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[Title (Research Question)] 

Biodiversity and ecosystem loss

How does the deforestation affect the biodiversity


First i will introduce biodiversity, biodiversity is biodiversity loss refers to the decline or
disappearance of biological diversity, understood as the variety of living things that inhabit the planet,
its different levels of biological organization and their respective genetic variability, as well as the
natural patterns present in ecosystems.Next i will introduce deforestation, it is a process of removing
forest by cutting down the tree and removing the forest. Deforestation represents one of the largest
issues in global land use. Estimates of deforestation traditionally are based on the area of forest cleared
for human use, including removal of the trees for wood products and for croplands and grazing lands.

Key Issue #1:

The biodiversity around us is not only our home but everything that helps us to survive. From the food
we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, where we live and more. Therefore, caring about the
environment is a must, but now there are many bad elements that destroy forests and affect the
ecosystem.  First it will affect the weather and will cause many local floods. This leads to many people
in the locality having difficulty with all kinds of problems such as lack of housing, lack of food. Next,
it will affect the animals because when the ecosystem is lost, they will have no home, they will be
hunted by humans. Leads to species of animals in danger of extinction. Those things will have a very
heavy impact on the country's economy, there will be a lot of people unemployed and that country is
in danger of losing control. Biodiversity is most often associated with species richness, the count of
species in an area, and thus biodiversity loss is often viewed as species loss from an ecosystem or even
the entire biosphere see also extinction. The population declines may upset social structures in some
species, which may keep surviving males and females from finding mates, which may then produce
further population declines. Declines in genetic diversity that accompany rapid falls in population may
increase inbreeding mating between closely related individuals, which could produce a further decline
in genetic diversity. So we can see that deforestation affects a lot of biodiversity. Why do people cut
down trees to destroy forests and lead to such consequences? Because forests bring a lot of benefits to
people, for example in forest biodiversity there is a wide variety of rare animals such as rhinoceros,
leopards...Rhino horn is a very valuable thing because it can make medicine or any jewelry, but this
animal is in the red book if overhunted. If they can be hunted and sold to zoos, they will get a lot of
money. In addition, in the forest, there are herbs and plants that can treat diseases. Such hunting
actions will directly affect the diversity of animal species and that is the cause of the shortage of
animal ecosystems. The same is true for plants when we take all the rare plants, the variety will be
gone. The ecosystem of plants will be reduced. They will become extinct. It is because of the benefits
of the ecosystem in the forest that it makes people crave and want to have it. They have to clear the
biodiversity to get more profit. In the forest there are many rare trees, if you get them and you sell
them then you will get a lot of money. But overexploitation leads to deforestation. The ecosystem in
the forest is also very rich.  If people cut down only one or two trees, nothing will happen but if you
cut more than one or two trees that will be a big problem.  Because of bottomless greed, humans have
destroyed the ecosystem. We are taking responsibility for what we have done. If we do not fix the
destruction of the forest, people may face more powerful natural disasters and the virus will continue
to break out. because of an unconscious act of man, that is deforestation, which affects animals and
ecosystems. From there we can see how cruel humans are, thinking only of themselves without
thinking of other species. 

Key Issue #2:

Biological or diversity, is the scientific term for the variety of life on Earth. It refers not just to species
but also to systems and differences in genes within a single species. Everywhere on the planet, species
live together and depend on one another. Every living thing, including man, is involved in these
complex networks of interdependent relationships, which are called schools.Healthy maintenance
clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients and provide us
with food. They provide raw materials and resources for medicines and other purposes. They are at the
foundation of all civilization and sustain our economies. It's that simple: we could not live without
these “ecosystem services”. They are what we call our natural capital.Biodiversity is the key indicator
of the health of an ecosystem. A wide variety of species will cope better with threats than a limited
number of them in large populations. Even if certain species are affected by pollution, climate change
or human activities, the ecosystem as a whole may adapt and survive. But the extinction of a species
may have unforeseen impacts, sometimes snowballing into the destruction of entire systems.
Deforestation is a huge problem. It greatly affects the ecosystem. So how can we stop deforestation? 
First the government needs to reinforcing and expanding forest protected areas and adopting
agroforestry, afforestation and reforestation and sustainably managing existing planted forests to meet
demand for wood, thereby reducing pressure on natural forests. Next the government should penalize
those who deliberately destroy forests, affecting ecosystems and biodiversity. Local people need to
raise their awareness of protecting the ecosystem and biodiversity. People need to overcome the
consequences that they have done before by planting lots of trees, limiting tree felling to the extent
possible, and organizing awareness raising sessions for local people. Besides, it is necessary to create
animal protection organizations, we can also create a plant protection organization. The mission of
these two organizations is to protect animal ecosystems and protect plant ecosystems. Because humans
have destroyed so much forest, the animals are not living, so it is necessary to have an animal
protection organization to come forward to save the animals who have lost their homes or been
injured. Plant protection organizations need to stop deforestation and protect rare tree species. So why
do we need to care about these particular two organizations ? Because animal welfare is important.
There are so many animals around the world suffering from being used for entertainment, food,
medicine, fashion, scientific advancement, and as exotic pets. Every animal deserves to have a good
life. Plants provide our food, materials for shelter, fuel to warm us and replenish the air we breathe.
Plants provide food for animals and habitat for wildlife. If we do not have a plant we can not have
food to eat. We need to stop deforestation because the biodiversity is disappearing. If we stop
deforestation then  the biodiversity and tropical forests help protect the millions of plant and animal
species many of which have been invaluable to human medicine that are indigenous to tropical forests
and in danger of extinction. Keeping forests intact also helps prevent floods and drought by regulating
regional rainfall.  So we can see that stopping deforestation has plenty of benefits. In sum we need to
protect biodiversity.

Biodiversity is a concept that has no general definition.  It is used in a context that stresses the need for
attention on our living environment and the sustainable use of natural resources. Most biodiversity
resources are consumed by humans, so their primary responsibility is to preserve and protect
biodiversity to protect the earth. The richness of species, ecosystems, the environment and the
sustainable development of life on earth are important. The integrated approach used in coastal zone
management is an appropriate approach to addressing biodiversity issues. Biodiversity can be divided
into various categories such as habitat, species and genetic diversity. The problems and benefits of
biodiversity are many. They focus on the need for sustainable development and full use of coastal
resources. Biodiversity loss and biodiversity conservation are concepts that provide the basis for
biodiversity management. Biodiversity management is a complex issue that requires the involvement
of many different stakeholders, from government organizations to private companies, non-government
and volunteers. In addition, national and international commitment, legislation and enforcement
provide an essential framework for promoting and maintaining biodiversity.

 I enjoy researching deforestation as an issue of forests being destroyed either by slash and burn
techniques or cutting the trees down, removing the forest. The damage to the Earth that causes it is a
major issue that we are facing today. The causes of deforestation are complicated and a challenge to
solve.  I have an indescribable feeling when searching about biodiversity is what underlies many
important ecological goods and services that provide benefits to humans, and it helps scientists
understand how life functions and the role of each species in sustaining systems. Biodiversity is the
number and variety of living organisms within a specific geographical region. its consequences made
me learn more lessons for myself. It also helps me raise my self-awareness. Also, it shows me how to
see things from two different perspectives.


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