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Rozen Joy D.


BSN 2-Y1-5


Drug Study

Using the Drug Handbook, make a drug study of the different agents affecting the Upper Respiratory System and the Lower Respiratory System:

Generic Name Classification Pharmacodynamics Indications Nursing Considerations

Drugs Affecting the URT

Classification Drugs Pharmacodynamics Indications Nursing Consideration
1. Decongestants Oxymetazoline Imitate the sympathetic - Can give relief to a Nursing Assessment
(Topical nasal nervous system’s discomfort of nasal - History taking and
decongestants) function to promote congestion that is examination of a client using
vasoconstriction, associated with sinusitis, decongestants should include
which reduces edema common cold, and allergic the following:
and inflammation of rhinitis. Also, it can  History of drug allergy
nasal membranes. relieve pressure of otitis  Physical examination
media.  Examine the mucus
membrane of the nose
- Lessen the congestion in to look for lesions that
Pseudoephedrine Stimulate the alpha- nasal that associate with could lead to systemic
(Oral adrenergic receptors in common cold and allergic absorption and to see
decongestants) nasal mucous rhinitis. how effective
membranes to shrink decongestant is.
the mucous membrane. - Relieves inflammation and  Evaluate respiration and
This is a glucocorticoid following removal of nasal erroneous breath sounds
Budesonide used to treat polyps. Seasonal allergic to determine the drug’s
(Topical steroid respiratory and rhinitis treatment in efficacy and any side
nasal digestives conditions patients who have not effect.
decongestants) by reducing responded to alternative  Assess cardiovascular
inflammation decongestants or and sympathomimetic
preparations. effects by monitoring
pulse, blood pressure,
and cardiac
2. Mucolytics Acetylcysteine Splits the disulfide Acetylcysteine is indicated Nursing Assessment:
bonds that hold the for mucolytic therapy and in - History taking
mucus material the management of - Assess for any possible
together, affecting acetaminophen contraindications and
mucoproteins in cautions of the drug.
respiratory secretions - Physical examination
overdose. Secretion
liquefaction in high-
risk respiratory
patients, notably
surgical patients, who
have difficulties
transporting secretions.
3. Expectorants Guaifenesin Guaifenesin is an Guaifenesin is an expectorant Same with mucolytics
expectorant that works used to provide temporary
by reducing the symptomatic relief from
adhesiveness and clogged chests and coughs
surface tension phlegm caused by a cold, bronchitis,
(sputum) and bronchial or other respiratory disorders.
secretions, hence
increasing their flows.
4. Antihistamines Azelastine (First Azelastine antagonizes Seasonal and perennial Nursing Assessment:
Generation) the actions of allergic rhinitis, allergic - Assess for any possible
histamine, resulting in conjunctivitis, simple contraindications and
the relief of histamine- urticarial, and angioedema cautions of the drugs
mediated allergy symptoms are relieved. Can - Perform physical
symptoms. also give relief of seasonal examination to establish
nasal and non-nasal baseline data for
symptoms and perennial evaluating the drug’s
rhinitis effectiveness as well as the
occurrence of any drug-
Cetirizine (Second related side effects.
generation Chronic idiopathic - Examine the skin’s color,
nonsedating) urticaria, perennial texture, and lesions for
allergic rhinitis, anticholinergic or allergic
seasonal allergic reactions. Evaluate the
rhinitis, allergic respiratory response to the
asthma, physical pharmacological effects by
urticaria, and atopic measuring respirations and
dermatitis all benefit unexpected sounds.
from cetirizine, an - Monitor blood pressure
active metabolite of the and pulse to evaluate
piperazine H1-receptor cardiac response to drug
antagonist treatment.
5. Antitussives Benzonatate Depress the cough Benzonatate is indicated for - Assess for possible
reflex by acting the symptomatic relief cough. contraindications and
directly on the brain’s Local anesthetic on the cautions (e.g., history of
medullary cough area. respiratory passages, lungs, allergic to drug, cough for
They are not the and pleurae, blocking the more than 1 week,
medications of choice effectiveness of the stretch pregnancy and lactation)
for anyone with a head receptors that stimulate a - Assess respirations and
injury or who maybe cough reflex. adventitious sounds.
affected by central - Monitor temperature to
nervous system assess any underlying
depression because infection
they operate centrally. - Physical examination
11. Drugs Affecting the LRT:
Classification Drugs Pharmacodynamics Indications Nursing Considerations
1. Drugs for Asthma
a. Bronchodilators Epinephrine The prototype medicine, Can be a treatment and - Examine for any known
1. Sympathomimetics epinephrine is the prophylaxis of acute allergies to avoid
preferred treatment for asthma attacks in hypersensitivity reactions;
adults and children with children more than 6 cigarette use which affects the
acute bronchospasm, years old. Treatment of drug metabolism; peptic ulcer,
particularly that caused bronchoconstriction in gastritis renal or hepatic
by anaphylaxis; it is also COPD patients on a dysfunction, and coronary
available as an inhalation. long-term basis. Long- disease, all of which can be
acting bronchospasm exacerbated and necessitate
treatment and caution use; and pregnancy
prophylaxis, as well as and lactation, which are
exercise induced contraindications due to the
bronchospasm risk of harm to the fetus or
prevention in patients nursing baby.
aged 2 and up. -
Monitor blood pressure and
pulse to evaluate cardiac
response to drug treatment.
- Perform a physical
examination to establish
baseline data for evaluating
the drug’s effectiveness as
well as the occurrence of any
drug-related side-effects.
ii. Parasympatholitics Atropine Atropine, the prototype Maintenance treatment - Assess for contraindicators or
drug, is derived from the of bronchospasm cautions (e.g., history of
plant belladonna. It is related to COPD. allergy to drug, GI
used to depress salivation obstruction, hepatorenal
and bronchial secretions dysfunction, etc.) to avoid
and to dilate the bronchi, adverse effects.
but it can thicken
respiratory secretions
( causing obstructions of
airways )
iii. Methylxanthines Theophylline Theophylline, an xanthine For the treatment of the Nausea, vomiting, CNS
derivative chemically symptoms and stimulation, nervousness, and
similar to caffeine and reversible airflow insomnia are all side effects of
theobromine, is used to obstruction associated theophylline. Patients should be
treat asthma and with chronic asthma sure to take their prescriptions at
bronchospasm. and other chronic lung the prescribed times. To help
diseases, such as thin secretions, they should
emphysema and avoid irritants and drink plenty
chronic bronchitis. of water. Patient’s serum blood
level will be checked every six to
twelve months.
b. Corticosteroids Prednisolone Corticosteroids bind to Prednisolone is - History taking
glucocorticoid receptor, indicated to treat - Assess for any possible
inhibiting pro- endocrine, rheumatic, contraindications and cautions
inflammatory signals, and and hematologic of the drug.
promoting anti- disorders; collagen, - Physical examination
inflammatory signals. dermatologic, - Administer once-a-day doses
ophthalmic, before 9 AM to mimic normal
respiratory, and peak corticosteroid blood
gastrointestinal levels.
disorders; allergic and
edematous states; and
other conditions like
tuberculous meningitis.
c. Cromolyn Sodium Cromoglicic acid Cromoglicate or For the management of - Talk to your physician about
cromolyn (USAN), is a patients with bronchial what to do in the event of an
synthetic compound, asthma. Also used in asthmatic attack. Cromolyn is
inhibits antigen-induced the treatment of vernal of no value in acute asthma.
bronchospasm and, hence, keratoconjunctivitis, - Cromolyn does not eliminate
used to treat asthma and vernal conjunctivitis, the continued need for therapy
allergic rhinitis. and vernal keratitis with bronchodilators,
Cromoglicate is used as expectorants, antibiotics or
an ophthalmic solution to corticosteroids, but the
treat conjunctivitis and is amount and frequency of use
taken orally to treat of these medications may be
systemic mastocytosis appreciably reduced.
ulcerative colitis. - Treatment with cromolyn 15
min before doing protracted
exercises reportedly blunts the
effects of vigorous exercise as
well as cold air.

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