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Legislative Framework

Legislative Framework

Intercontinental Blueprint
Pre-establish strategies outlined and implemented according to a certain system to manage
international relationships. The Kyoto Protocol is such an agreement between the industrialized
nations which was established in 2005 to reduce as well as minimize the Green House Gas
emissions. This protocol implements three mechanisms to achieve its priorities as below;
1. Clean Development Mechanism
2. Corporate Execution
3. Global Emission Exchange
Australia’s Climate Change Strategy
Established in 2007 and Governed by the Department of Climate Change to achieve set of goals;
1. Decrease GHG Emissions
2. Endorsement and Occurrence of Factories with Low Emissions
3. Set Climate Change Assumptions
Carbon Pollution Depletion Stratagem
Indicates and finalized the margins of permissible total emissions which was established in 2007
to make ease with the economical beneficial GHG reduction system covering industrial
processes, debris, forestry sectors and fossil energy.
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act
NGER act was confirmed in 2007 and this is a framework to Australian Corporation report
Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions, depletion, dismissal, energy utilization and production.
Energy Efficiency Opportunity
Base on high demand energy consumption projects and was established in 2006 to achieve;
 Recognize
 Assess
 Review
on profitable, energy effective opportunities. Energy Efficiency Opportunity (EEO) is integrated
with the National Framework for Energy Efficiency.
ClimateSmart 2050
ClimateSmart concept was implemented in 2007 by the Queensland Climate Change Strategy
aiming to reduce GHG emissions by sixty percent in total by the end of year 2050.
Inventory Methodology and Aggregation

Concept of Clarification and Broadcasting

This inventory is solely based on according to the Green House Gas (GHG) protocol which was
invented in 1998 but took into action in 2004. This includes all the techniques of accounting and
reporting the Green House Gases according to a standard. The Green House Gas Protocol can be
divided into five subdivisions as below;
1. Relevance: Central and remote information for decision making
2. Completeness: All applicable emission origins needed to be included
3. Consistency: Compatible appeal of account prospective
4. Transparency: Lucidity of the accounted date
5. Accuracy: The data should be detailed and pinpoint

Record Management Borderlines

The frontier which was implemented by the company or the association to control all the GHGs.
Record Functioning Borderlines
Direct and Indirect sources of GHG emissions must take into action according to the GHG
Calculation Perspective
In this section the data and analytics can be obtained by the sources such as statistics,
spreadsheets and case studies according to the NGA Factors.
Emission Elements
Convert activity data into GHG emissions at a given source. This helps to calculate and analyze
the Emission Intensity.
This is an assessment that is created and developed by an auditor, to calculate the endurable
misstatement of the assessment according to the amount of risk that’s been calculated.
An approach to group geography or provisionally dispersed activities that decrease the Green
House Gas Emissions. This can be also indicated as the combination of individual Greenhouse
Gas Emission Protocol.

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