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प्रथमः पाठः - सभाषिताषि


In this chapter we will learn सभाषिताषि, beautiful shlokas (verses) that are filled
with powerful values and wisdom. A person who applies these shlokas in his life will
attain success in every field. There are 6 such powerful shlokas (verses)

In this world there are three gems:- water, food and सभ

ु ाषितानि.
However fools call pieces of stones as gems.
(Here the poet explains how knowledge and right life is more important and
valuable then riches and wealth.)

Truth sustains the earth, truth illuminates the sun.

Truth gusts the wind, indeed the whole world is established in truth.
(Here the poet indicates that Truth = God)

We should not express surprise (or arrogance) by our achievements in charity,

austerity, bravery, science, humility and diplomacy.
There are many such gems on earth. Earth is abundant with such type of people.

१. पृषथव्ाां त्रीषि ित्नाषि सषि।

२. मूढः पािािखण्डेि ु ित्नसांज्ञा षिधीयते।
३. पृषथिी सत्येि धाययत।े
गृहपाठः (H.W.)

 Read and learn the shlokas 3 times

 Write the पदरत्िानि once in your notebook

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