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News Release


July 30, 2020 Telephone: (123) 456-7890



Lets Talk About It:

My Family, My Plan 3-day Seminar

(10th grade reading level;

(San Diego County, CA) Need or want to know more about family planning without being
judged for wanting to know more or asking questions? Here’s your chance, at no cost to you or
your parent/s! The Let’s Talk About It Seminar is a captivating, informational 3-day event
coming to your area hosted by My Family. My Plan, also known as MyFamPlan. Our mission is
to encourage positive and accurate family planning education while providing reliable resources
by advancing outreach and advocacy efforts, all for free!
MyFamPlan is a health communication program that focuses on healthy family planning
for adolescents within the community and public. Our goal is to improve pregnancy planning
and spacing and prevent unintended pregnancy by accurately and adequately educating our
youth within the community and public. We accomplish this goal with our free seminars!
The 3-day seminar is an educational series that is all inclusive for adolescents (separated
into three age groups: 10-13, 14-16, and 17-19). This series could be attended fully online or in-
person and would encompass ‘talk about it’ conversations to help educate you and your peers.
These conversations are important for you because out of an approximate 42 million teens
currently in the US, only 1.2 percent of teens have practiced in the prevention of unintended
pregnancies. This is where our program and seminar come into action!

The ‘Talk About It” conversations will include speakers that will answer all questions you
might have, talk about family planning, reproductive health, and sexuality, and guide you
through available resources. Our partner, The Fertility Advantage, was recruited to specifically
work with our young adult group, aged 17-19 years old. The Fertility Advantage educational
segment will happen on day 3 and specifically focuses on reproductive health and fertility
planning for the group.
Correct knowledge is power, and it is your right!
“Young people everywhere have the right to the knowledge, tools and services
they need to make informed decisions about their bodies and live full, healthy
and productive lives.” – Jill Sheffield, Founder and President of Women Deliver1

As many of you may know, there is a societal notion that speaking on anything regarding
reproductive health is 'taboo'. This consideration has hindered our youth and the availability of
resources. For this very reason, our solution, our seminar, aims to meet the needs of family
planning education for the adolescent population by providing them with current and correct
knowledge, without using scare tactics, and multiple means of resources. Our program is to
help provide resources to any adolescent seeking them.
For the entire month of August, starting on August 1st, MyFamPlan program seminars
will be available to youth aged 10 to 19 years old throughout San Diego County. We will hold a
3-day conference during the following dates in the following cities:
El Cajon - August 1-3;
Chula Vista - August 4-6;
Coronado - August 7-9;
National City – August 10-13;

San Diego – August 14-16;

Escondido – August 17-19;
Oceanside – August 20-23
For more information on how you can register for the seminar in your area, contact Program
Event Coorindator, Kiana Moore, at (123) 456-7890.
We will also be providing transportation to the seminars, free of charge. Please contact
Program Scheduling Coordinator, Jayy Moore, at (123)45-7891 for more information and to
schedule pick up/drop off.

My Family. My Plan is a non-profit organization sponsored and partnered by Planned

Parenthood and The Fertility Advantage. For more information about My Family. My Plan,
please visit or call (123) 456-7890.


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