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Debate topics:

A debate is a discussion in which participants articulate, justify, and clarify their

positions on an issue or refute statements made by the opposing side.

Debates are important because debates

 Are a way of expressing your point of view about a topic.

 Promote critical thinking
 Promote research
 Are a transformational experience for students
 Create leaders

These are some debate topics that are some sort of controversial.

1. Video Games are a waste of time.

2. Countries need to legalize medical marihuana.
3. Counties need to legalize recreational marihuana.
4. Smartphones have made our lives easier.
5. Animal shouldn’t be used for medical research.
6. Marriage is outdated.
7. Military service must be obligatory.
8. Countries should have curfews after midnight
9. Torture can be considered depending on certain circumstances
10.Smoking should be banned
11.Schools should ban religion classes
12.Guns should be banned
13.Death penalty must be implemented to reduce crime

These are some debate topics that are some sort of controversial.

1. Alcohol should be illegal.

2. Gay marriage is wrong
3. Ill patients should be allowed to end their lives
4. The Theory of Evolution is true
5. Evolution is not true
6. Sex education should be taught in schools
7. Teachers should be allowed to carry guns
8. Software piracy is not really a crime
9. Climate change is a fact
10.Climate Change is a hoax
11.The Earth is flat
12.Gender Neutral Bathrooms should be built in all schools
13.Nobody should have a cellphone until they are 15

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