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Director of Photography

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

The director of photography works very closely with the film's director to achieve the artistic vision
of the film. Another name for the director of photography is the cinematographer, and they control
the camera and take responsibility for the shots that make up the movie.

1. What does the director of photography control?

a. The shots b. The actors c. The set

2. What's another name for director of photography?

a. Filmographer b. Cinematographer c. Filmer

3. Who does the director of photography work with?

a. The writer b. The fundraiser c. The director

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Mockingbirds are often tropical in origin, although some live in Northern climates. They are small
grey or colorful birds and are fierce protectors of their nests and habitats. Scientists aren't sure what
their special talent is for, but Mockingbirds are especially good at mocking or mimicking the song
of other species of birds.

1. What do mockingbirds do to songs?

a. Distort them b. Sing them c. Mimic them

2. What color are mockingbirds?

a. Gray b. Blue c. Black

3. What climate did mockingbirds originate in?

a. Tropical b. Cold c. Desert

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Italian pizzas come decked out in mozzarella, a very soft buffalo or cow's milk cheese, or
provolone, a mild cheese that tastes like Monterey Jack. If you want to make a pizza yourself, go to
your local grocery store and pick up a bag of shredded "Italian Cheese," which is a mix of
Mozzarella, Provolone, Asiago and Romano cheeses.

1. How many cheeses are in an "Italian Cheese" mix?

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5

2. What kind of milk is used to make mozzarella?

a. Sheet b. Buffalo or cow c. Goat

3. What kind of cheese do Italian pizzas use?

a. Monterey Jack b. Mozzarella c. Cheddar

Abraham Lincoln
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Abraham Lincoln was America's 16th president, who was in office from 1861 until his death by
assassination on April 15th, 1865. He was the first Republican elected President and was most
famous for leading the United States through the Civil War and ending slavery with the
Emancipation Proclimation and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

1. What Amendment to the Constitution did Lincoln create?

a. 22nd b. 53th c. 13th

2. When did Lincoln die?

a. 1865 b. 1685 c. 1568

3. Lincoln was President number...

a. 16 b. 18 c. 17

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

There are about 7,000 species of crab, a crustacean that lives in all of the world's oceans. Crabs can
go from being only a few millimeters big, like the pea crab, to about 13 feet wide, like the Japanese
spider crab.

1. What is the name of a huge crab?

a. Giant crab b. Japanese spider crab c. Big crab

2. What kind of animal is a crab?

a. A crustacean b. A mollusk c. A bivalve

3. How many species of crab are there?

a. 7000 b. 5000 c. 6000

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

The first actor performed in 534 BC at the Greek Theatre Dionysis. His name was Thespis and now
actors everywhere pay him homage and honor his memory by calling themselves "thespians."

1. What was the first actor's name?

a. Aktor b. Theatricalius c. Thespis

2. Where did the first actor perform?

a. Greece b. France c. Italy

3. When did the first actor perform?

a. 1998 b. 534 c. 334

Thomas Jefferson
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Not only was Thomas Jefferson America's third President, he was our second Vice President,
serving under John Adams. Jefferson was a man of strong intellect and a well-respected political
thinker, even today. He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and served in
office from 1801 to 1809.

1. What document was he principal author for?

a. Declaration of Independence b. Constitution c. Bill of rights

2. Which vice-president was Thomas Jefferson?

a. 3rd b. 2nd c. 1st

3. Which president was Thomas Jefferson?

a. 5th b. 4th c. 3rd

Basking Shark
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Right after the whale shark comes the world's second largest shark, the basking shark. The largest
basking shark was caught in 1851 and was over 40 feet long. Basking sharks are filter feeders, just
like whale sharks. They filter 2,000 tons of water per hour to draw out plankton and small fish.

1. What does a basking shark eat?

a. Meat b. Plankton c. Humans

2. How long was the longest basking shark?

a. 50 feet b. 30 feet c. 40 feet

3. What is the world's second largest shark?

a. The whale shark b. The basking shark c. The great white shark

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

A rotor and blades lift a helicopter straight up and make it hover in the air at one point for a long
time. A relatively new technology, the first successful helicopter was mass-produced in 1942.
Today's helicopters are used in the army, by news and weather stations and the police, but some
tourists fly high above scenic locations like the Grand Canyon and Hawaii.

1. When was the first helicopter produced?

a. 1941 b. 1953 c. 1942

2. Where do some tourists fly in helicopters?

a. Hawaii b. Los Angeles c. Chicago

3. What holds the blades of a helicopter?

a. A rotor b. A piston c. An engine

Harvest Festival Day

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Harvest Festival Day, also called Chuseok or Hangawi, is a fall harvest festival. Koreans eat rice
cakes steamed on pine needles and head back to their hometowns for a festival that's like American
Thanksgiving. They get together with their extended family and visit ancestral grave sites to
remember their roots.

1. Koreans eat special cakes for Harvest Festival, steamed on what kind of needles?

a. Oak b. Evergreen c. Pine

2. Harvest Festival is like which American holiday?

a. Thanksgiving b. Halloween c. Christmas

3. Which season do Koreans celebrate Harvest Festival during?

a. Fall b. Spring c. Summer

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Originally discovered in Barbados, grapefruit comes in two major varieties, white and pink, also
called Ruby Red. Grapefruits are very healthy and great source of vitamin C. They grow in very
warm climates and their seeds have been used by “holistic," or natural, doctors for centuries to fight
bacteria and infection.

1. What kind of climates do grapefruits grow in?

a. Warm b. Desert c. Arid

2. Where was grapefruit discovered?

a. Tahiti b. Barbados c. India

3. What are the two colors of grapefruit?

a. Pink and orange b. Yellow and white c. Pink and white

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Curling dates back to 17th century Scotland. Four players guide a granite rock down a track of ice
to its goal or "house." They use broom-like sticks to maneuver the stone. The curling stone has to
have very exact dimensions and craftsmanship, and some of the finer stones can cost upwards of

1. How much can a curling stone cost?

a. $1500 b. $2000 c. $10

2. What is the goal called in curling?

a. Home b. Base c. House

3. Where did curling originate?

a. England b. Scotland c. Ireland

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Grab a fishing rod, a set of hooks and your bait to lure the fish. All the bait you need is a bucket full
of dirt and worms. Eww! Stick one of those wiggly guys on a hook and cast it in the water. If the
bobber starts jumping up and down, pull hard! Take your catch home and enjoy your hard-earned

1. What is the thing that floats on the surface?

a. A rod b. A bobber c. A hook

2. What makes good bait?

a. Eggshells b. Grubs c. Worms

3. What do you need to lure a fish?

a. Bait b. Good skills c. A strong line

Congee (Rice porridge)

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

A popular rice pudding, Congee is made by boiling rice for a very long time. When the individual
grains break down, the dish turns into a type of soup. Imagine gooey oatmeal. After the base is
made, Congee can be flavored with anything from eggs to meats and spices. It is traditionally
served for breakfast, but it's delicious anytime.

1. When is Congee usually served?

a. Dinner b. Lunch c. Breakfast

2. What kind of texture does Congee have?

a. Like soup b. Thick c. Lumpy

3. What kind of pudding is Congee?

a. Oatmeal b. Wheat c. Rice

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Wolf-eels are nasty predators. They are very flexible and can curl their bodies to fit into the caves
and crevices where they live. They hunt at night and spring out of their hiding place at unsuspecting
prey. On the cute side, they live in the same cave as their mate, laying eggs and raising a family

1. Who does a wolf-eel live with?

a. A shark b. A crab c. Its mate

2. Where do wolf-eels live?

a. Open ocean b. Coral reefs c. Caves

3. What at wolf-eels?

a. Prey b. Vegetarians c. Predators

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

A mall comes from the ancient idea of a grand marketplace. Famous markets from the past are
Tehran's Grand Bazaar or the Oxford Covered Market. The first mall in America was The Arcade in
Providence, Rhode Island and the biggest mall in the world is the West Edmonton Mall in
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

1. What was the first mall in America?

a. The Arcade b. The Mall c. The Covered Market

2. What was the marketplace in Tehran called?

a. The Covered Market b. The Grand Bazaar c. The Place

3. What inspired a mall?

a. A marketplace b. A trend c. A store

Boy Who Cried Wolf

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.
A bored shepherd boy has his fun by yelling out "wolf!" to scare the villagers. One time, there
really is a wolf. When the boy yells for help, nobody believes him and he perishes at the hands of
the beast. Very simple, the story is a warning to everyone who reads it against the dangers of lying.

1. What does this story warn against?

a. Sheperding b. Yelling c. Lying

2. What happens one time?

a. There is a quake b. There is a fire c. There is a wolf

3. What does the bored shepherd yell?

a. Fire! b. Wolf! c. Quake!

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Guppies have rich jewel-tone colors and are a very popular freshwater aquarium addition. Guppies
breed and deliver live babies instead of laying eggs. It takes a pregnant guppy three to four weeks to
deliver babies, called fry. Unfortunately, guppies will often eat their own fry so aquarists must give
the babies a safe place to live.

1. How long does a guppy stay pregnant?

a. 2 months b. 3 to 4 weeks c. 1 year

2. Guppies breed by...

a. Delivering live babies b. Hatching eggs c. Laying eggs

3. What kind of water do guppies live in?

a. Pond b. Fresh c. Salt

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Mustard is Ketchup's tougher buddy. It is made from the seeds of the mustard plant and mixed with
vinegar, flour and spices. The first mustard, a very spicy variety, was invented by the Romans.
Mustard as we know it, either Yellow Mustard or the sweet favorite Honey Dijon, was introduced in
the 19th century.

1. What is a sweet mustard?

a. Honey Dijon b. Yellow Mustard c. Sugar Mustard

2. Who invented the first mustard?

a. The Spanish b. The Romans c. The Greeks

3. What kind of seeds are a mustard ingredient?

a. Mustard seeds b. Caraway seeds c. Dijon seeds

Ring Bearer
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

The ring bearer is a child from the family who dresses up in a handsome tuxedo and carries the
wedding rings to the altar. A few wacky people have their favorite pet, like a beloved golden
retriever, deliver the rings. It's an important job and somebody's got to do it!

1. Who do some people use for a ring bearer?

a. A fish b. A pet c. A squirrel

2. What does a ring bearer do?

a. Buys the wedding rings b. Shines the wedding rings c. Carries rings to the altar

3. Who is the ring bearer?

a. A child from the family b. A random kid c. A parent

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

They are the namesakes of a Beatles song, but Blackbirds have a wonderful song of their own. Like
Nightingales, it is the male Blackbird that sings. They are all black except for orange rings around
the eyes. They only sing in warm climates and the oldest recorded Blackbird lived for 20 years.
They are the national bird of Sweden.

1. How long did the oldest blackbird live?

a. 20 years b. 15 years c. 10 years

2. What gender blackbird sings?

a. Female b. Both c. Male

3. Who wrote a song about Blackbirds?

a. The Beatles b. Pearl Jam c. Green Day

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Pluto used to be considered a planet, but now scientists think it is one of the largest dwarf objects in
a region called the Kuiper Belt. It is made up of rock and ice and is about a fifth the size of the
Earth's Moon.

1. What is Pluto being classified as now?

a. A dwarf object b. A moon c. A planet

2. How much bigger is the moon than Pluto?

a. 2 times b. 3 times c. 5 times

3. Where is Pluto located?

a. Kuiper belt b. Ring Sector c. Star Quadrant

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Limes are used in cooking for their juice and their "zest," or skin. In the 19th century, sailors and
pirates who were away from fruits and vegetables for months at a time often got "scurvy," a vitamin
C shortage. To prevent it, ships carried tons of limes.

1. Where did people get scurvy?

a. In the mountains b. In towns c. Out to sea

2. What is "scurvy"?

a. A vitamin B shortage b. A vitamin A shortage c. A vitamin C shortage

3. What is a "zest"?

a. The pulp b. The stem c. The skin

Golden Delicious
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.
The Golden Delicious apple was the child of two different kinds of golden apples. The first tree
grew in 1914 and the fruit has been a favorite for its sweet, mellow taste and light skin ever since.
These apples tend to shrivel and dry out faster than most, so when you get your hands on one, eat it
right away!

1. What do Golden Delicious apples do easily?

a. Rot b. Keep c. Shrivel

2. What kind of skin does a Golden Delicious have?

a. Medium b. Dark c. Light

3. When did the first Golden Delicious tree grow?

a. 1922 b. 1914 c. 1912

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

To make s'mores, you will need to roast marshmallows on a stick over a fire until they're brown and
soft. Use two pieces of graham cracker, one with a piece of chocolate on it, like a baseball mitt to
take the steaming marshmallow off the stick. Yummy! You can, of course, enjoy this treat in the
microwave, too.

1. What can you use to make a s'more?

a. A flashlight b. A microwave c. An oven

2. What holds a s'more together?

a. Cookie b. Bread c. Graham cracker

3. What do you need to roast to make s'mores?

a. Marshmallows b. Peanuts c. Chocolate

Independence Day
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Just like South Korea founded the Republic of Korea in 1948, North Korea founded the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea that same year on September 9th. North Koreans still celebrate that day
as their own Independence Day from their union with South Korea and also their freedom from
Japan's imperial rule.

1. What is the official name of South Korea?

a. Republic of South Korea b. Republic of Korea c. Korean Republic

2. When did both Koreas become independent?

a. 1949 b. 1950 c. 1948

3. What country did the Koreas declare independence from?

a. Taiwan b. China c. Japan

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Bon voyage! It may be a weekend away or an extravagant trip around the world. Wherever the
destination, the honeymoon is a chance for the couple to relax. Planning a wedding and a new life
together is stressful, so this vacation is a well-deserved break.

1. What is stressful?

a. Planning a wedding b. Getting married c. Eating wedding cake

2. What does a couple do on honeymoon?

a. Sightsee b. Relax c. Stress out

3. Where do some couples go on honeymoon?

a. Down the street b. Around the world c. To a hotel

Fire Breathing
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Breathing fire is an easy skill to master, but very dangerous. The performer holds fuel in their
mouth, usually paraffin or lamp fuel, and sprays it near a flaming torch. Tim Black set a world
record by blowing a flame that was seventeen feet long. This fiery trick started in India.

1. What is the world's longest blown flame?

a. 17 feet b. 883 feet c. 12 feet

2. What kind of fuel does a fire breather use?

a. Lamp fuel b. Lighter fuel c. Gasoline

3. Where does a fire breather hold fuel?

a. Their ears b. Their nose c. Their mouth

Safari Themed
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

For a good safari party you can go to the park and explore the 'wilderness.' The word “safari" means
travel in Farsi and journey in Swahili. You'll need binoculars and a journal to keep track of all the
animals you see on yours. For adult adventurers, Africa is a popular safari attraction for big game
viewing, hunting and photography.

1. What does "safari" mean in Farsi?

a. Journey b. Travel c. Trip

2. What is a popular safari destination?

a. Russia b. Africa c. England

3. Where should you have a safari party?

a. The backyard b. Park c. Beach

Pizza Margherita
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Italians take their pizza very seriously. There are government regulations for what can go into a
Neapolitan pizza, the signature pizza of Italy. Perhaps the most famous of these government-
guarded pizzas is the Pizza Margherita. The ingredients are simple: basil, tomato sauce, garlic,
sliced Mozzarella cheese and oil. The result is always delicious.

1. What does a Margherita pizza have on it?

a. Basil and cheese b. Meat and cheese c. Veggies and cheese

2. What is the signature pizza of Italy?

a. Hawaiian pizza b. Neapolitan pizza c. Pepperoni pizza

3. Who controls what goes on a Neapolitan pizza?

a. The chef b. The customer c. The Italian government

Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.
Originally from Hamburg, Germany, the hamburger first came to America in the year 1900. A
burger is a beef patty served between two buns. The rest is up to the lucky eater! One favorite
topping is cheese, making the dish into a cheeseburger. Add lettuce, tomato, onions, ketchup and
mustard. Don't forget the fries!

1. What is a favorite hamburger topping?

a. Pickles b. Cheese c. Sausage

2. When did the hamburger first come to America?

a. 1900 b. 1901 c. 1899

3. Where did hamburgers come from?

a. The Hamptons b. Berlin c. Hamburg, Germany

Blue Sharks
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Unlike most sharks, blue sharks live in groups. They swim in tropical oceans and deep water, giving
birth to up to 100 shark pups at a time. They are lazy hunters and long-distance swimmers,
sometimes traveling between New England and South America. The only danger they present to
humans is their habit of traveling in large, scary-looking groups.

1. How many shark pups can a blue shark birth at once?

a. 100 b. 20 c. 50

2. How do blue sharks live?

a. Alone b. In pairs c. In groups

3. What kind of oceans do blue sharks like?

a. Arctic b. Tropical c. Cold

Water Polo
Read the story and answer the questions to test your comprehension.

Swimming is a very important skill for water polo players because they chase the ball constantly.
They also have to be able to "tread water," or float with their arms and chests above the surface.
This challenging sport is a full-body workout!

1. What do water polo players do?

a. Chase the ball b. Run c. Dive

2. What is "treading water"?

a. Sinking b. Floating with chests above the surface c. Doing breast stroke

3. What is an important skill for water polo?

a. Swimming b. Hand-eye coordination c. Arm strength

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