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Chapter 4
4.1 Bronchodilators p.208
4.1.1 Selective beta2-adrenoceptor stimulants p.208
4.1.2 Antimuscarinic bronchodilators p. 211
4.1.3 Xanthine bronchodilators p. 212
4.2 Corticosteroids p. 213
4.3 Combined Therapy p.215
4.4 Cromoglycates, related therapy and leukotriene receptor
antagonists p.216
4.4.1Cromoglycates p.216
4.4.2Related therapy p. 216
4.4.3Leukotriene receptor antagonists p.217
4.5 Peak-flow meter, inhaler devices and nebulisers p.218
4.6 Oxygen therapy in asthma and COPD p.219
4.7 Cough Preparations p.220
4.7.1 Cough suppressants p.222
4.7.2 Expectorant and demulcent cough preparations p.222
4.8 Antihistamines, hyposensitisation and allergic emergencies p.222
4.8.1 Antihistamines p.222
4.8.2 Hyposensitisation p.226
4.8.3 Allergic emergencies p.226

ASTHMA patients (CHILD or older patients) to

inhale each dose. Dry powder meter
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory dosed inhalers (DPIs) are recent
disorder causing recurrent, reversible advancements. Severe asthma can be
airway obstruction resulting from fatal and must be treated promptly and
bronchial hyper-responsiveness (increa- carefully. Solutions for inhalation from a
sed sensitivity to stimuli like cold, dust, nebuliser are available for use in severe
smoke, exercise, emotion, allergens, acute asthma. These are administered
etc.) and inflammatory changes in the over 5-10 minutes from a nebuliser.
air-ways; and manifested by breathl- Drugs such as beta2-agonists,
essness, chest tightness, wheezing and corticosteroids and xanthenes,
coughing. This is thus a two component magnesium sulphate are administered
disease. parenterally in severe acute asthma
Drugs employed in the management of when nebulisation is considered
asthma therefore need to address these inappropriate.
two components for successful control of Oral route is used when administration
the disease. These include selective by inhalation is not possible. Systemic
beta2-agonists and corticosteroids, side effects occur more frequently when
both administered preferably by aerosol a drug is given orally rather than by
inhalation using pressurized metered inhalation. Drugs given by mouth include
dose inhalers (MDIs). This permits direct beta2-agonists, corticosteroids,
delivery to the site of action, smaller theophylline and leukotriene receptor
dosage and consequent reduction in antagonists.
side effects. Spacing devices can be Beta2-agonists relax bronchial smooth
fitted to MDIs to act as reservoirs for muscles to produce bronchodilatation by
drug to make it safer and easier for


selectively stimulating beta2-adrenoc- parenteral administration of a corticos-

eptors. Short acting beta2-agonists such teroid including nebulisation of a
as salbutamol and terbutaline are the selective beta2-agonist; Prednisolone
initial drugs of choice, administered as is the preferred corticosteroid for oral
required, rather than regularly. Regular administration since very little of the drug
administration of a beta2-agonist is reaches the fetus.Caution should be
preferred with long acting beta2- taken during using prostaglandin
agonists (such as salmeterol or F2alpha because it can cause serious
formoterol) which are usually reserved bronchoconstriction.
for patients who have already
progressed to a prophylactic treatment. CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE
Longer acting beta2-agonists are not PULMUNARY DIEASE (COPD)
indicated for the relief of an acute attack.
Corticosteroids (Beclomethasone Drug treatment of COPD (chronic
dipropionate, fluticasone propionate bronchitis and emphysema) is primarily
by inhalation) are used for their anti- symptomatic and palliative using
inflammatory properties and to reduce bronchodilators, corticosteroids and
bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Since oxygen therapy. Prevention of
chronic asthma is a two component respiratory infections should be
disease, a corticosteroid with long acting considered. Emphysema and chronic
bronchodilator is useful for optimum bronchitis can be managed by an
asthma control for many patients. inhaled short-acting beta2-
Regular administration is recommended adrenoceptor stimulant or an inhaled
to achieve maximum benefit in chronic antimuscarinic (e.g. ipratropium
asthma prophylaxis. (For guidelines to bromide). A xanthine such as
treatment of chronic asthma see table theophylline by mouth may also be
shown below). In addition, xanthines considered. A limited trial of high dose
(Theophylline, aminophylline orally) inhaled corticosteroid or an oral
and anti-muscarinics (e.g. Ipratropium corticosteroid is recommended for
bromide by inhalation) may be given for patients with moderate airflow
their bronchodilating properties. Theoph- obstruction to determine the extent of the
ylline modified release preparation given airway reversibility and to ensure that
as single dose at night may be useful in asthma has not been overlooked.
controlling nocturnal asthma and early Long term oxygen therapy prolongs
morning wheezing. survival in patients with chronic
Cromoglycates or nedocromil may be obstructive pulmonary disease.
used as an alternative to corticosteroids In recent times, the European Union and
for prophylaxis of less severe asthma or US FDA have approved the use of a
in conjunction with other therapy. combination of fluticasone propionate
Antileukotrienes such as zafirlukast and and salmeterol delivered from a special
montelukast are now becoming dry powder delivery device known as
available as other alternatives. Diskus/Accuhaler for use in COPD.
particularly important that asthma should
be well controlled during pregnancy.
Where this is achieved, asthma has no
important effects on pregnancy, labour, Management of chronic asthma in
or on the fetus. Drugs for asthma should adults and children
preferably be administered by inhalation
to minimize exposure of the fetus. CHRONIC ASTHMA : Adults and
Severe exacerbation to asthma can have Children over 5 years of age
an adverse effect on pregnancy and
should be treated promptly with Step 1 : Occasional relief with
conventional therapy, including oral or bronchodilators : Inhaled short-acting


beta2 stimulants as required (up to In adults 6-week sequential therapeutic

once daily). trial of one or more of:
 Modified-release oral theophylline.
Step 2 : Regular inhaled preventer  Modified-release oral beta2
therapy- stimulants.
 Leukotriene receptor antagonist
Inhaled short-acting beta2 stimulants
as required
plus Step 5: Regular corticosteroid tablets:
Inhaled short-acting beta2 stimulants
Either regular standard-dose(1) inhaled
as required
corticosteroid or one of the following (but
less effective)
Regular high-dose(2) inhaled cortico-
 Regular cromoglycate or nedoc- steroid
romil (but change to inhaled and
corticosteroid if control not achieved). one or more long-acting bronchodilators
 Leukotriene receptor antagonist (see step 4)
 Theophylline plus
Regular prednisolone tablets (as single
daily dose)
Step 3 : Inhaled corticosteroid + long-
acting inhaled beta2 stimulants :
Stepping down
Inhaled short-acting beta2 stimulants
as required
plus Review treatment every 3-6 months; if
control achieved step wise reduction
Regular standard-dose (1) inhaled may be possible; if treatment started
corticosteroid recently at step 4 or 5 (or contained
plus corticosteroid tablets) reduction may
Regular inhaled long-acting beta2 take place after short interval; in other
stimulant ( e.g. salmeterol). patients a 1-3 month or longer period of
stability needed before slow step wise
If asthma not controlled reduction is undertaken.
Increase dose of inhaled corticosteroid
to upper end of standard-dose(1) CHRONIC ASTHMA : Children Under 5
If asthma still not controlled
Add one of Step 1 : Occasional relief
 Leukotriene receptor antagonist Short-acting beta2 stimulants as
 Modified-release oral theophylline required (not more than once daily)

Step 4: High-dose inhaled Step 2 : Regular preventer therapy

corticosteroid + regular Inhaled short-acting beta2 stimulants
bronchodilators : as required
Inhaled short-acting beta2 stimulants plus
as required Either Regular inhaled corticosteroid in
With standard(1) dose
Regular high-dose (2) inhaled
Regular inhaled cromoglycate (powder
or metered-dose inhaler via large
Inhaled long-acting beta2 stimulants
Step 3 : Add-on therapy


Inhaled short-acting beta2 stimulants propionate 0.4-1.0 mg daily (in divided

as required doses); CHILD: 5-12 years, beclometha-
plus sone dipropionate up to 400 micrograms
Regular inhaled corticosteroid in twice daily or fluticasone propionate up
standard (1) dose to 200 micrograms twice daily.
plus 3. Doses of prednisolone tablets are
Regular inhaled long-acting beta2 CHILD under 1 year 1-2 mg/kg daily, 1-5
stimulants (if age 4 yrs or more) years 20 mg daily; rescue courses
or usually for 1-3 days.
regular modified-release oral
leukotriene receptor antagonists It is a medical emergency, can be fatal
and must be treated promptly. It is
Step 4 :High dose inhaled characterized by persistent breathless-
corticosteroid + regular ness poorly relieved by bronchodilators,
bronchodilators: high pulse rate (over 110/minute),
Inhaled short-acting beta2 stimulants as exhaustion and a very low peak
required expiratory flow (≤ 50%). Acute severe
plus asthma may require admission to
Regular inhaled corticosteroid in high- hospital. Such patient should initially be
dose(2) given oxygen (40-60%) and high doses
plus of inhaled beta2-agonists (salbutamol
Regular inhaled long-acting beta2 by nebuliser) followed by large doses of
stimulants (if age 4 yrs or more) corticosteroids (prednisolone 40–60 mg
Plus/or orally or hydrocortisone 200 mg
regular modified-release oral intravenously; CHILD: prednisolone 1-2
theophylline mg/kg by mouth or hydrocortisone 100
Plus/or mg (preferably as sodium succinate)
leukotriene receptor antagonists intravenously. If the response is not
satisfactory, additionally Ipratropium by
nebuliser or aminophylline by slow
Step 5 : Regular corticosteroid intravenous injection (if patient is not
tablets: already receiving theophylline) or the
All of Step 4 beta2-agonists by intravenous route.
plus Intermittent positive pressure ventilation
Regular prednisolone tablets (daily may be needed, if patient deteriorates
single dose) despite treatment (Consult Table 4.B).

Stepping down TABLE 4B

Regularly review need for treatment
Management of acute severe asthma
1. Standard dose inhaled corticosteroid
(given through metered dose inhalers) Uncontrolled asthma in adults
are beclomethasone dipropionate 100-  Speech-can not complete sentence
400 micrograms (CHILD: 100-200 in 1 breath
micrograms) twice daily or fluticasone  Pulse >110 beats/min
propionate 50-200 microgram (CHILD:  Respiration >25 breaths/min
50 100 micrograms) twice daily; initial
 Peak flow <50% of predicted or
dose according to severity of asthma.
2. High dose inhaled corticosteroid
Treat at home but response to treatment
(given through metered dose inhalers)
must be assessed before doctor leaves.
are beclomethasone dipropionate 0.8-2
mg daily (in divided doses) or fluticasone


Nebulised salbutamol 5 mg or Modify treatment at review according to

terbutaline 10 mg. guidelines for chronic asthma.
Monitor response 15-30 minutes after
nebulisation. Life threatening asthma in adults
If peak flow 50-75% of predicted or best,  Silent chest
oral prednisolone 30-60 mg and step up  Cyanosis
usual treatment.  Bradycardia or exhaustion
Alternatively, if peak flow 75% of  Peak flow < 33% of predicted or
predicted or best, step up usual best
treatment. Arrange immediate hospital admission.
Follow up:
Monitor symptoms and peak flow. Treatment
Set up self management plan. Oral prednisolone 40-60 mg or
Review in clinic within 48 hours. intravenous hydrocortisone 200 mg to
Modify treatment at review according to be given immediately.
guidelines for chronic asthma. Oxygen-driven nebuliser in ambulance.
Note: Failure to respond adequately at Nebulised beta2 stimulants with
any time requires immediate referral to nebulized ipratropium.
hospital. Or give subcutaneous terbutaline (or
Acute severe asthma in adults salbutamol).
 Cannot complete sentences Or give slow intravenous aminophylline
 Pulse >110 beats/min 250 mg.
 Respiration >25 breaths/min
 Peak flow <50% of predicted or ACUTE EPISODES OR EXACER-
Seriously consider hospital admission if CHILDREN IN PRIMARY CARE
more than one of above features present
Mild or moderate episode in young
Treatment children.
Oxygen 40-60%; if available nebulized
salbutamol 5 mg or terbutaline 10 mg.  Short-acting beta2 stimulant
Oral prednisolone 30-60 mg or from metered dose inhaler via
intravenously hydrocortisone 200 mg. large-volume spacer, up to 10 puffs
Monitor response 15-30 minutes after (1 puff every 10-15 sec); alternately
nebulisation. given by nebuliser every 3-4 hours.
If any sign of acute asthma persist:
 If favorable response
Arrange hospital admission.
(respiratory rate reduced, improved
While awaiting ambulance repeat nebuli-
‘behavior’ pattern), repeat inhaled
sed beta2 stimulants and give with
beta2 stimulant every 3-4 hours;
nebulized ipratropium 500 micrograms.
consider doubling dose of inhaled
Or give subcutaneous terbutaline (or
 If beta2 stimulant still
Or give slow intravenous aminophylline
required every 3-4 hours after 12
250 mg (not if taking orally).
hours, start short course of oral
Or give intravenous magnesium sulphate
prednisolone for 1-3 days (Under
Alternatively if symptoms have improved,
1 year 1-2 mg/kg daily; 1-5 years 20
respiration and pulse setting, and peak
mg daily).
flow >50% of predicted or best:
Step up usual treatment and continue  If unresponsive or relapse
prednisolone. within 3–4 hours:
Follow up: —Immediately refer to hospital.
Monitor symptoms and peak flow —Increase frequency of beta2
Set up self management plan stimulant.
Review in surgery within 48 hours —Start oral prednisolone.


—Give high flow oxygen via ORAL. Oral preparations are available
facemask. for patients who cannot manage the
inhaled route, particularly children. Oral
4.1 BRONCHODILATORS preparations have a slower onset but a
slightly more prolonged action than the
4.1.1 SELECTIVE BETA2 aerosol inhalers. The longer acting pre-
ADRENOCEPTOR parations may be of value in nocturnal
STIMULANTS asthma as an alternative to modified-
4.1.2 ANTIMUSCARINIC release theophylline preparation.
BRONCHODILATORS PARENTERAL. Intravenous injections of
4.1.3 XANTHINE salbutamol and terbutaline are given
BRONCHODILATORS. for severe bronchospasm.
CHILD. Selective beta2-adrenoceptor
stimulants are useful even in children
under the age of 18 months. They are
most effective by the inhalation route,
but an inhalation device may be needed.
They may also be administrated as
A short-acting selective beta2 tablets or oral liquids although
adrenoceptor stimulant such as administration by inhalation is preferred.
salbutamol or terbutaline (preferably In severe attacks nebulization using a
given by aerosol inhalation) is the safest selective beta2-adrenoceptor stimulant
and a most effective treatment for mild to or ipratropium is advisable.
moderate acute symptoms of asthma. If PREGNANCY AND LACTATION. See
beta2 adrenoceptor stimulant general notes under Asthma.
inhalation is needed more than once
daily, prophylactic treatment should be
considered. However, in more severe
exacerbation a short course of an oral
corticosteroid may also be necessary to Indications: see under Salbutamol
bring the asthma under control. Cautions: renal impairment hepatic
Treatment of patient with acute severe impairment (avoid if severe), pregnancy
asthma or airways obstruction is safer in Interactions: see Appendix-2
hospital where oxygen and resuscitation Side-effects: see under salbutamol
facilities are immediately available. Dose: 20mg once daily at bedtime if
REGULAR TREATMENT. Short-acting patient has previously tolerated beta2
beta2-adrenocepteor stimulants (such as agonist, other patient, initially 10mg once
salbutamol and terbutaline) should not daily at bedtime, increased if necessary
be prescribed on a regular basis in after 1-2 weeks to 20mg once daily;
patients with chronic asthma since CHILD not recommended
several studies have shown that regular
treatment with them provides no clinical Proprietary Preparations
Bambelor (Incepta), Syrup, 5 mg/5 ml, Tk.
benefit. Longer acting beta2
25.00/60 ml; Tab. ,10 mg, Tk. 1.50/Tab; 20
adrenoceptor stimulants such as mg, Tk. 3.00/Tab.
salmeterol , formoterol (eformoterol), Buterol (ACI), Syrup, 5 mg/5 ml , Tk.
indacaterol when taken regularly have 35.13/100 ml ;Tab. ,10mg ,Tk. 1.51/Tab.
shown clear benefit compared to Dilator (Eskayef), Syrup, 5 mg/5 ml , Tk.
placebo or to regular treatment with 30.00/60 ml ;Tab,  10 mg, Tk. 3.00/Tab.; 20
short-acting beta2 adrenoceptor mg, Tk. 4.00/Tab.
Muterol (Acme), Syrup, 5 mg/5 ml , Tk.
20.07/60 ml;Tab.,  10 mg, Tk. 1.50/Tab.;  20
INHALATION. Administration by mg, Tk. 3.00/Tab.
inhalation delivers the drug directly to the Venterol (Ibn Sina), Tab. ,10 mg, Tk.
bronchi and therefore effective in smaller 1.50/Tab.;Tab. , 20 mg, Tk. 3.01/Tab.,Syrup, 5
doses, provides relief more rapidly and mg/5 ml, Tk. 35.14/60 ml
causes fewer side-effects.



(Eformoterol Fumarate)
Indications: asthma and other
Formoterol (or eformoterol) is a longer- conditions associated with reversible
acting beta-2-adrenoceptor stimulant airways
which is administered by inhalation on a obstruction; premature labour
once or twice-daily basis. It is not
indicated for the relief of an acute attack. Cautions: hyperthyroidism, myocardial
Indications: reversible airways insufficiency, and susceptibility to QT-
obstructions including nocturnal asthma interval prolongation, hypertension,
and prevention of exercise-induced pregnancy and breast-feeding, diabetes
bronchospasm in patients requiring long- -especially intravenous administration to
term regular bronchodilator diabetics
Cautions: see under Salbutamol and Interactions: see Appendix-2
above note Side-effects: fine tremor (usually of
Interactions: see Appendix-2 hands), nervous tension, headache,
peripheral vasodilatation, arrhythmia,
Side-effects: see under Salbutamol palpitations, tachycardia, sleep and
significant incidence of paradoxical behavioral disturbances in children;
bronchospasm may be clinically rarely muscle cramps; hypokalaemia
important in severe or deteriorating after high doses; hypersensitivity
asthma reaction including paradoxical
bronchospasm, urticaria, and
Dose: by inhalation of powder, 6-12
angioedema reported; slight pain on
micrograms (1-2 times daily); CHILD
intramuscular injection
under 12 years, not recommended
Dose: by mouth, 4 mg (elderly and
Proprietary preparations sensitive patients initially 2 mg) 3-4 times
Efo Cozycap (Square), Inhalation powder, daily; max. single dose 8 mg (but
hard Capule 12 microgram (for use with a unlikely to provide extra benefit or to be
inhaler device) Tk. 3.33/Cap tolerated); CHILD under 2 years 100
micrograms/kg 4 times daily; 2-6 years
INDACATEROL 1-2 mg 3-4 times daily, 6-12 years 2 mg
By subcutaneous or intramuscular
Indications: long-term control of chronic injection, 500 micrograms, repeated
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) every 4 hours if necessary
By slow intravenous injection, 250
Cautions: see under Salbutamol and micrograms, repeated if necessary
notes above; convulsive disorders
By intravenous infusion, initially 5
Interactions: see Appendix-2 micrograms/min, adjusted according to
Side-effects: see under Salbutamol response and heart-rate usually in range
Dose:by inhalation of powder, ADULT of 3–20 micrograms/min, or more if
over 18 years,150 micrograms once necessary; CHILD: 1 month-12 years
daily, increased to max.300 micrograms 0.1-1 micrograms /kg/minute
once daily By aerosol inhalation, 100-200 micro-
grams (1-2 puffs), for persistence
Proprietary Preparations symptoms up to 3-4 times daily; CHILD:
Onbrez Breezhaler(I) (Novartis), Inhalation 100 micrograms, increased to 200
Powder, Cap.,150 microgram, Tk. 93.20/Cap.; micrograms if necessary; for persistent
300 microgram, Tk. 126.50/Cap. symptoms up to 3-4 times daily; CHILD:
Orniva(Beximco) Inhalation Powder, Cap., 75 100 micrograms, increased to 200
microgram, Tk. 18.00/Cap
micrograms if necessary. Prophylaxis in
exercise-induced bronchospasm, 200
micrograms, CHILD 100 micrograms
By inhalation of powder, 200-400
micrograms; for persistent symptoms up


to 3-4 times daily; CHILD: 200 Salbu (Biopharma), Syrup,  2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
micrograms. Prophylaxis in exercise 11.04/60 ml ;Tk. 22.93/100 ml ;Tab. ,  2 mg,
induced bronchospasm 400 micro- Tk.0.26/Tab.;  4 mg, Tk.0.34/Tab.;
grams; CHILD 200 micrograms Salbut (General), Tab., 4 mg, Tk.0.34/Tab.;
By inhalation of a nebulised solution, Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml,Tk.22.90/100 ml
Salbutal (Sanofi), Tab., 2 mg, Tk.0.26/Tab.;
chronic bronchospasm unresponsive to
4mg, Tk. 0.46/Tab.; Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
conventional therapy and severe acute 22.89/100 ml
asthma, ADULT and CHILD over 18 Salbutamol (Popular), Tab. , 4 mg,
months 2.5 mg, repeated up to 4 times Tk.0.40/Tab.
daily; may be increased to 5 mg if Salbutamol (Amico ), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml,
necessary, but medical assessment Tk.21.75/100 ml ;
should be considered since alternative Salbutamol (Albion), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml,
therapy may be indicated; CHILD under Tk17.00/100 ml; 2 mg, Tk.0.26/Tab.; 4 mg,
18 months, clinical efficacy uncertain Tk. 0.34/Tab.
consider supplemental oxygen Salmolin (Acme),Inhalation powder, Cap.,
(for use with a inhaler device) 200 microgram/
Proprietary Preparations Cap., Tk. 2.50/Cap.
Asmalin (Aristo), Aerosol Inhaler, 100 Salmolin (Acme), Aerosol Inhaler, 100
microgram/Puff, Tk. 195.00/ can;100 microgram/puff, Tk. 195.00/200 puffs;
microgram/Puff, Tk. 155.00/can; Syrup, 2 mg/5 Respirator Solution, 5 mg/ml, Tk.120.00/20ml;
ml, Tk. 22.92/100 ml Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. 22.93/100 ml; Tk.
Asul (Asiatic), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, 14.48/60 ml;Tab., 4 mg, Tk.0.46/Tab.
Tk.22.92/100ml ; 4 mg, Tk.0.34/Tab. Sultolin (Square), Inhalation powder,Cap.,
Azmasol (Beximco), Aerosol Inhaler, 100 (for use with a inhaler device) 200 microgram/
microgram/puff, Tk. 260.00/300 doses; 100 Cap., Tk. 1.50/Cap.; Aerosol Inhaler 100
microgram/puff, Tk. 195.00/200 doses ;100 microgram/puff, Tk. 195.00/200 puffs
microgram/puff , Tk. 170.00/200 doses; Res., Tk. 170.00/200 puffs (refill pack);Aerosol
Solu., 5 mg/ml, Tk. 120.00/20 ml ;Tab. , 2 mg, Inhaler, 100 microgram / puff, Tk. 180.68/200
Tk.0.26/Tab. ; 4 mg, Tk. 0.40/Tab. puffs.; Nebuliser Solution, 2.5 mg/2.5 ml, Tk.
Azmasol Bexicap(Beximco), Inhalation 14.00 ; Resp., Solu, 5 mg/ml, Tk. 120.46/20ml;
powder,Cap.,( for use with a inhaler Syrup, 2mg/5ml, Tk.22.93/100ml; Tab. , 4 mg,
device)200 microgram. , Tk.2.50/Cap. Tk.0.46/Tab.; SR Tab. , 8 mg, Tk. 0.92/Tab.
Brodil (ACI), Resp., Solu., 5 mg/ml , Tk. Ventisal (Ibn Sina), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
120.00/20 ml ;Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml Tk. 22.93/100 22.92/100 ml; Tab. , 4 mg, Tk.0.34/Tab.
ml Tab. , 2 mg , Tk.0.26/Tab.; 4 mg , Ventol (Central), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Tk.0.46/Tab; Inhalation powder,Cap.,( for use 15.00/100 ml ;Tk. 10.50/60 ml
with a inhaler device)200 microgram. , Ventolin (GSK), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml , Tk.
Tk.2.50/Cap. Aerosol Inhaler, 100 20.17/100 ml.; Resp., Solu, 5 mg/ml, Tk.
microgram/puff , Tk. 195.00/200 puffs(with 152.10/20 ml.; Tab. , 2 mg, Tk.0.23/Tab.; 4mg,
device); 100 microgram/puff , Tk. 170.00/200 Tk. 0.41/Tab. Aerosol Inhaler 100 microgram/
puffs (without device); SR Cap. , 8 mg , Tk. Puff, Tk. 202.33/200 dose ;
4.82/Cap. Ventolin Nebules (I)(GSK), Solu for
Broncotrol (Pacific), Tab., 4 mg, Tk. Nebulization, 2.5 mg/2.5 ml, Tk. 23.92/ 2.5ml
0.26/Tab.; Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. 16.54/100 ml Windel (Incepta), Inhalation powder,Cap.,( for
Bronkolax(Beximco), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. use with a inhaler device )200
22.93/100 ml microgram/Cap.; Tk. 2.50/Cap. Nebuliser Solu,
Dilatol (Kemiko), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. 2.5 mg/2.5 ml, Tk. 14.00/2.5ml; Resp., Solu,  5
22.84/100 ml mg/ml, Tk. 120.00/20 ml; Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
G-Salbutamol (Gonoshasthaya), Tab. ,  4 mg, 22.90/100 ml; Tab. , 2 mg, Tk.0.26/Tab.; Tab. ,
Tk. 0.46/Tab.;Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. 21.00/100 4 mg, Tk. 0.34/Tab
ml; Resp., Solu.,  5 mg/ml, Tk.100.00/20 ml
Orsal (Orion ), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. SALMETEROL
22.85/100 ml
Pulmocare (Healthcare), Aerosol Inhaler ,100 Salmeterol is a long-acting beta 2
microgram/puff, Tk. 230.00/200puff; Tk. adrenoceptor stimulant which is
198.00/200 puffs (refill pack)
Pulmolin (Opsonin), Tab., 4 mg, administered by inhalation on a once or
Tk.0.35/Tab.;Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml , Tk. 17.24/100 twice-daily basis. It is not indicated for
ml;Tk. 7.89/100 ml the relief of an acute attack. Salmeterol
Respolin (Jayson), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml , Tk. can be useful in nocturnal asthma
22.92/100ml;Tab. , 4 mg, Tk.0.33/Tab.


Indications: reversible airways Proprietary Preparations

obstructions including nocturnal asthma Samisil (Supreme), Syrup, 1.5 mg/5 ml, Tk.
and prevention of exercise-induced 25.00/100 ml;Tab. 2.5 mg,
bronchospasm in patients requiring long- Tk. 0.50/Tab.;Tk. 35.14/100 ml
Tervent (Unimed), Syrup 1.5 mg/5 ml, Tk.
regular bronchodilator 25.00/100 ml; Tab. 2.5 mg, Tk. 0.50/Tab.
Cautions: see under Salbutamol and
above note 4.1.2 ANTIMUSCARINIC
Interactions: see Appendix-2 BRONCHODILATORS
Side-effects: see under Salbutamol;
significant incidence of paradoxical Ipratropium or oxitropium may be used
bronchospasm may be clinically by inhalation in the management of
important in severe or deteriorating chronic asthma in patients who already
asthma require high-dose inhaled corticosteroid.
Ipratropium by nebulization may be
Dose: ADULT & CHILD over 4 years, added to other standard treatment in life
by inhalation, 50 micrograms (2 puffs) threatening asthma or where acute
twice daily; CHILD under 4 years not asthma fails to improve with standard
recommended therapy.
Note: Salmeterol is not for immediate
relief of acute attacks and existing IPRATROPIUM BROMIDE
corticosteroid therapy should not be
reduced or withdrawn Indications: relative airways
obstruction, particularly in chronic cases.
Proprietary Preparations
Arobid (Aristo), Aerosol Inhaler 25
Cautions: glaucoma, prostatic
microgram/puff Tk. 210/200 doses hypertrophy, pregnancy
Bexitrol (Beximco), Aerosol Inhaler, 25 Side-effects: dry mouth, urine retention,
microgram/puff, Tk. 210.00/200 doses constipation
Salmate (Square), Aerosol Inhaler, 25
microgram/puff, Tk. 210.00/200 doses; 25 Dose: by aerosol inhaler, 20-40
microgram/puff Tk. 190.72/200 doses micrograms in early treatment up to 80
micrograms at a time, 3-4 times daily.
TERBUTALINE SULPHATE By inhalation of nebulized solution, 100-
500 micrograms up to 4 times daily
Indications: see under Salbutamol
Proprietary Preparations
Cautions: see under Salbutamol G-Ipra (Gonoshasthaya), Resp., Solu., 250
Interactions: see Appendix-2 microgram/ml, Tk. 60.00/20 ml
Ipramid (Beximco), Aerosol Inhaler, 20
Side-effects: see under Salbutamol microgram/puffs, Tk. 220.00/200 MD
Dose: by mouth, initially 2.5 mg 3 times Ipratop (Incepta), Nebuliser Solu., 0.025
daily for 1-2 weeks, then up to 5 mg gm/100 ml, Tk. 130.00/20 ml
3 times daily; CHILD 75 micrograms/kg Iprex (Square), Aeroso lInhaler, 20
microgram/puff, Tk. 200.75/200 puffs;
3 times daily; 7-15 years 2.5 mg 2–3 Nebuliser Solu., 500 microgram/2ml , Tk.
times daily 140.00/ 2ml Res., Solu., 250microgram/ml, Tk.
By subcutaneous, intramuscular or 130.49/20ml; Aerosol Inhaler, 20
intravenous injection, 250–500 microgr- microgram/puff, Tk. 230.00/120Puffs;
Tk.250.00/200 puffs
ams up to 4 times daily. CHILD 2–15
Rinase (ACI), Resp., Solu, 250microgram/ml,
years 10 micrograms/kg to a max. of 300 Tk. 130.00/20 ml
By aerosol inhalation, ADULT and Salbutamol + Ipratropium Bromide
CHILD, 250-500 micrograms (1-2 puffs); Combair (ACI), Resp., Soln., 0.5 mg+2.5
for persistent symptoms up to 3-4 times mg/ml, Tk. 225.70/20 ml; Aerosol Inhaler, 100
microgram+ 20 microgram/puff, Tk.
daily (see Table 4A) 250.00/200 puffs


Ipralin (Aristo), Aerosol Inhaler, 100 given in 5% dextrose in aqua or normal

microgram + 20 microgram/Puff, Tk. saline
Iprasol (Beximco), Aerosol Inhaler, 100 By rectum suppositories, 360 mg once or
microgram + 20 mg/puffs, Tk. 250.00/200 MD twice daily.
Salpium HFA (Acme), Aerosol Inhaler, 100
microgram+ 20 microgram/puff , Tk. Proprietary Preparations
250.00/200 puffs Aminophylline (Ambee) , Tab., 100 mg , Tk.
Sulprex (Square), Aerosol Inhaler, 100 4.75/Tab; Inj., 125mg/ 5ml, Tk. 5.46/5 ml
microgram + 20 microgram/puff, Tk. Aminophyllinum Retard (Novartis), Tab., 350
250.00/200 Puffs; Refill pack, Tk. mg, Tk. 2.22/Tab.
230.00/Puffs; Inhaler, 100 microgram + 20 Filin (Opsonin), Tab.,  100 mg, Tk. 0.29/Tab.;
microgram/puff, Tk. 230.86/200 Puffs; Inj.,  125 mg/5 ml, Tk. 4.10/Amp.
Nebuliser Solu., 2.5 mg+500 microgram/2.5ml, Minomal (Pacific), Tab., 175 mg, Tk.
Tk. 150.00/2.5ml 0.92/Tab.; Tab., 350 mg, Tk. 1.66/Tab.; SR
Windel Plus (Incepta), Nebuliser Solu., 2.5 Tab., 600 mg, Tk.3.50/Tab.
mg + 250 mg, Tk. 150.00/ 2.5ml
BRONCHODILATOR Theophylline is a bronchodilator used
for reversible airways obstruction. It may
AMINOPHYLLINE have an additive effect when used in
conjunction with small doses of beta 2
Aminophylline (theophylline ethylene adrenoceptor stimulants; the combina-
diamime) is 20 times more soluble than tion may increase the risk of side-effects
theophylline, dilates the bronchi and including hypokalaemia. There are
stimulates the respiratory center, and it considerable variations in its half-life
produces an immediate relief of particularly in smokers, in patients with
symptoms in attacks of cardiac asthma. hepatic or renal impairments or heart
It is useful in the treatment of right-sided failure or if certain drugs are taken
heart failure, since it relieves the concurrently (see Appendix-2).
dyspnoea which may be a feature of the Theophylline is given by injection as
conditions; it also improves the cardiac aminophylline which is a mixture of
output. theophylline with ethylenediamine.
Aminophylline is employed in the Theophylline modified-release prepa-
treatment of severe acute attacks of rations are usually able to produce
bronchial asthma that do not respond to adequate plasma concentrations for up
a nebulized beta2 adrenoceptor to 12 hours. When given as a single
stimulant; it is usually given by slow dose at night they have a useful role in
intravenous injection or infusion but may controlling nocturnal asthma and early
also be given by mouth morning wheezing.
Indications: reversible airways Indications: reversible airways obstru-
obstruction, severe asthma ction, severe asthma
Cautions: see under Theophylline Cautions: cardiac diseases, hyperten-
sion, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer,
Interactions: see Appendix-2
hepatic impairment, epilepsy, pregnancy
Side-effects: see under Theophylline and breast-feeding, elderly, fever
Dose: by mouth, initially 100-300 mg Interactions: see Appendix-2
twice daily for one week, then 200-600
Side-effects: tachycardia, palpitation,
mg twice daily; CHILD over 3 years,
nausea, and other GI tract disorders,
initially 6 mg/kg twice daily, may be
headache, insomnia, arrhythmia, and
increased after a week to 12 mg/kg
convulsions especially if given by
By slow intravenous injection over at intravenous injection
least 20 minutes, 250-500 mg usually


Dose: 125 mg 3-4 times daily after food, after initiation. Beclomethasone
increased up to 250 mg if required; dipropionate, budesonide and
CHILD, 7-12 years 62.5 mg 3–4 times fluticasone propionate appear to be
daily equally effective.

Proprietary Preparations AEROSOL INHALATION. Corticost-

Arofil (Incepta), SR Tab. ,  200 mg, Tk. eroids are preferably inhaled from
1.60/Tab. ;SR Tab. ,  300 mg, Tk .2.35/Tab.; aerosol inhalers using large-volume
SR Tab. 400 mg, Tk. 2.98/Tab. spacer devices, particularly if high doses
Asmacon (Pacific), SR Tab. 400 mg, Tk. are required. Budesonide is also
2.01/Tab. available as a suspension for
Asmaloc (Sharif), SR Tab. ,  300 mg, Tk. nebulization. Corticosteroids may also
2.35/Tab. ;SR Tab. ,  400 mg, Tk. 2.98/Tab. ;
be taken orally or parenterally. Inhaled
Syrup,  120 mg/5 ml, Tk. 30.00/100 ml
Contifil (Square), SR Tab. , 300 mg, Tk. corticosteroids have considerably fewer
2.35/Tab. ;SR Tab. , 400 mg, Tk 2.98/Tab. systemic side-effects than oral
Contine (Aristo), Syrup, 120 mg/5 ml, Tk. corticosteroids.
30.95/100 ml ;SR Tab. , 400mg, Tk. 2.98/Tab.; ORAL. Acute attacks of asthma should
SR Tab 200mg, Tk. 1.60/Tab. ; SR Tab
300mg, Tk. 2.35/Tab. be treated with short course of oral
G-Theophylline (Gonoshasthaya), Syrup , corticosteroids starting with high dose,
120 mg/5 ml, Tk. 15.00/15 ml;Tab. ,  300 mg, e.g. prednisolone 30–60 mg daily for a
Tk. 1.20/Tab. few days, gradually reducing once the
Jasophylin (Jayson), Syrup,  120 mg/5 ml, Tk. attack has been controlled.
25.10/100 ml
Neulyn (Orion), SR Tab. ,  400 mg, Tk. PARENTERAL.Hydrocortisone injection
2.51/Tab. is used in the emergency treatment of
OD Phylline (Sun), Tab. ,  400 mg, Tk. acute severe asthma (see Table 4B).
1.49/Tab.; SR Tab. , 300 mg , Tk. 2.00/Tab. ;
SR Tab. , 400 mg , Tk. 2.67/Tab. (Beclometasone Dipropionate)
Thenglate (Acme), SR Tab.,  250 mg, Tk.
1.76/Tab.;SR Tab.,  400 mg, Tk. Indications: treatment of airway
2.68/Tab.;Syrup, 120mg/5ml, Tk. 30.95/100 ml inflammation in chronic asthma
Theovent (Drug Int.), Cap. ,  300 mg, Tk.
2.92/Cap. ;SR Tab. ,  400 mg, Tk. 2.68/Tab. ; Cautions: active or quiescent
SR Tab. ,  200 mg, Tk. 1.59/Tab.; SR Tab. , tuberculosis, systemic thrapy may be
300 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab. required during periods of stress or when
Unikon(Ibn Sina), SR Tab. 400mg, Tk. airways are obstructed or mucus prevent
2.68/Tab.; Syrup 120 mg/5 ml, Tk. drug access to smaller airways
Unilin (Opsonin), Syrup,  120 mg/5 ml, Tk. Side-effects: hoarseness and
23.27/100 ml;Tk. 11.47/50ml candidiasis of mouth or throat; rarely
hypersensitivity reactions including rash
4.2 CORTICOSTEROIDS and angioedema
Dose: by aerosol inhalation, standard
Corticosteroids are very effective in dose inhalers, 200 micrograms twice
asthma. They reduce airways daily or 100 micrograms 3-4 times daily;
inflammation (and thus reduce oedema CHILD 50-100 micrograms 2–4 times
and secretion of mucus into the airway). daily
INHALATION. Inhaled corticosteroids By aerosol inhalation, high dose inhalers
are recommended for prophylactic 500 micrograms twice daily or 250
treatment of asthma when patients are micrograms 4 times daily; if necessary
using a beta 2-adrenoceptor more than may be increased 500 micrograms 4
once daily. Corticosteroid inhalation times daily
must be used regularly to obtain
maximum benefit; alleviation of Proprietary Preparations
symptoms usually occurs 3 to 7 days


Beclocort (Aristo),Aersol inhaler, Budemet (Incepta), Inhalation powder Cap,  6

microgram/Puff, Tk. 270.00/200 Puffs ; 250 microgram + 100 microgram, Tk. 7.00/Cap.; 6
microgram/Puff, Tk. 350.00/200 Puffs ; 50 microgram + 200 microgram, Tk. 9.00/Cap.
microgram/Puff, Tk. 220.00/200 Puffs 12 microgram + 400 microgram, Tk.
Beclomin (Square), Aersole inhaler, 100 14.00/Cap.
microgram/puff, Tk. 270.00/200 Puffs ; 250 Oxycort (ACI), Aerosol Inhaler, 4.5 microgram
microgram/puff, Tk. 320.00/200 Puffs + 80microgram/ puff , Tk. 600.00/
Decomit (Beximco), Aersol inhaler 100 Can;4.5microgram+ 160microgram/puff , Tk.
microgram/puff, Tk. 270.00/200 MD ;,  50 800.00/can ; 0.006mg+ 0.200mg , Tk.
microgram/puff, Tk. 220.00/200 MD 9.00/Cap. ; 0.006mg+ 0.100mg , Tk.
Steradin (ACI), Aersol inhaler, 7.00/Cap.;0.012mg+ 400mg , Tk. 14.00/Cap.
100microgram/puff , Tk. 271.02/200 Puffs ; Symbion (Beximco), Aerosol Inhaler, 4.5
250microgram/puff Tk. 351.32/200 Puffs microgram + 160 microgram/puff, Tk.
980.00/Can; Inhalation powder ,Cap. , 6
BUDESONIDE microgram + 0.1 mg, Tk. 7.00/Cap.
Symbion BexiCap (Beximco), Inhalation
powder Cap. , 6 microgram + 0.2mg, Tk.
Indications: chronic asthma not 9.00/Cap.
controlled by short acting beta2-
stimulants CICLESONIDE
Cautions: active or quiescent
Indications: asthma and allergic rhinitis
tuberculosis, systemic thrapy may be
Side effects: headache, burning or
required during periods of distress or
irritation in the nose, painful white
when airways obstruction or mucus
patches in nose or throat,flu-like
prevent drug access to smaller airways
symptoms, rash, itching, hoarseness
Side-effects: hoarseness and Contraindications: allergy to
candidiasis of mouth or throat ciclesonide aerosol; recent open sore in
Dose: by aerosol inhalation, standard nose, nasal surgery, or a nasal injury
dose inhalers, 200-400 micrograms and it has not healed yet.
twice daily, in severe asthma dose may Dose: by aerosol inhalation, 160
be increased to 800 micrograms twice micrograms daily as a single dose
daily; CHILD, 50-200 micrograms twice reduced to 80 micrograms daily if control
daily, in severe cases may be increased maintained; dose may be increased to
to 400 micrograms twice daily max. 320 micrograms twice daily.
By inhalation of powder, 200-800
micrograms daily, in severe asthma may Proprietary Preparations
Cesonide (Beximco), Inhaler,  160 mcg/puf,
be up to 1600 micrograms daily in Tk. 375.00/120 MD
divided doses; CHILD, 200-800 Ezonide (Square), Aersol Inhaler, 80
micrograms daily in divided doses in mcg/puff, Tk. 275.00/120 Puff ;160 mcg/puf,
severe asthma Tk. 375.00/120 Puff

Proprietary Preparations FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE

Budicort (Incepta), Nebuliser Susp., 0.025
gm/100 ml, Tk. 40.00; Nasal Spray, 100
microgram/spray, Tk. 250.00/120 MD Indication: chronic asthma not
Aeronid (Beximco), Aerosol Inhaler, 200 controlled by short-acting beta2-
microgram/Puff, Tk. 410.00/120 MD stimulants
Formoterol fumarate + Budesonide Cautions: see Beclomethasone
Bufocort (Square), Inhalation powder,Cap12 Side-effects: see Beclomethasone
microgram + 400 microgram , Tk. 14.00/Cap.;
6 microgram + 200 microgram , Tk. 9.00/Cap.; Dose: by inhalation, ADULT & CHILD
6 microgram + 100 microgram , Tk. 7.00/Cap. over 16 years, 100 to 250 micrograms
Budison F-80 (Aristo), Inhalation powder ,Cap twice daily, increased according to
4.5 microgram + 80 microgram, Tk. severity of asthma to up to 1 mg twice
400.00/Cap.;4.5 microgram + 160 microgram, daily. CHILD 4-16 years, 50-100
Tk. 500.00/Cap.


micrograms twice daily adjusted as Arotide (Eskayef), Aerosol Inhaler, 25

necessary microgram + 250 microgram/puff, Tk. 750.00/
Can;25 microgram + 125 microgram/puff, Tk.
Proprietary Preparation 575.00/Can
Fluticon (Acme), Inhalation powder, Cap., Bexitrol F (Beximco), Aerosol Inhaler, 25
50microgram Tk. 2.51/Cap.; 100microgram microgram + 125 microgram/puff, Tk.
Tk.4.27/Cap.; 250microgram , Tk. 8.04/Cap.; 595.00/120 doses ;  25 microgram + 250
500microgram Tk. 13.05/Cap microgram/puff, Tk. 795.00/120doses; 25
microgram + 50 microgram/puff, Tk.
520.00/120 doses
4.3 COMBINED THERAPY 25 microgram + 250 microgram/puff, Tk.
430.00/60 doses; (with dose counter
For patients remaining symptomatic on device) 25 microgram + 250 microgram, Tk.
inhaled corticosteroids alone, treatment 795.00 /Can Inhalation powder.,(for use with a
options include increasing the device) 50 microgram + 100 microgram Tk.
4.85/Cap. ; 50 microgram + 250 microgram,
corticosteroid dose or the addition of a
Tk. 9.20/Cap.
long acting beta2-agonist. Adding 50 microgram + 500 microgram, Tk.
salmeterol to inhaled corticosteroid 15.00/Cap.
produces greater improvements in lung Flumetol inhaler (Healthcare), Aerosol
function and symptom control. Inhaler. 25 microgram + 250 microgram, Tk.
While corticosteroids and long acting Flutisal (Incepta), Inhalation powder, Cap.,
beta2-stimulants are available as single (for use with a inhaler device) 50 microgram +
component preparations, combination of 100 microgramTk. 5.00/Cap. ; 50 microgram +
salmeterol with the corticosteroid 25 microgram, Tk. 10.00/Cap. ; 50 microgram
fluticasone propionate has become + 500 microgram, Tk.15.00/Cap.
available and may be beneficial for Salflu (Acme), Inhalation powder ,Cap. ,(for
use with a inhaler device),  50 microgram +
250 microgram, Tk. 9.04/Cap.;  50 microgram
+ 100 microgram, Tk. 4.76/Cap.;  50
SALMETEROL plus FLUTICASONE microgram + 500 microgram, Tk.
15.05/Cap.;Aerosol Inhaler, 25microgram +
Indication: chronic asthma not 125 microgram/puff, Tk. 595.00/can; 25
microgram + 250 microgram/puff, Tk.
controlled by long acting beta2-agonist 795.00/can;25 microgram + 50 microgram/puff,
or corticosteroid individually Tk. 520.00/can
Cautions: see Fluticasone & Salmeterol Seretide Accuhaler(I)(GSK), Inhalation
powder, disk 50 microgram +100 microgram,
Side-effects: see Fluticasone and Tk. 970.10/60 doses; 50 microgram +50
Salmeterol microgram, Tk. 1,105.46/60 doses
Dose: the product is available in 50 microgram + 500 microgram, Tk.
1,285.95/60 doses
different fixed combinations of salmeterol
Seretide Evohaler (I)(GSK), Aerosol Inhaler,
and fluticasone propionate to meet 25 microgram + 125 microgram, Tk.
individual requirements as CFC Free 959.54/200 doses; 25 microgram + 50
aerosol inhaler (Evohaler) and Dry microgram, Tk. 669.64/120 doses, 25
Powder for inhalation (Accuhaler) microgram + 250 microgram, Tk. 1,116.07/120
ADULT & CHILD over 12 years, 1 Seroxyn (ACI), Aerosol Inhaler, 25microgram
aerosol inhalation (Accuhaler) or 2 dry + 250 microgram/Puff , Tk. 795.00/can; 25
powder inhalations (Evohaler) twice daily microgram + 125 microgram/Puff , Tk.
as per severity of asthma 595.00/can ;Inhalation powder ,Cap. ,(for use
with a device),  50 microgram + 500
Proprietary Preparations microgram , Tk. 15.00/Cap. ;50 microgram +
Aroflo(Aristo), Aerosol Inhaler , 25 microgram 250microgram , Tk. 9.20/Cap.; 50 microgram
+ 50 microgram/Puff, Tk. 520.00/Can ; + 100microgram , Tk. 4.85/Cap
25microgram + 250 microgram/Puff, Tk. Ticamet (Square), Aerosol Inhaler 25
795.00/Can; 25 microgram + microgram + 250 microgram/ puff, Tk.
250microgram/Puff, Tk. 430.00 25 microgram 795.00/120 Puff; 25 microgram + 125
+ 125microgram/Puff, Tk. 595.00/Can microgram / puff, Tk. 595.00/120 Puff; 25


microgram + 50 microgram / puff, Tk. By inhalation of nebulised solution,

520.00/120 Puff ADULT & CHILD 20 mg 4 times daily,
Inhalation powder ,Cap.,(for use with a inhaler increased in severe cases up to 6 times
device) 50 microgram + 100 microgram, Tk.
6.50/Cap.; 50microgram + 250 microgram, Tk.
Proprietary Preparations
4.4 CROMOGLYCATES AND see section11.2
Indication: prophylaxis of asthma
4.4.2 RELATED THERAPY Side-effects: see under sodium
4.4.3 LEUKOTRIEN RECEPTOR cromoglycate; also nausea, vomiting,
ANTAGONISTS dyspepsia, headache, abdominal pain,
bitter taste
Dose: by aerosol inhaler, ADULT and
In general, prophylaxis with regular CHILD over 6 years, 4 mg (2 puffs) 4
inhalation of sodium cromoglycate is times daily; when control achieved, may
less effective than with corticosteroid reduce to twice daily
inhalations. Children may respond better
than adult. Sodium cromoglycate is of Generic Preparation
value in the prevention of exercise- Aerosol inhalation, 2mg/metered dose
induced asthma, a single dose being
inhaled half-an-hour before. It is not 4.4.2 RELATED THERAPY
effective in acute asthma. The mode of
action of sodium cromoglycate is not Antihistamines are of no value in the
completely understood. tretment of bronchial asthma. Ketotifen
Inhalation of dry powder may cause is an antihistamine with an action said to
sudden bronchospasm, which can be resemble that of sodium cromoglycate,
prevented by prior inhalation of a but it has not proved encouraging.
selective beta2-adrenoceptor stimulant
such as salbutamol or terbutaline.
Nedocromil has a pharmacological
action similar to that of sodium Indications: see notes above
Cautions: previous anti-asthmatic
treatment should be continued for a
SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE minimum of 2 weeks after initiation of
ketotifen treatment; pregnancy and
Indications: prophylaxis of asthma; food lactation
allergy; allergic conjunctivitis; allergic Side-effects: drowsiness, dry mouth,
rhinitis slight dizziness; CNS stimulation
Side-effects: coughing, transient Interactions: see Appendix-2
bronchospasm, and throat irritation due Dose: ADULT: 1 mg twice daily with
to inhalation of powder food increased if necessary to 2 mg
Dose: by aerosol inhalatiion, ADULT twice daily; initial treatment in readily
and CHILD, 10 mg (2 puffs) 4 times sedated patients 0.5-1 mg at night;
daily, increased in severe cases or CHILD over 2 years 1 mg twice daily
during periods of risk to 6–8 times daily;
additional dose may also be taken Proprietary Preparations
Alarid (Square), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk.
before exercise; maintenance 5 mg (1 50.00/100 ml.; Tab. , 1 mg, Tk. 1.50/Tab.
puff) 4 times daily Asmafen (Globe), Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 1.50/Tab.;
Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. 40.00/100 ml


Broket (Orion ), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. as required. The leukotriene receptor
40.15/100 ml .;Tab. , 1 mg, Tk. 1.51/Tab. antagonists may be of value in exercise-
Fenat (Drug Int), Tab.,1 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab. induced asthma and those with
Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. 45.00/100 ml
Ketifen (Acme), Tab., 1 mg, Tk.
concommitant rhinitis but they are less
2.00/Tab.;Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. 45.00/100 ml effective in those with severe asthma
Ketodil (Techno), Cap. , 1 mg , Tk. who are also receiving high doses of
2.00/Cap.;Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. 35.00/100 ml other drugs.
Ketof (Ibn Sina), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk.
It is advised that leukotiene receptor
50.00/100 ml.; Tab. , 1 mg, Tk. 1.60/Tab.
Ketomar (Incepta), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. antagonists should not be used to relieve
40.00/100 ml .Tab. , 1 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab. an attack of acute severe asthma and
Ketopac(Pacific), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk that their use does not necessarily allow
30.07/100 ml;Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 1.50/Tab. a reduction in existing corticosteroid
Ketorif (Biopharma), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. treatment.
40.00/100 ml; Tab. , 1 mg, Tk.1.50/Tab.
Ketosma (Leon), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk.
45.00/100 ml
Ketotif (Delta), Tab. , 1 mg, Tk. 1.50/Tab.
Kofen (Opsonin), Tab., 1 mg, Tk. Indication: prophylaxis of asthma
1.5/Tab.;Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. 33.83/100 ml
Ocutifen (General), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Cautions: pregnancy and lactation
40.00/100ml Side-effects: gastrointestinal disturba-
Prosma (ACI), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. nces, dry mouth, dizziness, irritability,
50.00/100 ml .;Tab. , 1 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab. restlessness, headache, sleep disorders,
Sanketo (Novartis), Tab. , 1 mg, Tk.
upper respiratory tract infections, fever,
S-kit (Sharif), Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab.; arthralgia, myalgia, increased bleeding
Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. 45.00/100 ml tendency, oedema and seizures
Stafen (Aristo), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. Dose: ADULT 10 mg daily at bedtime.
50.00/100 ml.; Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab. CHILD 2-5 years 4 mg daily at bedtime,
Ticofen (Chemist), Syrup , 1 mg/5 ml, Tk.
45.00/100 ml 6-14 years 5 mg daily at bedtime
Tifen (Somatec), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk.
45.00/100 ml .;Tab., 1 mg, Tk.2.00/Tab. Proprietary Preparations
Tofen (Beximco),Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. Aeron FT (Healthcare), Tab., 4 mg,Tk. 6/Tab.;
50.00/100 ml.; Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab. 5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab.; 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.
Toma (Navana), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. Amekast (Beacon), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.;
25.00/50 ml.;Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. 45.00/100 Tab., 4 mg , Tk. 6/Tab.;  5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab.
ml.;Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab. Arokast (Navana), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 10/Tab.;
Toti (Eskayef), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. Tab., 4 mg, Tk. 5/Tab.; Tab., 5 mg, Tk. 7/Tab.
45.00/100 ml .;Tab, 1 mg, Tk. 1.50/Tab. Arovent (Orion), Tab.,10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.;
Totifen (Renata), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. 5mg, Tk. 8/Tab.
40.00/100 ml .;Tab., 1 mg, Tk 1.50/Tab. Asmatab (Veritas), Tab., Tk. 10/Tab.
Zadifen (Unimed), Tab. , 1 mg, Tk. Asmont (Somatec), Tab.,10 mg, Tk. 10/Tab.;
1.50/Tab.;Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. 35.00/100 ml 4 mg, Tk. 6/Tab; 5 mg, Tk. 7/Tab.
Zadit(Popular), Syrup, 1 mg/5 ml, Tk. Brocast (Concord), Tab.,10 mg, Tk.15/Tab.
40.15/50 ml.; Tab., 1 mg, Tk. 1.51/Tab. Croma (Sharif), Tab.,10 mg, Tk. 12/Tab.;
4mg, Tk.6/Tab.; 5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab.
Freegest(Biopharma), Tab.,10 mg,
4.4.3 LEUKOTRIENE RECEPTOR Tk.15/Tab.; 4 mg, Tk.6/Tab.; 5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab.
ANTAGONISTS Liam (Asiatic), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 10/Tab.
Lumenta (Novartis), Tab, 10 mg, Tk. 16/Tab.;
The leukotriene receptor antagonists Tab., 5 mg, Tk. 9/Tab.
Lumona (Eskayef), Tab, 10 mg, Tk. 12/Tab.;
such as montelukast and zafirlukast, 5mg, Tk. 6/Tab ; Powder, 4 mg/Sachet,
block the effects of cysteinyl leukotrienes Tk.6/Tab.
in the airways. They may be considered Maxair (RAK), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.; Tab.,
as add-on therapy for patients with mild 5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab.
to moderate asthma which is not Medikast (Leon), Tab.,10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.
controlled with an inhaled corticosteriod Metok (MST), Tab., 10 mg, TK. 13.00/Tab.
and a short-acting beta2 -stimulant used


M-Kast (Drug Int.), Tab. , 10 mg, Tk. ZAFIRLUKAST

12.00/Tab.; 40 mg, Tk. 12.00/Tab.; 4 mg, Tk.
5.00/Tab. 5 mg, Tk. 7.00/Tab.
M-Lucas (Popular), Susp., 10 mg, Tk. Indication: prophylaxis of asthma.
12.00/Tab.; Tab., 4 mg, Tk. 6.00/Tab.;Tab., Cautions: elderly, pregnancy, renal
5mg, Tk. 7.00/Tab. impairment.
Mokast (Alco), Tab.,10 mg, Tk.10/Tab; 4 mg,
Tk.6/Tab. Contra-indications: hepatic impairment,
Molukat (Kemiko), Tab. ,10 mg, Tk. 12/Tab.; breast-feeding.
4 mg, Tk. 6/Tab.; 5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab.
Side-effects: gastro-intestinal disturb-
Monas (Acme), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15.05/Tab.;
4mg, Tk. 6.02/Tab.;5 mg, Tk. 8.04/Tab. ances, respiratory tract infections in the
Monkast (Pharmasia), Tab. , 10 mg, Tk. elderly.
14.50/Tab.;  5 mg, Tk. 7.50/Tab. Dose : 20 mg twice daily. CHILD under
Monkon (Albion), Tab. ,  4 mg, Tk. 7.00/Tab. 12 years, not recommended.
Monocast (Beximco), Tab.,10 mg,Tk. 14/Tab.;
4 mg, Tk. 5.50/Tab.; Powder, 4 mg/Sachet,
Tk.8/Sachet Generic Preparations
Monovas (White Horse),Tab.,10 mg, Tk. Tablet.10mg; 20mg
Monprox (Rangs), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.; 5 4.5 PEAK FLOW METERS,
Montair (Incepta), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.;
4mg, Tk.6/Tab. ; 5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab.
Montek (Sun), Tab.,10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.; 4 mg,
Montekast (Pacific), Tab., 10 mg, Tk.
Montela (Delta), Tab. , 10 mg, Tk. 10.00/Tab.; It is particularly helpful to measure the
Tab. , 5 mg, Tk.6.00/Tab. peak flow for patients who are ‘poor
Montelon (Apex), Tab. , 10 mg, Tk. perceivers’ and hence slow to detect
15.00/Tab. deterioration in their asthma, and for
Monteluk (Astra), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. those with moderate or severe asthma.
15.00/Tab. ;5 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab. Patients must be given clear guidelines
Montemax(Doctor TIMS), Tab. , 10 mg,
Tk.16.00/Tab.; 5 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.
as to the action they should take if their
Montene (Square), Tab. , 10 mg, Tk. peak flow falls below a certain level.
15.00/Tab.; Tab. , 4 mg , Tk.6.00/Tab.; 5 mg,
Montex(Ibn Sina), Tab. , 10 mg, Tk.
16.00/Tab.; Tab. , 5 mg, Tk. 8.00/Tab.
Montifast (Globe), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.; A variety of spacing devices is now
Chewable Tab., 4 mg, Tk. 7/Tab. available for use with pressurised
Montilab(Labaid), Tab.,10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab. (aerosol) inhalers (metered dose
Montilet (Amulet), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab. inhalers). By providing a space between
Montiluk(Rephco), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.; inhaler and mouth, they reduce the
4 mg, Tk. 6/Tab. velocity of the aerosol and subsequent
Montiva (Nipro JMI), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 10/Tab.
impaction on the oropharynx; in addition
Montril (Aristo), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.;
Tab., 4 mg, Tk. 7/Tab.; Tab.,5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab. they allow more time for evaporation of
Odmon (Renata), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab. ; the propellant so that a larger proportion
Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.; 5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab. of particles can be inhaled and deposited
Provair (Unimed), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. 15/Tab.; in the lungs; also co-ordination of
4mg, Tk.6/Tab.; 5 mg, Tk. 8/Tab. inspiration with actuation of aerosol is
Reversair (ACI), Tab., 10 mg , Tk. 15.06/Tab; less important. The size of the spacer is
4 mg , Tk. 7.03/Tab.; 5 mg , Tk. 8.03/Tab.
important and the larger spacing devices
Tab., 5 mg, Tk. 7.50/Tab.
Telukast (General), Tab.,10 mg, Tk. 10/Tab.; with a one-way valve are the most
4 mg, Tk. 5.50/Tab.;5 mg, Tk. 7.53/Tab. effective. Spacing devices are
Trilock (Opsonin), Tab., 10 mg, Tk. particularly useful for patients with poor
11.32/Tab.; 4 mg, Tk. 4.53/Tab.;5 mg, Tk. inhalation technique for children, for
6.04/Tab.; Powder, 4 mg/Sachet, Tk. 6.04/Tab. patients requiring higher doses, for


nocturnal asthma, and for patients prone Oxygen should be regarded as a drug. It
to devolop candidiasis with inhaled is prescribed for hypoxaemic patients to
corticosteroids. Alternatively dry power increase alveolar oxygen tension and
inhalers, activated by the patient’s decrease the work of breathing
inspiration, are of value; some necessary to maintain a given arterial
occasionally cause coughing. oxygen tension.
SPACER DEVICES. Patients should THERAPY. In acute severe asthma, the
inhale from the spacer devices as soon arterial carbon dioxide (pCO2) is usually
as possible after actuation since the drug sub normal, but as asthma deteriorates it
aerosol is very short-lived; single-dose may rise steeply, particularly in children.
actuation is recommended . The device These patients require high
is cleaned once a week by washing, concentration of oxygen, and 35% to
rinsing and then allowing to dry in the air 50% oxygen delivered through a
(wiping should be avoided since any conventional mask is recommended. If
electrostatic charge may affect drug arterial carbon dioxide (pCO2) remains
delivery). Spacer devices should be high despite other treatment, intermittant
replaced every 6-12 months. positive pressure ventillation may be
needed urgently. Acute asthma with long
NEBULISERS history of chronic bronchitis and
probable respiratory failure may require
A nebuliser is a converter of a solution of a lower concentration (24% to 28%)
a drug into an aerosol for inhalation to oxygen to limit oxygen induced reduction
deliver higher doses of drugs to the of respiratory drive.
airways than is usual with standard LOW CONCENTRATION OXYGEN
inhalers.The main purpose for use of THERAPY. Controlled low concentration
nabuliser are: oxygen therapy is reserved for patients
 To deliver beta-adrenoreceptor with ventilatory failure due to chronic
stimulant or ipratropium to a patient obstructive plumonary diseases (COPD)
with an acute exacerbation of asthma. or other causes. In such cases, the
oxygen concentration should not exceed
 To deliver the drugs on regular basis 28% and in some patients a concen-
to a patient with severe asthma. tration above 24% may be exessive. The
The proportion of a nebuliser solution aim is to provide the patient with just
that reaches the lungs depends on the enough oxygen to improve hypoxaemia
type of nebuliser. It can be as higher as without worsening pre-existing carbon
30%, it is more frequently close to 10% dioxide retention and respiratory
and sometimes below 10%. acidosis. Treatment should be initial in
hospital as repeated.
JET NEBULISERS. Most jet nebulisers
require an optimum gas flow 6-8 INTERMITTENT OXYGEN THERAPY.
litre/minute and in hospital can be driven Oxygen is occasionally prescribed for
by piped air or oxygen. episodes of hypoxaemia of short
duration, for example in asthma and in
chronic COPD to ease discomfort of
may be carried out using an undiluted
breathing. It is important, however, that
nebuliser solution or it may require
the patient does not rely on oxygen
dilution beforehand. The usual diluent is
instead of obtaining medical help or
sterile sodium chloride 0.9%.
taking more specific treatment. Oxygen
4.6 OXYGEN THERAPY IN is supplied through refillable cylinders.
Oxygen flow can be controlled with
ASTHMA AND COPD attached oxygen flow meter (2-4 l/min).
Bangladesh Oxygen Company (BOC)


supplies portable oxygen cylinders which ulceration on convulsive disorders.

have bull-nose fittings as nomal hepatic and renal impairment
domiciliary headsets. The cylinder holds Contraindications: contraindicated in
about 300 litres of oxegen which last known hypersensitivity to ambroxol or
approximately 2 hours at a standard flow bromhexine
rate of two litres/minute.
Dose: 10 years & ADULT 10ml (2
teaspoonful) 3 times a day; 5-10 yrs.
CHILD 5ml (1 teaspoonful) 2-3 times a
4.7.1 Cough suppressants day
4.7.2 Expectorant and demulcent
cough preparations Proprietary Preparations
Acorex (Apex),Syrup,15 mg/5 ml,Tk.40/100 ml
4.7.1 COUGH SUPPRESSANT Acticol (GSK), Syrup 15 mg/5 ml, Tk.
35.19/100 ml
Adebrox (Supreme), Syrup,
Cough is usually a symptom of an 300mg/100ml, Tk.40/100 ml
underlying disorder e.g. asthma, Ambolyt (Incepta), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk.
gastroesophageal reflux disease, 40/100 ml; Paed. drops, 6mg/ml, Tk. 20/15 ml
postnasal drip. Where there is no Amboten (Eskayef), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk.
identifiable cause, cough suppressants 40/100 ml; Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk. 30/15 ml
may be useful. They may cause sputum Ambozin (Rephco), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk.
retention and this may be harmful in 40/100 ml; SRCap. 75 mg, Tk. 5/Cap.
Ambronil (Orion ), Syrup 15 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
patients with chronic bronchitis and 40/100 ml; Paed. drops, 6 mg/ml, Tk. 25/15 ml
bronchiectasis. Codeine may be Ambrotil (Amico), Syrup, 15 mg/5 ml, Tk.
effective but it is constipating and can 40/100ml
cause dependence; dextromethorphan Ambroton (Organic), Syrup, 15 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
and pholcodine have fewer side-effects. 40/100 ml
Bromhexine which is a mucolytic agent Ambrox (Square), Paed. drops, 6 mg / ml, Tk.
is used in respiratory disorders 30/15 ml; Syrup, 15 mg / 5 ml, Tk. 40/100 ml;
SR Cap. 75 mg, Tk. 5.01/Cap.
associated with viscid or excessive Ambroxol (Albion), Paed. drops, 6mg/ml,
mucus. 20.07/15ml;Syrup, 15mg/5ml,Tk. 30.00/100ml
Note: The use of cough suppressants Ambroxol (Biopharma), Syrup, 6mg/ml, Tk.
containing codeine or similar opioid 40/100 ml; SR Cap.  75 mg, Tk. 5.00/Cap.
Ambryl (RAK), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk. 40/100
cough suppressants is not generally
ml; Paed. drops, 6 mg/ ml, 30.00/15ml
recommended in children and should be Amsiv (Delta), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk.
avoided altogether in those under 1 year 40.00/100 ml
of age. Aroxol (Healthcare), Paed. drops, 6 mg/ ml,,
Tk. 35.00/15 ml; Syrup15mg/5ml, Tk.
Boxol (Opsonin), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, TK.
30.08/100ml; Paed. drops,  6mg/ml, Tk.
Indications : acute & chronic diseases 22.56/15ml; SR Cap., 75 mg, TK. 3.77/Cap.
of respiratory tracts associated with Broculyt (Nipro JMI), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk.
viscid mucus including acute and chronic 40.00/100 ml
bronchitis; Productive cough; Laryngitis, Brox (Navana), Syrup,15mg/5ml Tk. 40/100
ml; Paed. drops,  6mg/ml, Tk. 30/15 ml
Pharyngitis, sinusitis & rhinitis; Asthmatic
Broxidil (Ziska), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk. 30/Tab.
bronchitis; Bronchiectasis, Chronic Broxolin (Jayson), Syrup ,  15mg/5ml, Tk.
pneumonia 40.00/100 ml
Interactions: see Appendix -2 Broxolit (Pacific), Paed. drops, 6mg/ml, Tk.
14.29/15 ml; Syrup,15mg/5ml, Tk. 30.08/100ml
Side-effects: gastrointestinal side- Emulyt (Alco), Syrup, 15mg/5ml,Tk. 40/100 ml
effects like epigastria pain, gastric Femex (Globe), Syrup, 15 mg /5 ml, Tk.
fullness may occur occasionally 40.00/100 ml
Hybrox (Kemiko), Syrup,  15 mg/ 5 ml, Tk.
Cantons: it should be given cautiously 40.00/100 ml; Paed. drops,  6 mg/ml, Tk.
to patients with gastric or duodenal 30.00/15 ml


Leucofil (Leon), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk. Bromotex (Ibn Sina), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
40.00/100 ml 40.00/100ml
Lytex (Ibn Sina),SR Cap., 75 mg, Tk. Bromoxol (Healthcare),  Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
5.50/Cap. ; Syrup, 15mg/5ml, TK. 45.00/100 ml
40.00/100ml; Paed. drops, 6 mg/ml, Tk. Bronchodex (Organic), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
30.00/15ml; 40.00/100ml
M Boss (Central), Syrup,  15mg/5ml, Brostin (Rephco), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Tk.40.00/100 ml 40.00/100ml; Tab. ,  8 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab.
Maxof (MST), Syrup, 300 mg /100 ml, TK. Broxine (General), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
40/100 ml 30.11/100 ml
Mbroxol (Benham), Syrup ,  15 mg/5 ml, Clod-B (Medimet), Tab., 4 mg, Tk.0.70/Tab.
Tk.40.00/100 ml Coflyt (Asiatic), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Mucobrox (Somatec), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, 30.00/100 ml
Tk.40.00/100 ml; Paed. drops, 6 mg/ ml, Tk. Expecto (Aristo), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
30.00/15ml 40.00/100ml
Mucosol (Beximco), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Mucodil (Nipro JMI), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Tk.40.00/100 ml; Paed. drops, 6 mg/ ml, Tk. 40.00/100ml
30.00/15ml Mucola (Amico), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Mucovan (Ad-din), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk. 25.00/100 ml
30.00/100 ml Mucolyt (Incepta), Syrup, 80 mg/100 ml, Tk.
Myrox (ACI), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk.40.00/100 40.00/100ml;Tab. ,  8 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab.
ml; Paed. drops,  6 mg/ ml, Tk. 30.00/15ml; SR Muconil (Ziska), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Cap., 75mg, Tk. 5.02/Cap. 30.00/100ml
Neobrox (Concord), Syrup,  15mg/5ml, Tk. Mucospel (Square), Tab. , 8 mg, Tk.
40.00/100 ml 2.01/Tab.; Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, , Tk. 28.00/100
Nexol (Aristo), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk.40.00/100 ml; Tk. 40.00/100ml
ml; Paed. drops, 6 mg/ ml, Tk. 30.00/15ml Mucut (Biopharma), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml , 100
Recof (Renata), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, ML, Tk. 40.00/100ml
Tk.40.00/100 ml; Paed. drops, 6 mg/ ml, Tk. Munil (Opsonin), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, , Tk.
30.00/15ml 30.08/100 ml
Resol (Sharif), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, Tk. Mytil (Albion), Syrup, 80 mg/100 ml, Tk.
40.00/100 ml 30.00/100ml
Safoxol (Beacon), Cap., 75 mg, Tk.5.00/Cap. Spulyt (Beximco), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Winkof (Chemist), Syrup 100ml, 100ml, Tk. 40.00/100ml
40.00/100 ml X-pectoran (Rangs), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk.
X-Cold (Acme), Syrup, 15mg/5ml, 40.00/100 ml; Tab., 8 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab.
Tk.40.00/100 ml; Paed. drops,  6 mg/ ml, Tk.
Xerokof (Pharmasia), Syrup,  15mg/5ml, Tk.
40.00/100 ml
Indication: unproductive cough
BROMHEXINE HYDROCHLORIDE Cautions: asthma, hepatic and renal
impairments; history of drug abuse; see
Indications: respiratory disorder notes above
associated with productive cough and Interactions: see Appendix-2
dry eye syndromes (locally used). Side-effects: nausea, dizziness,
Side-effects: headache, dizziness, skin respiratory depression in sensitive
rash, gastro-intestinal discomfort patients or if given large doses
Dose: bromhexine (as hydrochloride) Dose: ADULTS 10-15 ml (dextromethor-
ADULT 8-16 mg tds, CHILD more than 3 phen as hydrobromide) 3 times daily
years 8mg three times daily,1-3 years Proprietary Preparations
4mg three times daily Brofex (Square), Syrup,, 10 mg/5 ml, Tk.
40.00/100 ml
Proprietary Preparations Coldflu (Amico), Syrup,, 10 mg/5 ml, Tk.
A-Cold (Acme), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml,Tk. 23.00/100 ml
40.00/100ml D-Cough (Opsonin), Syrup, 10 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Brolyt (Alco), Syrup, 4 mg/5 ml, Tk. 26.32/100 ml
40.00/100ml; Tab. ,  4 mg, Tk. 0.70/Tab.;  8 Dextromethorphan (Beximco), Syrup, 10
mg, Tk. 1.00/Tab. mg/5 ml, Tk. 35.00/100 ml


Dextromethorphan (Albion), Syrup,, 10 mg/5 Lurex (Kemiko), Syrup, Tk. 55.00/100 ml

ml, Tk. 18.75/100 ml Phendyl (Sharif), Syrup, Tk. 55.00/100 ml
Tomephen, (Incepta), Syrup,, 10 mg/5 ml, Tk. Tricof (Alco), Syrup, Tk. 40.00/100 ml
40.00/100 ml Tridex (Navana), Syrup,Tk. 50.00/100 ml
Tripec (Beximco), Syrup, Tk. 55.00/100 ml
Tusca (Square), Syrup, , Tk. 65.00/100 ml
Tussin (Orion), Syrup, Tk. 55.00/100 ml
HYDROCHLORIDE Tyrex (ACI), Syrup, Tk. 55.00/100 ml
Combined cough expectorant as syrup, each 5
Indications: nasal and sinus congestion ml contains pseudoephedrine 30 mg +
Cautions; Side-effects: occasional Guaiphenesin 100mg + dextromethorphan
Insomnia; see also under Ephedrine 10mg
Proprietary Preparations
A-Cof (Acme), Syrup , Tk. 70.00/100 ml
Interactions: other sympathomimetics, Alpoten (Albion), Syrup, Tk. 55.00/100 ml
MAOIs Ankof (General), Syrup, Tk. 60.00/100 ml
Cofno (Alco), Syrup, Tk. 70.00/100 ml
Dose: ADULT and CHILD above 12 Decoff (Hudson), Syrup, 10 mg + 30 mg +
years 60 mg (as tablet) 3–4 times daily; 1.25 mg/5 ml , Tk.55.00/100ml; Tk. 27.00/50ml
CHILD (as elixir 30mg/5ml) 2-5 years 15 Dexdin (Somatec), Syrup, Tk. 60.00/100 ml
mg, 6-12 years 30 mg Dexpoten (Eskayef), Syrup, Tk. 70.00/100 ml
Dixxar (ACI), Syrup, Tk. 70.00/100 ml
Proprietary Preparations Freecof (Aristo), Tk. 70.00/100 ml
Pseudoephedrine (Albion), Tab. 60 mg, Tk. Nilkof (Ambee) , Syrup , 10 mg + 30 mg +
2.00/Tab. 1.25 mg/5 ml , Tk. 50.19/ 100 ml
Sudorin (Incepta), Tab. 60 mg, Tk. 2.00/Tab. Ofkof (Square), SyrupTk.70.00/100 ml
Prudex (Beximco), Syrup, Tk. 70.00/100 ml
Sudocof (Incepta), Syrup,Tk. 60.00/100 ml
4.7.2. COUGH EXPECTORANT AND Texco (Globe), Syrup, 10 mg + 30 mg + 1.25
DEMULCENT COUGH mg/5 ml, 50.00/100 ml
PREPARATIONS Tusiva (Opsonin), Syrup,   Tk. 52.63/100 ml
Triprolidine 2.5 mg+Pseudoephedrine 60 mg
Duo-5 (Incepta), Tab. Tk. 40.00/Tab.
PSEUDOEPHEDRINE Plus Frenos (Opsonin), Tab.  Tk. 2.64/Tab.
Indications: cough expectorant and HYPOSENSITISATION, AND
Dose: (combined cough expectorant
as syrup, each 5 ml contains 4.8.1 Antihistamines
pseudoephedrine 30 mg + Guaiphenesin 4.8.2 Hyposensitivity reactions
100 mg + Triprolidine 1.25 mg), ADULT 4.8.3 Allergic emergencies
2-3 teaspoonfuls 3-4 times daily; CHILD
below 12 years not recommended 4.8.1 ANTIHISTAMINES
Proprietary Preparations
Abex (Ibn Sina), Syrup,   Tk. 50.00/100 ml The term antihistamine is usually
Aquaphen (Incepta), Syrup, Tk. 42.00/100 ml reserved for histamine H1 receptor
Brunex (Rephco), Syrup,   Tk. 35.00/100 ml antagonists. They diminish or abolish H 1
Codyl (Medimet), Syrup, 2 mg+0.6 mg+.02
mg/5 ml, Tk.50.00/100 ml
mediated actions of histamine (vasodil-
Cofdil (Central), Syrup,   Tk. 50.00/100 ml atation, increased capillary permeability,
Cofnil (General), Syrup, Tk. 50.00/100 ml flare and itching reactions in skin;
Cofrid (Acme), Syrup, Tk. 55.00/100 ml bronchial and gut smooth muscle
Cofson (Hudson), Syrup, 2 mg+0.6 mg+.02 contraction). They can improve or relieve
mg/5 ml, Tk.50.00/100 ml symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hay-fever),
Cophilex (Opsonin), Syrup,   Tk. 41.35/100 ml alleviate rhinorrhea and sneezing but are
Expoten (Eskayef), Syrup, Tk. 55.00/100 ml
Extil (Albion), Syrup, Tk. 30.00/100 ml
usually less effective for nasal
Koftex (Amico), Syrup,   Tk. 50.00/100 ml congestion. Antihistamines are of value


in preventing and treating urtecaria, Indications: symptomatic relief of

urtecarial rashes, mild angiooedema and allergy such as hay fever, urticaria
pruritus, insect bites, stings and drug Cautions: renal impairment
allergies. Because of their associated
pharmaco-logical actions, they are also Interactions: see Appendix-2
used to control symptoms of motion Side-effects: incidence of sedation and
sickness; vertigo and nausea associated antimuscurinic effects low
with Meniere’s disease, nausea and Dose : ADULT and CHILD over 6 years,
vomiting associated with migrane, 10 mg daily or 5 mg twice daily. CHILD
pregnancy and surgery. Antihistamines 2-6 years 5 mg daily or 2.5 mg twice
are used topically in the eye (see sec. daily
10.3), nose (see sec. 11.2.1) and insect
bites. Antihistamines differ in their Proprietary Preparations
duration of action and incidence of see section 12.5
sedation and anti-muscarnic effects.
The older antihistamines such as DESLORATADINE
diphenhydramine, pheniramine and
promethazine are short-acting and have Indications: symptomatic relief of
unwanted sedative action; compara- allergic rhinitis (seasonal and perineal),
tively, chlorpheniramine is less chronic idiopathic urticaria
sedative. Cautions: pregnancy, lactation, elderly,
Newer antihistamines such as renal or hepatic impairment
acrivastine, cetirizine, levocetirizine Contraindications: hypersensitivity to
(an iso-mer of cetrizine), loratadine and loratadine, pregnancy, breast-feeding,
desloratadine are longer acting (once- elderly
daily dose); they cause less sedation
Side-effects: fatigue, dry mouth,
and psychomotor impairement than older
antihistamines because they penetrate
poorly into the brain. Fexofenadine, an Proprietary Preparations
active metabolite of terfenadine, has see section 12.5
been introduced recently. Mebhydrolin
is not a long-acting antihistamine but is FEXOFENADINE HYDROCHLORIDE
less sedative than older antihistamines.
Indications: relief of symptoms
NON-SEDATIVE ANTIHISTAMINES associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis,
uncomplicated skin manifestations of
ACRIVASTINE chronic idiopathic urticaria in ADULT and
(see also section11.2.1) CHILD above 12 years
Cautions: elderly, liver disease, renal
Indications: symptomatic relief of impaired patients, pregnancy and
allergy such as hay fever, urticaria lactation.
Side-effects: incidence of sedation and Side-effects: headache, dyspepsia,
antimuscurinic effects low drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, chest
Interactions: see Appendix-2. tightness and dyspnoea
Dose: 8 mg three times daily Interactions: see Appendix-2

Proprietary Preparation Proprietary Preparations

Semprex (I) (GSK), Cap. 8 mg, Tk.7.65/Cap see section 12.5


(see also section 11.2.1) DIHYDROCHLORIDE


Indications: symptomatic relief of Side-effects: sleepiness, drowsiness,

allergy such as hay fever, urticaria mild gastro-intestinal disturbances
Cautions; Interaction & Side-effects: Contra-indications: patient to whom
see under Cetrizine Hydrochloride Mebhydrolin has previously been proved
to cause agranulocytosis and
Dose: ADULT and CHILD over 6 years, neutropenia; 1st trimester of pregnancy
5 mg daily
Dose: ADULT and CHILD above 12
Proprietary Preparations years 50-100 mg 2-3 times daily; CHILD
see section 12.5 below 12 years 50-100 mg daily in
divided doses
Proprietary Preparations
Aexidal (Albion), Tab., 50 mg, Tk. 1.50/Tab.
Indications: symtomatic relief of allergy Bexidal (Beximco), Tab., 50 mg, Tk. 3/Tab.
like hay fever and urticaria Dayhista (Medimet), Tab. 50 mg,Tk. 2.50/Tab.
Side-effects: sedation and antimuscu- Mebastin (Incepta), Tab., 50 mg, Tk. 2/Tab.
rinic effects low Mebidal (Eskayef), Tab, 50 mg, Tk. 2/Tab.
Mebolin (Acme), Tab., 50 mg, Tk. 2.01/Tab.
Interactions: see Appendix-2 Medrolin (Opsonin), Tab.,50 mg,Tk. 1.14/Tab.
Dose: ADULT and CHILD over 12 years,
10 mg daily; CHILD 2-12 years 5mg SEDATIVE ANTIHISTAMINES
Proprietary Preparations
see also section 12.5
Pseudoephedrine Hcl+Loratadine Indications: symptomatic relief of
Coderin (ACI), Tab. ,  5 mg + 120 mg, allergy such as hay fever, urticaria;
Tk.4.02/Tab.;10 mg + 240 mg, Tk. 6.02/Tab. emergency treatment of anaphylactic
Kevil Plus (Kemiko), Tab. , 10 mg + 240 mg, reactions
Lodin Plus (Amico ), Tab. , 10 mg + 240 mg,
Cautions: injection may be irritant;
Tk.6.00/Tab. drowsiness may affect skilled tasks such
Lora Plus (Opsonin), Tab., 10 mg + 240 mg, as driving
Tk.4.53/Tab.;5 mg + 120 mg, Tk.3.20/Tab. Interactions: see Appendix-2
Lorafast Plus (Albion), Tab. , 10 mg + 240
mg, Tk.8.00/Tab. Side-effects: exfoliative dermatitis,
Loratin Plus (Square), Tab. , 10 mg + 240 tinnitus reported and injection may cause
mg, Tk.8.00/Tab. transient hypotension or CNS stimu-
L-Plus (Popular ) Tab., 10 mg + 240 mg, lation
Oradin Plus(Eskayef), Tab, 10 mg + 240 mg, Dose: by mouth, 4 mg every 4-6 hours,
Tk. 7.00.00/Tab. max. 24mg daily. CHILD 1-2 years, 1 mg
Pretin D(Beximco), Tab. , 10 mg + 240 mg, twice daily; 2-5 years 1 mg every 4-6
Tk.6.00/Tab. hourly, max. 6 mg daily; 6-12 years 2 mg
Sudamin (Ibn Sina), Tab. , 10 mg + 240 mg, every 4-6 hours, max. 12 mg daily
By intramuscular injection, 10-20 mg,
MEBHYDROLIN NAPADYSYLATE repeated if necessary up to 40 mg daily.
By intravenous injection, 10-20 mg over
1 minute.
Indications: allergic disease or
symptoms, such as urticaria pruritus of Proprietary Preparations
different origins, eczema, drug rash, Alerjess (Ad-din), Tab., 4mg, Tk. 0.20/Tab.;
allergic conjunctivitis, dermatitis of nutri- Syrup, 2mg/5ml, Tk. 20.00/100ml
tional origin, hay fever, vasomotor Antista(Square), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
21.78/100 ml
rhinitis, allergic asthma
Biocin (Biopharma), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml,Tk.
Cautions: caution is required while 21.78/100 ml ;Tab. ,4 mg, Tk. 0.20/Tab.
driving or operating machinery


Centagan(Central), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. sleep disturbance; CHILD 6-12 years,
9.50/60 ml ;Tk. 12.00/100 ml 10-20 mg 2-3 times daily
Chlorpheniramine (Popular ), Tab., 4 mg, Tk.
0.20/Tab. Proprietary Preparations
Chlorphenirmine maleate (Medimet), Tab.,
4mg, Tk.0.18/Tab.
see section 12.5
Clomin(Alco ), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
Cloramin (Orion ), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
21.78/100 ml
Cytacin (Albion), Tab. , 4 mg, Tk. 0.20/Tab. Indications: pruritus and other allergic
G-Antihistamine (Gonoshasthaya), Tab., 4 conditions (chronic urticaria), atopic and
mg, Tk. 0.20 /Tab ;Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. contact dermatitis, anxiety (short-term)
17.00/100 ml; Tk. 11.70/60 ml Cautions: pregnancy, lactation,
Hisnul (Somatec), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
21.78/100 ml
glaucoma, difficulty in urination; caution
Histacin (Jayson), Inj. 10 mg/ml, Tk. required while driving or operating
3.34/Amp.;Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. 14.90/60 ml; machinery
Tk. 21.78/100 ml; Tab., 4 mg,Tk. 0.29/Tab. Side-effects: constipation, dry mouth
Histaco(Supreme), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
drowsiness, visual disturbances, mental
11.70/60 ml; Tab. , 4 mg, Tk. 0.20/Tab.;Tab. ,
4 mg,Tk. 0.20/Tab. confusion in elderly patients
Histal (Opsonin), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
10.34/60 ml Proprietary Preparations
Histalex (Acme), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. see section 12.5
21.78/100 ml;Tab., 4 mg, Tk. 0.3/Tab.
Histam (Maks ), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
11.70/60 ml ;Tk. 21.75/100 ml
Histanol (Chemist), Syrup , 100 ml, Tk.
13.30/100 ml; Tab., 4 mg, Tk. 0.21/Tab. Indications: hay fever, sneezing attack,
Histason (Hudson), Syrup, 2mg/5ml, itching, running nose, conjunctivitis
Tk.18.00/100 ml; Tab., 4mg, Tk.0.22/Tab. urticaria with pruritus, reddening and
Hitagen (General), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
swelling of skin, eczema
14.03/100 ml;Tk. 8.03/60 ml;Tab., 4 mg, Tk.
0.20/Tab. Cautions: pregnancy and lactation;
Penamin (APC ),  Tab., 4 mg, Tk. 0.20/Tab. ; drowsiness may affect skilled tasks such
Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. 11.70/60 ml as driving; sedating effects enhenced by
Pheramin (Amico) , Tab. , 4 mg, Tk. alcohol
Piriton (GSK), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. Side-effects: occasionally drowsiness,
19.13/100 ml ;Tab. , 4 mg,Tk.0.18/Tab. Gastro-intestinal complaints, dry mouth,
Safamin (Benham), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk. palpitations urinary retention, restless-
21.00/100 ml ness, confusion in high dose, agitation in
Sinamin (Ibn Sina), Syrup, 2 mg/5 ml, Tk.
21.78/100 ml; Tab., 4 mg, Tk. 0.20/Tab.
small children, rise in intraoccular
Winkol (Globe), Syrup, 2 mg /5 ml , Tk. pressure.
8.00/60 ml; Tk. 21.78/100 ml Interactions : see Appendix-2

DIPHENHYDRAMINE Proprietary Preparations

HYDROCHLORIDE Aerovil (Beximco), Syrup, 15 mg/5 ml, Tk.
20.07/100 ml
Indications: see under Chlorphenamine Alervil (Incepta), Syrup, 15 mg/5 ml, Tk.
25.00/75 ml
maleate; also to aid relief of temporary Amarin (Opsonin), Syrup, 15 mg/5 ml , Tk.
sleep disturbance in adults 15.09/100 ml;Tab., 22.7 mg, Tk. 0.35/Tab.Inj.,
Cautions & Side-effects: see under 45.5 mg/2 ml, Tk. 5.65/Amp.
Chlorphenamine maleate Avil (Sanofi), Tab., 22.7 mg, Tk. 1.51/Tab;
Tab., 22.7 mg, Tk. 1.51/Tab.; Syrup, 15
Dose: ADULT 25 mg 3 times daily, 50 mg/5ml, Tk. 20.08/100 ml ; Tk. 25.00/75 ml;
mg at bedtime for temporary relief of Inj., 45.5 mg/2 ml, Tk. 7.53/amp.; Retard Tab.,
75 mg, Tk. 2.01/Tab.



Indications: symtomatic relief of allergy

such as hay fever, urticaria; emergency
treatment of anaphylactic reactions
Cautions: intramuscular injection may
be painful; drowsiness may affect skilled
tasks such as driving; sedating effects
enhenced by alcohol
Dose: by mouth, 25 mg at night
increased to 25 mg twice daily if
necessary or 10-20 mg 2-3 times daily.
CHILD, 2-5 years 5-15 mg daily in
divided doses, 5-10 years 10-25 mg
daily in 2 divided doses
By deep intramuscular injection, 25-50
mg, max. 100 mg; CHILD 5-10 years
6.25–12.5 mg.
By slow intravenous injection, 25-50 mg
as a solution containing 2.5mg/ml in
water for injection; max. 100 mg.

Proprietary Preparations
see section12.5


Except for wasp and bee sting allergy,

specific hypersensitivity reactions with
allergen extract vaccines have usually
shown little benefit to asthma. The
benefit of hyposensitisation, if any,
needs be balanced against the
significant risk of anaphylaxis,
particularly in patients with asthma.


An anaphylactic shock is a sudden

catastrophic allergic reaction that
involves the whole body. Urticaria is an
allergic skin rash sometimes called
‘nettle rash’. Acute urticaria is often
caused by an allergy and can last
between several hours and six weeks.
Anaphylactic shock and conditions such
as angioedema are medical
emergencies that can result in
cardiovascular collapse, and even death.
Such conditions need immediate
treatment of laryngeal oedema,


bronchospasm and hypotension. Atopic 1 ml); for children 6-12 years 500
individuals are susceptible. Insect bites micrograms (0.5ml); children 5 years 400
and certain foods such as eggs, fish and micrograms (0.4ml); infant 2 years 200
some vegetables are also a risk for micrograms (0.2ml); 1 year 100
sensitized persons. Some therapeutic micrograms (0.1ml); and those under 1
substances may cause anaphylaxis such year 50 micrograms (0.05ml). The above
as blood products, vaccines, doses may be repeated several times if
hyposensitizing preparations like necessary at 10 minutes intervals,
allergen, some antibiotic especially according to blood pressure, pulse, and
penicillins, iron injections, heparin, and respiratory function until improvement
neuromuscular blocking drugs. occurs (may be repeated several times).
Anaphylaxis is more likely to occur after Chlorpheniramine maleate given by
parenteral administration. Resuscitation slow intravenous injection (over 1
facilities should always be available minute) in a dose of 10-20 mg is a useful
when injecting a drug associated with adjunctive treatment after the adrenaline.
the risk of anaphylactic reactions. It may be continued for 24 to 48 hours to
First line treatment includes adrenaline prevent relapse (max. 40mg in 24
injection for keeping airway open and hours). It may also be given by slow
restoring blood pressure. Adrenaline subcutaneous or intramuscular injection
should immediately be given by over 1 minute
intramuscular injection and should be Dexamethasone Phosphate (sodium
repeated every 10 minutes until blood salt) 4 mg/ml may be given by slow
pressure and pulse have stabilized. An intravenous injection or by infusion; the
antihistamine such as chlorphenira- dose for ADULT is 0.5-20mg; CHILD
mine is a useful adjunctive treatment 200-500 micrograms/kg. Alternately,
given after adrenaline injection and hydro-cortisone (as sodium succinate)
continued for 24-48 hrs to reduce the may be given by slow intravenous
severity and duration of symptoms and injection.
to prevent relapse. Intravenous
corticosteroid such as dexamethasone ADRENALINE [ED]
should be given to help to prevent later
deterioration in severely affected
Indications: emergency treatment or
patients. Administration of oxygen is of
acute anaphylaxis, angeoedema,
primary importance. Further treatment
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
of anaphylaxis may include intravenous
fluids, intravenous vasopressor such as Cautions: hyperthyroidism, diabetes
dopamine, intravenous aminophylline mellitus, ischaemic heart disease,
or a nebulized bronchodilator such as hypertension, elderly patients
Salbutamol. If there is reversible Dose: acute anaphylaxis, by
airways obstruction, it may be necessary intramscular or subcuteneos injection of
to give ephedrine. 1 in 1000 solution; see notes above and
Adrenaline 1 in 1000 solution (1mg/ml) also section 3.7.3
may be given by intramuscular or Proprietory Preparations
subcutaneous injection. The dose for an see section 3.7.3
adult is 500 micrograms to 1 mg (0.5-


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