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European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050

Modeling reverse logistic tasks within closed-loop

supply chains: An example from the automotive industry
Frank Schultmann , Moritz Zumkeller b, Otto Rentz b

Institute for Management (IfM), University of Koblenz-Landau, Universitätsstrasse 1, D-56070 Koblenz, Germany
Institute for Industrial Production (IIP), University of Karlsruhe, Hertzstrasse 16, D-76187 Karlsruhe, Germany

Available online 10 March 2005


In this contribution, the peculiarities of establishing a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) are presented, based on an
example considering the end-of-life vehicle (ELV) treatment in Germany. Different design options for a CLSC are put
up, concentrating on how reverse material flows can be handled with regard to reintegrate them into their genuine sup-
ply chains. Reverse logistics aspects are modeled with vehicle routing planning. Introducing a problem-tailored algo-
rithm, results of several CLSC scenarios are discussed which are based on real case data, depicting measures from
German ELV stakeholders.
 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Logistics; Environment; Scenarios; Closed-loop supply chains; Metaheuristics

1. Introduction to guarantee and finance product take-back and

recycling. In addition to environmental require-
Manufacturers will face completely new chal- ments on plant level, which are subject to the
lenges in EU member state markets when their ISO 14000 series, these regulations are setting
products are subject to environmentally-driven product-specific environmental goals for the prod-
legislation of the European Community: due to uctsÕ end-of-life phase. An overview on ISO 14000
manufacturer responsibility, they will be obliged specifications and state-of-the-art is presented in
[9]. The tasks which are due to fulfill the new de-
mands comprise several different business and re-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 261 287 2853; fax: +49 261 search fields, as experiences with product-specific
287 100 2853.
E-mail address: (F. Schult-
take-back systems of this kind are few.
mann). To address the challenges sketched, the case
URL: (F. Schultmann). of enhancing ELV recycling in Germany by

0377-2217/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1034 F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050

reprocessing selected material fraction is investi- facturing. Hence, the research field of managing
gated. Main elements of this example are the eval- supply chains has been enlarged by tasks referring
uation of network design concepts for separating to the product utilization phase (e.g. service, main-
and reprocessing plastic ELV components, con- tenance, and others) and to the end-of-life phase
centrating on reverse logistics aspects. Reverse (e.g. product recovery, refurbishing or recycling).
logistics modeling is done by vehicle routing plan- Conceptually speaking, these additional tasks have
ning using Tabu Search. Consequently, the foun- been complementing traditional supply chains to
dations needed in the fields of supply chain CLSCs [12,51]. With regard to end-of-life issues,
theory, network design, and reverse logistics are there are two main different motivations for
presented before application-related evaluations companies to integrate this product life phase into
are conducted and discussed. existing supply chains: profit-oriented motivation
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol- and legal motivation. The framework for both
lows: Section 2 comprises a brief introduction to kinds of motivation is subject to the following
Supply Chain Management and enhancements to- chapters. In addition to [34], who similarly distin-
wards CLSC. In Section 3, the network specifica- guish product returns between a waste stream sys-
tions are presented, while the basic procedure for tem and a market-driven system, we consider that
tackling the reverse logistic task is introduced in legal motivation comprises the obligation to re-
Section 4. Subsequently, an application-tailored cycle or reuse of the spent product or component.
vehicle routing approach is presented in Section In particular, manufacturers facing mandatory
5, while the procedure of scenario calculation is product take-back also need to reprocess the prod-
demonstrated by comparing different alternatives uct or its material in order to reintegrate it into the
in Section 6. Also, scenario results are presented same or another production process. Conse-
and discussed prior to the outlook to further fields quently, the possibility to collect and dispose spent
of related research in Section 7. products which are not suitable for resale is not
taken into account, as some legislative acts con-
taining producer responsibility issues do not pro-
2. From supply chains to closed-loop supply chains vide this option.

Supply Chain Management (SCM) has been 2.1. Profit-oriented motivation

extensively discussed as an approach to coordinate
production processes across company borders According to product manufacturing, the first
(recently published contributions to SCM can motivation is driven by the possibility to resell
exemplary be found in [61,63]). However, no com- the product profitably: whenever a product is con-
monly accepted definition of the term ÔSupply sidered to have a significant market value after the
Chain ManagementÕ can be given, mainly because end of the first utilization phase, it may be profit-
this topic has been addressed by different economic able for the productÕs manufacturer to collect, up-
fields (a classification of SCM theories can be ob- grade, and resell the product. Depending on the
tained in [3]). Concentrating on the logistics per- product and its condition, upgrading may consist
spective, SCM deals with the coordination of of cleaning, repair, refurbishing, or cannibaliza-
transfer processes between the stakeholders of tion and component reutilization [64]. Following
product manufacturing. These transfer processes this avenue has already been proven to be success-
comprise material, products, money, and informa- ful for products with short cycles of technological
tion [45,46]. innovation, i.e. copiers [41], especially when the
Most SCM publications concern mainly pro- consumer market can be subdivided into different
curement and production, extending the concept demand levels (i.e. new technology/high price;
beyond the point of sale is rare. Recently, in- established technology/medium price; traditional
creased need has been recognized to extend SCM technology/low price) [42]. In these cases, spent
issues beyond the point of sale in industrial manu- productsÕ acquisition mostly takes place when a
F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050 1035

customer replaces an existing product for a new Europe, this trend is still to be continued. As a
one. This product exchange can be supported by consequence, manufacturers have to cope with
the manufacturer by offering attractive conditions the collection and recycling of their products even
for product trade-in, by identifying customer if no further profit can be expected. In these cases,
needs during product service, or by further mea- regaining material from the spent products is pur-
sures. Accordingly, product conditions are mostly sued rather than remanufacturing. In Germany,
known and the possibilities for profitable resale the manufacturersÕ responsibility is to be exerted
can be estimated quite well. for some applications already (i.e. for batteries
Triggered by this profit-oriented perspective, [24]), or realization is due soon (i.e. for cars [26]).
intensive research has been focused on SCM and For some of these fields of application, studies to
reverse logistics, trying to modify supply chains evaluate possible strategies for collection and
to form CLSCs [32,33,40,66]. Early theoretical recycling have already been carried out [53,
concepts and industry applications in these fields 57–59,62,71]. In contrary to the profit-oriented
are reported in comprehensive overviews [31,35]. avenue, manufacturers face some substantial dif-
A detailed survey of logistic network designs ferences considering product collection and
for recovering spent products from different sec- reprocessing:
tors and quantitative models to support the design
of reverse logistic networks is also available • As providing a free-of-charge product return
[19–21]. option is one central element of manufacturersÕ
responsibility, a recovery network needs to be
2.2. Legal motivation established which ensures sufficient area cover-
age (recovery network characteristics are dis-
Apart from profitability, the second motivation cussed extensively in [19, p. 43ff]). Due to the
for manufacturer-driven product take-back and significant costs of establishing and maintaining
subsequent reprocessing is to fulfill legal require- such a recovery network, collaborative plan-
ments. Because of the increasing demands to fulfill ning of different manufacturers for a joint
European and national legislations, managing the take-back system is often advisable. Conse-
flows of spent products has become a crucial con- quently, the products returned are not only of
cern for manufacturers and importers of products. unknown condition and material composition,
Apart from the situation in Europe, examples can but also representing multiple product brands.
be found where environmental concerns lead to Thus, hardly any detailed knowledge about the
similar challenges in terms of product-specific products to be returned can be determined in
take-back obligations [60]. In some fields, recycling advance.
of spent products is well established, mainly due to • Apart from the unknown composition of prod-
the profitability of recovering secondary materials ucts, the productsÕ benefit consists of the mate-
from spent products. For example, in the pulp and rial content only, not of the productsÕ
paper industry and the metal industry, the use of functionalities. Hence, material recovery is the
scrap as a raw material for new products is routine only option to be realized, especially as energy
[54]. However, for other product groups which are recovery and landfilling is limited to a small
considered not to be recovered sufficiently, manu- weight percentage of the product only (exam-
facturers have recently been forced to take respon- ples for weight percentages to be recovered
sibility for taking back their spent products from from ELVs are stated in Section 3.2). Conse-
customer markets and guarantee proper recycling quently, the products need to be dismantled
for a significant fraction of the product. For in- and reprocessing techniques need to be applied
stance, the European Union has issued regulations to regain the material for a secondary use. Since
for electrical and electronic equipment [15,16], for manufacturersÕ responsibility is a relatively
used cars [14], and for spent batteries [13]. To en- young legal instrument, several technically elab-
sure a high environmental standard throughout orate reprocessing measures exist in laboratory
1036 F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050

scale only and still need to prove their suitabil- by fees which are charged when a car is registered
ity for industrial-scale CLSCs. for participation in road traffic [1]. Without going
• While product remanufacturing is primarily into details, it is unlikely that the Dutch system
done in order to maximize profit, product can be transferred to Germany, as some differences
take-back and reprocessing as required by legal in terms of economic stakeholders, geographic
prescriptions is considered to be performed in a dimensions, and annual amount of ELV require
cost-minimal way. Thus, objectives for estab- country-tailored network organization. Other
lishing CLSCs differ by motivation. member statesÕ concepts differ from each other in
corresponding manner. A detailed comparison of
Though several differences can be found be- these systems is provided in [69].
tween both types of CLSCs, no unambiguous dis- In order to comply with the European ELV
tinction can be made between them. In most directive, some changes of the established systems
applications, aspects of both profit-oriented and will be necessary. In Germany, the recycling of
legal motivations occur when enhancing a supply non-metallic ELV fractions needs to be enhanced
chain. For example, the treatment of ELVs com- to keep the required recycling percentages. Among
prises component disassembly and resale (profit- these fractions, plastics are to be targeted first (cf.
oriented motivation) as well as efforts for material Section 3.2). As plastics material recycling for
recycling of the vehicle remainder, since predefined automotive residuals is still in its infancy, a Ger-
recycling quotas are to be fulfilled by the years many-wide recovery network does not exist yet.
2006 and 2015, respectively (legal motivation) (cf. Providing an overview over the applicationÕs pecu-
Section 3.2). To achieve these goals, ELV plastic liarities without getting lost in details will help to
components need to be reprocessed in addition position the case investigated within the fields of
to the ferrous and non-ferrous materials. reverse logistics and point out the central issues
of the application.

3. Closed-loop supply chain planning for 3.1. Current situation

end-of-life vehicle treatment
Since legal restrictions for the recycling of ELVs
The following approach for designing CLSCs is have not been regulating the way of recycling
tailored to the task of recycling plastics from ELVs crucially so far, the current ELV-treatment in
in Germany, which will become necessary due to Germany is mainly realized according to profit-
enhanced legal requirements (cf. Section 3.2): Like oriented motivation as depicted in Section 2.1. In
most other European member states, Germany particular, this product-specific recycling pro-
faces an existing ELV recycling system which has cess (cf. Fig. 1) can be described as following
been developing for decades to its current status, [47,70]:
reflecting the countryÕs peculiarities in the corre-
sponding business sectors. These peculiarities can • Before starting any recovery process, all vehi-
be deduced when the existing ELV recycling sys- cles need to be drained in order to remove fluids
tems of different EU member states are compared. like oil, fuel, coolants etc. Apart from avoiding
While the German system lacks a guarantee of the danger of spilling harmful substances during
returning an ELV free of charge, for example, this further dismantling activities, draining protects
possibility is standard in The Netherlands. There- the latter shredder output from being contami-
fore, the Dutch system is often cited as a bench- nated and thus from losing sale value resp. from
mark for ELV recycling concepts. The core rising deposition cost.
feature of this concept consists of financing non- • Vehicle parts expected to have significant resale
profitable, but environmentally sound processes value are disassembled first. Most promising
of the ELV treatment by a fund. This fund is paid ELVs for this step are accident cars and
F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050 1037

End-of-Life Vehicle 3.2. Enhanced ELV treatment in future


As automotive manufacturers strive for weight

Fluids (fuel, oil,
Draining coolants,...) reduction of cars, plastics are replacing metal
applications in new cars to an increasing extent.


Valuable Materials
Recycling Consequently, the weight share of ELVs that is
recycled decreases according to the carÕs ferrous
Packing metal percentage (cf. Fig. 2). Initial efforts to le-
gally enhance vehicle recycling efficiency in Ger-
Cannibalized ELV many resulted in the ELV Ordinance of 1997
Ferrous Metals [25], representing the first national restriction to

Shredding Non -Ferrous Metals demand the surveillance of weight quotas for mea-
Shredder Fluff
suring the recycling success of ELVs. On European
level, similar targets led to the Directive 2000/53
EC [14]. The national adaptation of this Directive
in Germany took place in 2002 when the Law Gov-
Fig. 1. Current ELV treatment in Germany (simplified). erning the Disposal of ELVs (Altfahrzeug-Gesetz)
Shortcomings are mainly determined by the high amount of [26] came into effect.
shredder fluff to be landfilled. As the gap between easy-to-recycle metal frac-
tion and the legally set recycling goals becomes lar-
ger, it is inevitable to tackle the challenge of
medium-aged ELVs of common models, serving recycling materials which are currently landfilled
as source for spare parts; whereas other ELVs with the shredder fluff. Thus, recycling measures
can often not be disassembled economically. that are beyond the current state-of-the-art can
• After componentsÕ recovery, economic disman- be considered to be induced by legal motivation
tling is continued with valuable materialsÕ (cf. Section 2.2), as take-back obligations trigger
recovery: components which cannot be resold the reprocessing sequence rather than any demand
but consist of materials worth recycling are dis- for secondary materials, according to a ‘‘supply
assembled (i.e. copper and PVC from wiring push’’ [21, p. 658], in SCM. Among the material
harnesses [10], or platinum from catalytic con- aimed at, best options for recycling are expected
verters [36]. for thermoplastics, since the possibility of melting
• The cannibalized ELV is sent for shredding in and reshaping while preserving material properties
order to regain the metal fractions. Especially allows subsequent use [4,70]. Furthermore, only
in Germany, an elaborate metal recycling is few different types of thermoplastics are used in
pursued for decades [48]. After metal separa- cars, thus collecting significant quantities is viable
tion, a mixture consisting of plastics, glass, dust with reasonable effort. Hence, one precondition is
and other components in varying composition, the separate collection of the different thermoplas-
the so-called shredder fluff, remains unrecycled. tic types, as mixed plastic fractions are not suitable
Lacking any possibility of regaining valuables for material recycling in genuine applications.
from the fluff economically, this fraction is usu- From the technical point of view, a reprocessing
ally landfilled. chain is to be put up which allows to regain sec-
ondary material with properties comparable to
Since the recovery of components and valuable the corresponding virgin thermoplastics. Since this
materials accounts for a small average weight per- option is the most promising possibility to fulfill
cent per car only, overall recycling efficiency in legal requirements and to ensure sufficient demand
terms of weight percent is mainly determined by for the secondary material, an elaborate recycling
the total share of ferrous metals in ELVs. process as sketched in Fig. 3 is under development:
1038 F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050

Fig. 2. Development of ELV material composition and legal recycling targets in Germany. Sources: [26,70].

of nts
on e V
u c t i pon pr ehi
od c le
od om M uc
Secondary Pr le c rs an t io
h ic lie ufa n
ve pp ctu
Thermoplastics Su re

Specialized Companies

repr panies

ciail sing

Mat essing



use hicle

st o



Cleaning Dismantlers

End-of-Life Vehicle Dismantling and

material separation
Shredding (ELV)

Sorted ELV




Cannibalized ELV


Fig. 3. Additional reprocessing steps to design a closed-loop supply chain for plastic materials from ELVs.

the behavior of the recycling processes and the processes in [52,53]. For the economic evaluation
reactions between the chemical components can of this process chain, a managerial accounting ap-
appropriately be modeled and simulated with proach has been established, which takes into ac-
flowsheeting programs as shown for metallurgical count life cycle aspects and activity-based costing
F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050 1039

principles [56]. This approach comprises upscaling stantial number of compounding plants is in
aspects and has been applied to the reprocessing existence. Thus, there is no need for planning
steps depicted in Fig. 3. This alternative avoids further sites.
downcycling and ensures closing the material loop,
taking advantage of the growing market of plastics As the realization of these recycling steps is
for automotive applications. However, the recy- mainly triggered by legal motivation, the objective
cling activities differ significantly from the produc- consists of establishing a product recovery net-
tion procedures in time and manner, thus the work that fulfills predefined recycling targets at
product recovery network represents a ‘‘reverse’’ minimal costs. Technical specifications of repro-
supply chain which is totally independent of the cessing are not subject to change, since the second-
productÕs ‘‘forward’’ supply chain. Hence, all ary material quality standards to be achieved are
elements of this reverse supply chain need to be predefined. Furthermore, neither stock expenses
designed separately (therefore, the approach of nor material value are decisive for the total cost,
reversing the forward logistic channels, as sug- but transportation cost represent a major portion
gested by Jayaraman et al. [38], is not feasible of the total cost for this recycling step. Hence, eco-
for the case investigated), i.e. all reprocessing steps nomic optimization potential can mainly be seized
as well as reverse logistic tasks (reverse logistics in the field of network design with respect to re-
will be specified in Section 4). verse logistics, especially for shipping disassembled
plastic components from the ELV dismantlers to
3.3. Network design options in Germany the reprocessing facilities, representing an extre-
mely converging flow of material. Furthermore,
Currently, the depicted process chain only exists low material density causes rather ineffective trans-
in laboratory scale, or is reduced to small-sized, portation conditions. The collection and backhaul
local applications. To support future ELV treat- of thermoplastics to one or few central locations is
ment instead, a Germany-wide reverse supply chain thus highly dependant on the dismantlersÕ struc-
is to be established. The reverse supply chain shown ture and the material amount collectable per
in Fig. 3 will consist of the following participants: dismantler.
With respect to the optimization potential,
• ELV dismantlers: Currently, there are more modeling and evaluation efforts concentrate on
than 1200 dismantlers doing business in Ger- reprocessing site location and transportation from
many with known facility locations. ELV dismantlers to these reprocessing sites. Con-
• Reprocessing facilities: Shredding and cleaning sidering all the influence factors named, it is obvi-
technology is currently used for similar thermo- ous that network design options primarily focus
plastic material originating from other waste on the location and the subsequent regional subdi-
streams. Therefore, technical specifications are vision, i.e. the service area per facility. In addition,
widely known. For seizing economies of scale, reverse logistics tasks comprise vehicle routing is-
a capacity range that covers at least 20% of sues to ensure economic material backhaul within
the annual material that is recoverable from a service area.
ELVs seems appropriate per facility. Conse- While the aspects presented deal with establish-
quently, a maximum of five reprocessing facili- ing a CLSC, adaptations in network design and
ties is considered for the Germany-wide vehicle routing will be necessary due to the steadily
application of the reverse supply chain. rising amount of thermoplastics to be collected in
• Extraction: Requiring high investments, the num- the long run. Considering the average vehicle life-
ber of sites for extracting residuals from thermo- time of more than 10 years, the effects of rising
plastics has to be kept to a minimum. Thus, one or thermoplastics fraction in cars and the need to ful-
two facilities are taken into consideration. fill enhanced legal quotas will cause the amount
• Compounding: Since compounding thermoplas- of recyclable thermoplastics from ELVs to rise
tics is standard for virgin material also, a sub- at least until the year 2015. Different options for
1040 F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050

subsequently establishing additional reprocessing is required. Consequently, the amount collect-

sites and adapting service areas and vehicle routing ible per source and period is fairly low, i.e.
accordingly have been carried out and evaluated. less-than-truckload shipments are due for most
Selected results are presented in [57–59]. products and components. Thus, transportation
When varying the number and location of the planning for this kind of networks needs to deal
reprocessing sites, it is assumed that the number with vehicle routing issues to ensure economic
and location of the ELV dismantlers in Germany backhaul [2]. Regarding approaches for tack-
remains unchanged. However, some developments ling transportation tasks, the vehicle routing
indicate a concentration process in ELV disman- problem (VRP) [11] proves to be much more
tler business (cf. Section 6). Therefore, a scenario complex than single-line transportation issues
analysis that varies the number of ELV disman- which comprise one pick-up and one delivery
tlers while keeping other parameters constant is per route only. Hence, there are no general solu-
conducted. tion procedures for VRPs since search strategies
have to be adapted to the individual degrees of
freedom which are suitable for the case applied
4. Reverse logistics and vehicle routing planning (a concept for flexibly handling general-purpose
VRPs can be found in [30]). A classification of
As the framework for a specific reverse logis- side constraints occurring in real-life VRPs is
tics task contains numerous restrictions as well as provided by van Breedam [65].
degrees of freedom which form a unique character- • Since the quantity, quality, and timing of the
istic for the case investigated, numerous backhaul- returned materials are highly variable, manag-
ing models have been reported in this field yet. An ing of these return flows must cope with several
overview of literature dealing with reverse logistics uncertainties. Thus, forecasting methods are
is provided by [8]. A comprehensive overview on necessary to estimate parameter developments
recent case studies and corresponding models on [37,39]. Apart from variations in material
collection and transport approaches is provided amount, additional parameters like specific
by [5]. Even though the models presented by [5] transportation costs (for example, the highway
are much more detailed than the one to be put toll to be realized in Germany will cause a dis-
up in the following, they are not considered to be tance-related rise of transportation costs) or
suitable for adaptation because of significant dif- the number of dismantlers may be subject to
ferences in framework parameters. In particular, change. With regard to these uncertainties, the
the following assumptions cannot be transferred approach for modeling reverse logistics needs
to the case investigated here: constant return flows to be robust for basic parameter changes. By
[5, p. 110], an approximated average distance per scenario analyses, different network design
stop 5, p. 111] and the high density of collection options can be tested and become comparable
points within the area investigated [5, p. 119]. in terms of economics.
Hence, focusing on the application of spent ELV
componentsÕ backhaul from the dismantlers to With respect to these aspects, formulating a
reprocessing facilities, subsequent modeling has vehicle routing approach with the following prop-
to be realized with respect to the following erties is due: on the one hand, the model needs to
preconditions: be suitable for the special structure of backhauling
thermoplastic material from ELVs. In particular, a
• Nearly all end-of-life situations of consumer large number of material sources needs to be mod-
products are marked by an area-wide occur- eled, while time window restrictions are not cru-
rence of spent products (sources) in combina- cial. On the other hand, multiple possibilities for
tion with few recycling sites for reprocessing parameter changes need to be provided in order
(sinks). In order to ensure steady material sup- to enable scenario analyses as shown. Since statis-
ply for these recycling sites, periodic backhaul tical interdependencies and functional behaviour
F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050 1041

of parameters and their variation are not accessi- depot (Index 0), and M tours, the model can be
ble, scenario comparisons instead of a global sen- formulated as following (with variations taken
sitivity analysis (cf. [68]) are considered to be from [11, pp. 215f]): with
appropriate for reasonable network planning in
the case investigated. In the following chapter, an D maximum distance per tour (km),
application-tailored vehicle routing model is pre- Q maximum capacity per tour (kg resp. m3),
sented, which is designed to be tackled by a meta- cd variable cost per distance unit (€/km),
heuristic approach. dij distance between nodes i and j (km),
bj load collectible at dismantler j (kg resp.
5. A model for vehicle routing planning within
product recovery networks 
1 if dismantler j is served in tour k;
y jk ¼
Based on the planned locations of the repro- 0 else;
cessing facilities (for details of facility location 
1 if node j is the successor of node i;
planning aspects for reprocessing sites see [58]) xij ¼
0 else;
and on the corresponding number of dismantlers
to be served per collection period, the objective
function for the VRP seeks to minimize the total minimize:
length of all tours necessary. In order to tackle X
M n X
X n
the transport problem by deterministic, indepen- F ðx; yÞ ¼ cd  d ij  xij  y ij ; ð1Þ
dent one-depot VRPs (one per reprocessing facil- k¼1 i¼0 j¼0

ity), a regional categorization of the dismantlers subject to:

as well as predefined collection periods are set X n X n
(for details see [59]). Apart from general limita- d ij  xij  y jk 6 D for k ¼ 1; . . . ; M; ð2Þ
tions, i.e. ensuring the service for every dismantler i¼0 j¼0

or guaranteeing the construction of tours that start X


and end at the reprocessing site, restrictions occur bj  y jk 6 Q for k ¼ 1; . . . ; M; ð3Þ

mainly due to capacity limitations of the trucks
used: the total amount of material collectable
X n
xij  y jk ¼ 1 for j ¼ 1; . . . ; n; ð4Þ
per tour limits the number of dismantlers that k¼1 i¼0
can be served in one tour. Additionally, exceeding Xn
a length limit per tour results in overnight tours. x0j  y jk ¼ 1 for k ¼ 1; . . . ; M; ð5Þ
These tours are to be avoided, because the ex- j¼1
penses for driving staff will then rise significantly. X

To cope with both effects, limits and penalty values xi0  y ik ¼ 1 for k ¼ 1; . . . ; M: ð6Þ
need to be assigned for the number of customers
served and for the total tour distance. The restrictions (2) and (3) ensure that maxi-
Formally speaking, we refer to a symmetric mum tour distance and maximum capacity are
capacitated vehicle routing problem with one de- not exceeded, whereas constraints (4) imply that
pot (i.e. the reprocessing site) and a defined maxi- every dismantler is served and belongs to exactly
mum tour distance. We assume the number of one tour. Constraints (5) and (6) require every tour
trucks available to be sufficient, thus the number to start and end at the depot, thus no invalid tour
of tours not to be restricted. Objective is to gener- can be constructed.
ate a tour schedule with minimal cost, with those Currently, more than 1200 dismantlers are
related to the tour distance in an initial approxi- known in Germany. Even though the number
mation (see objective function (1)). Introducing per VRP is significantly smaller as regional subdi-
n + 1 nodes, consisting of n dismantlers and one visions occur and not every dismantler is served
1042 F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050

per collection period, the complexity of VRPs [43] possible. The entity of all moves is determined by
restricts the application of exact solutions to prob- the definition of a solutionÕs neighborhood,
lems of very small size (the complexity of selected i.e. all alterations allowed to be performed in one
routing problems as well as references to special single move. So far, TS shows all properties of
problems which are solvable in polynomial time common greedy algorithms for optimization. Dif-
can be found in [22, p. 211ff]). As the number of ferences show up when no further improvement
dismantlers to be considered is far too large to ex- of the objective function is possible by any move:
pect exact solutions in feasible calculation times, Instead of terminating, TS proceeds by exerting
heuristic procedures need to be applied. An exam- the move that represents the minimal change for
ple for heuristic approaches to solve the problem is the worse in the objective function. In order to
suggested in [11, p. 216]. However, the procedure avoid cycling by alternatively exerting the last
stated there requires a predefined customer (i.e. improvement move possible and the complemen-
dismantler) combination per tour; optimization tary move for the least deterioration, TS Ôremem-
potential is thus limited to different combinations bersÕ the moves made by storing them in a Tabu
of each dismantler set per tour. In order to obtain list. These moves are temporarily forbidden. In
good, not necessarily optimal results at reasonable designing the duration of the Tabu state and the
time in combination with a broadened search conditions for Tabu setting, problem-tailored
space, further heuristic concepts are due. For this avoidance of cycling is possible. Furthermore, in-
purpose, intelligent search methods have been valid solutions (i.e. those violating one or more
established, which represent search structures for constraints set) can be accepted temporarily in
picking promising problem solutions including order to diversify the search to previously unex-
refinement. To enhance efficiency in searching per- plored fields of possible solutions. Guiding the
formance, heuristics themselves are often con- search towards the return to admissible solutions
trolled by so-called metaheuristics, representing is realized by applying penalty terms to the calcu-
the memory of the algorithm. Examples for these lation of the objective function, which cause signif-
metaheuristics are Simulated Annealing, Genetic icant deterioration to the objective value if one or
Algorithms, or Tabu Search. Especially Tabu more constraints are not met. However, results of
Search (TS) has been proving to cope sufficiently these solutions are comparable to valid ones and
with VRP problems [17,23]. Thus, TS is chosen to can thus be part of the search process.
tackle the task introduced above. With these features, TS algorithms can over-
The TS concept has been mainly developed by come local optima and continue searching for bet-
Glover, who also introduced the expressions Tabu ter solutions. However, the finding of the global
Search and metaheuristics [27]. An overview of TS optimum—if there is one—cannot be guaranteed.
is also provided by Glover [28,29], whereas basic Consequently, a termination criterion needs to be
applications of TS are laid down by Voss [67]. De- defined to truncate the search process, for example
spite of representing a relatively young strategy, the total number of moves to be made or a prede-
TS has been successfully used in various business fined number of moved without improving be best
cases, such as container loading [6], delivery prob- solution found.
lems [49], or flight network design [7]. In the specific case considered here, we seize the
Before going into details for the special applica- potential of altering dismantler combinations
tion of strategic network planning, a brief over- per tour and enable broad search diversification.
view of TS peculiarities is presented. Relying on Thus the Tabu Search approach implemented is
a viable problem solution, the so-called starting designed to alter significantly from the tour com-
solution, TS seeks to improve the objective func- position of the starting solution during the search
tion by altering the starting solution in details process. Therefore, the algorithm yields to capac-
to be defined in advance. This detail alteration, ity and tour distance restrictions to a certain extent
consisting of a so-called move, is realized when when the objective function is calculated, as
representing the best improvement of all moves penalty terms are provided if the corresponding
F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050 1043

restrictions are violated. With the additional tions, the algorithm is terminated and the best
parameters, pD (penalty cost for exceeding the solution found within the iterations is provided.
maximum distance per tour, €/km) and pQ (pen- While the search procedure is almost standard,
alty cost for exceeding the maximum capacity per the problem characteristics differ widely with the
tour, €/kg), the objective function (1) is altered scenarios chosen. As the transportation cost devi-
as follows: ations which occur when some parameters are var-
( ied can be quantified only by carrying out VRP
M n X
X n
calculations for different scenarios, multiple adap-
F ðx; yÞ ¼ cd  d ij  xij  y jk tation possibilities need to be provided regarding
k¼1 i¼0 j¼0
" ! # the data input for the VRP model:
n X
X n
þ pD  max 0; d ij  xij  y jk D
• The significant rise of the plastic weight share in
i¼0 j¼0
" ! #) todayÕs cars will be reflected in the ELV mate-
rial composition in future. Thus, a correspond-
þ pQ  max 0; bj  y jk Q : ð7Þ
ing increase in the amount of plastics collectible
for reprocessing can be forecasted and serves as
Replacing objective function (1) with (7) and an input for scenarios which represent the back-
omitting restrictions (2) and (3) results in the cost haul situation for different points of time.
minimization model underlying the Tabu Search • As industrial-scale reprocessing facilities are not
approach. After the initial tour schedule is gener- existing yet, different network design options
ated, the TS procedure starts to search enhanced regarding the number as well as the location
solutions by taking into account the following of these material sinks need to be evaluated.
move types (the move type systematic is adapted Accordingly, assigning dismantlers to repro-
from a procedure introduced by Scholl and Weber cessing steps (the regional area subdivision) is
[50], who carried out similar research for a distri- crucial for determining reverse supply chain
bution task): costs as well.
• With regard to developments in the dismantler
• swapping the position of two dismantlers within business, the number of dismantlers may alter.
an existing tour, Subsequently, adaptations in the material
• swapping the position of two dismantlers amount collectible per dismantler need to be
located in two different existing tours, performed.
• swapping connections of two dismantlers to
their successors within an existing tour, and To enable appropriate vehicle routing calcula-
• swapping connections of two dismantlers to tion, some algorithm constraints need to be adapt-
their successors located in two different existing able to numerous different scenario settings. For
tours. example, the number and the geographic position
of reprocessing facilities influence the candidate
Before exerting a move, each of these move and the neighborhood choice, and the maximum
types is evaluated according to the objective func- tour distance necessary to serve all dismantlers,
tion, testing the dismantlersÕ structure for promis- to name some parameters only. In order to provide
ing candidates in advance. The pool of a reasonable computing time for every scenario
neighborhood solutions is further determined by calculated, the algorithm construction needs to
the entity of successors per candidate. After testing be easily adaptable for such changes. Hence, the
all combinations allowed, the move representing following parameters are eligible for every
the best improvement resp. the least deterioration application:
of the objective function is performed. The new
tour schedule then serves as an origin for the next • number of iterations to be performed,
iteration. After exerting a given number of itera- • candidate and neighborhood choice,
1044 F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050

• maximum distance per tour allowed and corre- According to a recent poll, a substantial amount
sponding penalty, of the dismantling operators are not sure whether
• maximum dismantler number per tour allowed they can continue their business [44]. Especially
and corresponding penalty, small and medium-sized enterprises can hardly
• Tabu list length and cope with the investment costs that are due to up-
• criteria for Tabu setting. grade the operation equipment according to the
specifications which are laid down in the German
Due to the flexibility of the metaheuristic ap- law on ELVs. Accordingly, a concentration pro-
proach, it can be used for planning purposes for a cess resulting in fewer dismantlers, each of them
wide range of CLSCs. With regard to emerging processing a higher amount of ELVs, seems to
producer responsibility for further products in Eur- be likely. In addition, automotive manufacturers
ope [13,15,16], the need to establish such CLSCs who have to realize the manufacturer responsibil-
will rise in the next years. Product-specific parame- ity will favor this tendency from an economic
ters like transportation density, number and loca- point of view, since cost savings can be realized
tion of material sources, or truckload capacities due to economies of scale. As a consequence, we
can be easily adapted by modifying the correspond- consider different network structures which are
ing parameters. In the following chapter, the algo- depicted in three scenarios for the situation in
rithm is applied to the case of ELV recycling. the year 2015:

• Scenario A, representing the reference case,

6. Application for the end-of-life vehicle treatment implies no change in the number of dismantlers
by the year 2015. Thus, the todayÕs total of 1202
In order to obtain results which are relevant for dismantlers are considered.
the ELV situation depicted in Section 3, real data • Scenario B is marked by a decline from 1202 to
from the fields of automotive recycling has been approximately 840 dismantlers. This figure is
gathered. Concentrating on high density polyeth- stated as the pollÕs result, mirroring future
ylene (HD-PE), one of the main fractions of ther- expectations of the business branch.
moplastics from ELV, the following information • Scenario C serves as the lower bound, compris-
serves as input data: ing 500 dismantlers. A further decline beneath
this number is hardly expected, as a sufficient
• Geographic location of German dismantlers via area coverage cannot be guaranteed otherwise.
ZIP code.
• Forecasted material amount available for 2015 In order to maintain comparability, the same
(14,000 tons per year), subdivided into regional number and locations for the reprocessing facilities
fractions on German state level. have been considered for all scenarios. With re-
• Predefined rotational collection sequence of spect to maximum tour lengths and investments
four weeks for every facility location in order for reprocessing facilities, alternatives with differ-
to guarantee steady material supply without ent numbers of reprocessing facilities and subdivi-
the need of extensive material stocks. sions in service areas have been evaluated. The
• Load capacity per truck according to the mate- subsequent implementation of three reprocessing
rial hauled (10 tons), in combination with a facilities by the year 2015 has been proven to rep-
freight rate of 1.10 €/km. resent a feasible way to fulfill both requirements
• The maximum distance per tour is uniformly set adequately. The site location and the correspond-
to 600 km, for reasons of scenario ing service area construction have been determined
comparability. in order to provide equal material amount distri-
bution while transportation distances being as
The differences between the scenarios encom- short as possible. The procedures for identifying
pass the number of the dismantlers considered: sites and service areas are presented in [58].
F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050 1045

Apart from the number of dismantlers, the • Criteria for Tabu setting: The results were
material amount collectible per dismantler has obtained by using unconditional tabu criteria.
been adapted to ensure an equal material amount Consequently, a move has been set tabu when
of 14,000 tons per year in each scenario, which is exerted for the following 20 iterations, regard-
uniformly distributed to the three regions (cf. less of the move type used or other parameters.
Table 1). Fig. 4 depicts the scenario framework
for calculation, including the regional intersection, Carrying out the Tabu Search procedure for
the location of the reprocessing facilities and an every region and scenario, the number of iterations
overview of the area coverage by the correspond- necessary differ between 371 and 590. Conse-
ing number of dismantlers per scenario. quently, the maximum total of 1000 iterations
Applying the metaheuristic presented in Section has not been needed for any of the searches con-
5, the transportation costs for each of the scenarios ducted; earlier termination of the search occurred
have been calculated, using the following parame- since no further improvement has been found.
ters (cf. Section 5): To verify the procedure, several search results have
been re-evaluated by continuing the search until
• Number of iterations to be performed: 1000 or 1000 iterations. As no improvements in the corre-
earlier termination when finding an improved sponding objective functions could be obtained,
solution for 100 consecutive iterations is not the procedure as stated has considered to be ade-
possible. quately tailored to the application. Computing re-
• Candidate and neighborhood choice: In every sults are on single tour level and thus very detailed.
iteration, each dismantler (candidate) is consid- For a suitable investigation into the scenarios pre-
ered for a move with another dismantler within sented without going beyond the scope, the results
a radius of 100 km (neighborhood), using the are presented in a top–down way.
move types described in Section 5. At the highest aggregation level, i.e. in terms of
• Maximum distance per tour allowed and corre- Germany-wide annual transport distance and spe-
sponding penalty: The maximum distance is set cific transportation costs, no significant differences
to 600 km, representing the limit for tour com- between the scenarios can be stated (cf. Table 2).
pletion within one single workday. Exceeding The reasons for this uniformity, especially regard-
this limit is penalized by doubling the transpor- ing the costs, can partly be deduced from the fact
tation costs for the additional distance. that the same amount of material is hauled annu-
• Maximum dismantler number per tour allowed ally in the same regions for every scenario, with
and corresponding penalty: Due to truck capac- rising concentration per material source as the
ity restrictions, the number is strictly limited to number of dismantlers declines. In other words,
four, combined with a prohibitive penalty value the fewer dismantlers exist, the more often they
for breaking the limit. Hence, no tour serves are served per year as a higher amount of mate-
more than four dismantlers. rial has to be collected. For scenario details
• Tabu list length: Setting the length to 20 moves please refer to the specifications laid down ear-
has been proving to be sufficient to prevent the lier in this chapter, in particular to Fig. 4 and
solution procedure from cycling. Table 1.

Table 1
Scenario specifications on regional level
Scenario A B C
Region 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
# of dismantlers 400 359 443 288 283 269 171 168 161
Material amount [t/a] 4666 4666 4666 4666 4666 4666 4666 4666 4666
1046 F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050

Fig. 4. Scenario definition.

Table 2
Distance and cost values per scenario
Result category Scenario
Scenario A (1202 dismantlers) Scenario B (840 dismantlers) Scenario C (500 dismantlers)
Annual transport distance (km/a) 798,795 763,860 787,674
Specific transportation costs (€/t) 73 73 73

Hence, to determine the differences between the tion period remain almost constant, the deviations
scenarios, a more detailed investigation is neces- in tour lengths between the corresponding regions
sary. Fig. 5 thus pictures results for every region of each scenario seem to be erratically.
of each scenario. Regarding tour lengths charac- Tendencies which are caused by declining the
teristics and the numbers of tours necessary per number of dismantlers as realized in the scenarios
collection period, still no traceable trend can be can be observed when evaluating the annual trans-
determined. While the number of tours per collec- port distance in combination with the specific

Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C 1200
(1202 Dismantlers) (840 Dismantlers) (500 Dismantlers)

41 1000 No. of Tours per

Collection Period
Tour length [km]
No. of Tours

40 800 Maximum
Tour Length

39 600 Minimum
Tour Length

38 400 Average
Tour Length

37 200

36 0
Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Fig. 5. Regional tour characteristics.

F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050 1047

Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C

310.000 (1202 Dismantlers) (840 Dismantlers) (500 Dismantlers) 110

290.000 100

270.000 90 Annual
250.000 80 Distance

230.000 70
210.000 60 Transportation
[ /t]
190.000 50

170.000 40
Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region Region
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Fig. 6. Regional distances and cost values.

transportation costs per region (cf. Fig. 6): While a 7. Conclusions

decline in the number of dismantlers causes a sig-
nificant drop in both categories for region 2, the Representing a small choice of all options pos-
other regions show a substantial rise in terms of sible, the results shown underline the vast variety
specific transportation costs along with erratic ef- of influence factors for the problem investigated.
fects in transport distances. In this contribution, we pointed out that flexible
These results indicate the differences between algorithms are necessary to compare different sce-
the regions in size and in dismantler density: Con- narios of establishing a reverse supply chain for
trary to region 2, which accounts for a third of the collecting secondary material. Dealing with uncer-
material amount collectible at a comparably small tainties regarding manifold influences on future
size, the regions 1 and 3 contain fewer dismantlers CLSCs, scenario analyses are suitable to evaluate
per area and are therefore of larger dimension (cf. transportation distances and costs. To illustrate
Fig. 4). As a consequence, the distances between the approach presented, three exemplary scenarios
single tour stops become longer when the number have been put up and corresponding results are
of dismantlers is declined. Thus, the options to presented. The conclusions drawn from these re-
avoid overnight tours in regions where they are sults help to put up improved scenarios and thus
geographically unavoidable become scarce. In the contribute to comprehensive reverse logistics plan-
regions 1 and 3, the percentage of overnight tours ning for the application presented.
out of all tours necessary is rising, which causes Apart from ELVs, manufacturers of other
additional costs which excessively contribute to products are also obliged by law to take back
the specific transportation costs. This effect does end-of-life products and meet recycling targets.
not occur in small regions, where single tour Consequently, similar reverse logistic tasks are ex-
lengths exceed the limit set in rare exceptions only. pected to emerge soon. The model presented can
Consequently, the scenario results obtained be adapted to other applications by redefining
highlight the effects of altering preconditions which model constraints as shown in Section 5, making
are modeled due to uncertainties in the CLSC, and the approach transferable to further product
also deliver quantifiable results. In particular, cost recovery network design tasks.
effects are obtained and can be compared to further Finally, the presented approach will have to be
reverse logistics structures of the case investigated. incorporated in an information platform that is
For example, improvements may be realized by capable to coordinate the different stakeholders
reshaping the regions for material collection, tak- within a CLSC. Enterprise Resource Planning
ing into account not only the material amount col- (ERP) and Advanced Planning Systems (APS)
lectible, but also the product size. are the major systems to be discussed within
1048 F. Schultmann et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2006) 1033–1050

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