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a. In the absence of trade the equilibrium price will be 55 dollar per ton.

At this price the domestic demand and supply curves intersect each other.

b. The domestic price of wheat will decrease to $40 per ton.

The $40 Priceline intersects the supply curve at 75 million tons’ quantity.

So the domestic suppliers will be supplying only 75 million tons of wheat at reduced price.

The total wheat consumption at $40 per ton is 340 million tons.

So the quantity of imported wheat

=Total demand-domestic supply

=265 million tonnes

c. If the government imposes a $10 per ton tariff on all imported wheat the domestic price will
increase to 50 dollar per ton as shown in the diagram.

At this increased price the domestic suppliers will be willing to supply 150 million tons of wheat,
as shown in the diagram the $50 priceline intersects the supply curve at the quantity of 150
million tons.

At this price domestic quantity demanded will be 240 million tons as shown in the diagram, the
price line of $50 touches the demand curve at 240 million tons quantity.

At this price the wheat imported from U.S. will be

=Domestic demand-domestic supply

=90 million tonnes

d. The revenue received by Turkish government from $10 per ton tariff

=Imported quantity×rate of tariff

=$900 million

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