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Psychotic Disorder

- Schizophrenia
- Paranoid
- Catatonic
Mood Disorders
- BiPolar
- Depression
- Situational caused by tragedy, what we think about can cause a change in brain
- Clinical: nothing causes it except genetics or sudden change in brain chemistry
- Anxiety
- Panic: when something happens causing them to seem to have a false heart attack
- Social-phobia: people that don’t like crowds and being confined
- Post traumatic stress: happens later and thoughts cause change in brain
- Agoraphobia: not common but a person will not leave home or places, SEVERE
*All caused by brain chemistry disorders

Personality Disorders (Half say brain chemistry and others believe it is something else)
- Bardulmic:
- Anti Social:
- Narcism: life is all about them
- Dependent: had no life outside family
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (exception that severe can be helped with medication)
*Question on whether medications work

Mental Illness caused by mood changing chemical imbalance

High risk behavior replaces dependency on drugs to get high

Best medication for alcohol: treated with adavan but addictive

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