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Topic A: Protecting animals and plants from extinction 

                     Animals and plants are essential in our daily life in many

ways. For example, plants produce oxygen for us to breathe and the
animals give us food to eat. But, us people are destroying what makes
us alive in the first place. We are making animals and plants go
extinct which is like killing ourselves. So, I strongly believe that we
should protect animals and plants from extinction.
                 Firstly, I think we should stop destroying and cutting trees
down. And if we don’t have trees, we will die because they produce
oxygen. Moreover, plants give us healthy fruits and vegetables which
we really need to eat. Another problem is that the earth is now in
danger because humans are cutting down a lot of trees and it is
causing global warming. Global warming is a really big problem
nowadays and we should prevent it and not make it worse. For
instance, the icebergs and glaciers in many places are melting due to
the heat and many places near the ocean are having tons of flooding
because of the melting. To prevent it, we should plant more trees
instead of cutting them down. 
            Secondly, I believe that we shouldn’t only stop cutting trees,
but we should also stop killing tons of animals. It is true that we need
to eat animals to survive, however those animals are going to go
extinct. There are a lot of animals that went extinct because of humans
and we can't let that happen anymore. Some might say that some
people are making money out of killing animals. Such as whaling, or
hunting rare animals. But, we need those animals for medicines,
clothes and more. They can also repopulate if we give them some time
and they won’t go extinct.
         Global warming is a dangerous thing because huge ice
melts,even in the coldest places on earth causing floods. Some
parts of the earth become hot and dry because of global warming
and earthquakes often happen. Without trees and animals, the earth
will get destroyed because of global warming and others. For those
reasons, I think we should prevent all the plants and animals from
going extinct, as much as we can.

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