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Quantum optimal control of electron ring currents in chiral aromatic molecules

Manabu Kanno, Kunihito Hoki, Hirohiko Kono, and Yuichi Fujimura

Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 204314 (2007); doi: 10.1063/1.2806180
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Quantum optimal control of electron ring currents in chiral

aromatic molecules
Manabu Kanno, Kunihito Hoki, Hirohiko Kono, and Yuichi Fujimuraa兲
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
共Received 17 August 2007; accepted 15 October 2007; published online 30 November 2007兲

We report the results of optimal control simulations of ␲-electron rotation 共ring current兲 in a
six-membered chiral aromatic molecule, 2,5-dichloro关n兴共3,6兲pyrazinophane 共DCP兲, attached at a
surface and excited by a linearly polarized UV laser. DCP has a pair of optically allowed,
quasidegenerate ␲-electronic excited states. The laser pulse to generate an approximate angular
momentum eigenstate consisting of the quasidegenerate states was designed using the global
optimal control theory. For both counterclockwise and clockwise ␲-electron rotations, the calculated
objective functional and target yield as a function of the angle of the photon polarization vector
show two maxima and two minima. The origin of the two minima is coherent excitation to only one
of the quasidegenerate states. The two maxima arise from creation of a superposition of the
quasidegenerate states. The optimal control pulse at the maxima is a two-color laser field resonant
with the quasidegenerate states. The electric field of the optimal control pulse consists of two parts:
a slowly oscillating part with phase ␸env and a rapidly oscillating one. The phase ␸env is a crucial
parameter for determination of the rotation direction of ␲ electrons at the end of control. The results
of the optimal control simulations suggest that ␲-electron rotation can be controlled by applying a
two-color laser field with adjusted phases. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.2806180兴

I. INTRODUCTION Barth et al. carried out a quantum simulation of electron

dynamics in polyatomic molecules and showed that ␲ elec-
Rapid progress in laser technology in recent decades has trons of an aromatic molecule, Mg porphyrin, can be rotated
enabled control of various laser parameters. Progress has along its ring by using a circularly polarized laser pulse.4 In
been made in ultrashort pulse generation through pulse com- this case, ring currents are induced with a combination of an
pression, and the available wavelength range has been ex- achiral molecule and chiral light, and the rotation direction
panded. The amplitude and phase of laser fields can now be of ␲ electrons is predetermined by that of the polarization
adjusted as desired by means of pulse shaping techniques. plane of the applied pulse. That is, chirality of a laser pulse is
Accordingly, precise quantum control of molecular motions transferred to a directional ring current.
is becoming a reality. Results of a number of experimental For eliciting productive functions of molecular devices,
and theoretical works on manipulation of nuclear motions in directionality intrinsic to the molecule, not to light, should be
molecules by using laser pulses on a time scale of several provided to electric currents. In this context, we have dem-
tens of femtoseconds to picoseconds have been reported.1 On onstrated that ␲ electrons in a chiral aromatic molecule can
the other hand, a UV/visible attosecond/several-femtosecond be rotated along its ring by using a linearly polarized laser
laser pulse is expected to make it possible to control intramo- pulse.5 This indicates that molecular chirality can also be a
lecular electron dynamics in an ultrashort time regime in source of directional ring currents because a nonhelical pho-
which nuclear degrees of freedom can be ignored. For in- ton has no angular momentum. ␲-electron dynamics reflects
stance, results of experiments on electron localization in the the asymmetry of the molecule itself. In Ref. 5, we have
dissociation process of the deuterium molecular ion D+2 by shown that the rotation direction of ␲ electrons depends on
linearly and circularly polarized few-cycle laser pulses have the polarization direction of the applied pulse relative to the
been presented.2 As for theoretical work, simulations of spatial configuration of each enantiomer on the basis of a
charge transfer, i.e., switching of permanent electric dipoles, three-level model analysis. However, the abovementioned
of lithium cyanide LiCN by linearly polarized laser pulses pulse-design scheme is valid only for an ultrashort linearly
have been performed.3 These studies, however, dealt with polarized single-peaked laser pulse, e.g., a sin2 or Gaussian
simple-structured few-atom molecules. Control of electron pulse such as we have used in the numerical simulations in
motions in polyatomic molecules or molecular assemblies is Ref. 5. It is not clear yet what are the significant factors for
needed for the development of molecular functionality. In determination of the rotation direction without restriction on
particular, methods to induce and control electric currents in the envelope of a laser field.
molecular devices are essential for nanotechnology. In this article, we report the results of optimal control
simulations of ␲-electron rotation 共ring current兲 in a chiral
Electronic mail: aromatic molecule. The optimal control theory 共OCT兲 is a

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204314-2 Kanno et al. J. Chem. Phys. 127, 204314 共2007兲

TABLE I. Hückel MO energies of ␲ orbitals of DCP calculated by solving

the secular equation.

␲ orbital Orbital energy 共eV兲

兩4bg典 4.31
兩4au典 2.25
兩3au典 共LUMO兲 1.56
兩3bg典 共HOMO兲 −2.44
兩2bg典 −3.23
兩2au典 −4.55
兩1bg典 −5.11
兩1au典 −5.74

FIG. 1. S and R enantiomers of DCP. The directions of transition dipole

moments 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 and 具10兩␮
ˆ 兩0典 of an R enantiomer are shown as well as
those of photon polarization vectors e± defined as 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · e± Then, DCP is regarded as being of C2h symmetry and having
= ± 具10兩␮
ˆ 兩0典 · e±. The magnitudes of 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 and 具10兩␮
ˆ 兩0典 are 2.02ea0 and
eight pz orbitals and ten ␲ electrons in this description of
1.63ea0, respectively.
␲-electron dynamics. The first term in Eq. 共1兲 gives the one-
electron energy and hlm is the hopping integral. The second
powerful mathematical tool for designing an optimal control and third terms in Eq. 共1兲 represent the on-site and long-
pulse to lead a quantum system to a desired target state.6–9 range electron-electron repulsions, respectively. U is the so-
Here, we aim to obtain as much 共angular兲 momentum as called on-site Hubbard parameter. Several forms have been
possible for a unidirectional circular path along an aromatic proposed for the long-range repulsion parameter Vlm, and we
ring at the end of control by linearly polarized laser fields. assume the Ohno potential12
Optimal control simulation, which reveals the best wave pro-
file of a laser pulse for achieving a target state under a given U
Vlm = , 共2兲
constraint, is the most suitable approach to investigate how 关1 + 共Rlm/d兲2兴1/2
␲-electron rotation can be controlled in an efficient way with
where Rlm ⬅ 兩Rl − Rm兩, with nuclear coordinates Rm of the
an appropriate choice of laser parameters.
mth atom, and d is the unit bond length.
In the following sections, a chiral aromatic molecule
The diagonal elements of the hopping integral hlm are
with a six-membered ring, 2,5-dichloro关n兴共3,6兲pyrazino-
given by
phane 共DCP兲, is used as a system 共Fig. 1兲. The positive in-
teger n specifies the length of the ethylene bridge 共CH2兲n. hll = ␣l − 兺 Vlm , 共3兲
The value of n is set as n ⯝ 10 to prevent free rotation of the m
aromatic ring. DCP has quasidegenerate ␲-electronic excited
and the off-diagonal elements are assumed to have a nonzero
states, whose linear combinations give approximate angular
value only between nearest neighbors,

再 冎
momentum eigenstates for circulation of ␲ electrons along
the aromatic ring. The molecule is assumed to be preori- ␤lm 共兩l − m兩 = 1兲
ented, e.g., fixed to a surface by the ethylene bridge, and all hlm = 共4兲
0 共兩l − m兩 艌 2兲.
nuclei in the molecule are treated as frozen.
Here, ␣l and ␤lm are determined as

␣ l = ␣ + ␨ l␤ , 共5a兲

A. Effective Hamiltonian formalism for ␲-electron ␤lm = ␩lm␤ , 共5b兲

where ␣ is the Coulomb integral at a carbon atom and ␤ is
First of all, let us begin with a description of how to the resonance integral between the nearest carbon atoms. Pa-
evaluate the field-free ␲-electronic states of chiral aromatic rameters ␨l and ␩lm are introduced for evaluation of the in-
molecules. We employ the semiempirical Pariser-Parr-Pople tegrals for heteroatoms, halogen atoms, and carbon atoms
共PPP兲 model to express the effective ␲-electronic Hamil- adjacent to them.
tonian Ĥ␲, For U = 0, the second and third terms in Eq. 共1兲 vanish
hlmâl†␴âm␴ + U 兺 n̂m␣n̂m␤ + 兺 and one obtains hll = ␣l. The PPP Hamiltonian Ĥ␲ is then
Ĥ␲ = 兺
Vlmn̂l␴n̂m␴⬘ ,
reduced to the Hückel Hamiltonian ĤHMO.13 In order to ob-
m l⬎m,␴,␴⬘
tain eigenstates of Ĥ␲, we first calculate those of ĤHMO. Pa-
rameters for the one-electron energy are set as employed for
where †
âm is a creation operator of a ␲ electron in a pz
␴ linear polyenes:11 ␣ = 0 and ␤ = −2.40 eV. The standard val-
orbital at the mth atom 兩␹m典 with a spin ␴, and n̂m␴ ues presented by Streitwieser14 are adopted for ␨l and ␩lm:
⬅ âm

␴âm␴. With a proper choice of parameters, the PPP ␨N = 0.5, ␨Cl = 2, ␨C = 0.2 共only for carbon atoms adjacent to a
model is known to be capable of reproducing various optical chlorine atom兲, ␩CCl = 0.4, and for the other atoms and bonds,
properties of ␲-conjugated systems.10,11 The effect of the ␨l = 0 and ␩lm = 1. Orbital energies and linear combination of
nonaromatic ethylene bridge is neglected in the PPP model. atomic orbital 共LCAO兲 coefficients of eight ␲ orbitals of
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204314-3 Ring currents in chiral aromatic molecules J. Chem. Phys. 127, 204314 共2007兲

TABLE II. Properties of optically allowed ␲-electronic excited states of which transition energies from the
ground state 兩0典 = 兩1 1Ag典 are less than 10.0 eV. Weight is a square of a CI coefficient of each electronic

Transition Oscillator Dominant electronic

Excited state energy 共eV兲 strength configurations Weight

兩1典 = 兩1 1Bu典 4.31 3.46⫻ 10−1 兩3bg典 → 兩3au典 0.662

兩2bg典 → 兩4au典 0.211

兩2典 = 兩2 1Bu典 5.05 8.52⫻ 10−2 兩3bg典 → 兩4au典 0.528

兩2bg典 → 兩3au典 0.382

兩4典 = 兩3 1Bu典 6.66 1.00 兩1bg典 → 兩3au典 0.605

兩2bg典 → 兩4au典 0.169

兩7典 = 兩4 1Bu典 7.07 1.05 兩1bg典 → 兩4au典 0.340

兩2bg典 → 兩3au典 0.241
兩3bg典 → 兩4au典 0.138

兩9典 = 兩5 1Bu典 7.66 2.31 兩2bg典 → 兩4au典 0.334

兩1bg典 → 兩3au典 0.201
兩3bg典 → 兩4au典 0.167
兩2bg典 → 兩3au典 0.124

兩10典 = 兩6 1Bu典 7.77 1.51 兩1bg典 → 兩4au典 0.460

兩2bg典 → 兩3au典 0.144
兩2bg典 → 兩4au典 0.103

兩15典 = 兩7 1Bu典 9.79 2.29⫻ 10−3 兩2au典 → 兩4bg典 0.614

兩2au典 , 兩3bg典 → 兩3au典 , 兩4au典a 0.140
This double excitation consists of a singlet electron pair and a singlet hole pair 关Ref. 10共b兲兴.

DCP are obtained by solving the secular equation with over- ⳵

laps 具␹l 兩 ␹m典 = ␦lm 共Table I兲. The eigenstate of ĤHMO is repre- iប 兩⌿共t兲典 = Ĥ共t兲兩⌿共t兲典, 共8兲
sented by a Slater determinant composed of LCAO–
molecular orbitals 共MOs兲. with the initial condition
Configuration interaction 共CI兲 is taken into account by
兩⌿共0兲典 = 兩0典, 共9兲
diagonalizing Ĥ␲ including all singlet single and double ex-
citations 共SDCI兲. The on-site Hubbard parameter U is set as where 兩0典 = 兩1 1Ag典 is the ground state. We solve Eq. 共8兲 by
in Ref. 11: U = 11.1 eV. The aromatic ring forms a planar expanding 兩⌿共t兲典 in terms of 17 singlet eigenstates of Ĥ␲
structure and we simply assume that the CC and CN bond with energy ប␻k ⬍ 10.0 eV 共␻0 = 0兲, which is a typical value
length is 1.40 Å, the CCl bond length is 1.80 Å, and of the first ionization energy of aromatic molecules, obtained
⬔NCCl= 120°. The unit bond length d is then 1.40 Å. Con- at the level of SDCI,
sequently, 136 singlet eigenstates of Ĥ␲, each of which is a 16
兩⌿共t兲典 = 兺 ck共t兲e−i␻kt兩k典.
linear combination of those of ĤHMO, are obtained by SDCI
using 15 single and 120 double excitations 共Table II兲. k=0

B. Time evolution of ␲-electron wave packets By inserting Eq. 共10兲 into Eq. 共8兲, we derive the coupled
equations of motion for the expansion coefficients 兵ck共t兲其,
The time-dependent Hamiltonian of an aromatic mol-
ecule interacting with a classical laser field ␧共t兲 is expressed dck共t兲

in the dipole approximation and the length gauge as iប = − 兺 ck⬘共t兲ei共␻k−␻k⬘兲t具k兩␮

ˆ 兩k⬘典 · ␧共t兲. 共11兲

k =0
Ĥ共t兲 = Ĥ␲ − ␮
ˆ · ␧共t兲, 共6兲
The coupled equations can be numerically solved by using a
where ␮ˆ is the electric dipole moment operator. In this semi- conventional algorithm, e.g., Runge-Kutta method.
empirical model, ␮ ˆ is expanded in terms of 兵n̂m␴其 as
ˆ = − e 兺 Rmn̂m␴ .
␮ 共7兲
m,␴ C. „Angular… momentum operator and its approximate
Equation 共7兲 implies that a ␲ electron occupying 兩␹m典 is as-
sumed to be localized just at the nuclear coordinate Rm. The In this semiempirical model, ␲-electron rotation can be
time-dependent Schrödinger equation 共TDSE兲 for a quantified by the momentum expectation value p共t兲
␲-electron wave packet is ⬅ 具⌿共t兲兩p̂兩⌿共t兲典, where p̂ is defined using the momentum of
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On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:20:28
204314-4 Kanno et al. J. Chem. Phys. 127, 204314 共2007兲

complex MOs for a circular path along an aromatic ring. 兩 ± 典 = 2−1/2共兩9典 ± i兩10典兲, 共16兲
Complex MOs 兵兩␺ j典其 of an aromatic molecule of DMh sym-
metry are given by and for an S enantiomer, the sign ⫾ on the right-hand side of
Eq. 共16兲 is replaced by ⫿. ␲ electrons with positive 共nega-

冉 冊 tive兲 angular momentum travel counterclockwise 共clockwise兲

1 2j␲
兩␺ j典 = 1/2 兺 exp i m 兩␹m典, 共12兲 around the ring in Fig. 1.
M m=1 M
D. Optimal control of unidirectional ␲-electron
where M denotes the number of atoms in the aromatic ring, rotation
e.g., M = 6 for benzene. The integer j reads j = −M / 2
+ 1 , . . . , 0 , . . . , M / 2. 兩␺0典 and 兩␺ M/2典 are the lowest and high- Achievement of a large 共angular兲 momentum expecta-
est orbitals in energy, respectively, and for the other values of tion value requires a linearly polarized laser pulse ␧共t兲 to
j, 兩␺ j典 and 兩␺−j典 are degenerate.15 By approximating a po- transfer as much of the population as possible from the
lygonal structure of the molecule with a complete cylindrical ground state 兩0典 to either 兩⫹典 or 兩⫺典. In our previous study,5
ring, the complex MO 兩␺ j典 can be regarded as a traveling we designed a single-color linearly polarized laser pulse on
wave with the momentum p j for a circular path along the the basis of a three-level 共兩0典, 兩9典, and 兩10典兲 model analysis.
ring,16 The central frequency of the laser pulse is resonant with the

再 冎
average energy of the quasidegenerate states. The polariza-
jប/b 共1 艋 兩j兩 艋 M/2 − 1兲 tion unit vector e+ or e− is defined as 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · e±
pj = 共13兲
0 共j = 0,M/2兲, = ± 具10兩␮ˆ 兩0典 · e± for each enantiomer. The directions of e± for
an R enantiomer are illustrated in Fig. 1. The ultrashort
where b is the radius of the ring. In the case of a six- single-peaked laser pulse applied along e± creates a superpo-
membered ring, b is equal to the unit bond length d. The sition 兩9典 ± 兩10典 in 兩⌿共t兲典. Then, the relative phase between 兩9典
momentum operator p̂ is defined as and 兩10典 temporally evolves as ±1 → ⫿ i → ⫿ 1 → ± i → ± 1
→ . . . with the progression of time after excitation, 0 → T / 4
p̂ = 兺 p j␯ˆ j␴ , 共14兲 → T / 2 → 3T / 4 → T → . . ., where T ⬅ ␲ / ⌬␻. In T / 4 and 3T / 4
j,␴ after excitation, ␲ electrons circulate around the ring of DCP
in the direction specified by the relative phase at the moment.
where ␯ˆ j␴ is an occupation-number operator of ␲ electrons in
In this study, we designed a linearly polarized laser pulse
兩␺ j典 with a spin ␴. The expectation value p共t兲 is then calcu-
using the OCT. In the OCT, a positive definite operator Ô,
lated by additions and multiplications of LCAO coefficients,
which takes a maximum expectation value when the system
CI coefficients, phase factors 兵e−i␻kt其, and expansion coeffi-
reaches a target state, is introduced. The optimal control
cients 兵ck共t兲其.
pulse ␧共t兲 is designed so as to maximize the expectation
␲ electrons with a nonzero value of p j circulate around
value of Ô at the final time t f subject to minimum laser
the ring with radius b. Hence, angular momentum of ␲ elec-
energy. That is, ␧共t兲 is defined as the laser pulse that gives a
trons in 兩␺ j典 is simply given by ᐉ j = bp j, and the angular
maximum value to the objective functional,
momentum operator is expressed as ᐉ̂ = bp̂.
Here, in a circular motion of a particle, angular velocity
of the particle is equivalent to its linear velocity divided by J = 具⌿共t f 兲兩Ô兩⌿共t f 兲典 −
冕 0

冋 册
the radius of the circle. Thus, we also define the rotational
angle of ␲ electrons ␪共t兲 as
− 2 Re 冕 tf
⳵ 1
− Ĥ共t兲 兩⌿共t兲典,
⳵t iប

冕 t 0
␪共t兲 ⬅ d␶ p共␶兲. 共15兲 where A is a positive parameter to weigh the penalty for laser
m eb 0
energy and 兩⌳共t兲典 is a Lagrange multiplier for 兩⌿共t兲典 to sat-
Integration with respect to ␶ in Eq. 共15兲 is implemented nu- isfy the TDSE. According to the variational procedure, the
merically using Simpson’s rule. The expectation values p共t兲 requirement of ␦J = 0 gives the equation that 兩⌳共t兲典 satisfies,
and ␪共t兲 are utilized as measures of ␲-electron rotation. ⳵
As mentioned above, benzene has a pair of degenerate iប 兩⌳共t兲典 = Ĥ共t兲兩⌳共t兲典, 共18兲
␲-electronic excited states with angular momentum ᐉ±1. On
the other hand, DCP has a pair of quasidegenerate with the final condition
␲-electronic excited states, 兩9典 = 兩5 1Bu典 and 兩10典 = 兩6 1Bu典,
with the energy gap 2ប⌬␻ ⬅ ប共␻10 − ␻9兲 = 0.105 eV 共Table 兩⌳共t f 兲典 = Ô兩⌿共t f 兲典. 共19兲
II兲. The transition dipole moments 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 and 具10兩␮ˆ 兩0典 of The explicit form of the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 is even-
an R enantiomer of DCP are illustrated in Fig. 1, and those of tually derived as
an S enantiomer are their mirror images. The magnitudes of
具9兩␮ˆ 兩0典 and 具10兩␮
ˆ 兩0典 are 2.02ea0 and 1.63ea0, respectively. ␧共t兲 = − A Im关具⌳共t兲兩␮
ˆ 兩⌿共t兲典 · eopt兴eopt , 共20兲
Linear combinations of 兩9典 and 兩10典 give the approximate where eopt is the polarization unit vector of ␧共t兲.
eigenstates of ᐉ̂, denoted as 兩⫹典 and 兩⫺典, where 具±兩ᐉ̂兩 ± 典 The coupled Eqs. 共8兲, 共18兲, and 共20兲 need to be solved
= ± 0.862ប. For an R enantiomer, simultaneously by means of an iteration algorithm.6 Starting
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204314-5 Ring currents in chiral aromatic molecules J. Chem. Phys. 127, 204314 共2007兲

with the initial condition 共9兲, we perform time propagation of

兩⌿共t兲典 forward by numerically integrating Eq. 共11兲 with an
initial trial pulse. Then, Lagrange multiplier 共19兲 at t = t f is
set using the ␲-electron wave packet at t = t f , and backward
time propagation of 兩⌳共t兲典 is implemented; 兩⌳共t兲典 is ex-
panded in terms of 兵兩k典其, and the counterpart of Eq. 共11兲 for
兩⌳共t兲典 is solved. Forward time propagation of 兩⌿共t兲典 is sub-
sequently carried out. The laser pulse ␧共t兲 is calculated from
Eq. 共20兲 in both the backward and forward time propaga-
tions. This iteration step is repeated until convergence is
achieved. The laser pulse finally obtained is regarded as an
optimal control pulse.


We here present the results of optimal control simula-

tions within 17-state expansion for counterclockwise and
clockwise ␲-electron rotations in an R enantiomer of DCP.
The positive definite operator Ô is determined for each
␲-electron rotation. For counterclockwise ␲-electron rota-
tion, the target state, which needs to have a maximum value
of the population at the final time t f , is 兩⫹典. Therefore, Ô is
set simply as the projection operator onto 兩⫹典,

Ô = 兩 + 典具+ 兩. 共21兲
In the same manner, for clockwise ␲-electron rotation, we

Ô = 兩− 典具− 兩. 共22兲
The control time 共pulse duration兲 is chosen to be equal to one
oscillation cycle corresponding to the energy gap between 兩9典
FIG. 2. 共a兲 Objective functional J and target yield P+共t f 兲 ⬅ 兩具+兩⌿共t f 兲典兩2 for
and 兩10典: t f = T = 39.5 fs. In numerical applications, the pen- counterclockwise ␲-electron rotation as a function of angle shift ␾opt − ␾−.
alty parameter A should be set to an appropriate value. The objective functional J and the target yield P+共t f 兲 at each angle shift are
Throughout this article, we adopt A = 5.0⫻ 10−3Eh / 共ea0兲2. In denoted by circles and squares, respectively. 共b兲 Objective functional J and
all calculations below, convergence is assumed when ⌬J, the target yield P−共t f 兲 ⬅ 兩具−兩⌿共t f 兲典兩2 for clockwise ␲-electron rotation as a func-
tion of angle shift ␾opt − ␾+. The objective functional J and the target yield
difference in J between the last two iteration steps, satisfies P−共t f 兲 at each angle shift are denoted by circles and squares, respectively.
⌬J / J ⬍ 10−6.
To examine the polarization-direction dependence of the
efficiency of laser-induced ␲-electron rotation, we varied the The maxima have almost the same values of J or P+共t f 兲 and
angle of the polarization vector eopt. Hereafter, ␾k 共k = opt, ⫹, the minima as well. The similar tendencies in J and P+共t f 兲
and ⫺兲 signify the angles of ek from the x axis in Fig. 1. For indicate that the laser energy of the optimal control pulse
counterclockwise 共clockwise兲 ␲-electron rotation, ␾opt was ␧共t兲, i.e., the second term in Eq. 共17兲, is almost uniform over
varied with an interval of ±10° from ␾−共␾+兲: ␾opt − ␾−共␾+兲 the whole range of angle shift ␾opt − ␾−. Figure 2共b兲 shows
= 0 ° , ± 10° , ± 20° , . . . , ± 90°. The initial trial pulse at ␾opt objective functional J and target yield P−共t f 兲 ⬅ 兩具−兩⌿共t f 兲典兩2
− ␾−共␾+兲 = 0° was the so-called ␲ pulse.17 Then, the initial for clockwise ␲-electron rotation as a function of angle shift
trial pulse at ␾opt − ␾−共␾+兲 = ± ⌽ was the optimal control ␾opt − ␾+. In analogy with the case of Fig. 2共a兲, both J and
pulse ␧共t兲 at ␾opt − ␾−共␾+兲 = ± 共⌽ − 10° 兲, where ⌽ P−共t f 兲 in Fig. 2共b兲 show two maxima at ␾opt − ␾+ = 0° 共eopt
= 10° , 20° , . . . , 90°. = e+兲 and 80° 共eopt ⯝ e−兲 as well as two minima at ␾opt − ␾+
Figure 2共a兲 shows the results of optimal control simula- = −50° 共具10兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt ⯝ 0兲 and 40° 共具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt ⯝ 0兲. The
tions for counterclockwise ␲-electron rotation. Here, objec- other features in Fig. 2共a兲 such as uniformity of laser energy
tive functional J and target yield P+共t f 兲 ⬅ 兩具+兩⌿共t f 兲典兩2 that are also found in Fig. 2共b兲.
corresponds to the first term in Eq. 共17兲 具⌿共t f 兲兩Ô兩⌿共t f 兲典 are The fact that the minima of objective functional or target
plotted as a function of angle shift ␾opt − ␾−. The objective yield appear at 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt ⯝ 0 and 具10兩␮
ˆ 兩0典 · eopt ⯝ 0 is intu-
functional J and the target yield P+共t f 兲 at each angle shift are itively understandable. When eopt is orthogonal to 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典
denoted by circles and squares, respectively. In Fig. 2共a兲, 共具10兩␮ ˆ 兩0典兲 and the mixing of excited states other than the
both J and P+共t f 兲 exhibit two maxima at ␾opt − ␾− = 0° 共eopt three key levels 兩0典, 兩9典, and 兩10典 into 兩⌿共t兲典 is negligibly
= e−兲 and −80° 共eopt ⯝ e+兲 as well as two minima at ␾opt small, the ground state 兩0典 is coupled only to 兩10典 共兩9典兲. At
− ␾− = −40° 共具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt ⯝ 0兲 and 50° 共具10兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt ⯝ 0兲. most, only half of the population can be transferred to the
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204314-6 Kanno et al. J. Chem. Phys. 127, 204314 共2007兲

target state, as in Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲, but at the same time,
the other approximate angular momentum eigenstate is
equally populated. No ␲-electron rotation is induced. To
verify this, we have performed optimal control simulations
for counterclockwise and clockwise ␲-electron rotations ex-
actly at 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt = 0 and 具10兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt = 0. The initial trial
pulse at 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt = 0 共具10兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt = 0兲 was the optimal
control pulse ␧共t兲 at 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt ⯝ 0 共具10兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt ⯝ 0兲
mentioned above. For both ␲-electron rotations, we have
confirmed that the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 at
具9兩␮ˆ 兩0典 · eopt = 0 共具10兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt = 0兲 is a cosine wave with fre-
quency ␻10 共␻9兲 and, thus, coherent excitation 兩0典 → 兩10典
共兩9典兲 takes place. Calculated momentum expectation value
p共t兲 and rotational angle ␪共t兲 are almost 0 throughout the
On the other hand, what causes the maxima at eopt = e−
and e+? If the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 at these angle shifts
is an ultrashort single-peaked laser pulse, appearance of the
maxima could be explained. As stated in Sec. II D, an ul-
trashort single-peaked laser pulse with e−共e+兲 produces 兩⫹典
in an R enantiomer in T / 4共3T / 4兲 after excitation. Hence, in
principle, it is possible to create a large amount of population
in 兩⫹典 at t = t f by setting the pulse peak of an ultrashort
single-peaked laser pulse with e−共e+兲 prior to the final time t f
by T / 4共3T / 4兲. Likewise, the final population of 兩⫺典 can be
enriched by applying an ultrashort single-peaked laser pulse
with e+共e−兲 so that its pulse peak is at t = t f − T / 4共3T / 4兲.
Here, a simple but important question arises: Is the optimal FIG. 3. 共a兲 Optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 at ␾opt − ␾− = 0° 共eopt = e−兲 for coun-
terclockwise ␲-electron rotation. Inset: Power spectrum of the optimal con-
control pulse ␧共t兲 at eopt = e− or e+ indeed an ultrashort trol pulse ␧共t兲, S共␻兲, defined by Eq. 共23兲. The values of S共␻兲 are scaled so
single-peaked laser pulse? that the maximum value is unity. 共b兲 Temporal behavior in the populations
Temporal behavior in the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 at of 兩0典 共dotted line兲, 兩⫹典 共solid line兲, and 兩⫺典 共dash-dotted line兲 denoted as
␾opt − ␾− = 0° 共eopt = e−兲 for counterclockwise ␲-electron rota- P0共t兲, P+共t兲, and P−共t兲, respectively. 共c兲 Expectation value of momentum
p共t兲. 共d兲 Expectation value of rotational angle ␪共t兲.
tion is shown in Fig. 3共a兲. The wave profile of the optimal
control pulse ␧共t兲 in Fig. 3共a兲 is completely different from
that of an ultrashort single-peaked laser pulse. It rather re- ␧共t兲 ⯝ ␧ cos共⌬␻t + ␸env兲cos关共␻9 + ⌬␻兲t + ␸osc兴eopt , 共25兲
sembles that of a wave with a trigonometric envelope. The
envelope starts with a nonzero value and reaches zero at t where ␸env ⬅ 共␸10 − ␸9兲 / 2 and ␸osc ⬅ 共␸9 + ␸10兲 / 2. Now, ␧共t兲
= 11 fs. The peak of the envelope is located at t = 31 fs. The is characterized by the three parameters ␧, ␸env, and ␸osc.
inset of Fig. 3共a兲 shows the power spectrum of ␧共t兲, S共␻兲, Equation 共25兲 consists of two parts: a slowly oscillating part
defined as the absolute square of the Fourier transform of ␧ cos共⌬␻t + ␸env兲 with amplitude ␧, frequency ⌬␻, and phase
␧共t兲, ␸env, which works as an envelope of ␧共t兲, and a rapidly os-
cillating part cos关共␻9 + ⌬␻兲t + ␸osc兴, resonant with the aver-

S共␻兲 ⬅ 冏冕 ⬁

dt␧共t兲e−i␻t 冏 2
. 共23兲
age energy of the quasidegenerate states 兩9典 and 兩10典. Among
the three parameters, ␧ and ␸env that specify the envelope of
␧共t兲 are especially important. For ␧共t兲 in Fig. 3共a兲, we esti-
mate that ␧ is 0.98 GV m−1 and ␸env is 0.22␲ rad.
The values of S共␻兲 in the inset are scaled so that the maxi- Figure 3共b兲 shows the temporal behavior in the popula-
mum value is unity. The power spectrum S共␻兲 shows two tions of 兩0典, 兩⫹典, and 兩⫺典 denoted by dotted, solid, and dash-
main peaks with the same intensity at around ប␻ = 7.66 and dotted lines, respectively. We use the notations Pk共t兲
7.77 eV that are equal to ប␻9 and ប␻10, respectively. There- ⬅ 兩具k 兩 ⌿共t兲典兩2 共k = 0, ⫹, and ⫺兲 for those populations.
fore, the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 in Fig. 3共a兲 can be ap- Throughout the control, the sum of P0共t兲, P+共t兲, and P−共t兲 is
proximated by a linear combination of cosine waves with almost unity; that is, the system behaves similar to a three-
frequencies ␻9 and ␻10, level system. Momentum expectation value p共t兲 and rota-
tional angle ␪共t兲 are plotted in Figs. 3共c兲 and 3共d兲, respec-
␧共t兲 ⯝ 关␧9 cos共␻9t + ␸9兲 + ␧10 cos共␻10t + ␸10兲兴eopt , 共24兲 tively. At t ⬍ 13 fs, a small amount of the population is
excited from the ground state 兩0典 and P+共t兲 exceeds P−共t兲
where ␧k and ␸k 共k = 9 and 10兲 are the amplitude and phase of 关Fig. 3共b兲兴. Accordingly, ␲ electrons start to rotate counter-
the wave with frequency ␻k, respectively. When ␧9 = ␧10 clockwise around the ring in Fig. 1 关Fig. 3共c兲兴. After that, the
⬅ ␧ / 2, Eq. 共24兲 can be rewritten as population created in 兩⫹典 completely shifts to 兩⫺典 and the
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204314-7 Ring currents in chiral aromatic molecules J. Chem. Phys. 127, 204314 共2007兲

cases of Figs. 3共a兲 and 4共a兲, i.e., ␧共eopt = e−兲 / ␧共eopt = e+兲, is
equal to 兩具k兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · e+ / 具k兩␮
ˆ 兩0典 · e−兩 共k = 9 and 10兲, and Rabi fre-
quencies ⍀k ⬅ −具k兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · ␧eopt / 2ប in the two cases, therefore,
have the same magnitude. The phase ␸env is responsible for
the timings of the peak and zero point of the envelope of
␧共t兲. Since the value of ␸env for eopt = e+ differs from that for
eopt = e− by almost ␲ / 2 rad, the order of the peak and zero
point in Fig. 4共a兲 is reversed from that in Fig. 3共a兲.
The dotted, solid, and dash-dotted lines in Fig. 4共b兲 de-
note the temporal behavior in P0共t兲, P+共t兲, and P−共t兲, respec-
tively. Momentum expectation value p共t兲 and rotational
angle ␪共t兲 are plotted in Figs. 4共c兲 and 4共d兲, respectively. The
populations Pk共t兲 共k = 0, ⫹, and ⫺兲 change quite differently
in time from those in Fig. 3共b兲. In Fig. 4共b兲, a considerable
amount of the population is transferred from 兩0典 after the
optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 is turned on. The population trans-
fer continues until t = 21 fs and almost all of the population
pumped from 兩0典 is brought to 兩⫺典, whereas the approximate
angular momentum eigenstate first populated in Fig. 3共b兲 is
兩⫹典. ␲ electrons travel clockwise at about t = 21 fs 关Fig.
4共c兲兴. Subsequently, the population in 兩⫺典 starts to shift to
兩⫹典 and P+共t兲 is rapidly increased. When P+共t兲 overtakes
P−共t兲 at t = 30 fs, the sign of p共t兲 is changed from minus to
plus, and the value of ␪共t兲 begins to increase just after reach-
ing −8.76⫻ 2␲ rad. Eventually, at t = t f , the target yield
P+共t f 兲 is 0.95, while 兩⫺典 is emptied. 共Angular兲 momentum of
␲ electrons at the final time t f is as large as that in Fig. 3共c兲,
FIG. 4. 共a兲 Optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 at ␾opt − ␾− = −77.6° 共eopt = e+兲 for
counterclockwise ␲-electron rotation. Inset: Power spectrum of the optimal though the rotational angle still has a negative value
control pulse ␧共t兲, S共␻兲, defined by Eq. 共23兲. The values of S共␻兲 are scaled 共−4.35⫻ 2␲ rad兲.
so that the maximum value is unity. 共b兲 Temporal behavior in the popula- The optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 at eopt = e+ 共e−兲 for clock-
tions of 兩0典 共dotted line兲, 兩⫹典 共solid line兲, and 兩⫺典 共dash-dotted line兲 denoted
as P0共t兲, P+共t兲, and P−共t兲, respectively. 共c兲 Expectation value of momentum
wise ␲-electron rotation is very similar to that at eopt = e− 共e+兲
p共t兲. 共d兲 Expectation value of rotational angle ␪共t兲. for counterclockwise ␲-electron rotation. They have almost
the same values of ␧ and ␸env since 兩具k兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · e+ / 具k兩␮
ˆ 兩0典 · e−兩
⯝ 1 共k = 9 and 10兲. Temporal behavior in Pk共t兲 共k = 0, ⫹, and
rotation direction of ␲ electrons is reversed. The value of
⫺兲 at eopt = e+ 共e−兲 for clockwise ␲-electron rotation is also
␪共t兲 increases to 0.6⫻ 2␲ rad and then decreases back to 0
analogous to that at eopt = e− 共e+兲 for counterclockwise
关Fig. 3共d兲兴. At t ⬎ 25 fs, the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 ap-
proaches and then passes its peak intensity. The population ␲-electron rotation except that the solid and dash-dotted
remaining in 兩0典 is drastically pumped up and that in 兩⫺典 also lines in Fig. 3共b兲 关Fig. 4共b兲兴 are switched to signify P−共t兲 and
moves to 兩⫹典. In parallel, P+共t兲 exhibits a sharp rise and P+共t兲, respectively. Hence, the values of p共t兲 and ␪共t兲 at
finally, the target yield P+共t f 兲 is 0.94. The momentum of ␲ eopt = e+ 共e−兲 for clockwise ␲-electron rotation are given just
electrons at the final time t f reaches p共t f 兲 = 0.305ប / a0 共corre- by inverting their signs in Figs. 3共c兲 and 3共d兲 关Figs. 4共c兲 and
sponding to 0.806ប of angular momentum兲, and ␲ electrons 4共d兲兴, respectively.
are estimated to circulate counterclockwise around the ring In this article, we used a restricted basis set of 17
more than four times within this control time. ␲-electronic states to expand 兩⌿共t兲典 out of 136 singlet eigen-
We have carried out an optimal control simulation for states of Ĥ␲ obtained by SDCI. Klamroth et al. pointed out
counterclockwise ␲-electron rotation at ␾opt − ␾− = −77.6° that the use of a restricted basis set may result in misestima-
共exactly eopt = e+兲. The initial trial pulse was the optimal con- tion of laser-driven coupled electron-nuclear dynamics of a
trol pulse ␧共t兲 at ␾opt − ␾− = −80° 共eopt ⯝ e+兲. Figure 4共a兲 molecule-surface system.18 In addition to the 17 ␲-electronic
shows the temporal behavior in the optimal control pulse states, our PPP calculation revealed a few highly excited 1Ag
␧共t兲. The peak and zero point of a trigonometric envelope of states of which energies are almost twice as large as that of
␧共t兲 are found at t = 10 and 30 fs, respectively. The power 兩9典 or 兩10典. If those 1Ag states are included in the expansion
spectrum S共␻兲 is displayed in the inset. The values of S共␻兲 in of 兩⌿共t兲典, a linearly polarized laser pulse in Fig. 3共a兲 关Fig.
the inset are scaled so that the maximum value is unity. As in 4共a兲兴 applied along e−共e+兲 will populate them by two-photon
the case of Fig. 3共a兲, two main peaks of S共␻兲 are observed excitations. As a result, target yield P+共t f 兲 decreases by less
with the same intensity at around ប␻ = ប␻9 and ប␻10. Thus, than 0.1 and momentum expectation value p共t兲 is accord-
the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 in Fig. 4共a兲 can also be ap- ingly reduced. Thus, the inclusion of highly excited 1Ag
proximated by Eq. 共24兲 or 共25兲. Here, we estimate that ␧ is states does not semiquantitatively affect our findings.
0.90 GV m−1 and ␸env is −0.26␲ rad. The ratio of ␧ in the As clearly shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the phase of the
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204314-8 Kanno et al. J. Chem. Phys. 127, 204314 共2007兲

envelope of ␧共t兲, ␸env, is a crucial parameter for determina- der to investigate the polarization-direction dependence of
tion of the rotation direction of ␲ electrons. By setting a the efficiency of ␲-electron rotation, the angle of the polar-
proper value of ␸env, ␲ electrons can be rotated in an in- ization vector eopt was varied.
tended direction at the final time t f regardless of whether For both counterclockwise and clockwise ␲-electron ro-
eopt = e− or e+. In contrast, ␲-electron rotation is highly insen- tations, the calculated objective functional J and target yield
sitive to the phase of the rapidly oscillating part of ␧共t兲, ␸osc. P+共t f 兲 关P−共t f 兲兴 show two maxima at eopt = e− and eopt = e+ as
Numerical simulations assuming a linearly polarized laser well as two minima at 具9兩␮ ˆ 兩0典 · eopt = 0 and 具10兩␮
ˆ 兩0典 · eopt = 0.
field expressed by Eq. 共25兲 with ␸osc = ± ␲ / 2 rad, with which The maxima have almost the same value of J or P+共t f 兲
the laser field starts at zero, provide almost the same results 关P−共t f 兲兴 and the minima as well. The origin of the minima is
as those obtained from optimal control simulations. that the ground state 兩0典 is coupled to only one of 兩9典 and
␲-electron rotation can be controlled efficiently by applying 兩10典. The optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 at eopt = e− or e+ consists
a two-color laser field with its phases properly tuned, while of a two-color laser field with frequencies ␻9 and ␻10 in
the timing of a pulse peak is utilized to control the rotation which the two frequency components have the same inten-
direction for conventional excitation with an ultrashort sity. The phase of the envelope of ␧共t兲, ␸env, is a crucial
single-peaked laser pulse. parameter for determination of the rotation direction of ␲
Each of the polarization vectors e− and e+ has its “pre- electrons. In our previous study,5 the rotation direction was
ferred” rotation direction: Counterclockwise for e− and controlled by adjusting the timing of the pulse peak of an
clockwise for e+. After a linearly polarized laser field is ultrashort single-color linearly polarized laser pulse. In con-
turned on, ␲ electrons start to rotate in the preferred rotation trast, in the present study, the rotation direction was effi-
direction defined by the polarization vector, regardless of ciently controlled by tuning the phase of each frequency
whether the laser field is a two-color laser field or an ul- component of a two-color laser field.
trashort single-peaked laser pulse. Then, population transfer The present optimal control pulses are individualized by
occurs between 兩⫹典 and 兩⫺典 and, therefore, 共angular兲 mo- a sudden switch on and switch off, which are difficult for
mentum of ␲ electrons oscillates between positive and nega- experimental application. This can be solved by replacing a
tive values. Finally, ␲ electrons circulate in the rotation di- constant parameter A in the laser-energy term of the objec-
rection specified by the target state with a large amount of tive functional J with a time-dependent penalty function
共angular兲 momentum at the end of the control. The difference A共t兲.7,8 By making it a smooth function starting and ending at
between the two cases is that the sum of P+共t兲 and P−共t兲 zero, the envelope of the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 shows
increases during control by a two-color laser field but does adiabatic ramp and decay.
not change throughout population oscillation between 兩⫹典 In this article, we neglected nuclear degrees of freedom
and 兩⫺典 for excitation with an ultrashort single-peaked laser since the period of ␲-electron rotation is significantly shorter
pulse. than the vibration periods of nuclei with the control time of
Objective functional J and target yield P+共t f 兲 关P−共t f 兲兴 at 39.5 fs. Effects of nuclear motions on ␲-electron dynamics
eopt = e+ 共e−兲 for counterclockwise 共clockwise兲 ␲-electron ro- need to be taken into account when the duration of
tation are as high as those at eopt = e− 共e+兲, but they depend on ␲-electron rotation is close to vibration periods. In this case,
control time. If control time is short, e.g., t f = 25 fs, less the Born-Oppenheimer approximation breaks down and the
population is excited from the ground state 兩0典 at eopt = e+ quasidegenerate states 兩9典 and 兩10典 couple to each other
共e−兲, of which preferred rotation direction does not coincide through nuclear vibrations. Our next step is to consider ef-
with the rotation direction specified by the target state, than fects of nuclear motions on ␲-electron rotation by propagat-
at eopt = e− 共e+兲. Consequently, with a short control time, J ing the total wave function composed of both nuclear and
and P+共t f 兲 关P−共t f 兲兴 at eopt = e+ 共e−兲 are lower than those at ␲-electron wave packets.
eopt = e− 共e+兲. This finding is also true for control by an ul- The optimal control theory is promising for application
trashort single-peaked laser pulse; with control time shorter to laser detection of molecular chirality, for example, for
than 3T / 4, the population created in 兩⫺典 cannot fully shift to designing the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 that maximizes the
兩⫹典 at the final time t f . target yield P+共t f 兲 or P−共t f 兲 in an R enantiomer and mini-
mizes the counterpart in an S enantiomer simultaneously
with a given penalty parameter. ␲-electron rotation con-
trolled by the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 may be experimen-
IV. CONCLUSIONS AND PROSPECTS tally detected using attosecond time-resolved photoelectron
In conclusion, we have carried out optimal control simu-
lations of ␲-electron rotation 共ring current兲 in a six-
membered chiral aromatic molecule, DCP, assuming a linear ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
polarization. First, the field-free ␲-electronic structure of
DCP was evaluated within a framework of semiempirical M.K. is grateful to Dr. Y. Teranishi, Professor T. Kato,
molecular orbital theory. Next, the optimal control pulse ␧共t兲 and Professor Y. Ohtsuki for valuable discussions and ac-
was designed using the global optimal control theory. Nu- knowledges financial support from a JSPS Research Fellow-
merical simulations were performed in an R enantiomer for ship for Young Scientists 共No. 18·5252兲. This work was
counterclockwise and clockwise ␲-electron rotations. In or- partly supported by a JSPS Research Grant 共No. 17350004兲.
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204314-9 Ring currents in chiral aromatic molecules J. Chem. Phys. 127, 204314 共2007兲

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