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The other day I was surfing on the internet and I found out that koalas

may be functionally extinct in Australia.

Functionally extinct means a species' population has declined so much
that it no longer plays a significant role in the ecosystem (for example,
as predators of other creatures). 
 In the past, these endearing marsupials were extensively hunted for their
pelts, nowdays the cause of most of this decline stems directly from
human activities. The Conversation reported that koalas' primary threat
is habitat loss, since their eucalyptus forests are being destroyed by
pollution, farming, urban development, and deforestation.

Climate change caused by rising carbon emissions is also playing a role

in these creatures' extinction. According to the World Wildlife Fund,
climate change has led to more heat waves, droughts, and forest fires
that kill off koalas' preferred habitats.

To try and contrast their disappearance, scientists claim that it’s essential
to protect remaining forests and create new ones by reforesting large

 koala numbers are certainly declining, and the future does sound

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