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A report on

Literature Review
& Case studies

Primary School
Kathmandu University School of Engineering,
Department of Civil Engineering with Architecture Program,
Date of Submission:

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Aashraya Rajkarnikar Course tutors

Roll no. 22 Ar. Suvechha Tandan

B. Arch S.Y. II Ar. Bishwo Dev Bhattarai
What are primary schools?
Primary schools are the places where children normally from the age of 6-11 receive primary
education. This is the first stage of formal education, coming after kindergarten and is designed to
provide fundamental skills in reading, writing and mathematics and to establish a solid foundation
for learning.
In the context of Nepal, primary schooling is from the grade 1-5 and for children around the age
of 6-11.

What are the types of primary school?

Besides mainstream primary schools, there are also special schools for primary education and
schools for special education.
1. Public-authority schools
Public-authority schools are open to all children. Teaching at these schools is not based on
religion or belief.
If there are no places available at the parents’ preferred school, the municipality must ensure
that the child can go to an alternative public-authority school. If there is no alternative school
in the neighborhood, a private school will have to admit him or her.

2. Private schools
Pupils at private schools are taught according to religious or ideological convictions. Types of
private school include Roman Catholic, Protestant, Islamic or Hindu. Private schools may
refuse to admit pupils or to employ teachers whose convictions differ from those the school

3. Non-denominational private schools

Non-denominational private schools teach according to a particular educational ethos. They
do not identify with a particular religion or ideology. Examples include Montessori, Dalton,
Jena Plan and Steiner schools. Public-authority and denominational private schools may also
work according to a specific educational ethos. This is usually clear from the school's name.
4. Community schools
Community schools combine education with activities like after-school care, sport, welfare
services and culture. Some community schools organize extra language lessons or after-
school activities such as homework coaching, sport or music lessons. This gives children
greater opportunities for development.
Community schools are not just there for the pupils, but also for parents and the
neighborhood. They may offer parenting classes or civic integration courses. It depends on
what the community needs. This makes each community school unique.

5. Special schools for primary education and schools for special education
As of 1 August 2014, schools must offer all pupils who need extra support an appropriate
place. This may be a place in mainstream education or in special education.
Special schools for primary education (SBO schools) have smaller classes, so that children
receive more guidance. Schools for special education (SO schools) are geared to children with
a disability, chronic illness or serious behavioral problems.
Pupils at SBO schools are taught the same subjects as children at mainstream primary schools.

The primary users of a primary school are children of ages 6-11.
The secondary users of a primary school are teachers, administrative staff, maintenance staff,
The Evolution of Education and its effect on
School Architecture
The practice of teaching and learning has been around since prehistoric times. However
systematic formal education only started much later around 10th century onwards. At this time,
homeschooling was a popular method and only the rich could afford formal education. Hence,
school architecture was very obscure and not yet put into practice very well.
This soon changed when the Industrial revolution took the world by storm in the late 17th century.
This particular revolution demanded more and more labor and to meet this demand, the concept
of mass education was in rapid development. There were hundreds, if not thousands of schools
built during this time all of whose principles were based on mass production of labor. The
educational methods in these schools were very straightforward: A teacher hands down all the
information and concepts that were needed to be applied. The students then move on to another
teacher who hands down another set of theoretical knowledge and a specific set of skills to be
applied. This was a method of producing carbon copies of workforces designed to do specific
tasks that the economy demanded. This is very well reflected by the architecture of the schools
build around that time. Large buildings divided into multiple classrooms, isolated from one
another, desks arranged in rows facing the teacher. Likewise, in the 1950s to the 1970s, the civil
rights movement was going on. This movement was very violent, wreaking havoc in the open
streets and public spaces. This also ensued an architectural stigma which resulted in most of the
buildings to be designed to block the outside world. Many of these buildings were schools. Dark,
heavy buildings with little to no natural light in their internal spaces were seen. Unfortunately,
not only most of these buildings exist and are being used today but the practices are also still
The modern embodiment of this conventional education system is based on the same principles
as the previous but only exacerbated. The new political ideologies have chained down creative
education and explorative growth of new systems. Around the 2000s, the Programs for
International Students Assessment (PISA) was established. This is basically a ranking system
which is based on the grades that a group of students gets when they are tested. This has resulted
in countries enforcing new curriculum, more punishments for the lower grade students,
accountability systems only to get a higher rank on the PISA scale.
The major disadvantages of this system fall directly on its users: young children. They are:

• Disengagement
Students now have little to no interest in what they are doing and wait for the schooling days
to be over. The environment is demotivating and dissatisfying.
• Anxiety and Pressure
Suicide rates among young children have risen as much as 60% over the last 40 years

• Segregation
In these systems, students of a certain age group are separated from others. (why this is bad
is mentioned in the next segment.)

This flawed system of curriculum -> teaching -> assessment is clearly not the right way evident
by the high dropout rates and lack of educational prosperity of students that are a part of it. This
is because the old system was not designed to adapt to the changes of the 21 st century. The old
system was built for mass production where as the society today is more individualized.
This is well supported by Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Within this theory,
intelligence is defined as the ability to solve real world problems and that there are 7 distinct
types of these:
This suggests that every child learns and perceives things differently. This is why it is not good to
group children by age groups. One child in the same class might not have the ability to grasp an
algebraic problem as quick as another. In the field of education this implies that there needs to
be a complete reform in the system and in the field of architecture, this implies that the
traditional design of spaces will not cut it anymore. Instead, personalized spaces need to be
developed which cater to the needs of each type of intelligence. There is no need for schools that
are based on the principle of mass production. In contrast to that, this asks for an educational
system which spark creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaborative works. A system
which develops leadership. These are the qualities that will be useful for growing children in the
21st century.

“The aim of education is to enable students to understand the world

around them and the talents within them so they can be fulfilled
-Ken Robinson, Creative schools
And sure enough, people are gradually starting to realize this. After years of bad statistics
surrounding the current system, parents are considering alternative methods. Students are
slowly questioning enrolling into colleges and schools are discovering that the old system is
failing. As a result, contemporary models of teaching are being developed. A popular concept is
the Waldorf education system, which focuses only on creative learning in the earlier years and
slow intellectual learning in the latter. This system, despite showing lower grades in the early
years, resulted in boosted grades in the higher levels. Similar examples are the outdoor models,
the Friedrich Fröbel's approach, etc. Most of these methods boil down to few things: creative
development, collaborative working and group interactions, critical thinking and decision-making
skill development which has been proven to be a better approach in educating children.
Architecture has a large hand in realizing this approach. According to years of research done by
architects at CannonDesign, VS Furniture and Bruce Mau Design, the school environment is The
Third Teacher for the children and there are numerous ways by which the design of the school
environment can support and fulfill the needs of the modern-day education.

Classrooms then and now

Designing a school where students can thrive, The Third Teacher
• Good hearing:
A quiet background in the right places helps students concentrate on the activities at hand.
The control of reverberation can be done by locating schools away from highways, minimizing
interference between classrooms, adapting noise reduction techniques like ceiling tiles, fabric
wall panels, sound absorbers like furniture, carpets and designing buffer spaces.

• Natural daylight
It is an important observation why the dark hallways and classrooms of the traditional schools
made the students unmotivated to study and learn. Natural daylight plays a vital role in
improving the working environment. It is said to increase concentration and learning in the
students. An E-W orientation of the long axis lets in maximum amounts of sunlight. It is also
suggested to place utilitarian spaces like stairs, toilet blocks in the areas that do not receive
adequate daylight.

• Changing up the location of regular activities

Simply designing spaces in unorthodox locations can break the monotony that might be
building up through repetitive classes. Outdoor classes have proven to be very effective in
this particular case.

• Supporting teaching
Designing a healthy school environment doesn’t just mean designing spaces for children. It
also means making spaces where teachers can thrive. Spaces should be provided for teachers
where they can reflect and concentrate on how they can make the classes more interactive
and fun. This could be private spaces for teachers to relax as well as lounge areas where
teachers can sit and discuss with each other. Also, the traditional placement of desks at the
front of the classrooms should be avoided and classroom layouts should be focused on the
learners instead of the teachers.

• Multiply Intelligences
As an application of Gardner’s theory, spaces of diverse sizes, materials and colors should be
created. It should be noted that 1 size does not fit all and there should be at least one space
that caters to every learning child.
• Display learning
Posting up student work, both current and past will help track the progress of the students.
It also imparts a sense of pride and accomplishment in the students and creates a livelier and
more positive environment in the school.

• Learning in Museums
Consider the environment of museums. It is a place composed of multiple intriguing works of
art. The viewers are allowed to roam freely. They go around observing each piece, trying to
understand the intent of the artist, reflecting on their own thoughts on the piece and moving
on to the next one.
When students have a certain degree of free choice on the range and direction of their
learning abilities, their learning tends to be more robust. Designing an environment full of
evocative objects will evoke curiosity in children’s minds.

• Diversity of learning spaces.

The diversity of learning spaces allows children to learn based on individual strengths. For
example, silent thinkers will thrive in reflective studios, group interaction will flourish in
collaboration studios. Other spaces can be community themed gardens presentation studios,
cafes, lecturing/learning rooms, etc.

• Bringing the outside in

Schools should implement outdoor and indoor learning seamlessly. The current schools
provoke a negative stigma in children that the school is segregated from the real world and
that entering school means dropping out from the real world. Implementing outdoor classes
blurs the differences between the school and the outside world and will promote
engagement and learning in students even when they are outside the school.

• Making classrooms that can be reconfigured

Classrooms can that can be reconfigured easily even in different phases of a single class can
significantly boost performance take for example the following three configurations:
Configuration 1: when the teacher describes the objectives for that period

Configuration 2: The desks are arranged group wise for each team

Configuration 3: The desks are arranged in a U-shape, the teams present their work.

• Invitation to physical play

Research shows that even physical play shows intellectual development mostly in traits like
confidence, decision making, problem-solving. Not to mention the physical development
associated with it. Climbing is an emphasized physical activity because it develops motor
skills. These play spaces should not be limited in their placement. Play spaces should be
located wherever feasible be it at the top of a building or on the ground. Also, these play
spaces should be naturalized to take advantage of the positive impact of nature exploration
that comes with them. Indoor physical play spaces can be enhanced by using different colors
to define territories and textures.

• The school as a community

In opposition to the segregation of groups done by conventional education, schools should
aim to convey a sense of community between every user. This can be done by allowing visual
connection between different spaces using glass partitions or either keeping the entire space
open and separating spaces with other visual cues such as color.

Based on these given guidelines, a program is formulated and the zones that are required while
planning the site are allocated.
Site Analysis, Zoning and Planning
The checklist that covers the specifics of a site that need to be considered is given below:
1. Site analysis and evaluation
A. Location
• Regional
• Vicinity
B. Description
• Size
• Topography
• Existing buildings, landmarks
• Vegetation types and sizes
• Wind and Sun
• Natural features
C. Zoning (restrictions and bylaws)
D. Environmental conditions
• Noise and interference
• Smoke and smog
E. Access road characteristics
• Type - paved, unpaved, etc.
• Width – paving and right of way
• Volume – daily inflow, average and peaks
• Traffic patterns

2. Site requirements
A. Vehicular
• Parking - Executive, employee, visitor
• Service and Maintenance
• Public transportation
B. Pedestrian
• Recreation
• Circulation
C. Extra
• Community use
• Exhibit areas
Space allocation
The space allocation is done by incorporating all the elements and spaces required by the final
developed program. The relationship between the spaces to each other and the site can be
developed visually with the use of a bubble diagram.

Safety is a priority when designing on site circulation particularly for lower age groups. For safe
and efficient movement, cross traffic between pedestrians and vehicles should be minimized.
Separate drop-off facilities for buses and automobiles. Service vehicles should be excluded from
these drop-off areas; if this is not possible, use of service areas should be permitted only at times
when pedestrians are not present.
1. Vehicular/Automobile
There are three types of automobile traffic normally found on a school site: faculty, student,
and visitor or parent.
2. Vehicular/Bus
Give careful consideration to number, loading and unloading areas, site access, and storage
of vehicles. Plan so that the backing up of buses is never necessary.
3. Vehicular/Service
Service-vehicle access and loading and unloading areas should permit as short and direct an
approach as possible with adequate maneuvering space. Service areas and access should be
separate from other circulation systems.
4. Pedestrian
Walkways of all weather, nonskid materials, well delineated and arranged to eliminate or
minimize conflict with vehicle circulation can be both safe and pleasant. Where changes in
grade are necessary, a ramp is generally preferred to steps and the incline should not exceed
5 percent.

1. For buses
The approximate data for parking areas for school buses are given below:
The various approaches to school bus parking can be seen below:
For cars Minimum dimensions for car parks: 2.5m x 4.5m (According to NBC 3.6)
2. Road Standards:

Nepal Road Standard, 2020

Lighting in Roads

Light mounting poles should be at least 9m high (but mounting heights of 10 to 15

m are usually preferable). Level of illumination should be 30 lux on important high-
speed roads and 15 lux on other main roads.
Designing Outdoor Classrooms
Outdoor areas in schools have been known as the spaces where students “let off steam” through
structured physical fitness and free play. This concept is evident by the popularity of athletic
fields and playgrounds. However, the concept that outdoor areas can be used as has been
overlooked Schoolyards can be developed as outdoor classrooms that can act as interactive
spaces for learning. Through hands-on activities in schoolyard projects, students can explore and
learn about the deep connections between themselves, other people, nature, and ultimately the
The book Creating Outdoor Classrooms Schoolyard Gardens and Habitats by Lauri Macmillan
Johnson gives a nature-based approach to outdoor learning which uses wildlife rich habitats and
gardens as teaching opportunities for children.
Firstly, the typed of outdoor gardens can be classified as:
1. Art gardens
2. Cultural history gardens
3. Ecological gardens
4. Literacy gardens
5. Vegetable gardens
The design process:

1. Identifying the participants

The ideas for the outdoor classroom typically come from the collaborative efforts of the many
volunteers such as administration, teachers, students, maintenance staff, parents, designers,

2. Writing a design program

Through collaborative efforts of the participants, a detailed program is written which
addresses the school participants’ goals and objectives, requirements, activities and activity
settings, design features, and curriculum ideas for the design.
A way of doing this is to record all the ideas given by all the participants on small pieces of
paper and group them as goals, needs and ideas. In this way the ideas can be more refined
and the and eventually expanded and organized as into a program for the design.
Creating a design framework with meaning
Whether the design of the outdoor class will be based on art, cultural history, ecology, wildlife or
a mix of all of them, should be decided. This will act as a base for starting the design. The use of
design theory (colors, textures, etc.) may inspire an art themed outdoor classroom where as the
cultural context of the site may provide a different type of inspiration for the design.
Determining the project requirements
The requirements of an outdoor garden are given as follows:
a. Wildlife Needs
• Food (feeding stations, native plants)
• Water (ponds, drippers, birdbaths, streams)
• Shelter (brush piles, bird houses, snags, nest boxes)
• Space (safe places for wildlife to raise their young, connected open space

b. Students’ Needs
• Natural areas for play and learning
• A variety of learning activities (science projects, artworks, exploring, and journal
• A variety of types of spaces (private spaces, eating areas, trails/paths, active areas)
• A variety of places to sit (benches, retaining walls, seats under trees)
• Shade (large trees, structures such as ramadas and arbors)

c. Teachers’ Needs
• Inspiring places to teach
• Learning stations
• Curriculum support
• A variety of outdoor seating (flexible chair arrangements, an amphitheater)
• Site visibility
• Storage of teaching materials
• Noise control

Activity and activity settings

The various types of activities that can be carried out in outdoor classes and their settings are
given below:
Use of design features
Based on the previously discussed methods of generating ideas, the possible design features in
an online classroom would be:
a. Natural features such as ponds, lookout towers, etc.
b. Wildlife features such as birdhouses and rock gardens to attract reptiles
c. Cultural features: Themes that reflect the culture of the site
d. Art features: Murals, wall art, pavement art, etc.
e. Functional features: Amphitheater, greenhouse, structures for protection from sun and
wind, etc.
3. Designing a curriculum
If outdoor areas are not designed for suitable teaching purposes, they will be neglected.
a. Natural Sciences/Ecology:
During the Design Process: Examine the site prior to construction: What plants and wildlife
are currently in the schoolyard? This inventory of existing conditions will help designers make
informed design decisions.
After Construction: See what new life exists in the outdoor classroom. Learn about butterflies
and moths, for example: What stages of life can be observed? Within the schoolyard habitat,
examine ecological concepts such as photosynthesis, effects of human actions on
ecosystems, and energy exchange.
b. Math:
During the Design Process: Measure the slope of the land to calculate slope percentages.
Measure and record onto map the size and location of all existing structures such as buildings
and sidewalks. This important step in site inventory involves hands-on math experience.
After Construction: Take various measurements over time, such as pond water levels, plant
growth, and wildlife numbers. Make a new sitting area for the outdoor classroom—spatial
geometries would need to be determined.
c. Language arts
During the Design Process: Write a description of the existing schoolyard. This might be used
in the site inventory phase of the design process. Write to local businesses and seed
companies for potential donations.
After Construction: Write nature poetry and literature; keep a wildlife or nature journal.
Write stories about future ideas and plans for the schoolyard.
d. Fine Art
During the Design Process: Develop design ideas and drawings for the new outdoor
classroom. Produce a video of all stages of the project. Make birdhouses, sundials, and
benches that can be used in the various locations within the schoolyard gardens.
After Construction: Continue to add new artworks even after the project is built. The art could
be anything from sundials or sun structures to bridges and tunnels. Draw and photograph
wildlife in the schoolyard.
e. History
During the Design Process: Learn about the past. What was the site like before there was a
school there? Try to find old photographs of the site and neighborhood from libraries and
historical societies. Interview family members and local residents who remember what things
were like “way back when.”
After Construction: Continue to design and develop different gardens and spaces—perhaps
some of these will be inspired by ancient traditions of futuristic themes.
f. Performing arts/Music
During the Design Process: Create and perform a play about all the creatures that might find
a home in the new habitat garden.
After Construction: Use the outdoor classroom as a place for drama, music, and discussions.
Discover interrelationships between all classes, both in natural sciences and in the arts.

4. Conceptual design
A conceptual design of outdoor classrooms will consist of several alternative layouts which
are called bubble diagrams. To obtain a good design solution, the following need to be
a. Zones, Spaces, Design features
This planning phase involves the hierarchal division of outdoor areas according to the site
conditions and intended use of each area. Zones are larger areas within the landscape and
are characterized by a theme and designed for a specific function or experience. Zones are
made up of smaller units, or spaces, which could include a shaded sitting space, a work
station, etc. Design features are the smaller objects or groups of objects in built landscapes,
or functional amenities (such as drinking fountains, water features, and signs).
For example, the following figure shows a butterfly garden as a zone made up of spaces like
open space, sitting space, and design features like water fountain.

b. Circulation
The allocated zones should be organized progressively and should have sequential spacing
between each other. The experience of pathways and trails should happen in coordination of
a variety of sights, sounds and smells.
Some approaches to the circulation through outdoor classrooms are given below:
Examples of bubble diagrams

The initial bubble diagram should be explored without considering the constraints of the site.
After exceptional bubble diagrams are developed, the details of spaces and features of each
zones are also developed.
Designing the school building (and interiors)
Anthropometry and furniture standards
For children
The heights of children may vary significantly according to age but their space requirements can
be approximated from the following table and figures:

Universal standards for anthropometry



Furniture Standards
Basic areas in a primary school building:
Classrooms: general purpose, special education
Specialized program areas: music rooms, art rooms, computer lab, library, gymnasium, cafeteria
Administrative and resource areas: Principals office, general office, nurse’s office, meeting
rooms, etc.
Utility areas: Toilets, Storage

Specific Requirements:
Spaces for Students

1. Entry:
• Welcoming, spacious area with adequate seating and places for informal visiting.
• Large enough to accommodate small groups of children and adults.
• Around 20 sq. m for primary schools

2. Classrooms:
• Per person area: 0.9 sq. m with a minimum of 0.75 sq. m
• 1:1 or 1:2 width to length ratio classrooms
• Maximum distance between the whiteboard and the last row of benches is 2m and the
minimum between the whiteboard and the first row is 2 m
• Minimum 2.75 m ceiling height
• Minimum area of openings for natural light 1/8th of the room area
• Adequate area for storage of backpacks
• Special education classrooms are usually half the size

3. Library:
• 10% of total students at a given time and 2.4 sq. m per person area
• Separate space or storage of reserve books and optional space for photocopy machine

4. Laboratories:
• Science Laboratories: 4 sq. m per student area
• Computer laboratories: 2.4 sq. m per student area
• Visual communication
5. Hall and Studio
• Primary school halls and studios
• Primary schools larger than one form of entry (FE) will require an additional small hall and/ or
studio (one for approximately every further FE). In a primary school, the total area for this
category of space (figure 12 below) should include:
• A main hall of at least 120m2 for infants or 140m2 for juniors, sufficient for PE and dance,
assemblies, performances, parents’ evenings and dining;
• A studio of at least 45m2 in schools with more than 300 pupil places, to provide more space for
music, drama and ‘circle time’ if required;
• An additional small hall of at least 80m2 in schools with more than 600 pupil places, for PE

*The minimum size for a full-service kitchen is 30m2 + 0.08m2 for every pupil dining on site.

6. Cafeteria
• The total area of spaces used for dining should allow
0.9m2 per ‘cover’, or dining place.
• Tables and chairs for dining ‘covers’ and space to
access them
• Reasonable space for pupils to queue up to and in
front of the main servery and past checkout facilities;
• Clearance areas and waste disposal;
• Where required, satellite or temporary servery areas

7. Toilets:
• Considering a school of 300 students and a staff
of around 20 (teacher-student ratio of 15),
From toilet calculator,

Faculty toilets: one male and one female per 125 students

8. Circulation:
• m minimum corridor/staircase width. (500mm width per 25 occupants as per NBC 2.4)
• Staircase: Minimum tread = 279 mm Maximum riser = 175 mm
• Maximum risers per flight = 15, Height of handrail from the center of the tread = 900 mm
• The circulation should be at least 22.5% of the total net area of primary schools (or 20% in single-
storey schools) and 25% of the total net area of secondary schools. This also applies to
supplementary area. Within this area:
• All rooms should be accessed from a circulation route, except store rooms accessed directly from
learning spaces
• Corridors leading to more than one or two teaching rooms should have a clear width of at least
1.8m wall to wall (2.55m wall to wall where there are lockers);
Spaces for staff and administration

9. School administration:
• The General Office should be located adjacent to the main entrance of the school
• The Principals Office: Close Proximity to the general office
• Adequate acoustic separation in the principal’s office from the general office

10. Teacher/Student/Parent Meeting rooms:

• 10-40 sq. m each (1 per every 125 students)
Lighting design for schools
Daylight design in a school depends upon a number of factors such as the illuminance required
by each of the spaces, the outdoor illuminance, the properties of the material used inside, etc.
The following method can be used as an approach to daylight design in schools
1. Determine the illuminance required by each indoor space (Ei). The required values for
each space is given by the following table:

Given by the CIBSE

2. Ascertain design sky illumination for example, 8000 lux for Clear Design Sky- BIS (Eo). The
values can vary but average values can be approximated from the table:
3. Calculate the necessary Daylight Factor based on the above values from the formula:

𝐷𝐹 = × 100%

Given by the CIBSE

4. Compare the values of daylight factor with their corresponding fenestration from the
following table:

5. Manipulate the variables (window size, position, etc.) to meet the required value of DF.
The illuminance of a space also depends upon the reflectance of materials used in that space.
The more the reflectance, the brighter the room.

Means for admitting daylight

There are more ways of admitting daylight into the spaces than just a window. Some methods
are as follows:

a. Side windows
• Permit views towards outside
• Light through these windows likely to be blocked by obstructions

b. Clerestory windows
• Unlikely to be obstructed
• Provides daylight deep into the space
• Might cause glare
• No direct views towards outside
c. Roof lights
• Admit light from brightest part of the sky
• Should be accounted for glare
• No direct views

d. Borrowed light
• Can considerably improve the quality of spaces which have no access to direct sunlight

Relationship between window shape/positioning and light distribution

Given by the CIBSE

Electrical lighting
There are various types of lighting that can be used based on the lighting needs of the space.
General lighting systems may be required in hallways and corridors where as localized lighting
systems may be required in libraries. Likewise, task lighting systems will be required in light
intensive spaces like laboratories, art rooms, etc. Ambient and decorative lighting systems can
be used to enhance or bring attention to showpieces, display boards and so on.
While using artificial lighting the CRI should be taken into consideration. The CRI is a scale from
0 to 100 percent indicating how accurate a "given" light source is at rendering color when
compared to a "reference" light source (Daylight). The higher the CRI, the better the color
rendering ability. Light sources of CRI greater than 80 is required in minimum in all spaces in
The calculation of artificial lights in a general lighting system can be done by the formula

𝑁=( )
𝑈𝐹 × 𝑀𝐹 × 𝑂

Where, N= Number of lamps

O = Lumen output of lamps
UF = Utilization Factor, ratio of luminous flux that reaches the working
MF = Maintenance Factor, due to dust on the lamps
E = Illuminance required by the space
A = Area of working plane
Examples of layouts of light fixtures

Decorative/Preferential lighting
Avoiding glare
If the luminance of the sky seen through a window is very high and close to the line of sight of a
visual task of much lower luminance, disability glare can occur due to a reduction in the task
contrast making details impossible to see and thus reducing task performance. The approaches
to avoid glare are:

Glare in corridors
The use of horizontal shades can limit direct sunlight into the room and allow diffused light which
will cause less glare and allow for a comfortable learning environment. Similarly, as important as
the visual connection to the outside environment is, in the contexts where the outside views may
cause distractions, blinds and curtains can be used.

Roof lights can be a major source of discomfort if not properly designed. Any roof light that can
be seen directly from normal viewing positions at angles of less than 35° above the horizontal
will cause visual discomfort.

Given by the CIBSE

Viewing comfort of the students

Design considerations for sound

Three practical options are addressed here:

1. Location: school site is away from the busy road. At the same time, it also needs to keep
a reasonable distance from the neighborhood.

2. Layout: the sensitive space can be carefully separated from the intruding noise. The
toilets, storerooms and corridor can act as a buffer zone.

3. Rooms: sound-absorbent surface can be used in order to change the sound characteristic
of the space.

1. Location

The fundamental defense against the intrusion of noise lies in placing as much distance as
possible between noise sources and the space where quiet is needed.
2. Layout

The layout of rooms is an important aspect of the reduction of noise. For example, the toilet
and corridor act as a buffer zone to give acoustic separation

3. Rooms

Absorbent materials are widely used on classroom ceilings which reduce reverberation and
can damp out, to some extent,
Noise tolerance of different classrooms and their acoustic treatment.
Solutions during the phase of construction process
Design considerations for flexibility
Flexibility refers to designs that can adapt when changes occur, sustaining or increasing the
possibilities for personalizing space and delivering value in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Some applicable measures for flexibility are:

1. Open plan and cellular classrooms

The shared activity area here makes the teaching situation flexible as the shared space is an
extension of the classroom.

2. . Classroom size

A reduction in class size from 30 to 20 pupils resulted in an increase in attainment of

approximately 0.35 standard deviations for the low attainers, 0.2 standard deviations for the
middle attainers, and 0.15 standard deviations for the high attainers
3. Classroom layout

The layout of the ‘Fat L’ as a design pattern that offers teachers options in how they might
organize their classrooms to facilitate the development of their students in various learning

The analyses showed a clear preference for the U-shape plan compared to other shapes (L-
shape and O-shape plans) due to the achievement of high values in the most indicators adopted
for measurement and comparison in the research. Based on the space syntax analysis, the
following findings were obtained:
• U-shape plan is more integrated, readable, and perceptible due to the high integration
mean value compared to L-shape and O-shape plans (based on two out of three
analyses; axial map and visibility map). This high integration value is attributed to the
lower depth value recorded in this type compared to other types.
• Integration is the value used to understand the movement on the circulation line, and
when it is considered that the depth and transition of the areas inside the system give
us the integration, it is clear that the high value of integration leads the plan to be
more visible, perceptible, and readable. As for connectivity, this type is also
considered as the most connected shape (based on two out of three analyses; convex
map and visibility map).
• The axial map analysis revealed a strong correlation between integration and
connectivity in all ground floor plans for all cases, but it was the highest in the U-shape
plan compared to other plans.
• With regard to visibility, the values of the U-shape plan show the best ratings in terms
of the covered area of views (high visibility) for the selected places, vertical
circulations, and entrances. Whereas, the highest data regarding the manager and
teachers’ field of view was found in the U-shape plan. Additionally, the vertical
circulation based on isovist map, the highest areas field of view was found in the U-
shape. Line with this, entrances field of view of the U-shape plan particularly in the
main entrance covered higher area than secondary entrances.
• The visibility of entrances (main entrance) in a U-shape increases the readability of
the system. The mobility of the system is reduced by the increase of entrance number
by separating the integration and reducing the connectivity of the system which in
turns makes the system less readable and perceived. The most visible type is positively
evaluated in many aspects. Staff members can lead students more carefully and more
attentively; students can develop good relations; students can learn many ways of
developing their abilities and thinking; there are good interactions across grades, and
there will be a good communication of staff members.
• The achieved findings of the U-shape plan are in line with what was presented in the
previous literature, especially those derived from the visibility graph. In this context,
Natapov et al. [6] confirm that: “the axial representation has a higher degree of space
reduction in comparison to the visibility graph. The visibility graph analysis provides a
more fine-grained representation of architectural space, as it appears to represent
the environment in a more accurate way: it is more detailed than axial lines, as it
describes visual information conveyed to observers from any location that is directly
visible without obstruction”.
• Assessments regarding the other two types, O-shape and L-shape, are considered
close and somewhat similar to the values achieved, although the O-shape may slightly
outperform the L-shape plan. The three layouts are syntactically similar in their
convex map structure but reveal major differences in axial and visibility maps, or
expected ease of accessibility and wayfinding.
• The study created a link between different systems of building circulation and possible
ease of accessibility and wayfinding based on spatial analyses associated with the
architectural design according to human and building usability research. The method
of analysis based on the technique of space syntax is usually used to analyze the
spatial organization of the current building, i.e., in use. However, it is possible to test
this method while creating new building designs before constructing and
implementing the building. Therefore, this method provides an opportunity to review
aspects that must be taken into consideration for building projects in general and
educational buildings in particular.
• Connection: joining and being joined, it mainly refers to the relationship between
spaces within the building, but also between the school and the neighborhood within
the community. In either case issues arise of distinctive personality, easily identifiable
destinations and the opportunity for inclusion.
Stimulation is the combinations of pleasantness and different levels of arousal yield either
excitement or relaxation. When the level of stimulation is appropriate for given situations,

1. Complexity: refers to visual richness, which can be related to the number of noticeably
different elements in a scene (diversity) without negative content such as clutter and
disorder. This often needs to be balanced with a degree of order (unity) in order to
provide clarity and familiarity.

2. Colour: has been proved to have a great impact on human’s psychological reaction and
physiological well-beings. The perception of colour in the environment always carries
visual, associative and symbolic effects with it.

A warm, bright color scheme complements this tendency, thereby reducing tension,
nervousness, and anxiety; color may be light salmon, soft, warm yellow, pale yellow-orange, coral
and peach.

Room Colour
Libraries Pale or light green
Corridors and hallways colour range
Cafeterias Light red-orange, light orange, pale yellow,
warm yellow,
apricot, and pale green
Administrative offices warm red, oranges, warm
yellow, clear green.

3. Texture: refers to the perceived prominence of materials’ characteristic. Along with color,
it is considered as one of the primary abstract elements of design. By combining hard and
soft surfaces, texture can animate indoor and landscape experience by complementing
built aspects.
Inclusive Design

Architectural Considerations
Some of the architectural considerations to ensure safety and independent access are doors,
ramps, toilets, chairs, and tables are:

Doors. When children with physical disabilities are included, ease of opening, closing, and holding
doors open may be a significant problem. Also, they may need to be wider than standard doors
to accommodate wheelchairs.

Ramps. When more than one wheelchair is to be accommodated, ramps wide enough to allow
two chairs to pass are ideal. The slope of any ramps will need to be somewhat less steep than
those designed for adults.

Toilets. Toilet seats should be at variable heights. Toilet stalls need to be more than 0.9m wide
to facilitate transfers from wheelchairs to toilets. It may be necessary to adapt a potty chair or
toilet for a child with a

Table height and seating. Children may need smaller chairs so their feet can touch the floor;
children with low tone may need arm rests and back support. While seating adaptations may
require extra effort initially, the payoff will be increased participation and comfort for the child
Often adapting the physical environment in even small ways can increase independence for
children who have special needs. This in turn reduces the burden on staff to provide individual

Floor plan considerations for children with special needs

While it is not necessary to create totally unique or adapted environments to include children
with special needs, certain challenges may be of more frequent concern with this population. The
following issues may be important
considerations for some children.

1. Need for Quiet Area

Providing a quiet area where children can be somewhat isolated and where the noise is
damped can offer brief respites.

2. Avoidance of Large Open Areas

Divide large rooms into specific areas for activities, and clearly mark the boundaries of those
areas with dividers, shelves, and other furniture and equipment.

3. Consideration of Some Children’s Preference for Enclosed Space

It is helpful to arrange at least one area that is enclosed on at least three sides. However, the
enclosure should not be more than about two feet in height to allow easy viewing of the area.

4. Need for Acoustic Adaptations

Highly resonant, noisy environments may create significant stress for many children with
special needs. Sound can be dampened by use of acoustic tile, rugs, materials hung from the
ceiling, and fabrics and artwork on the walls.

5. Visually Simple Presentation of Materials to Reduce Clutter

• Store items in a consistent place.
• Group similar items together on shelves.
• Allow empty space between items (children with visual processing difficulties or
low vision may not recognize items that are jammed together).
• Use pictures to clearly label containers of manipulatives, or small toys and objects
that aid in the development of fine motor skills.

Planning activity areas for children with special needs

The following considerations are recommended in arranging each activity center: library corner,
art and water play area, tabletop manipulatives center, buiding area, and dramatic play area.

1. Library Corner
This quiet, calm area might be carpeted, offer large pillows, and feature a variety of literacy
materials. The library corner also might include writing paper, magic markers, envelopes,
stickers, a toy mailbox, and a blackboard.

2. Art and Water Play Area

Even children with severe disabilities often enjoy water play; they like feeling running water
on their hands and the soothing activities of filling and pouring. In the sand table, hiding and
finding objects and burying their hands can engage young children.

3. Tabletop Manipulatives Center

Initially children with severe disabilities may prefer to dump and fill in this area; they may not
be able to play appropriately with small manipulatives without specific training Because
developmentally young children may put small items in their mouths, some children will need
to be closely supervised when they play in this area.

4. Building Area
Children with special needs often enjoy stacking and knocking down block towers (or
knocking down towers that others have stacked!). Engaging activity is building ramps and
letting cars and balls roll down the ramp. The greater the effect at the bottom of the ramp,
the more interesting it is.

5. Dramatic Play Area

A dramatic play center may offer dress-up items, especially skirts with elastic waists, adult
shoes, hats, and purses. These items can provide opportunities for staff to help children with
disabilities practice dressing skills.
6. Outdoor Play Areas
Outside play is essential for children with special needs. Outdoor activities offer unique
opportunities that may not be easily replicated indoors. It is important to maximize these
opportunities through careful planning and use. The outdoor environment provides a
significant change in sensory-motor environment that is often very desirable.

• Noise is less resonant and more diffuse so the outdoors may be less stressful for
children who have auditory sensitivity.
• Natural light is an advantage, though sunlight may pose problems for certain visual
• Outdoor spaces offer access to certain gross motor and mobility activities that are not
possible indoors, such as riding tricycles, pulling wagons, and swinging.

Certain considerations involving outdoor play environments that may be

particularly important for children with special needs:

1. Swings need to be adapted with safety harnesses.

2. The ground surface needs to be soft and resilient.
3. To accommodate children with low vision, ground surfaces from one area to the next—
such as the swing area to the sandbox to climbing structures and slides—need to be
marked in some way, perhaps with bumps between areas or astroturf in certain areas.
4. Climbing structures need to be low, with easily grasped rails.
5. Some pedal and wheel toys may need to be adapted with foot blocks and velcro to
accommodate smaller stature and poor motor control of legs.
6. Bike tracks and “traffic” patterns need to be clearly marked and enforced.
7. Sand tables, sand boxes, and water tables or small wading pools should be included and
made easily accessible.
Design philosophy and process: Ar. Anju Malla
Pradhan, GEMS
The design process of Gems school initiated in 1998 with Ar. Anju Malla Pradhan as the chief
architect. Like any other design process, this one started with one of the most important starting
phases: the site analysis. Around that time, the Dhapakhel area was used mostly for agricultural
purposes. There was a rivulet on the east side of the site. Beyond the rivulet was a hillock that
was densely populated with local vegetation like bamboo trees. These were major natural merits
observed in the site at that time. Also, Dhapakhel is a kind of valley that is surrounded by hills
which basically creates and air channel through it resulting in strong winds blowing from the
south. So, the first thing that the architect kept in mind were these site features that would play
a crucial part in the design.
However, the conceptual foundation for the planning of the school was Vaastu Shastra. The
founder was a big believer in Vaastu and following it while planning was a priority. Fortunately,
the entrance to the site was towards the north which was ideal according to Vaastu Shastra. This
however raised a slight concern due to the possibility of inadequate solar gain in the winters. To
tackle this, the architect placed an open ground at the north which would be used as an assembly
area. Using this central space as a focal point, she placed the school buildings around it and then
the playgrounds towards the south so that each building would get enough sunlight. The primary
and secondary blocks are separated with their own play areas because the architect wanted to
minimize bullying by preventing the intermingling of these groups of students.
While planning the site, she allocated spaces for greenery as much as possible. In a project like
schools, especially in Kathmandu, the built-up area always tends to be massive. Bigger buildings
allow better functionality all year round. This is why she couldn’t minimize the built-up area.
However, she did not want the building to overthrow the entire surrounding environment. In the
initial phase of construction, the buildings were somewhat overpowering but as vegetation was
added and the growth of the greenery progressed, the overpowering characteristics of the
building were slowly counteracted.
As for the form, the core aspect was the function of the building and the central focus was the
students. Due to this reason and also due to cost constraints of organic forms, the form of the
school buildings is a simple play on rectangles, using subtraction to create voids to let in natural
light and addition to add volume. The only building where she deviated from the rectangles was
the admin block. The form of this building was linear in all sides except the west façade. This side
in the shape of a segmental arch. The reasoning behind this was again Vaastu shastra. According
to her, this block was especially important as it was a representative of the economic gain in the
school and thus, to repel or reflect the negative energy from the west (according to Vaastu
shastra), she opted for a curved form. (Like in physics where curved surfaces reflect back beams
of light)
Another factor that had an influence on the design was how the school’s founder, wanted the
building to be ‘grand and eye-catching’. So, in terms of volume and façade treatments, she had
to keep in mind that the building would have to look like something from the Colonial Era. This
type of design comprises of huge columns with decorative capitals, cornices, pediments and so
on. According her she was into a lot of detailing. She hand-drew a whole book of cornice details.
Eventually, this introduced her to a part of architectural practice that she had little experience in
before: cost. Her variety of detailed designs resulted in the inflation of the cost of the entire
project to the point where she had to limit herself to only few of the details mid-project.
In the context of Nepal, the schools are always growing physically in size. Due to the growing
demand of seats, schools usually tend to add an extra storey on top of their existing buildings.
This interferes with the visualization and long-term planning of the architect. So, to avoid
construction of extra floors, she designed most of the buildings with a sloped roof to discourage
the addition of extra floor. As predicted an extra floor was added to the one building with a flat
The architect has used a few passive design strategies. This is where the wind aspect of the site
analysis comes in. To utilize the winds coming from the south for cross ventilation of the
classrooms, the architect placed windows on the wall of the rooms that faced the inner corridors.
According to the experience of the staff over the years, the performance of students in those
classrooms was found to have been considerably better. Another use of passive design was in
the administration block. The director of the school spends the whole day sitting in his office in
that block. So, to ensure thermal comfort, she added an insulation to the roof. After the RCC
casting, a void of thickness 3-4 inches was added. In that void, a layer of cotton was applied and
on top of that a white, sandy soil called ‘pancha’ was compacted and again casted with a thin
layer of RCC. This contributed to an increased time lag in the building making it thermally

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