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7/29/2020 North Korea's Kim says there will be no more war thanks to nuclear weapons

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North Korea's Kim says there will be no more

war thanks to nuclear weapons
● 2 days ago

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un speaks at an event to confer "Paektusan" commemorative pistols to leading
commanding officers of the armed forces

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has said there will be no more
war as the country's nuclear weapons guarantee its safety and future despite
unabated outside pressure and military threats, state media said on Tuesday.

Kim made the remarks as he celebrated the 67th anniversary of the end of the 1950-
53 Korean War, which fell on July 27, with a reception for veterans, the official KCNA
news agency said. South Korea to have solid fuel rockets in major
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The country developed nuclear weapons to win "absolute strength" to stave off Associated Press
another armed conflict, Kim said in a speech carried by KCNA, emphasising the
defensive nature of the programmes.

"Now we are capable of defending ourselves in the face of any form of high intensity
pressure and military threats from imperialist and hostile forces," he said.

"Thanks to our reliable and effective self-defensive nuclear deterrent, there will no
longer be war, and our country's safety and future will be firmly guaranteed forever."

The speech came amid stalled talks aimed at dismantling Pyongyang's nuclear and
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missile programmes in exchange for sanctions relief from Washington. At Home
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7/29/2020 North Korea's Kim says there will be no more war thanks to nuclear weapons

Kim and U.S. President Donald Trump met for the first time in 2018 in Singapore,
raising hopes for a negotiated end to North Korea's nuclear threats. But their second 4
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summit, in 2019 in Vietnam, and subsequent working-level meetings fell apart.

(Reporting by Hyonhee Shin in Seoul; Editing by Matthew Lewis)

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7/29/2020 North Korea's Kim says there will be no more war thanks to nuclear weapons

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7/29/2020 North Korea's Kim says there will be no more war thanks to nuclear weapons

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