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A young Cameroonian, fearless and very intelligent lady Kiara who just finished
her studies from ENAM as an investigative agent is appointed to Douala Littoral
Region. As head of department in charge of crime and investigation, she seems to
have lots of complexities surrounding this case that motivated her to go into
ENAM. She has to go through some great heights to uncover Kirk Dennison Carlos
who happens to have schemed his way into the Dukes family and poses as one of
their own for his selfish reasons.
1. Kiara Williams: (Late 20s-30s), Chocolate in complexion, not too tall (1,68),
slim and very agile. Always dresses in trousers, shirts and jackets with
simple sneakers with dark shades, keeps a low and attractive hairstyle.
Fluent in English and very careful with her choice of words. Seldom speaks
in riddles and barely explain too deep. She is driven by her goals, duty and
curiosity. Loyal to her cause, family and allies. She will stop at nothing to
get to the bottom of whatever crime she needs to uncover (brave and
courageous). She possesses a very good heart and sensitive in helping
others. Just like any mortal, she has a relatable character flaw which is
major. She is fanatical and obsessed with bringing Kirk Denison to justice
even if it means putting the lives of those she loves on the line if she must.

2. Kirk Denison Carlos:(Late 40s-50s), dark in complexion, tall (1,90) and huge.
Bald headed, beards on his chin and moustache. Seldom dresses very smart
in material trousers and shirts, with his cigar on him at all times. Wears
expensive jewelries and this expensive louis Vuitton perfume. Always
spotted with this gold flamboyant watch and necklace. He is a Stalwart (is
loyal to his allegiance especially in times of revolt) also terrible (causing fear
or terror) an impostor that can kill anyone who stands between him and his
priorities. And above all he is very confident (not liable to error in judgment
or action). Not only is he a stalwart, terrible and impostor but he is very
clever (showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others). Plus,
he is a very enraged (marked by extreme anger) person. Has always been
jealous of his twin brother whom their father has always found favor in him
from their childhood days and will go to any extreme to destroy his brother,
family and all his ever worked for just because according to him, his brother
is responsible for the space between their dad and him.

3. Inspector Vincent (Early 30s-40s), dark in complexion, tall and well build;
dresses casually in jean trousers and boots. Fancies transparent glasses. He
will stop at nothing to fight crime and bring justice to all. Always trapped in
twisted situations and sometimes find it hard going about investigations
especially as his city has got smart and smooth criminals who can easily get
away with crime should any officer is not that smart. He puts in his time,
energy and effort in his job. Barely have time for social gathering and
parties. He is dedicated to unraveling a series of murders linked to Kirk
Denison but it seemed the closer he gets, the further everything gets from
him. But will he stop and let a criminal as Kirk Denison get away? Surely a
helping hand from the famous Kiara Williams will come in handy.

4. Don Duke Carlos: (40s-50s), dark in complexion, tall (1,90) and huge.
Dresses in flashy suits, drives very exotic cars with a very expensive gold
wrist watch and simple wedding gold ring. In his early 50s yet so cute. He is
a perfect example of a gentleman. Wealthy with lots of investments home
and abroad yet so humble, loyal and respectful. His family is his top most
priority and he will give up his own life just to make sure his family is safe.
Works so hard to keep his legacy from sinking. Married to a very beautiful
lady Clara who loves him against all odds and their 3 sons Danny, Nelson
and Wilson respectively. But his twin brother Kirk Denison Carlos is bent on
making sure he ruins not only him but his legacy and family.

5. Clara Duke: 46-year-old Mrs. Clara is fair in complexion and average height,
is very pretty and married to the business tycoon and billionaire Don Duke.
Despite her husband’s wealth, she too is a business lady who own chains of
fashion wears in the city. She dresses so elegantly in some fancy wears and
always sparkling in diamond jewelries. She drives a black Rav4 jeep. Loves
her husband and children so much and is dedicated to seeing them happy
always. But the recent change of attitude in her husband and shady phone
calls, late night coming, no kiss on her cheek while rubbing her wrist is a call
for concern. And now more than ever she has to direct all her energy and
resources towards making sure she wins her husband all over again.

6. Danny Duke: First born son of the Dukes family, Danny is in his early 30s.
and studied business management in the university. Has 2 younger
brothers Nelson and Wilson Duke. Dark in complexion he is tall and huge
with broad shoulders. Despite his rich background, he keeps a very low
profile and goes about his job diligently. He is the managing director in his
dad’s empire, single with a very quiet lifestyle. Seldom dresses in black suits
and transparent glasses. Will give his entire life just to make sure the
company stays on tract. The recent occurrences and happenings in the
company which led to the dead of one his subordinates and accountant
miss Linda only made him grew so worried especially after finding out the
building she was assassinated in belongs to a friend of his Kelvin. It only
grew worse when he tried finding out what happened to miss Linda and
was later reported missing.

7. Brooks: A deadly hitman in his late 30s. Brooks keeps a very distinctive
profile about himself. No friends, nor relatives ever spotted with him. He is
tall and brown in complexion. Keeps a cool and clean dreadlocks. Rides a
power bike and lives in the extreme of town. He will not hesitate to pull the
trigger when money is involved. Really doesn’t pay much attention to his
outfit as he seldom dresses in black jackets and black boots with black jean
trousers and dark shades. Never smiles and speaks barely few words. Kirk
Denison is his boss and uses him for his shady deals and pays him to kill
whoever comes before him and his plans. Little did he know that his boss
doesn’t really give a damn about who so ever including him, as he tried to
kill him when he became an expendable but was rescued by his half-sister
Kiara whom he barely knew and had never met before. And was later made
to leave the country because his boss and dad he never knew, will hunt him
should he discover he is still alive. So, he had no choice but relocate to
china till the right time before returning back to the country.

8. Nelson Duke: only grew up to the age of 20 before learning how to tie his
own shoelace. Nelson is the 2nd born son of the Dukes family now 27 years
of age. And just like his big brother Danny he studied business management
in school as well. Average height and fair in complexion. Loves food so
much and never gets enough of it. cracks joke and makes everyone around
him to always laugh. He is a shy guy especially with the ladies. Drives a red
comfortable Runnx. Just like their mom he became worried after the
disappearance of their big bro Danny and the sudden change their dad now
portrays at home. And had to team up with his younger brother and mom
to make sure they get to the root of whatever aint right. But his
disappearance from home for a single night only made his moms fears grew

9. Wilson Duke: Being the last son of such a wealthy family as the Dukes can
be adorable especially with the care and concern that comes with it. Wilson
25 of age really don’t fancy all those benefits as he became obsessed with
computers at the age of 14 and has since then made sure he dedicated all
his knowledge and time in becoming the best computer engineer his city
has raised. His dark in complexion and average height, keeps this clean
beard on his cheek and adores transparent glasses. Fancies t shirts and
simple panties. Favorite color white and spends most of his time behind the
computer and listening to music while sipping a glass of whisky (Hennessey)
as he believes computer engineers are unique with their brand and choice
of drink with Hennessey toping the list. Owns a simple white ride. Just like
his elder bro Nelson and their mother Clara, he too noticed something
strange in their dad and will stop at nothing till everything returns to
normalcy and their missing brother comes back home through the help and
influence of their dad.

10. Kelvin: A young business mogul, age 35. Is about 1,67, not too dark in
complexion. Dresses very flashy and loves exotic cars like no other. Shies
away from the public and media. Is a dangerous schemer and con man.
Made his money aside from business by scheming his way into the path and
lives of beautiful rich ladies and wont stop till he completely sweeps their
bank accounts. He is into every and any shady deals that will add more cash
to his account. Nemesis caught up with him when he stepped in Kiara
Williams path as he was involved with Kirk Dennison to try and destroy the
Dukes. So, he ended up being played and beaten to his own game.

11. Miss Linda: 30-year-old miss Linda with average height, not too tall and
fair in complexion. Long dark shoulder length hair, smiles often is so
dedicated to her job. Happens to be Kiara’s sister. Has been working with
the dukes for 18 years as the company’s accountant until she came across
some fraudulent documents bearing Danny dukes signature and had to
report it to the CEO. But little attention was paid to her, and she had to
involve the police, but was tragically reported dead few days later and her
corpse missing.

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