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How to Make School Mornings Easier for Kids

“Good Morning – this is not just a greeting. It signifies a hope that the
beautiful morning will bring a smile on your face and happiness in your life”

School has become virtual, so the good morning wishes and familiar happy
faces of the children. Due to this unprecedented situation routines have
changed in many of the households, and with parents too at home the
normal routine has completely vanished. This is leading towards unhealthy
lifestyle. This sedentary lifestyle is affecting the body and mind of all with
diseases and stress.

So, as we say ‘Charity begins at home’- Parents are the compass of the ship
called children – the guiding force – the first lessons are imparted to the kids
by the members of the family. Kids imitate what they see, during their
growing age. .

Morning Shows the Day

Morning definitely shows the day – kids should not feel sleepy in the morning
or with the wakeup call .With routines going berserk these days, no one is
taking into consideration the importance of having eight hours of sleep
everyday to replenish the body. Parents need to be strict about sleep time of
their kids. Night is the time when the body repairs it’s cells, muscles and all
organs , it strengthens the immune system and help in better blood

For toddlers and younger kids lullaby and bedtime stories are wonderful
means to make them have sound sleep. Reading can be made a part of the
child’s night-time routine. This helps the child to know how to associate
reading with relaxation. Children should not be allowed to spend time in front
of screen before going to bed. For grownups too screen time needed to be
curtailed to have better sleep pattern. For this, parents too need to stick to
the sleep time to set example for the kids.

If entire family sleeps early and wakes up early in the morning then the
entire day will become smooth. Organizing and planning household chores
beforehand can make things easier and clutter free for parents. Being
organized can make the parents wake up before kids, have some ‘me time’
and be ready for the entire day.

Exercise and healthy breakfast

Wake up calls can be made more relaxing by playing soothing music instead
of jarring alarm sounds which can jolt the kids and make them cranky instead
of happy and gentle. The pattern to be set after waking up –brushing, light
freehand exercise, bath, protein rich filling breakfast, remembering God, then
studying or virtual school these days and so on.

Children can be asked to even help in making the bed before and after sleep.
This activity has a domino effect. This not only make the kids responsible and
organized but will give them the sense of being hygienic right from the
beginning – this sense will motivate them to lead a healthy life.

Prayer – Morning Prayer can set the tone of the day. A short, simple thank
you God prayer can refresh the mind. The morning will be more blessed and
stress free. It is also helpful in focusing on the day’s work. Kids realize the
ethical values through prayers.
Exercise - Physical activity helps in boosting the energy of the kids. Exercise
can be in the form of Yoga, light freehand exercise, aerobics, zumba or any
type of physical activities that the members of the entire family can follow.
Doing exercise together can lighten the moment and the lethargy that
generally doesn’t allow people to exercise will also be avoided. These days
all are aware of the benefits of physical activities. When life has become
standstill due to Covid Pandemic situation, the need of being healthy has
become the need of the hour. Not only immunity boosting food but adequate
burnout session is also required to keep us fit and fine. Who can deny the
calming effect of yoga and meditation? Children should be taken to the world
of yoga from a very young age. Yoga practice should ideally begin at a very
early stage. Yoga will provide lifelong benefit. It will help in developing the
body, mind and soul of the kid and prepare them to deal with every situation
in life. Right from boosting immune system to make them active an overall
effect of yoga is well known to all, so yoga can be kept as one of the activity
to be done by the entire family to ease out the day for the kids and make
them future ready. Then later on during the day they can pursue something
of their choice like aerobics or any other forms of dance. May be they can
take this activity in the evening and enjoy their ‘me time’.
Healthy body means healthy food. Breakfast should include protein rich food.
Children mostly try to avoid eating in the morning but everything is a habit.
Good habit never leaves and needs to be practiced right from the beginning.
They should also be allowed to have cheat days, may be on Saturdays or
whenever they want. Researchers say that flexibility is the key to make kids
follow rules.

Limit Device Use

This might sound ironic in present scenario when all are pushed to spend
time in front of phone or computer. But if we ponder over the matter then we
can see that anyhow students were spending almost this much time in front
of devices even before the pandemic. They can be sensitized about the
adverse effects of using or spending time in front of gadgets after virtual
classes. They should become aware of their health and after studies can
pursue their hobbies or hone other skills during their free time. The best
thing they can do is to read, learn music, play instrument, and spend time
with family.
The best way to protect can be to prevent kids from accessing the device.
Parental control is very important.

Mentors of Aspam Scottish, one of the best CBSE Schools in Noida, always
take initiative to read to their students and make the pupils aware of
importance of reading good books, play music, spend time in art work and
other constructive ways to spend their time.

In ASPAM Scottish, one of the leading Schools in Noida, teachers and

students are tirelessly working together to enhance the quality of life for all
through teacher engagement, student engagement and parental
engagement programmes.

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