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Trauma/Emergency Radiology
Imaging Features and Manage-
ment of Stress, Atypical, and
Pathologic Fractures
Richard A. Marshall, MD
Jacob C. Mandell, MD Traumatic and atraumatic fractures are entities with distinct but
Michael J.Weaver, MD often overlapping clinical manifestations, imaging findings, and
Marco Ferrone, MD management protocols. This article is a review of terminology, etiol-
Aaron Sodickson, MD, PhD ogy, and key imaging features that affect management of atraumatic
Bharti Khurana, MD fractures including stress fractures, atypical femoral fractures, and
pathologic fractures. The terminology of atraumatic fractures is
Abbreviations: AP = anteroposterior, ASBMR = reviewed, with an emphasis on the distinctions and similarities of
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research stress, atypical, and pathologic fractures. The basic biomechanics of
RadioGraphics 2018; 38:2173–2192 normal bone is described, with an emphasis on the bone remodel- ing pathway. This framework is used to better convey the shared
Content Codes:
etiologies, key differences, and important imaging findings of these
types of fractures. Next, the characteristic imaging findings of this
From the Departments of Radiology (R.A.M.,
J.C.M., A.S., B.K.) and Orthopedic Surgery
diverse family of fractures is discussed. For each type of fracture,
(M.J.W., M.F.), Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the most clinically relevant imaging features that guide manage-
75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115. Presented as ment by the multidisciplinary treatment team, including orthopedic
an education exhibit at the 2017 RSNA Annual
Meeting. Received March 11, 2018; revision re- surgeons, are reviewed. In addition, imaging features are reviewed
quested April 26 and received May 21; accepted to help discriminate stress fractures from pathologic fractures in pa-
June 1. For this journal-based SA-CME activity,
the author M.J.W. has provided disclosures (see tients with challenging cases. Finally, imaging criteria to risk stratify
end of article); all other authors, the editor, and an impending pathologic fracture at the site of an osseous neoplasm
the reviewers have disclosed no relevant relation-
ships. Address correspondence to B.K. (e-
are discussed. Special attention is paid to fractures occurring in
mail: the proximal femur because the osseous macrostructure and mix
RSNA, 2018
of trabecular and cortical bone of the proximal femur can function
as a convenient framework to understanding atraumatic fractures
throughout the skeleton. Atraumatic fractures elsewhere in the
SA-CME Learning Objectives body also are used to illustrate key imaging features and treatment
After completing this journal-based SA-CME
activity, participants will be able to: ©
RSNA, 2018 •
■■Describe the radiographic appearance
of stress, atypical, and pathologic frac-
tures in the appendicular skeleton, with
an emphasis on the imaging features that
a multidisciplinary team uses to guide Introduction
treatment. Atraumatic fractures including stress fractures, atypical femoral
■■Identifythe imaging features that best fractures, and pathologic fractures are encountered frequently in
allow discrimination of stress fractures the emergency department. An atraumatic or minimally traumatic
from pathologic fractures.
fracture is defined as a fracture caused by a relatively low-energy
■■Discuss the application of the Mirels
mechanism that normally would not be expected to cause a fracture.
criteria for risk stratification of impend-
ing fracture of a bony neoplasm. Although these diverse types of fractures (caused by repetitive stress,
See alteration in bone metabolism, and focal neoplasms, respectively)
may at first glance appear to be unrelated, they actually share a
common mechanism at the microstructural level. Bone is a living,
dynamic organ, and these types of fractures are all caused by focal
failure of the bone due to imbalances in the bone remodeling cycle.
2174 November-December 2018

in delayed diagnosis of malignancy, failure to

Teaching Points correct a metabolic derangement, or suboptimal
■■ Atypical femoral fractures are explicitly defined, and terminol- surgical treatment and potential implant failure.
ogy should follow the established guidelines of the American
Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).
Optimal management of an atraumatic fracture,
whether conservative or surgical, often requires
■■ Stress fractures can be stratified as either low or high risk,
which helps to guide optimal treatment and prediction of the a multidisciplinary approach that depends on
time it will take for the patient to return to activity (return to timely identification, characterization, and report-
play). Stress fractures arising under compressive forces gener- ing of the clinically relevant imaging features.
ally are considered low risk and can be managed with activity In this article we review the terminology,
modification and continued weight bearing. The most com-
pathophysiology, imaging features, and manage-
mon types of stress fractures are low-risk fractures, including
those of the posteromedial tibia, the calcaneus, the third and ment of stress fractures, atypical femoral frac-
fourth metatarsals, and the medial femoral neck. In compari- tures, and pathologic fractures. The proximal
son, fractures that arise under tensile stress and/or in areas of femur is emphasized as a template for long bones
poor vascularity are considered to be high-risk fractures and throughout the skeleton because it is a common
are more likely to require extended rehabilitation, to result
site for all three types of atraumatic fractures,
in delayed union, or even to progress to complete fracture.
High-risk fractures include those of the superolateral femoral but the general principles discussed are broadly
neck, the patella, the anterior tibial cortex, the medial mal- applicable throughout the skeleton. In addition,
leolus, the talar neck, the dorsal navicular cortex, the proximal we emphasize key imaging features that help to
metaphysis of the fifth metatarsal, and the sesamoids of the expedite appropriate management, to differen-
great toe. These fractures may require more aggressive man-
tiate among the fracture types, and to stratify
agement, with cessation of the offending activity, protected
weight bearing, and in some cases, surgery. impending fractures according to risk in patients
■■ When an atypical femoral fracture injury is identified, screen-
with bony neoplasms.
ing of the contralateral hip and entire femur is recommended
with AP and lateral radiographs because up to 44% of patients Definitions and Terminology
demonstrate a fracture in the contralateral femur either at the The variety of overlapping terminology used to
time of the fracture or in subsequent years. Contralateral ra- describe atraumatic fractures, including stress,
diography should be performed during the patient’s initial
hospital stay because the presence of contralateral injury may
fatigue, insufficiency, fragility, atypical, and
alter potential surgical treatment for both the ipsilateral and pathologic fractures, can be an impediment to
contralateral injuries. If no fracture is identified, recommen- understanding, reporting, and grading these in-
dations can include close clinical and radiographic follow-up juries (1,2). Stress fractures, in the broadest sense
or immediate bone scanning or MRI. Bone scanning or MRI of the term, can be divided into fatigue fractures
should be favored whenever the patient presents with clini-
cal features associated with atypical femoral fracture, such as
and insufficiency fractures. In clinical practice,
thigh or groin pain. fatigue fractures and insufficiency fractures lie
■■ The most important marrow signal intensity characteristic to along a spectrum, and in some cases, it can be
differentiate benign from pathologic fractures is the margin difficult to differentiate between the two. How-
and homogeneity of the T1-weighted signal intensity abnor- ever, understanding the biologic and radiographic
mality around the fracture. differences can lead to a better understanding of
■■ In the presence of a newly identified osseous neoplasm, im- the underlying pathophysiology.
aging has an important role in prediction of the risk of the A fatigue fracture is a focal failure of normal
patient developing a pathologic fracture. The Mirels scor-
ing system is the most commonly used scoring system and
bone caused by repetitive applied stress (1,3,4).
has proven valid and reproducible for predicting impending Fatigue fractures commonly occur when the
pathologic fractures of the appendicular skeleton on the basis patient engages in increased frequency, duration,
of the radiographic appearance of a bone lesion. or intensity of activity, such as when military re-
cruits sustain “march fractures” of the metatarsal
bones (5).
In comparison, an insufficiency fracture is a fo-
The terminology, imaging findings, and treat- cal failure of abnormally weakened bone caused
ment options of atraumatic fractures often over- by repetitive applied stress (1–4). The term
lap and are sometimes confusing. This can result fragility fracture likewise signifies a fracture in
in interpretive challenges for the radiologist and abnormally weakened bone; however, the term is
the potential for inadvertent miscommunication often used in the setting of an isolated mechani-
with the multidisciplinary treatment team. Ac- cal loading event rather than repetitive applied
curate discrimination of the cause of the fracture stress, and it applies most commonly in a patient
is of particular importance when the differential with osteoporosis (6–8). In clinical practice, the
diagnosis includes both pathologic and atypical terms fragility and insufficiency are often used
femoral fractures, because the treatment of these interchangeably with reference to osteoporotic
fracture types is often very different from that of fractures because, in many cases, it is not possible
acute traumatic fractures. Misdiagnosis can result to distinguish the chronicity and magnitude of
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 7 Marshall et al  2175

of the “female athlete triad,” in which disordered

eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis are pres-
ent simultaneously, often in high-level endurance
athletes (15). Possibly because of this ambiguity,
the term stress fracture is used widely to refer to
fatigue fracture both in clinical practice and in the
orthopedic and sports medicine literature (16).
For these reasons, this review is focused on fa-
tigue fractures, and to maintain consistency with
the orthopedic literature, the term stress fracture is
used synonymously with fatigue fracture and insuf-
ficiency fracture to refer to a fracture in weakened
Atypical femoral fractures occur in the lateral
cortex of the femoral diaphysis and can be seen
in patients undergoing long-term therapy with
bisphosphonate medications. In distinction to
stress and insufficiency fractures, where the ter-
minology is somewhat imprecise, atypical femoral
fractures are explicitly defined, and terminology
should follow the established guidelines of the
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
(ASBMR) (10,12). The imaging appearance of
these fractures is similar to that of stress (fatigue)
fractures; however, they should be considered as
a form of insufficiency fracture because the bone
Figure 1.  Illustration of the macrostructure of a long bone. can be excessively brittle and weakened.
The term pathologic fracture generally is
reserved for fractures through a focal neo-
loading resulting in fracture in diffusely weakened plasm, which may be either benign or malignant
osteoporotic bone. (4,17,18), although this definition is also incon-
Although osteoporosis is by far the most com- sistently applied, and pathologic fracture through
mon underlying metabolic disturbance resulting osteomyelitis has been described in the literature
in fracture (2,9), insufficiency fractures may arise (19,20). This is in contradistinction to a fracture
from a variety of disorders that influence the abil- of a region of metabolic bone disease—whether
ity of bone to withstand normal loading forces, diffuse, such as with osteopetrosis, or focal, such
including disorders of bone mineral homeostasis as with Paget disease—which generally should be
(eg, osteoporosis, hyperparathyroidism, diabe- referred to as an insufficiency fracture, as previ-
tes mellitus, osteomalacia), bone remodeling ously discussed.
(eg, Paget disease, osteopetrosis, other scleros-
ing bone dysplasias), collagen formation (eg, Bone Structure and Pathophysiology
osteogenesis imperfecta, Marfan syndrome), the These apparently diverse types of atraumatic
adverse effects of pharmaceuticals (eg, gluco- fractures have more in common than may be
corticoid drugs, chemotherapeutic agents), and evident at first glance. To best understand the
prior radiation therapy (4,9–14). However, in shared etiology and imaging features of these
the absence of a known history of metabolic fractures, it is helpful to review the basic prin-
bone disease, differentiation between fatigue and ciples of bone anatomy, biomechanics, and the
insufficiency fractures is often arbitrary, and it is bone remodeling cycle.
not always clear how to distinguish normal from Bone is the strongest and stiffest material in
abnormal bone. the body. It is organized into two predominat-
In addition, similar fracture patterns can be ing macrostructures: cortical (or compact) bone
seen in both traumatic and insufficiency frac- and trabecular (spongy, medullary, or cancellous)
tures, including fractures of the distal radius, bone (Fig 1). The relative proportion of each type
tibial plateau, and femoral neck, although higher- of bone depends on the shape of the bone, the
energy trauma generally is required to fracture specific location within the bone, and the vari-
healthy bone. Furthermore, there may be a com- ety of directional forces that must be supported
ponent of both mechanisms in the same patient, (2,13,21). Cortical bone predominates in the di-
such as the relatively common clinical scenario aphyses of the long bones. The microstructure of
2176 November-December 2018

Figure 2.  Graph shows the theoretical

stress-strain curve. The yield point rep-
resents the mechanical load required to
cause irreversible plastic deformation of a
material. In bone, multidirectional forces
above the yield point result in microcracks
that initiate the bone remodeling and
repair cascade. A stress fracture occurs
when the rate of microcrack formation ex-
ceeds the repair capacity of the bone. The
failure point represents the mechanical
load required for gross failure of the mate-
rial. In bones, this is the force required to
produce an acute traumatic fracture.

cortical bone consists of parallel cylindrically Wolff’s law describes how bone adapts to
shaped osteons composed of lamellar sheets of mechanical stress by continuously remodeling,
mineralized collagen (2,22) that are reinforced resulting in increased strength and increased
by intervening cement lines (23). Trabecular resistance to the applied stress (1). The complete
bone, on the other hand, is considerably more bone remodeling pathway can take 2–8 months
porous and is organized in a dynamic meshwork and involves three discrete steps: (a) microcrack
of plates and struts oriented in relation to the creation due to the initial plastic deformation,
stresses applied to the bone over time. Trabecu- (b) resorption cavity formation by osteoclasts at
lar bone predominates in the metaphyses and the site of the microcrack, and (c) osteoblast acti-
subchondral regions of the long bones, the verte- vation with new bone deposition at the resorption
bral bodies, the flat bones of the pelvis, the tarsal cavities (Fig 3) (26). This remodeling process is
bones, and the sesamoid bones, among others similar throughout the skeleton; however, there
(2,13,21). Cortical bone and trabecular bone are key differences between cortical and trabecu-
have different imaging appearances and different lar bone. Only cortical remodeling is associated
levels of resistance to applied stress and response with inflammation of the adjacent periosteum
to injury. (27). Remodeling of trabecular bone, on the
Bones are exposed to a variety of mechanical other hand, is associated with reorientation of
forces, including compressive, tensile, bending, the trabeculae to better withstand applied forces.
shearing, and torsional forces (24). The imme- Imbalance of any component of the remodeling
diate response of bone or any other structural pathway impairs microcrack repair and limits the
material to mechanical forces is determined body’s adaptive response to stresses. This ulti-
according to the interplay of two primary fac- mately results in abnormally weakened bone and
tors—the ability of the material to absorb a predisposes the bone to atraumatic fractures.
mechanical load (stress) and the ability to deform In stress fractures, the imbalance in the bone
under those forces without failure (strain) (Fig 2) remodeling pathway is an excess of severity, dura-
(2,25). At low load levels, a bone readily deforms tion, or frequency of the applied stress, where the
within its elastic range, and the bone returns to bone does not have enough time to repair micro-
its original shape and structure when the load is cracks adequately before a new round of stress is
released. As mechanical load increases, the bone applied. In atypical femoral fractures, the imbal-
deforms beyond its elastic range (into the plastic ance results from a deficiency in intracortical
range) and microcracks are formed. A fracture bone remodeling and repair of microcracks in the
occurs when there is accumulation of micro- lateral femoral cortex, which is at least partially
cracks outpacing the body’s capacity for repair mediated by suppression of osteoclast function
(eg, stress, fatigue, or insufficiency fracture), (10). In pathologic fractures, a focal lesion dis-
when there is a single force exceeding the failure rupts the bone microstructure, macrostructure,
load of the bone (eg, traumatic fracture), or when and the associated remodeling pathway. In the
there is a combination of these two (2). case of some focal lytic neoplasms, the remodel-
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 7 Marshall et al  2177

Figure 3.  Illustration shows bone remodeling failure in fatigue stress fractures, atypical femoral fractures, and pathologic fractures.

ing cascade imbalance can result from tumor- formation and osteoclast resorption (32,33). A
induced upregulation of osteoclast differentiation periosteal reaction and endosteal callous forma-
and local bone resorption (Fig 3) (28). tion with cortical thickening follow as the injury
propagates to the periosteal and endosteal sur-
Stress (Fatigue) Fractures faces and the healing cascade initiates. Finally, in
Stress fractures occur as the summative result of higher-grade injuries, a cortical break with a lu-
repetitive cyclical loading, when the rate of accu- cent fracture line becomes evident (24). This is in
mulated microdamage outpaces the ability of the contradistinction to stress fractures in bones with
bone to regenerate through the normal remodeling a higher proportion of trabecular bone, such as
process. They occur most commonly in young ac- the long bone metaphyses, where the initial sign
tive individuals as a result of increased frequency, is subtle blurring and faint sclerosis of the tra-
duration, or intensity of activity. Both intrinsic and beculae (1). This progresses to linear intramedul-
extrinsic factors contribute to the etiology of stress lary sclerosis, which results from bone deposition
fractures. Intrinsic factors are directly related to and microcallus formation along the remodeled
the athlete’s anatomic and metabolic characteris- trabecular struts (1,34) (Fig 4). Comminution
tics, including sex, hormonal status, bone quality, and displacement are uncommon manifestations
muscular strength, and gait. Extrinsic factors in- of stress fractures.
clude the training regimen and equipment-related MRI has higher sensitivity than does radi-
factors such as footwear and running surfaces. ography in evaluation of early stress fractures.
Stress fractures most often manifest in the weight- Sensitivity for stress fractures with radiography
bearing lower extremities, including, in descending has been reported as 15%–35% for early-stage
order of frequency, the tibia, calcaneus, metatarsal injuries and 30%–70% for late-stage injuries
bones, and proximal femur (29,30). Although (35). MRI, on the other hand, is considered to
stress fractures may be seen in the upper extremi- have near 100% sensitivity (13,36,37). Early
ties, these injuries are considerably less common MRI features including periosteal edema and
(31) and usually are the result of athletic activities marrow edema are best demonstrated on images
involving repetitive throwing. from fluid-sensitive sequences. As the severity
of the injury progresses, a hypointense linear
Imaging Findings.—Imaging features of stress fracture line may be seen (38,39). Periosteal and
fractures are determined predominantly accord- endosteal new bone formation are hypointense
ing to two factors: the relative proportion of on images from all sequences (40).
cortical to trabecular bone and the chronicity of Presently, CT is not considered to be a first-
the injury (Fig 4). In locations with a higher pro- or second-line imaging modality for the diagnos-
portion of cortical bone, such as the long bone tic evaluation of suspected stress injury; however,
diaphyses, the earliest radiographic sign of bone CT may have a role in cases where the MRI
fatigue is the “grey cortex” sign, which refers to results are equivocal, owing to high specificity for
subtle cortical lucency at the site of microcrack stress fractures (36,37).
2178 November-December 2018

Figure 4.  Imaging features of fatigue stress fractures in locations with variable proportions
of cortical and trabecular bone. (a, b) Anteroposterior (AP) radiographs of the ankle and foot
show bone with a higher proportion of cortical bone, such as the anterior tibial diaphysis (a)
and the second metatarsal (b), and may demonstrate a subtle transverse or obliquely oriented
lucency (black arrow) with adjacent smooth periosteal reaction (white arrows). (c, d) AP ra-
diographs of the ankle show bones with a greater proportion of trabecular bone, such as the
distal tibial metaphysis (c) and the calcaneus (d), and may show subtle trabecular blurring and
vague sclerosis (arrowheads in c) or linear sclerosis along the fracture line (arrowheads in d).
If the trabecular fracture extends to the cortex, periosteal reaction may be seen (arrow in c).

Role of Imaging in Managing Stress Frac- common types of stress fractures are low-risk
tures.—Stress fractures can be stratified as either fractures, including those of the posteromedial
low or high risk, which helps to guide optimal tibia, the calcaneus, the third and fourth metatar-
treatment and prediction of the time it will take sals, and the medial femoral neck. In comparison,
for the patient to return to activity (return to fractures that arise under tensile stress and/or
play) (Fig 5). Stress fractures arising under com- in areas of poor vascularity are considered to be
pressive forces generally are considered low risk high-risk fractures and are more likely to require
and can be managed with activity modification extended rehabilitation, to result in delayed
and continued weight bearing (41). The most union, or even to progress to complete fracture
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 7 Marshall et al  2179

Figure 5.  Management of compressive (low risk) or tensile (high risk) stress fractures. (a) Sagittal T1-
weighted MR image shows a fatigue stress fracture (arrow) extending to the compressive posterior cortex
of the tibia. Because compressive fatigue fractures are considered low risk, this patient could be treated
with activity modification only (short-interval cessation of the repetitive stressor—in this case, running).
(b) Lateral radiograph shows a fatigue stress fracture (arrow) of the anterior cortex of the tibia. Because
tensile fatigue fractures are considered high risk, this patient was treated with cessation of the repetitive
stressor (running) and prolonged protected weight bearing.

Figure 6.  Displaced fracture in a 33-year-old woman with a history of a high-risk tensile side stress
fracture of the femoral neck who did not adhere to recommendations for cessation of running and pro-
tected weight bearing. AP radiograph (a) and coronal T1-weighted fat-saturated MR image (b) show a
displaced fracture (arrows) of the femoral neck with varus angulation and impaction of the medial cortex.

(Fig 6). High-risk fractures include those of the surgical or sports medicine consultation is often
superolateral femoral neck, the patella, the ante- recommended when high-risk stress fractures are
rior tibial cortex, the medial malleolus, the talar identified. In addition, proximal femur fractures,
neck, the dorsal navicular cortex, the proximal fractures with a fatigue line greater than 50% of
metaphysis of the fifth metatarsal, and the sesa- the width of the femoral neck, or fractures with
moids of the great toe (42). These fractures may any evidence of displacement should be consid-
require more aggressive management, with ces- ered high risk (43).
sation of the offending activity, protected weight Likewise, MRI findings are used to guide re-
bearing, and in some cases, surgery (41). A turn-to-play decisions for athletes. Fractures can
2180 November-December 2018

Figure 7. Illustration
shows the Fredericson
classification grades for
medial tibial stress syn-
drome at MRI.

be graded on the basis of the classification system tion, and bone mineral density scores with dual-
proposed by Fredericson et al (38), which allows energy x-ray absorptiometry; however, more
classification of medial tibial fatigue fractures on research is needed in this area.
the basis of patterns of periosteal, marrow, and
cortical edema apparent on images from fat-sup- Atypical Femoral Fractures
pressed T2-weighted and non–fat-saturated T1- Atypical femoral fractures are substantially trans-
weighted MRI sequences (Fig 7). In the Freder- versely oriented fractures of the lateral cortex
icson classification system, grade 1 is periosteal of the femur that arise, resulting from deficien-
edema only, grade 2 is mild bone marrow edema cies in normal bone turnover and the coupled
evident only on T2-weighted MR images, grade osteoclast-osteoblast bone remodeling pathway
3 is more severe bone marrow edema evident on (10,45). Atypical femoral fractures have been
both fluid-sensitive and T1-weighted MR images, reported in patients who have taken long-term
and grade 4 is an intracortical linear fracture medications that suppress osteoclast-mediated
line. This system was modified by Kijowski et bone turnover, such as bisphosphonate drugs and
al (39), who suggested dividing grade 4 into 4a denosumab (a monoclonal antibody RANKL
(intracortical signal intensity change without a [receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand]
linear shape) and 4b (linear intracortical cortical inhibitor that inhibits maturation of osteoclasts);
fracture line) (Fig 7). however, these fractures also can be seen in
Although this classification system was devel- patients without exposure to these drugs (46).
oped for posteromedial-tibial stress injuries, the Because bone formation that is not coupled to
Fredericson system often is employed for grad- osteoclast-mediated resorption cavity creation
ing of stress fractures in other areas. However, is not suppressed, atypical femoral fractures
one important limitation of MRI (and therefore demonstrate endosteal and periosteal bone cal-
of the Fredericson classification) is that physi- lus formation that is typical of repetitive stress
ologically, cortical injury (microcrack forma- injuries (ie, fatigue stress fractures) elsewhere in
tion) is one of the earliest manifestations of the skeleton (10,47). Although these fractures
stress fracture; however, conventional MRI does may look like fatigue stress fractures, they are
not allow visualization of cortical changes until classified more accurately as a form of insuffi-
late in the progression of the stress fracture. ciency fracture, because the bone is weakened by
Multimodality imaging also may have a supple- a disturbance in the bone remodeling cycle.
mentary role in assessment of stress fractures, With atypical femoral fractures, the repetitive
because authors of some studies (37,44) have stresses predisposing the patient to injury are
shown improved prediction of time to return to tensile stresses, which are most pronounced in
play by combining MRI grading, fracture loca- the lateral cortex of the femur (48). In fact, stud-
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 7 Marshall et al  2181

plete fractures, localized periosteal or endosteal

thickening that suggests repetitive stress injury
is seen in the lateral cortex (10), and there may
be a characteristic spiking of the medial cortex
(Fig 10). Results of one study (53) showed that
this focal lateral cortical thickening was the most
accurate finding (84.2%–94.7%) for differentia-
tion of atypical fractures from fractures of other
causes, including trauma and bone fatigue. Focal
lateral cortical thickening also has proven useful
in differentiating atypical fractures from other
types of insufficiency fractures, including those
associated with Paget disease and those in pa-
tients with osteopetrosis (53–56).
A final morphologic feature considered
integral to the diagnosis of an atypical fracture
is the substantially transverse orientation of the
noncomminuted fracture at the origin in the
lateral cortex (Fig 10). In complete fractures, the
fracture line may become more oblique in ori-
Figure 8.  Illustration shows femoral morphology in entation as the fracture extends medially across
some atypical femoral fractures. Studies suggest in- the remainder of the femur. This may lead to the
creased incidence in patients with a femoral morphol- characteristic “medial spike” appearance, which
ogy that exacerbates tensile stresses on the lateral cor-
tex of the femur, including femoral bowing.
may be caused by the acute medial propagation
of an incomplete transversely oriented fracture
of the lateral cortex (10). In one study (53), the
ies (49,50) have shown increased risk of atypical substantially transverse fracture orientation was
fractures in patients with abnormalities of gait or highly accurate (84.2%–86.8%) for discrimina-
limb geometry that accentuates tensile stresses tion of atypical femoral fractures from those with
along the lateral femur, including those with other causes, while a lack of comminution and
an increased tibiofemoral angle and those with the presence of a medial spike were considered
increased femoral bowing (Fig 8). slightly less useful diagnostically.
Clinical and imaging features that raise the pos-
Imaging Features.—In 2013, the ASBMR re- sibility of alternative fracture causes are excluded
leased a revised set of clinical and imaging criteria from the definition of atypical fractures. Atypical
for the definition of an atypical femoral fracture fractures occur in patients without a history of
(Table 1). These criteria were crafted to highlight trauma or with minimal trauma, such as a fall from
the imaging appearance of atypical femoral frac- standing. In addition, the fracture should be non-
tures while excluding clinical and imaging features comminuted or minimally comminuted, suggestive
that raised the possibility of alternate causes for of “brittle” failure. Comminution is more com-
the fracture, such as osteoporosis and trauma. monly seen in traumatic fractures, with or without
Comorbid conditions and medications associated osteoporosis. Although noncomminuted traumatic
with atypical fractures are not included as compo- femoral diaphyseal fractures sometimes occur,
nents of the definition (10). they typically lack lateral cortical thickening or the
To meet the definition for an atypical femoral medial spike (Fig 11). Other conditions specifically
fracture, the fracture is required to be located excluded from the definition include periprosthetic
within the femoral diaphysis (distal to the lesser fractures, pathologic fractures (associated with a
trochanter and proximal to the supracondylar neoplasm), and insufficiency fractures related to
flare) (10). Fractures originating in the femoral miscellaneous metabolic and other bone diseases
neck and in the intertrochanteric femur are spe- (eg, Paget disease and fibrous dysplasia, among
cifically excluded from the definition, because others) (Fig 12).
these fractures are more likely to be associated
with other causes such as trauma or osteoporo- Treatment.—Treatment of patients with atypi-
sis (51,52). cal femoral fractures may include cessation of
The fracture should originate in the lateral antiresorptive treatment, assessment and possible
tensile cortex of the femur (Fig 9). By definition, supplementation with calcium and vitamin D,
incomplete fractures are located only in the lat- consideration of bone forming agents (including
eral cortex of the femoral diaphysis. With com- teriparatide, a recombinant parathyroid hormone),
2182 November-December 2018

Table 1: Atypical Femoral Fracture: Summary

of the ASBMR Task Force Revised Definition
Location in the femoral diaphysis
  Distal to the lesser trochanter
  Proximal to the supracondylar flare
Major features (four of five required)*
  Atraumatic or minimal trauma
  Substantially transverse (at origin in lateral cor-
tex); complete fractures may become oblique
more medially
  Must involve lateral cortex; complete fractures
extend to medial cortex and may demonstrate
a “medial spike”
  Noncomminuted or minimally comminuted Figure 9.  Illustration shows the locations of fatigue stress frac-
  Endosteal or periosteal thickening (beaking or tures and atypical fractures in the femur.
Minor features†
  Generalized diaphyseal thickening include close clinical and radiographic follow-
  Bilateral femoral diaphyseal fractures up or immediate bone scanning or MRI. Bone
  Prodromal symptoms (eg, groin pain) scanning or MRI should be favored whenever the
  Delayed healing patient presents with clinical features associated
Exclusion criteria with atypical femoral fracture, such as thigh or
  Fractures of the femoral neck or intertrochanter- groin pain (57,59).
ic region with spiral subtrochanteric extension Surgical treatment of atypical femoral fractures
  Periprosthetic fractures depends on a combination of clinical and imaging
  Fractures associated with tumors and miscella- factors. Displaced or complete fractures should
neous bone diseases (eg, Paget disease, fibrous be treated surgically. Conservative treatment can
dysplasia) be considered in patients with incomplete atypical
Source.—Reference 10. fractures with minimal or absent groin or thigh
*Four of the five major criteria must be met with- pain (10). Other imaging features that may raise
out violation of the exclusion criteria. Although the risk of progression and suggest the need for
each of the five criteria is highly suggestive of an possible surgical treatment are (a) the presence of
atypical fracture, only four are required to permit
clinical judgment in cases with high suspicion or a radiolucent line in the cortex, (b) fracture in the
when information is missing. subtrochanteric location, (c) deformity or bowing
†Minor features have been associated with atypical of the femur, (d) the presence of a current or prior
fractures but are not required for diagnosis. contralateral atypical fracture, and (e) the absence
of healing at short-interval follow-up imaging (57).
Clinical features that may increase risk include
long-term patient use of and high adherence to
radiographic screening of the contralateral femur, bisphosphonate therapy; glucocorticoid medica-
and possible surgical fixation (10,57). In this tion or proton pump inhibitor use; and thigh or
article, we focus on detailing the treatment most groin pain (57).
pertinent to the radiologist: contralateral femoral When surgery is indicated, intramedullary
screening, and imaging features that guide surgical nailing is the preferred treatment (Fig 14) and is,
treatment by the orthopedic surgeon. in fact, considered by some to be the standard of
When an atypical femoral fracture is identi- care for all transverse or obliquely oriented mini-
fied, screening of the contralateral hip and entire mally comminuted fractures of the lower extrem-
femur is recommended with AP and lateral ra- ity long bone diaphysis, regardless of cause (60).
diographs (Fig 13) because up to 44% of patients Deformity, stenosis, or obstruction of the
demonstrate a fracture in the contralateral femur intramedullary canal may affect device selection,
either at the time of the fracture or in subsequent may even preclude treatment with an intra-
years (10,58). Contralateral radiography should medullary device, and are important to note
be performed during the patient’s initial hospital to the orthopedic surgeon (60). For example,
stay because the presence of contralateral injury excessive anterolateral femoral bowing may be
may alter potential surgical treatment for both seen in atypical femoral fractures (49,50) and
the ipsilateral and contralateral injuries (10,57). requires an intramedullary nailing system with
If no fracture is identified, recommendations can an appropriate curvature and diameter to fit the
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 7 Marshall et al  2183

Figure 10.  Spectrum of radiographic abnormalities seen with atypical femoral fractures in three patients. (a) AP radiograph of the
right hip in a 64-year-old woman with periosteal and endosteal thickening (arrow) of the lateral cortex of the femoral diaphysis, which
is consistent with an atypical femoral stress reaction or a subtle fracture. (b) AP radiograph of the left hip in a 67-year-old woman
shows a transversely oriented fracture (white arrow) of the lateral cortex of the femoral diaphysis with associated endosteal beaking
(black arrow) and adjacent cortical thickening (arrowheads), findings that are consistent with incomplete atypical femoral fracture.
(c) AP radiograph of the right hip in a 59-year-old woman shows a noncomminuted fracture of the femoral diaphysis consistent with
a complete atypical fracture. The fracture is substantially transverse (white arrow) in the lateral cortex but becomes more oblique with
a medial spike as the fracture propagates medially (black arrow). Associated endosteal and periosteal beaking with thickening of the
lateral cortex suggest that this complete fracture originated in the lateral cortex.

Figure 11.  Traumatic fracture in a 38-year-old woman who

was involved in a high-speed motor vehicle collision. Sagittal (a)
and coronal (b) average intensity projection CT images show
a transversely oriented noncomminuted femoral fracture (ar-
row). Although the transverse noncomminuted fracture is
similar to that seen in an atypical fracture, features suggesting
that this is not an atypical femoral fracture include a history of
trauma, absence of lateral cortical thickening and beaking, and
absence of a medial spike.

between the stresses placed on the bone and the

ability of the bone to withstand those stresses
without failure. With pathologic fractures,
diminished resistance to loading occurs owing
to erosion and replacement of the normal bone
architecture with a focal benign or malignant
neoplasm or osteomyelitis. With many lytic
neoplasms, the imbalance arises because of the
deformed femur (57,61,62). In addition, the in- upregulation of osteoclast differentiation and the
tramedullary canal may be narrowed focally be- resorption of bone outpacing new bone deposi-
cause of endosteal beaking in atypical fractures tion (28). Some tumors lead to well-defined
or diffusely as a result of cortical thickening in bone destruction with clear borders, while other
patients with insufficiency fractures related to tumors permeate through the bone, producing a
osteopetrosis (63,64). Regardless of the cause, much less well-defined lesion.
substantial intramedullary canal narrowing or Accurate discrimination of stress fractures
deformity may result in intraprocedural difficul- from pathologic fractures can be challenging for
ties with reaming of the medullary canal and the interpreting radiologist owing to overlap-
implanting the nail through the medullary canal, ping injury locations and imaging features. For
particularly in brittle or insufficient bone (Fig example, developing stress fractures may be
12) (62,65). For these reasons, severe deformity associated with aggressive radiographic features
or substantial narrowing of the medullary canal such as irregular periosteal reaction or exu-
is a relative contraindication to placement of an berant osteolysis and can be confused with a
intramedullary device. pathologic fracture or lytic neoplasm (3,66,67).
In these scenarios, biopsy of a developing stress
Pathologic Fractures fracture can further confound the true diagno-
Just as with stress and atypical fractures, patho- sis because the immature osteoid formed in the
logic fractures arise because of an imbalance healing process can be interpreted as a finding
2184 November-December 2018

Figure 12.  Osteogenesis imperfecta and a minimally traumatic humeral fracture in a

23-year-old man. (a) AP radiograph shows a minimally comminuted transverse fracture
of the right humerus (white arrow) resulting from minimal trauma. An oblique fracture
of the medial condyle also is seen (black arrow). Although the minimally traumatic
transverse noncomminuted fracture is similar in shape to an atypical fracture, it is not
an atypical fracture because of the humeral location, the presence of underlying bone
disease (osteogenesis imperfecta), the absence of cortical stress changes (endosteal
beaking, cortical thickening), and the absence of a medial spike. Therefore, this is best
referred to as an insufficiency (or fragility) fracture. (b) AP radiograph shows subse-
quent fixation of the fractures (black and white arrows) with intramedullary rods and
a cortical plate. Difficulties fitting the stiff intramedullary rod into the brittle humerus
resulted in an intraoperative oblique fracture of the proximal humeral diaphysis (arrow-
head), highlighting the surgical challenges encountered in patients with brittle bone
diseases and with narrow intramedullary canals.

of a neoplasm at histopathologic evaluation (9). stress fracture (3,68). In addition, the location of
Conversely, a pathologic fracture may likewise the injury can be useful for discriminating between
be misinterpreted as a benign fracture, resulting stress and pathologic fractures. Stress injuries
in delay in the diagnosis of malignancy (3,68). commonly occur in characteristic locations associ-
The clinical history of the patient and the loca- ated with specific activities (Table 2). Pathologic
tion of the injury can be important in differenti- fractures, on the other hand, occur most com-
ating stress from pathologic injuries. Diagnoses monly in three locations: (a) the subtrochanteric
of stress fractures should be favored in young femur, (b) the junction of the humeral head and
healthy patients with a history of repetitive activ- metaphysis, and (c) in the vertebral bodies (3).
ity. Pathologic fractures, on the other hand, should Avulsion injuries of the lesser trochanter of the
be considered particularly in elderly patients with femur in adults should be considered pathologic
metastatic disease and without a history of repeti- until proven otherwise (Fig 15) (70). Although the
tive activities. As a note of caution, however, Ew- clinical history and location of injury can be help-
ing sarcoma and primary lymphoma of the bone ful, they are nonspecific, and in many scenarios,
in young patients may be challenging to differenti- they are insufficient to discriminate confidently
ate from the much more common diagnosis of between benign and malignant causes.
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 7 Marshall et al  2185

Figure 13.  Screening of the entirety of the contralateral femur in two patients. (a) AP radiograph of the left hip in a 58-year-old
woman with hip pain and a new atypical femoral fracture who was taking bisphosphonate medication shows a transversely oriented
fracture (arrow) of the lateral cortex of the femur with endosteal and periosteal beaking, consistent with an incomplete atypical femoral
fracture. (b) Screening AP radiograph of the contralateral (right) hip performed during the same admission shows no contralateral
fracture; however, the entirety of the femur was not imaged, as is typically recommended. (c) A low-resolution scout radiograph of
the pelvis from a concurrently performed abdominal-pelvic CT examination shows the left-sided atypical fracture (black arrow) and an
atypical femoral stress reaction or subtle incomplete fracture in the right femoral diaphysis (white arrow), which was outside of the field
of view on the hip radiograph. (d, e) Cropped AP radiograph of the left hip (d) and stitched AP radiograph of the entire right femur (e)
in a 70-year-old woman show appropriate screening of the entire contralateral femur when an atypical fracture (arrow in d) is identified.

Imaging Findings.—MRI is best suited for logic fractures, however, the T1-weighted signal
discrimination between benign and malignant intensity abnormality is at least partially caused by
fractures owing to its ability to characterize mar- the infiltrative tumor. This often results in a more
row signal intensity abnormalities (3,68,71). The homogeneously T1-hypointense signal abnormal-
most important marrow signal intensity charac- ity with well-defined convex margins (17,68,72).
teristic to differentiate benign from pathologic T2-weighted signal intensity abnormalities are
fractures is the margin and homogeneity of the less specific, given the abundant marrow edema,
T1-weighted signal intensity abnormality around hemorrhage, and adjacent inflammation that can
the fracture (Fig 16) (17,68). In benign fractures, be seen in acute fractures of any cause (17). Of
the T1-hypointense signal abnormality represents note, the MRI appearance of many pathologic
acute edema and hemorrhage. Therefore, it may fractures—where a lesion is present with well-
demonstrate indistinct margins, patchy interven- defined margins—can be counterintuitive to less
ing normal fatty marrow, and a gradual bandlike experienced radiologists because the radiographic
transition to normal marrow signal intensity more appearance of many aggressive-appearing lesions
distant to the fracture (17,68,72). In many patho- is classically one with a wide zone of transition.
2186 November-December 2018

Figure 14.  Atypical femoral fracture in a 65-year-old woman who presented with left hip pain and insta-
bility after a fall from standing. (a) AP radiograph shows a fracture (arrow) with a transverse orientation in
the lateral cortex, medial spike, and lateral cortical endosteal beaking, findings consistent with a complete
atypical femoral fracture. (b) AP radiograph shows fixation with an intramedullary nail (arrow), which
is considered the standard of care for atypical femoral fractures and other noncomminuted transverse
fractures of the long bones.

A second feature that is helpful to differenti- early trabecular stress fractures (1,34). Pathologic
ate stress from pathologic fractures at CT and fractures are more likely to erode the trabeculae
MRI is the presence or absence of a well-defined and are therefore less likely to demonstrate linear
fracture line (Fig 16) (68,73). When present, a sclerosis parallel to the fracture. Other features
fracture line extending from the cortical bone that may suggest pathologic vertebral compres-
into the cancellous bone may be suggestive of sion fracture include (a) destruction of cortical or
a stress fracture (68,73). In many pathologic cancellous bone (72,74), (b) absence of a vacuum
fractures, the tumor may erode the trabecular or fluid cleft (74), (c) convexity or bulging of the
bone and infiltrate the fracture space, reduc- posterior vertebral body wall (75), (d) pedicle
ing the conspicuity of a distinct fracture line involvement (75), a focal paravertebral mass mea-
(68,74). Other features that are more suggestive suring greater than 10 mm (72,74,75), and (e) a
of pathologic fracture at CT or MRI include an T1 signal intensity abnormality that persists at 3–6
aggressive periosteal reaction, cortical erosion, month follow-up MRI (75–77) (Table 3). Ad-
endosteal scalloping, hypoenhancing (necrotic) vanced imaging techniques for evaluation of mar-
areas in the adjacent soft tissue, and the presence row signal intensity alterations, including dynamic
of an enhancing soft-tissue mass (3,17,68). contrast material–enhanced MRI, chemical shift
Signal intensity and morphologic features have MRI, and diffusion-weighted MRI, have shown
been studied more extensively for discrimina- promise for discrimination of benign from malig-
tion of osteoporotic compression (insufficiency) nant fractures in the vertebral bodies (76,77).
fractures from pathologic fractures in the vertebral Table 3 summarizes imaging findings with
bodies. Although imaging protocols and manage- multiple modalities that may be useful to
ment are often different for spinal abnormalities, discriminate stress from pathologic fractures
imaging features useful for differentiating insuf- (3,17,68,72,74,76–78). If definitive diagnosis
ficiency and pathologic fractures in the spine may remains uncertain after initial imaging, diagnos-
share similarities to those of bones with similar tic options include immediate biopsy or short-
trabecular-predominant macrostructure. Just as interval follow-up radiography and MRI (9,79).
in the appendicular skeleton, both the pattern In benign fractures, short-interval follow-up
of T1-hypointense signal and the absence of a imaging should demonstrate signs of healing
defined fracture line have demonstrated utility for and improvement in marrow signal intensity
discrimination of the cause of fracture in the spine abnormalities by 2–3 months.
(72,74,75). In addition, osteoporotic vertebral In the presence of a newly identified osse-
compression fractures may be associated with a ous neoplasm, imaging has an important role in
band of sclerosis or trabecular impaction parallel prediction of the risk of the patient developing a
to the fracture line (76). This may be analogous pathologic fracture. The Mirels scoring system
to the microcallus and linear sclerosis seen along is the most commonly used scoring system and
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 7 Marshall et al  2187

Table 2: Common Stress Fracture Locations by Activity

Location Activity
Hamate (hook) Golf, tennis, baseball
Ulna (coronoid/olecranon) Throwing (eg, pitching), using a
Humerus (distal diaphysis) Throwing (eg, pitching)
Ribs Golf, rowing, heavy lifting
Lumbar spine (spondylolysis) Heavy lifting, ballet
Obturator ring/pubic bone Gymnastics, track and field, bowling
Femur (diaphysis, neck) Running, ballet, gymnastics
Tibia Running, basketball, ballet
Fibula Running, jumping (eg, acrobatics)
Calcaneus Jumping (eg, acrobatics), standing
Tarsal navicular Running
Metatarsal diaphysis Running, standing, basketball, ballet
Sesamoids of metatarsals Standing
Source.—Reference 69.

Figure 15.  Lesser trochanter avulsion in a 59-year-old man with a history of melanoma who presented with left hip
pain. (a) AP radiograph shows an avulsion fracture (arrows) of the lesser trochanter. (b) Coronal CT image shows the
underlying lytic lesion (arrow) in this patient with metastatic melanoma. Lesser trochanteric avulsion fractures in adults
should be considered pathologic until proven otherwise.

has proven valid and reproducible for predicting in Table 4 and a total score is calculated. Per the
impending pathologic fractures of the appen- original recommendation, prophylactic fixa-
dicular skeleton on the basis of the radiographic tion is recommended for lesions with a score
appearance of a bone lesion (Table 4) (80–82). greater than or equal to 9 (Fig 17); lesions with
It is important for the radiologist to be familiar a score of 8 are equivocal, and clinical judg-
with the Mirels scoring system and other risk ment is required; and lesions with a score of less
factors for fracture in a patient with a neoplasm than 7 often can be treated medically (80). For
to provide the orthopedic surgeon with the most instance, a peritrochanteric (3 points) lytic (3
clinically relevant features of osseous tumors points) lesion that is less than one-third of the
that guide surgical treatment. The system is diameter of the bone (1 point) with mild pain
based on four primary characteristics: (a) the (1 point) has a total score of 8 points. If the
site of the lesion, (b) the size of the lesion, (c) the lesion were any larger or pain were more severe,
matrix of the lesion, and (d) the presence of pain. prophylactic fixation would be recommended
These imaging features are scored as described according to the Mirels criteria. Outside of the
2188 November-December 2018

Figure 16.  Fracture line and T1-weighted marrow signal intensity for differentiation of pathologic from stress frac-
tures. (a) Coronal T1-weighted MR image of the left femoral neck shows a stress fracture with a well-defined T1-
hypointense fracture line extending from the cortex into the trabecular bone (white arrow). Associated T1-weighted
signal intensity abnormality is poorly defined, with patchy intervening areas of normal fatty marrow (black arrows).
(b) Sagittal T1-weighted MR image of the right humerus demonstrates a subtle cortical disruption suggestive of
pathologic fracture (white arrow), without evidence of a well-defined T1-hypointense fracture line penetrating the
trabecular bone in the marrow cavity. Associated T1-hypointense signal abnormality is homogeneous and well de-
fined (black arrows), with minimal intervening normal T1-weighted fatty marrow.

Table 3: Features Suggesting Pathologic versus Stress Fractures

Modality Pathologic Fractures Stress Fractures: Fatigue and Atypical

Radiography Cortical destruction or endosteal scal- Endosteal and periosteal thickening
and CT loping Benign periosteal reaction
Aggressive periosteal reaction Intact sclerotic trabecula
Lytic or permeative marrow pattern Absent soft-tissue mass
Soft-tissue mass
Mineralized matrix
MRI Absent or infiltrated fracture line Well-defined fracture line extending
Well-defined T1-hypointense signal through trabecular bone
abnormality Poorly defined T1-hypointense signal
Homogeneously low T1-weighted signal abnormality
intensity without normal intervening Heterogeneous T1-weighted signal
marrow intensity with patchy normal interven-
Substantial adjacent muscle edema ing fatty marrow
Trace poorly defined adjacent muscle
Scintigraphy/ Diffuse uptake Focal or linear uptake
Sources.—References 3 and 17.

Mirels criteria, others have suggested prophylac- cm in diameter, when the fracture includes the
tic fixation when greater than 50% of the bone lesser trochanter, and in patients with pain after
width is destroyed, with lesions larger than 2.5 radiation of a lesion (85–87).
RG  •  Volume 38  Number 7 Marshall et al  2189

Table 4: Pathologic Fracture Risk (Mirels Criteria)

Score Location Pain Lesion Matrix Lesion Size*

1 Upper extremity Mild Blastic <1/3
2 Lower extremity Moderate Mixed 1/3–2/3
3 Peritrochanteric femur Functional† Lytic >2/3
*Lesion size refers to the fraction of the bone diameter as per the initial article by Mirels (80); how-
ever, more recent sources (83,84) refer to lesion size as a fraction of cortical involvement.
†Functional pain is defined as pain when the extremity is used (eg, leg pain when walking).

Figure 17.  Application of the Mirels criteria for im-

pending pathologic fracture in two patients. (a) AP ra-
diograph in a 66-year-old man with a history of renal cell
carcinoma and functional thigh pain (3 points) shows a
permeative lytic lesion (arrows; 3 points) of the lower
limb (2 points), which involves more than two-thirds of
the diameter of the cortex (3 points). (b) The Mirels cri-
teria score for this lytic lesion was 11 points, and there-
fore, it was fixated prophylactically before complete
fracture. (c) AP radiograph in 57-year-old man with
metastatic squamous cell carcinoma and mild left-sided
leg and groin pain (1 point) shows a lytic lesion (arrows;
3 points) of the lower limb (2 points), which spans more
than two-thirds of the diameter of the cortex (3 points).
This lesion scored 9 points and was therefore at risk for
impending fracture. (d) The patient declined fixation
at the time of radiography and presented 4 months
later with a pathologic fracture. Although this fracture
is noncomminuted, it shows a substantially transverse
orientation in the lateral cortex (arrow) and shows a
medial spike (arrowhead). It is not considered an atypi-
cal femoral fracture because of the absence of lateral
cortical beaking or thickening and the presence of an
underlying neoplasm (an exclusion criterion).

Additional Treatment Considerations.— De- the scope of this article. Factors influencing the
tailed treatment considerations for patients with optimal treatment strategy of pathologic fractures
pathologic fractures are complicated and beyond include an evaluation of the origin of the lesion,
2190  November-December 2018

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