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TEACHER : Benites Angulo, Rocio Del Pilar

 Alfaro Rodríguez, Sugeili
 Arias Jara, Erick Aramis
 López Lázaro, Lenz

Trujillo - Perú
SUGEILI: Hi Erick, nice to see you after 1 year.

ERICK: Hi Sugeili, nice to see you too. How are you?

SUGEILI: I'm fine, thanks, a little tired

ERICK: Tired? Why?

SUGEILI: Because the university classes are difficult

ERICK: Right! Tell me, what do you like about university?

SUGEILI: Its buildings, I like walking around them, and also that classrooms, I like
studying in peace there, but I don't like studying in the library because that very small.I
like that the university has trees but I hate when the students don't take care of them.

ERICK: That's true, I hate it too.

SUGEILI: And what do you like about the university where you study?

ERICK: That soccer field, I like playing soccer there, and that parks full of flowers too, I
like relaxing there, I like swimming in the pool, but it is too small.

I also like that library, but I hate studying there because the students usually make

SUGEILI: That is stressful! And how are you doing in the university?

ERICK: At university I am good at History and Sports, but I am bad at Mathematics. I

don't like the numbers, actually, I'm keen on that kinds of topics.

I'm hopeless at mathematics, I am very good at writing beautiful essays.

And you Sugeili, how are you doing at the University?

SUGEILI: At the university I am good at Mathematics and Drawing, but I am bad at

Sports. I don't like running, actually, I'm keen on about that kind of thing.

I'm hopeless at History, I am not good with the names of characters.

ERICK: You are right Sugeili, History is difficult.

(At that moment Lenz appears, a promotion for both their college that was also in


ERICK: Hi Lenz. How are you?

LENZ: Hi Sugeili, Hi Erick, I'm fine, I just finished working

SUGEILI: What are you working on, Lenz?

LENZ: I work as a Mechanic in my Father's workshop

SUGEILI: Good Lenz, and how is your father's workshop?

LENZ: My father's workshop is big.

I like fixing the pieces every day but I do not like carrying heavy things without helping,
it could hard me.

Also I hate when the walls are stained with grease, it does not show order and

SUGEILI: That's true, and how are you doing at work?

LENZ: At work I am good at fixing brakes and motors, but I am bad at carrying heavy
parts. I don't like carrying heavy things because I'm weak, actually, I'm keen on about
doing it

I'm hopeless at fixing big tires because I still need to learn.

SUGEILI: I'm glad you are improving friend.

ERICK: Yes, me too, Lenz

LENZ: Thanks friends, I hope to see you again soon, I have to get to a dinner before
7pm. Take care Sugeili, take care Erick

ERICK AND SUGEILI: You too, friend.

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