Bitbucket, IAAS, PaaS, DynamoDB., RDBMS, continuous integration, continuous
delivery, continuous deployment pipelines, Glacier, ELB (Load Balancers), RDS, SNS, SWF, and IAM, Ansible,
Chef, Jenkins, Ubuntu, CentOS, cloud watch, cloud formation, s3 buckets, VPN and docker.

Jr. DevOps Engineer | Automotive Robotics Inc Jan 2014– Dec 2014

 Used IAM for creating roles, users, groups and implemented MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) to provide
additional security to AWS account and its resources. 
 Coordinated with developers to establishing and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming conventions using
GIT source control and analyzed and resolved conflicts related to merging of source code for GIT. 
 Built S3 buckets and managed policies for S3 buckets and used S3 bucket and Glacier for storage and backup on
 Created a fully Automated Build and Deployment Platform on docker and Kubernetes cluster and coordinating code
build promotions and orchestrated deployments using Jenkins, Anasible, and Git.
 Strong experience with CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Deployment) methodologies using Ansible,
 Used Ansible to run ad-hoc commands and playbooks to automate tasks and integrated with Ansible.
 Wrote the Ansible playbooks which is the entry point for Ansible provisioning, where the automation is defined
through tasks using YAML format. Run Ansible scripts to provision dev servers.
 Managed the security and compliance of all the users of Ansible and taken care of the application deployment.
 Configured the Ansible playbooks with Ansible Tower and wrote playbooks using YAML
 Designing and implementing CI (Continuous Integration) system: configuring Jenkins servers, Jenkins nodes, creating
required scripts (Perl & Python), and creating/configuring VMs (Windows/Linux). 
 Wrote python scripts using Boto3 to automatically spin up the instances in AWS EC2 and OPS Works stacks and
integrated with Auto scaling to automatically spin up the servers with configured AMI’s.
 Implementing the monitoring solutions like Zabbix, Nagios, AWS Cloud watch etc.
 Designed and implemented the backup strategy for all the critical systems such as build machines, bug tracking tools,
central repositories etc. 
 collect all release documents for the schedule release of every month second week and off cycle releases.
Environment: Subversion 1.6, GIT, GITHUB, Stash, Apache, Maven, Jenkins, Apache Tomcat, Shell Script, Ansible,
Linux, Windows, Cloud Foundry, Cloud Watch, Python, Kubernetes, Perl, AWS, DNS, Docker, putty, puppet,
CentOS and RHEL

Linux System Admin | ACG Prorelsys Pvt LTD | Hyderabad, India May 2012 - Jan 2014

 Set up and configuring of Linux (RedHat) and Solaris servers/workstations for clients.
 Configuring the NFS servers, setting up servers in network environment and configuring FTP/NTP/NIS servers,
clients for various departments and clients.
 Experience working with high availability, high performance, multi-data center systems and hybrid cloud
 Handling the scheduling tasks (Cron jobs and task scheduler) for the scripts for various purposes.
 Troubleshoot complex issues ranging from system resources to application stack traces.
 Daily execution of build ops in an automated and continuous process.
 Involved in support databases and performed MS SQL upgrades running on Windows servers.
 Compiling code to move into test environments via automated processes.
 Installation, configuration and administration of Linux (RedHat, CentOS).
 Troubleshoot build and deploy failures and facilitate resolution.
 Configuring network services such as DNS/NFS/NIS/NTP for UNIX/Linux Servers.
 Improve speed, efficiency and scalability of the CI environment Logged all events to log files.
 Extensive knowledge of Linux/Windows based systems including hardware, software and applications.
 Experience in development with Perl, Python, PowerShell or other scripting languages.
 On-call support for 24/7 for troubleshooting production issues.
 Project Management for various UNIX/Linux/Windows system integration projects.
Environment: RHEL, Solaris, AIX and Windows, ShelliPlanet4.1, Python, BMC Remedy, Sun One 6.1, IIS 6.0,
Windows 2008, Linux, Shell Scripting, Oracle 9i.

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