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The United States of America, the world's first economic, political, military,
technological and cultural superpower, is without a doubt the most influential nation
of our era. This great country has managed to maintain hegemony in the world
since the beginning of the 20th century, consolidating itself especially during the
two world wars. Its formation was thanks to unprecedented historical events such
as the founding of the Roaoke and Jamestown colonies.
During its republican era, it would expand to the west, buying Louisiana from
France, Florida from Spain, Alaska from Russia. The Oregon territory would be
conquered along with the British, and present-day Texas and the southwest would
be snatched from Mexico. The Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico would be
obtained from Spain. Already during the 20th century, the United States would
participate in the First and Second World War. After the defeat of the Soviet Union,
the United States would rise as the only superpower in the world.

NAME: Jerson Taiña Quispetauña 8vo semestre

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