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Main Problem: known as Bilharziasis, snail fever, caused by Schistosoma japonicum,

Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma haematobium
Mode of transmission: bathing, swimming, wading in water
⮚ Cercariae: infective stage
⮚ Vector: Oncomelania, quadrasi
Incubation Period: 2-6 weeks
Clinical Manifestation:
⮚ Itchiness
⮚ Redness and pustule formation at the point of entry of the cercariae
⮚ Diarrhea
⮚ Abdominal pain
⮚ Hepatosplenomegaly
Portal hypertension
Colorectal malignancy
Liver fibrosis
Diagnostic test: urinalysis, fecalysis: ova seen in specimen
Nursing diagnosis: fluid volume deficit
⮚ Praziquantel
⮚ Fuadin

Main Problem: Lues, the pox, bad blood
Infection caused by Treponema Pallidum
Mode of transmission: body fluids, sexual contact, semen, blood, vaginal discharges
Incubation Period: 10-90 days
Clinical Manifestation:
⮚ Primary: painless chancre at 2-6 on penis, anal canal, rectum, mouth
⮚ Secodary: alopecia areata - patchy alopecia, affect eyebrows, condylomata lata -
highly infectious lesions at perianal, vulva, scrotum, inner thighs, axilla,
undersides of breast
⮚ Latent: gumma - diffuse solitary lesions, meningeal syphilis - brain and spinal
cord, most common is stroke syndrome in young adult
⮚ Congenital syphilis: may lead to abortion, still birth, pneumonia
⮚ Early: obstructed nasal breathing with bloody nasal discharges condylomata
⮚ Late: interstitial keratitis to blindness, saddle nose, cleftlip/palate, hutchinson’s
Diagnostic test: blood test, FTA-ABS used as confirmatory test
Nursing diagnosis: alteration in comfort
⮚ Penicillin

Main Problem: a bacterial toxin disease caused by the anaerobic Clostridium Tetani
Mode of transmission: break in the skin
Incubation Period: 3-21 days (6 days average)
Clinical Manifestation:
⮚ Trismus lockjaw
⮚ Risus sardonicus sardonic sign
⮚ Opisthotonus anterior arching of the spine
⮚ Inflammatory process
Diagnostic test: wound culture
Nursing diagnosis: impaired physical mobility, pain
⮚ Neutralize toxin (tetanus toxoid, ATS)
⮚ Antibiotics: Pen G sodiun
⮚ Diazepam (valium)
⮚ Methocarbamol (robaxin)
⮚ Propanolol (inderal)
⮚ Phenobarbital (luminal)
⮚ Promote dark room
⮚ Provide safety
⮚ Minimal handling
⮚ Seizure precautions
⮚ Maintain oxygen

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