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Xiomara: Hello friend! How was your day?

emily: Hello Antonela, she has been quite busy. And yours?

xiomara: Okay, thank you. I wanted to ask you about your daily routines. What are the three
activities you do every day?

emily: Well, I always start the day with a workout, then work on college projects, and of course I
always take time to read.

xiomara: Dream great. And is there something you don't do every day?

emily: Yes, I don't always manage to meditate and sometimes I forget to call my family, although I
try to do it often.

xiomara: Interesting. When do you usually exercise and how much time do you spend doing it?

emily: I usually exercise in the morning, around 7:00 a.m. meter. It helps me start the day with

xiomara: That sounds early. And what about working on your university projects?

emily: I do that mainly in the afternoon, after my classes. I dedicate at least two hours every day to
my projects.

xiomara: Understood. And how do you find time for reading?

emily: I try to read before bed, so I usually spend about 30 minutes before turning off the lights.

xiomara: Well, it sounds like you have a very structured day. Is there anything else you would like to
share about your daily routines?

emily: Yes, sometimes I forget to drink enough water, and I don't always eat dinner at the same time

xiomara: I'll keep that in mind! Thanks for sharing, honey. And you? What are your three daily
activities and those you don't do every day?

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