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7/29/2020 Crew Rescues People Stuck in Rushing River in Northwest Mexico

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Crew Rescues People Stuck in Rushing River

in Northwest Mexico
● 6 hours ago

Officials in Jalisco rescued people stranded in high water as flooding continued to

impact parts of Mexico on July 28.The Jalisco Civil Protection said two people
became trapped when their truck was dragged along the rushing Bolanos River in the
town San Martin de Bolanos in northern Jalisco.One of the trapped people was a 17-
year-old boy rescued by Jalisco Civil Protection, officials said.This video shows a
person sitting on the hood of a truck as floodwater rushes over the stranded vehicle.
The person is later seen being pulled away from the floodwater. It’s unclear if the
video shows a person being rescued or a crew member returning to shore after the
rescue.Jalisco Civil Protection urged drivers to be aware of the rapid rivers, warning
them that the water’s force can “drag vehicles, horses or any means of
transportation.” Credit: Jalisco Civil Protection via Storyful
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