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The Triffids originated from Russia. They were introduced to the world by Umberto Christoforo
Palanguez when he made a business deal with the Arctic and European Fish-oil company about
Triffid oil, which was superior to all other oils. Palanguez traded with a Russian for the Triffid
seeds which were transported back by aircraft. However, during transit the Russian fighters
started firing at the aircraft and destroyed it, releasing millions of fertile Triffid seeds into the

Triffids are 7-foot (2.13 metres) tall, mobile, tripedal carnivorous plants. The body consists of the
funnel, the stem and the sticks. The stem is straight and connected to the woody bole. It also
has green, leathery leaves sprouting from it. The stem consists of most of the Triffid. The sticks
sprout from the side of the stem. There are three sticks, which are used for walking. Triffids
sometimes rattle the sticks against their stem. It is thought that they communicate with each
other when rattling their sticks. Finally, the funnel is filled with a viscous substance that entraps
small insects, such as flys and mosquitos. Inside the funnel is a tightly wrapped whorl. The
whorl is slender and very potent with poison. Immature Triffids, however, are not as lethal as
fully grown Triffids, as they have little poison, therefore you can survive its sting.

Triffids differ from other plants significantly. It is mobile, tripedal and has a poisonous whorl
which is used for eliminating their prey. They also have an unnatural accuracy when stinging
their prey, despite their lack of sight. They almost always aim for the head when attacking and
are powerful enough to rip pieces off of its decaying prey using its whorl. As well as having
these features, Triffids have a very different appearance to every other plant on Earth. Triffids
have a very different way of consuming their prey than other plants. Once they kill their prey,
they root themselves besides the corpse before devouring it.

Triffids are dangerous to animals and human because they are both carnivorous and capable of
killing their prey. They also seem to have some intelligence, as they hide among plants when
hunting for prey and aim for the head when striking. Their poisonous sting is lethal enough to kill
an adult.

Triffids are dangerous to most living organisms which is why we need protection against them.
One way to protect against triffids are anti-triffid guns. Anti-triffid guns are used to decapitates
the triffids with steel boomerangs called ‘bolts’. Shotguns are another alternative to killing triffids.
Another way of escaping a triffid is to outrun it, as triffids can only walk at a walking pace. Other
methods to ward off triffids are with fire or an electric fence. Triffids can be kept in gardens if you
dock their sting annually. Triffids sting, after being docked, take about 2 years to regrow.

Triffids produce oil and juice which are used for nutrition and stock feeding. Triffid oil has better
quality when the triffids sting is not docked. This means that triffid workers had to wear
protective gear to avoid getting stung. Triffid oil is pale pink in colour and takes around 5 to 6
years to be produced, from planting the triffid to maximum oil production.

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