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Layto, Vivienne Rozenn G.

Homeskills MW 10:45-12:30

Desired Type of Home

Growing up, my parents approached me with warmth, sensitivity, and setting of limits.
They have always showed us positivity while guiding me and my brother. Instead of punishing us
immediately, they let us explain our side in which we were able to address the problems and
solutions properly. In this case, it made us more open to our parents. That makes our home, an
authoritative home.
Living in an authoritative home made me realize that it will also be the best for my family
in the future. I must be ready to be responsive to my child’s emotional needs but still setting
limits. I should be all ears to their ideas and opinions, no matter what is it. But given the fact that
it is still within my standards as a mother.
There are lots of instances wherein parents decide for their children. It may be the course
to take, the type of phone to buy, or the set of clothes to wear. But as an authoritative parent in
the future, I am willing to listen to every choice they will give but still providing them boundaries.
I believe that this type of parenting will produce the best outcomes in children.

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