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Stalbridge Congregational Church Prayer / Reflection 2nd August 2020.

Let us say the Lord’s Prayer Together

Our first prayer reflection came out on March 22nd – lockdown began for 12 weeks or less! We are already
long past that and the end to restrictions seems far away. I have been reading the story of Jacob over this
last week or so. Here is a man who waited 7 years for his wife only to find that he was tricked into
marrying the other sister! He was then promised the sister he loved after working for another 7 years!
The saga of Jacob is one of deceit, deception and trickery of one unwise decision leading, not to the
outcome he had hoped but needing to run away from his understandably angry brother Esau who he had
tricked out of the inheritance which was Esau’s birthright as the elder son. The whole saga is recorded in
Genesis chapters 27 – 33. Yet the one thing which redeems Jacob, and in the end restores him, is his
relationship with God - In Genesis 28 v 10 – 22 we read of Jacob’s dream on his first night away from
Jacob left Beersheba and started towards Haran. At sunset he came to a holy place and camped there. He
lay down to sleep, resting his head on a stone. He dreamt that he saw a stairway reaching from earth to
heaven with angels going up and coming down on it. And there was the Lord standing beside him.
“I am the Lord, the God of Abraham and Isaac,” he said. “I will give to you and to your descendants this
land on which you are lying. They will be as numerous as the specks of dust on the earth. They will extend
their territory in all directions, and through you and your descendants I will bless all the nations. Remember
I will be with you and protect you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave
you until I have done all that I have promised you.”
When Jacob realises that the Lord was in that place, he builds a memorial stone where he makes a bargain
with God, “If you will be with me and protect me on the journey I am making and give me food and
clothing, and if I return safely to my father’s home, then you will be my God. This memorial stone which I
have set up is the place where you are worshipped, and I will give you a tenth of everything you give me.”
Little did Jacob know how long he would be away from home….. and how many detours he would take
along the way……
Whether we have come, eagerly and willingly or whether we are here grudgingly or reluctantly, whether
we are fulfilling a bargain with God as Jacob did, or seeking his promise to look after us, protect us and
help us God will fulfil his part of the bargain – his promise in Jesus, to be with us even to the end of the
world – so let us come now and worship our Lord and Saviour…..
Let us sing together – MP 1040 – Come now is the time to worship
Come, now is the time to worship, One day every tongue will confess You are God,
come, now is the time to give your heart. One day every knee will bow.
Come, just as you are to worship, Still the greatest treasure remains for those
Come, just as you are before your God, Come. who gladly choose You now.
Let us prayer together:
Thank you Jesus for meeting us here in our worship – we confess You are God, we give You our hearts and
we bow our knee before You now. (pause) We come with all the baggage of the past week – weighed
down, with its cares and challenges – seeking forgiveness for our mistakes and omissions, relief from the
things have struggled with (name them). We come with hope for the future whatever it may hold. As we
think of those who one day will confess You are God – but do not yet – Jesus as we name them in our
hearts; we ask that their hearts and minds will be opened up to you. As we pray – in the sanctuary of the
memorial stone, our buildings, or of our hearts, our homes, or in the openness of creation – may we know
your presence, and your blessing – thank You Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Amen.
Let us sing together – MP 37 As the deer pants for the water.
As the deer pants for the water, You alone are my strength, my shield,
so my soul longs after You. to You alone may my spirit yield.
You alone are my heart’s desire You alone are my heart’s desire
and I long to worship You. and I long to worship You.
I want You more than gold or silver, You’re my friend and You’re my brother,
only You can satisfy. Even though You are a king.
You alone are the real joy-giver I love You more than any other,
and the apple of my eye. So much more than anything.

Reading: Luke 6 v 46 – 50 The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders. (song will be on facebook)
This short parable sums up the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount – and paints a picture of life when we
do and when we don’t live by that teaching – Jacob got what he was promised in the end but not without
many wrong turnings along the way – his story very much sums up the saying: ‘never try to kid a kidder’ –
dodgy short cuts don’t work. You cannot pass an exam without learning the subject matter, you cannot
gain someone’s trust without being trustworthy – I am sure you can think of many other examples – put
some flesh on these from your own life experiences.
After lockdown ends and we can all meet again face to face without masks and hand sanitizer will God be
the solid rock on which we build our future together and will that future be built on solid rock or shifting
Prayers of intercession
Heavenly Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Precious Jesus, Saviour of each one of us, keep our
feet on the Solid Rock of Your Kingdom. We pray for Angela as she gets her scan results, Maggs that her
spinal pain can be eased, for each one of us for whom life in the current situation is hard – give us patience
and hope and joy in the life we have. Lord guide the governments of this world as they make difficult
decisions. Thank you for all those in a host of work situations whether skilled or unskilled who make our
lives’ better. Thank you for our families and friends who bring joy into our lives and for the lonely such as
Nick, Lord, we ask you find them companions to share time with. Be with Mike, Jackie (with terminal
breast cancer), Adam, Emma and Jo. For all we name now – in Jesus name we pray Amen.
Let us sing together - MP 473 – My Hope is built on nothing less
My hope is built on nothing less when weary in this earthly race
than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I rest on His unchanging grace;
no merit of my own I claim, in every wild and stormy gale
but wholly trust in Jesus’ name. my anchor holds and will not fail.
On Christ the solid rock, I stand – all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.
His vow, His covenant and blood When the last trumpet’s voice shall sound,
are my defence against the flood; O may I then in Him be found!
When earthly hopes are swept away clothed in righteousness alone
He will uphold me on that day. Faultless to stand before His throne.

Let us say the Grace to each other……..

Sadly our picnic has not come off – but hope to get our Yard Activities of the mark in a couple of weeks’ time.

There will be Coffee and Chat on the church back lawn on Wednesday 5th August from 10 am please let me know if
you are coming so that we can arrange the ‘social distancing’ etc. Tel 01202822133.

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