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How Eckankar

Methods and results

How Eckankar
Methods and results

6: How Eckankar destroys Initiates: Methods and results

6.1: The path of the initiate

6.1.1 The path of the Eckanjar initiate is the path of destruction. Spiritual, psychic,
mental, emotional and sometimes physical. Why is this done? Destruction of the
initiate is key to the leadership gaining control over him or her. That is, destruction of
the initiate’s personal history, their emotional life and its history, and their mind, ie,
their mental independence. And, if the initiate resists, their body too.

6.1.2 Look at what was done to the ineffective and weak current leader of the cult,
Harold Klemp. He was subjected to destruction of his mind and emotions. That led
him to public indecency, suicide, arrest by the Police, conviction in the criminal court,
and detention in a psychiatric hospital. All set out in his autobiography ‘Child in the
Wilderness’ and (absurd title) ‘Modern Prophet.’ How crazy is that? It’s destruction.

6.1.3 What has not been set down in print are the leadership’s methods of breaking
the will of the initiate. These will now be set down. It is a warning to every Eckist to
get out, and to the public to stay away.


(1) Substitution

6.2 Substitution

6.2.1 Firstly, the initiate is literally destroyed by substitution.

6.2.2 That is, substitution of the initiate’s thought/emotion/memory for new thoughts,
emotions, memories focused on Harold Klemp and the psychically degraded, empty
Eckankar culture.

6.2.3 New Initiates think they’re learning a new, loftier language. Sugmad, Eck,
Masters, 14 planes, etc. They talk very seriously about these concepts, which sound
special and wonderful. That’s because the new initiates don’t know what’s involved.
They’re so stupid it’s a joke (I should know, I was one of them). They’re wandering
around in the perverted semantic puzzlebox created by Twitchell in his mashup of
Hinduism and Tibetan magic. All these concepts are borrowed as if by a magpie
from a range of God-based religions and dark magic.

6.2.4 The key to this mashup is the black magician’s false hope of getting personal
power, in particular over others. Thoughts and emotions and memories of family,
partners, friends, loved activities etc are ruthlessly criticised and attacked in the
unconscious dream state and less obviously in cult materials. Initiates are instructed
to refocus and meditate and think about obedience to Klemp, to a variety of dead
Tibetan monks (who don’t exist, being thoughts projected into their minds like
aspects of a hallucinogenic drug trip), mysterious temples in places like Venus. It’s
cynical, silly junk. And the initiate’s actual identity gets lost, buried, taken over in the

6.2.5 Different thought structures are introduced in the dream state and agreed by
you in the dream state. You wake up with them. (Answer: break them off your mind
and being with focused recognition and rejection).

6.2.6 This substitution-based programming can be broken off, but not by someone
else. You have to spot within yourself what is you and what is Klemp’s or another
leader’s substitution. Then break it off. Not easy.

6.2.7 Why is substitution used on the initiate? It’s pretty simple really. It’s to make
them psychic slaves. Susceptible to money calls from the EIO.

6.2.8 A toxic aspect of substitution is separation from loved ones. This eventually
includes all personal relationships: see chapter 4, ‘destruction of relationships’.

6.2.9 This is done on the pretext of preparing you for spiritual adventures in fabulous
worlds on a mythical journey to God. This is all, unfortunately, horse shit. The writer
should know after 14 years an initiate. Reality check: it’s to intensify the control of
the cult leader over your emotions and will.

6.2.10 The joke is Klemp and the EIO get you to agree to it, by buying the
advertising. Eckankar membership is not about spiritual adventure. It’s about
gradually destroying your ability to relate to others (except other initiates) and to
God, and substituting a relationship with the Master.

6.2.11 That’s why Jesus’ theme is love of others and love of God, but Twitchell’s
theme is the centrality of the Master. To a Christian, Twitchell’s project is
transparently that of the AntiChrist.

(2) Attack on the body

6.3 The second method of destroying initiates is to break their body and, perhaps
more important, their belief in their body. The attacks are these:

6.3.1 Attack on food and digestion. Your stomach/intestines are hit by power attacks
to soften you up, then insertion of needles by creatures on your body into the
stomach/guts. You get sick. You are told not to eat certain foods (eg bread). You

6.3.2 Sleep deprivation. You are woken up repeatedly every night. Your dreams are
violent, violated. You find tubes stuck i the back of head like on Keanu Reeves in ‘the

6.3.3 If you resist, if you rebel against this process of substitution and increasing
obedience to Klemp, the attack sharpens. This is where Klemp & co get really
violent. And where they go for your body. The writer can attest to Klemp’s malicious,
vicious cruelty.

(3) Attack on the mind


(4) Attack on the mind


(5) Attack on relationships

6.6 Another method is the destruction of the initiate’s personal relationships.

6.6.1 The methods are set out in chapter 4, The Destruction of Relationships.


6.7 The results produced by these methods are:

(1) Fear

6.7.1 Fear.

6.7.2 That is, fear installed as a dominant feature of the psyche.

6.7.3 This produces, firstly, loss of confidence and trust in your self, your pre-
membership personality, your mind, your emotional life.

6.7.4 Secondly, fear of the cult leader. Whether it’s a contemporary initiate afraid of
Klemp, or the appearances of the Dark Lord (for some high initiates), or Twitchell
scared of Swami Premananda in Washington DC in the 1950s, it’s fear.

6.7.5 Thirdly, obedience to the cult leader. If you haven’t experienced it, think being
a member of the privileged class in North Korea. You obey out of fear. If you tell
yourself you obey out of love, you only tell yourself that because you’re afraid.

(2) Loss of independent mind emotions & body

6.7.6 The second main result of these methods is that you lose independence of the
mind, emotions and body. Please remember that the leadership is ruled by extremely
violent Tibetan spirits led by Yama, the demon of death..

6.7.7 These methods bring you to the point of death, or loss of independent control,
of the mind, emotions and the body.

6.7.8 To, or to the point of, death? Only to the point of. That’s the key to Eckankar.
You never actually die. You just suffer occult takeover of your personality, your will,
your thoughts and mind, your emotional life.

6.7.9 That too is not real: it all depends on your belief, which you can break off you
with focused recognition and rooting out of the false belief, the stranger in your

6.7.10 In the same way, you never experience anything truly of God. If you did, the
leadership would lose you, as you wouldn’t need them. Eckankar sells the future, not
its attainment.

6.7.11 Look at the cult’s self-described Godmen: Twitchell, Gross, Klemp. How
flawed, prone to bad temper, greedy for control over you they are.

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