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……….What happen if you heat some water in the stove?

(Simple present) + (Simple


ZERO CONDITIONAL: (Simple present) + (Simple Present)

 Talk about real statements or facts, things that are true or natural.

If you heat water, it boils. = Water boils if I heat it.

If the sun goes down, I see the stars. = I see the stars if the sun goes down.
If I buy a car, I have to pay taxes. = I have to pay taxes if I buy a car.
If I buy a car, it needs gas or electricity to work. = I need to put some gas or electricity to
a car to work if I buy it.
Gas and electricity are
needed/necessary to a car for working
if I buy it.


 The water boils

 Water gets cleaner and we can drink it
 We see the steam
 The water evaporates

What happen if you buy a car?

 I do not have to use public transportation

 I have to pay more taxes
 I have to buy warranty or insurance
 I need to find a parking
 I can transport kids to school
 I need to put some gas on it.

What happen if sun goes down?

 We need to turn on the lights.

 I can see the stars
 It gets dark outside
 Temperature goes down a bit
 The moon goes up or shows up
FIRST CONDITIONAL: (Simple Present) + (Will - Won’t)
 Possible situations in the future.

If I win the lottery, I will buy many things.
If I win the lottery, I will buy an airplane.
If I win the lottery, I won’t have to use public transportation.

What happen if you get much money?

 If I get much money, I will buy many things
I will buy many things if I get much money
 If I get much money, I will travel around the world.
I will travel around the world if I get much money.
 If I get much money, I will hire a private driver.
I will hire a private driver if I get much money.
 If I get much money, I will help many people in the world.
I will help many people in the world if I get much money.

SECOND CONDITIONAL: (Simple Past) + (Would + verb)

Hypothetical situations, unreal or improvable situations.

If I had much money, I would buy a house in a lake.

 If I bought a bigger car, I would need a bigger parking lot.
 If I spoke English, I would find a very good job.
 If I lived in Aruba, I would buy a yacht.
 If this pandemic finished, I would go out all afternoons.

To be: WERE for all pronouns and nouns.

 If I were a doctor, I would be very scared now.
 If he were a doctor, he would be very scared.
 If it were dark, I would turn on the lights
 If they were at home, they wouldn’t get COVID-19
THIRD CONDITIONAL: (Past Perfect) + (Would have + verb in participle)
 It refers to a completely imaginary situation. The person imagines a different
past with an imaginary result.

 If I had studied another career, I would have studied medicine.
 If I had bought a different car, I would have probably made a mistake.
 If I had had a bad time at the university, I would have stopped my studies.
What would have happened if you had been born in another country?

 If I had been born in another country, I would have learnt another language.
 If I had been born in France, I would have been a better cooker.
 I had been born in another country, I wouldn’t have met the people I know.

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