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Writing 1: It is natural process of animal species to become extinct (e.g.

dinosaurs, dodos, etc.). There is no reason why people should stop this from
happening. Do you agree or disagree?
It has been pointed out that the extinction of many animals is a natural process.
Humans should not take multiple measures to prevent this natural selection. I
completely disagree with this idea, as human activity is the main reason
organisms go extinct.
First of all, deforestation is the first factor contributing to the disappearance of
the majority of organisms. As the population grows rapidly, people have to turn
forests, which used to be habitats for wildlife, into farmland in order to produce
enough food and survive. In China, for example, many farmers want more crops
because the panda-inhabited forests are cleared. With no bamboo to eat, pandas
are homeless and at increased risk of extinction.
In addition, another factor leading to the extinction of some species is related to
environmental issues such as global warming and climate change. The reason is
that many electronic devices were invented thanks to technological innovation.
These devices run on electricity from burning myriad fossil fuels, releasing tons of
exhaust fumes into the atmosphere, raising temperatures and even melting
glaciers. No place is extremely cold where multiple polar bears can live, for
example, as glaciers in the Arctic melt slowly, resulting in the death of most of
these beautiful creatures.
In summary, I believe that individual activity is the main reason for the
disappearance of some animals, but it can be controversial whether wildlife
extinctions are due to natural selection.

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