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Tareas calificadas por los compañeros: Prepare as a

Your first assignment is 2-3 page memo, in which you get yourself prepared as a
mediator. Summarize in this memo key advice that you must remember as a mediator. You
may use bullet-point format - go straight to the points. Be as clear and structured as

The purpose of this assignment is to help you, one day, when you have to run a mediation
for real.


I as the Mediator will be impartial and empower the comunication between both parties,
both parties will define the agreement not the mediator.

No Interruption


Parties commit to implement the agreement

Get the Aproval from both parties to this rules

Clarifiying the Facts

Active listening to understand the dispute or problem

Try to clarify each misunderstanding

List the series of issues between both parties

Explore the core motivations

Understand what people need and why

Focuss on motivations not positions

Explore posible solutions at the table

Find mutually accepted solutions

Guarantee impartiality

Getting a Comitment

Help parties realice solutions are legitimate

Use Trade offs

Use comparison


Recall what both parties agreed on

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