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Module for Sim Tracking

This module is used to track the transition to SIM continuously. During the deployment
process the program stores the owners SIM serial code. That serial number of SIM is
checked against the current serial number of SIM. If the SIM is flipped then SMS message is
sent to the predefined sms provided during the phase of configuration. It function must
operate constantly in the background to test for the update to the SIM.

Management system of Configuration Module

This module serves to acquire the owner 's current SIM information. The program is enabled
from uninstalled by untrusted user with the password. In this module login page where
owner defines the allowed SIM numbers is generated. The owner also provides the
password for the protection of predefined formatted SMS, alternative mobile number,
current owner-owned mobile number, and also the Email ID.

Acquiring of information module

When the SIM is flipped the system send SMS to the predefined email address about the
specifics of the new SIM. If the owner needs to get the details from the missing device, then
the user 's job is to send predefined formatted SMS from some alternate device to the
missing android smartphone with the application installed in it.

Module for web monitoring

Web module is the alternate way to test the submitted data; after the request has been
inserted the user can access the data from the cloud. It also lets user monitor the
background of the missing mobile position.

We use activities in this program to create the user interface, which gathers all the user-
related details such as telephone number, email address, password, etc.. Services are
used to run the application in the background, i.e. without user interaction, after all
relevant information is submitted by a user, services are started in the background and
SIM change is reviewed. It is used to send an MMS or text message.
Activities of an Android
An application will contain a number of tasks, but there is a main task, then a main operation that will
operate when a program is first implemented then then there will be a connection with various
operations, i.e. one activity will initiate another. Android uses stack to handle the activities, it is put at
the top of the stack when an activity is formed, and the previous activities stay below that. The object
extracted from view class includes the activity's user interface such as 'widgets' views that send you text
box, text area, combination box, etc. An application will have a lot of activities and resources that have
a manifest file entry. An activity has several states that are defined by methods of operation that are
implemented in an activity, that define its lifecycle. You will use the onCreate 0 form to initialize an
Figure : Main Activity of the Application

Services of an Android

A service is a part of an application that executes a remote task without user intervention, it requires no
user experience and it is not included in the life cycle of Activity. Any other component of an application
can initiate a service by creating intent, or it can be started by itself. If a service is started, the user will
turn to another program, and then the part the started service is killed can continue to run continuously.
A service can kill itself when its operation is completed by calling the stopSelf) (method or when there
are no resources available it can be stopped by android device and will resume immediately when there
are enough machine resources available again.
Figure : Service of the Application

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