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English Tale

Fiorela Sandra Ticona Centeno
3rd high school
Inca Garcilaso de la Vega


An infinite love
In a beautiful spring my favorite season. Travel where my grandparents, to a small town
but with great people.
My grandparents loved each other like the first time they met or with greater intensity,
that was a story like that of fairy tales, they always had a big smile on their face, they
even walked hand in hand together and they did not separate for anything.

I dreamed of finding such a love, a person that fills my life with colors, that cheers my
days, that is with me in good times and bad, that it be the light of my existence, and with
its caresses make my life shine
One day I asked my grandparents, how did they do to be happy, and that nothing broke
My granddad said:
- Love, true love is that which remains intact in time.
My grandmother smiled tenderly and I look into my grandpa's eyes saying:
-Why love is that, grow old loving yourself without realizing it.
Those words were so inspiring, so sweet, so cute.

I felt happy next to my grandparents, It was a very quiet environment, different from
what happened at home with my parents, they just spent arguing, sometimes I felt that
the magic of love had gone off in them. Although they tried to hide it, but I was already
big and I realized.
Most of the time I was happy, but sometimes I cried alone in my room, because my
parents did not remember me, they did not call me, not even to ask me how I was, but
my grandmother always consoled me and told me that it was because they were
working, with many things to do.

One day I went for a walk to the park to distract myself a bit, buy ice cream. And I had a
lot of fun watching the children play. When I returned home I received a call, in which
they told me that my parents had died, they suffered a traffic accident while they were
At that time I felt devastated my parents had died, the only thing I did was sit in the
street to mourn inconsolably. People passed and looked at me but nobody knew the pain
that was inside me, without realizing
A young man sits next to me, and says:

- Because this beautiful princess is sitting on the floor? And crying? -I just told him to
stay away, to leave me alone, that he did not talk to strangers.
So much was the insistence of that young man that I manage to tell him what was
happening, after this he kept quiet for a few moments, he hugged me, and told me:
-You do not cry anymore, your parents are in a better place, they are with God in
Heaven from there they will watch over your dreams, and guide your life.
-Come on I take you to your house, so you do not go alone.
I did not know whether to trust a stranger, but I ended up doing it, he inspired me
tranquility, that's how we got home, then he said goodbye, and my grandparents thanked
him for what he did, that was very kind of him.
So the days went by I had to strengthen myself, overcome what had happened, and I
always remembered that young man who told me very wise words, by the way I had not
heard from him, I did not even ask him his name.
After a while my grandparents proposed me to continue my studies in a nearby school, I
accepted, because I loved learning new things.

I walked to my classroom, the place where they would impart knowledge, the place
where I would meet friends, friends, classmates and companions. Without looking, I
stumbled over the young man who comforted me when I felt sad, and apparently he was
heading to the same place as me.
I asked him his name:
"He told me, my name is Emmanuel, and I'm glad you're better, so you look prettier.
I smiled a lot when I heard his words.
I wonder my name:
Victoria, I answered J
Emmanuel (He said):
As your name must triumph in life, do not let you win, fight and get what you want. ♥
As the days passed we both had become best friends, we understood each other, and we
had a lot of fun, I had a lot of confidence in him, and I think Emmanuel also in me.
This young man had something special and at the same time different from the others,
he was unique, I liked him, When I felt sad he consoled me, when I was alone he kept
me company and supported me.
He had become the man of my dreams, but I could not tell him, I was afraid of losing
his friendship, I did not want him to walk away. For me it was enough that it was my
platonic love.
I lost the notion of time thinking about him, Emmanuel had become my everything, I
could not stop thinking for a single moment, I could not concentrate in the classes,
because he had taken over my sweetest desires and feelings.
I decided to take time away from him, to try to erase him from my mind, but it was
impossible, I could not forget his deep and charming look, his tender and angelic smile,
his words, his essence that I fell in love with. I had it engraved on me and it was
impossible to get it out of my being.

My grandparents asked me, because I had changed so much, they said it was not the
same for a long time, and they were not wrong I was delighted, completely in love.
Every night before going to sleep, I received a message saying:
'' I'll sleep early to dream more time ''
I did not know the sender, and many times I tried to call that number, but nobody
answered. Until one day, Emmanuel forgot his mobile at home, I thought about
communicating with his parents to pick him up.
Something of curiosity invaded my mind, reviewed their messages, and in all of them
was the phrase sent to me.

I could not believe it, I never would have imagined, it was that of the messages. The
next morning Emmanuel said he wanted to talk to me, and he took me to a beautiful
garden, surrounded by flowers.
When he arrived, he knelt before me, took my hands and looked me straight in the eyes
and declared his immense love:
Vicky, beautiful girl, princess of my reality, do you want to be my girlfriend?
-Yes ...... if I want, Aw!! .... * _ * ♥ I love you
I love you much more,
And I swear to you by that beautiful sun, That illuminates our days ,I will be with you
all my life.
I will give you my life; I will give you my soul
As far as I can reach I will give you my cravings
You look very pretty, very in love
With the faith of the soul you will be my adored one.

In each little corner of the heart I'm sorry to have you; I swear you are my only illusion
''Keep it in mind'' Then he hugged me and kissed me, that moment was so magical.

My grandparents were happy to know the news, because my love, my Emmanuel was
an angel fallen from heaven, that came to make me happy.
Since then we were inseparable, we had a great time together every day, we shared
many experiences, we played among ourselves, we made jokes, we always went hand in
hand, we watched each other for hours, we told how much we loved each other, and we
exchanged promises of love.
So we spent a long time, those are great memories that will never be erased from my

We were sweethearts many years, 8 exactly, the same ones that marked my life, marked
my existence. Our love was like that of fairy tales.
One night Emmanuel called me and told me about the park that was close to home.
When we were there we sat next to a pond, we looked at the stars and the beautiful
moon (that's where he asked me for marriage)
-The love of my life is you, light of my days, the song of my soul, my greatest treasure,
you are the most beautiful, I began to love you from the first moment I saw you.
-Will you marry me?
I said yes, while Tears came out of my eyes, my dreams came true, I could not feel
better, happiness bounced around my body.

Then I received a call from my love, in which he said:

-I will love you infinitely, my love for you does not know time, be certain that you will
always be in my heart, in my soul and in my mind. Whatever happens, and I want you
to always be happy.
On the way to the church, I noticed that something was happening, because there were
many people crowded in the street, and I felt a deep pain that ran through my being.
When I got out of the vehicle, I could not believe what was happening, the car in which
Emmanuel was traveling had been hit, he had died instantly.

I felt devastated my world fell to the ground, I sat next to my beloved and I cried like a
girl. It was a nightmare that I wanted to wake up, I did not imagine a world without
Emmanuel, it was my everything.
As time passed, grief flooded my heart; I still did not realize that my love would no
longer be with me. If he were here the night was clear and the sun would shine
For it was light in the gloom of mine.
I could not do it anymore; I just wanted to end that cruel suffering that invaded my days.
I decided to end my life, I took a dagger and when I was going to introduce it to my
chest, my angel (Emmanuel) appeared saying:

'' My beloved, my Victoria, do not do it,

I know that you are strong.
For the love you feel towards me, do not do it.
I will always be with you.
We will love each other infinitely, and someday we will be together again.
True love never dies. ''

Then he disappeared into nowhere, reflected, and I lived with the hope that God would
allow me to meet again in the afterlife with my great love.
The teaching of this story is that you should never stop believing in love, no matter how
difficult the situation may be.

The story is about:

This story shows us that Victoria always dreamed of true love and in the most difficult
situation that had to happen was about the death of her parents, she died fatally and just
at the moment she thought that no more came a boy who understood her and with only
as nobody else has done and at that time fell in love with him as they say that the love of
your life comes at the saddest time and with the passage of time were boyfriends and
then they were going to get married but death separated them , an accident had
happened with Emmanuel, Victoria could not believe that her depression was so close
that she was about to commit suicide. Suddenly, his angel Emmanuel, who told her that
she could not die, had to be strong and succeed and that he was always going to being in
love with her and told her not to stop believing in love and then vanished and she
understood that suicide would not solve her depression and she managed to be happy in
her life but always with the memory of Emmanuel.

-Grand grandmother and grandmother of Victory
-Parents of Victoria

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