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Weekly Journal #2

Public Health Internship

Dr. Kaninjing

Sarah Buttermore

May 22, 2020


On Monday and Tuesday, I continued to research and develop sections regarding three

non-clinical professionals: patient advocates, grief counselors and hospital chaplains. On

Wednesday, I continued to develop sections regarding an overview of grief and the many

different types of grief. I also elaborated on common physical and emotional reactions that are

associated with grief. I continued to develop these sections throughout Thursday and Friday

while simultaneously working on my internship assignments, such as the discussion post,

responding to my peers’ discussion posts, and completing my journal.

In the second week of my internship, I am still getting into a routine and used to my new

schedule. Thankfully, I have a lot of freedom to research topics regarding grief that I find

interesting and beneficial to my overall research. My supervisor and I have communicated well

so far despite her busy schedule, which I am very thankful for. The other Public Health student

that is completing her internship at Coliseum Medical Center is Morgan Scott. Thankfully, I have

someone else who is going through this experience with me so that we can communicate with

each other and help if needed.

I worked a few extra hours this week in order to make up for missing a few last week

while we were figuring out the internship process. Additionally, I took time this week to learn

more about writing a lengthy research paper and APA format. A research paper this long will

take a lot of time and effort to organize and format properly. I have communicated with my

friends that are graduate students, other internship students, and my supervisor to make a plan

and manage my time wisely. Although working on my research paper seems a little stressful, I

am working hard to make a plan of action. Since this research paper will take a long time, I know

that I will bounce back and forth between the different topics until I feel comfortable and feel as

if the section is complete. No matter how much I write now, I know that I will continue to

improve and develop the sections throughout the rest of this internship experience.

Hours Worked 5/18-5/22

Monday: 8:00am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-3:00pm (6 hrs)

Tuesday: 9:00am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-3:00pm (5 hrs)

Wednesday: 8:30am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-3:30pm (5 hrs)

Thursday: 8:30am-10:30am, 11:30am-2:30pm (5 hrs)

Friday: 9:00am-11:00am, 12:00pm-3:00pm (5 hrs)

Total Weekly Hours: 27 hours

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