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William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was an English

playwright, poet and actor. Known
on occasion as the Bard of Avon (or
simply the Bard), Shakespeare is
considered the most important writer
in English language and one of the
most celebrated of universal

Shakespeare is generally recognized as the greatest of writers

of all time, unique figure in the history of literature. The fame
of other poets, such as Homer and Dante Alighieri, or of
novelists like Miguel de Cervantes, Leon Tolstoy or Charles
Dickens, has transcended the national barriers, but none of
them has reached the reputation of Shakespeare, whose
works today are Read and represent more frequently and in
more countries than ever before. The prophecy of one of his
great contemporaries, Ben Jonson, has been fulfilled thus:
"Shakespeare does not belong to a single epoch but to
eternity".The American critic Harold Bloom places
Shakespeare, along with Dante Alighieri, at the height of his
"Western canon": "No other writer has ever had as many
linguistic resources as Shakespeare, so profuse in Lost Love
Works that we have the impression that , Once and for all,
many of the limits of language have been reached.
Shakespeare was a poet and playwright revered in his time,
but his reputation did not reach the present high levels until
the nineteenth century. The Romantics particularly acclaimed
his genius, and the Victorians worshiped Shakespeare with a
devotion that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry."
In the twentieth century, his works were adapted and
rediscovered on many occasions by all kinds of artistic,
intellectual and dramatic art movements. Shakespearean
comedies and tragedies have been translated into major
languages, and are constantly studied and represented in
diverse cultural and political contexts around the world.
There are very few documented facts in Shakespeare's life.
What can be said is that he was baptized at Stratford-upon-
Avon, Warwickshire on April 26, 1564, and died on April 23,
1616, according to the Julian calendar, shortly before his 52nd
The residence at Stratford, known as the birthplace of
Shakespeare (although it is uncertain). It is said that the poet
and playwright would have been born in the room with
checkered windows. He was born when his family lived on
Henley Street in Stratford; The exact day is not known, since
then only the baptismal record was made, on April 26 in this
case, so it is to be assumed that it would be born some days
before and not more than a week, as was common; Tradition
has been setting the date of his birth on April 23, the feast of
St. George, perhaps by analogy with the day of his death,
another April 23, 1616, but this date is not based on any
Shakespeare's father, who was at the height of his prosperity
when William was born, soon fell into disgrace. Accused of
illegal wool trade, he lost his prominent position in the
government of the municipality. It has also been pointed out
that perhaps he had to see in his prosecution a possible
affinity with the Catholic faith for both parts of the family.
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