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Dosen pengampu : Alfian Yoga Prananta, S.S, M. Hum.

Disusun oleh:


NIM : 1701004





1. Part of disaes

Disaes Anatomical
Diarrhea Stomach
Dispahgya Esofagus
Gastritis Maag
Colitis Intestine
Dizzy Head
cough Throat
influenza Flu
fracture Bones
pleura lungs
oestoathrithis Joints

2. Part of body

1. Jaw (Mandible) = mandibula

2. Neck (cervical) = leher
3. Sholder = Bahu
4. Armpit (Axilla) = Ketiak
5. Upper arm (humerus) = lengan atas
6. Elbow = sikut
7. Back = tulang belakang
8. Buttock =bokong
9. Wirst = pergelangan
10. Thigh (femur) = Paha
11. Calf = betis
12. Leg =kaki/tibia
13. Chast (thorax) = rangka dada
14. Breast (mamae) = susu
15. Stomach (abdomen) = perut
16. Navel (umbilicus) = pusar
17. Hip =pangkal paha
18. Groin (inguinal) =kunci paha
19. Knee (patella) = lutut
20. Shin =tulang kering
Anatomical term Common
Abdomen Stomach
Axilla Armpit
Carpus Wirst
Coxa Tailbone
Cubitus Elbow
Mammae Breast
Nates Nasal
'patella Knee
3. Medical practicioners

Surgeon Is a speciality in medicine that treats

diseases or wounds with manual and
instrument surgery.
Oncologist Is a medical sub field that studies and treats
Orthopedic Is a breanch of medicine that focuses on
diagnosa, terating and preveting various
diseases or disorders realated to the
musculoskeletal system.
Dermatologist Is a branch of medicine that studies the skin
and parts realated to the skin such as
hair,nails, sweet gland, and so forth.
Neourologist Neurology is a branch of medical sciance
that deals with disorders of the nervous

4. oncology Verb adjectiv

Cured Cure curative

excisions excision Excisions
growth grow Growing
invasive Invasve Invasiveness
palliation palliate Palliative
spead Spread spearding
Swell swell Swelling

5. X-ray and Ctscan

Radiography involes exposing a part of body to a small dose of radiation to produce an
image of the internal organs.
Radiopaque meaning they do not absorb radiation and appers dark on the image. Lung
tissue is radiolucent- absoebs radiation- and appers dark on the image.
Before some types of X-Ray patiets are given a liqued called a contras medium, such as
barium or iodine, which is radiopaque and allows the organ or tissue it fills to be examend.
The contrast medium may be swallowed, introduced through the anus as an enema or given
as injections.
The patient stands facing the photograpic plate with the chest pressed to the plate, with
hands on hips and elbow pushed out int font . the radiographer, the technecin who takes
the X-Ray, asks the patient not to move, then to breathe in deeply and not breath out. The
makes a blurred unclear X-Ray image less likely and improves the quality of image, asit easir
to abnormalities in air filled (inflated)lungs then in deflated lungs.
a. Inradiograhy barium is used a contrast (image/medium)
b. tissue which absors radiations and appers dark on X-Ray is (radiolucent/radiopaque)
c. an (enema/injection) is a liqued intro the bowel by way of the anus.
d. X-Ray used to measure the progress of disease are called ( reapted/sereal) X-Ray
e. If patient moves during an X-Ray, the image may be (blurred/Abnormal)
f. It’s easier to see abnormalities when the lungs are (defleted/inflated)

Verb Noun Adjective

Breathe breath Breathing
Drain drainage Drained
intervene Intervention Interventiv
Therphy Therapeutic Therapeutic
abnormality abnormals abnormal

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