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Technology/Proprietary Rights

Describe the factors that provide your enterprise with significant competitive edge to overcome barriers.

Well the greatest factor that we have on our side is the tech know how and solid knowledge of doing our work. This
follows from the fact that if a business is to thrive then the business owners and partners would have in them the
practical sense and practical knowledge of making their business a success. Well,customers pay but they pay for a job
well done and to achieve such fate one must have both knowledge and wisdom on the subject matter. We have this on
our side and I can assemble an ideal team for this. The second thing is that this is a youth initiative and in this times
where the government has been putting a lot of faith, trust and hope i believe that the business will thrive on the basis
that it will have a lot of solid backing from governmental institutions. Apart from that the other factor is the basis of this
project. A business more focused on quick establishment and overnight success is likely to suffer major setbacks and
contrary to that i would say this conceptual idea is more focused on achievement and advancement of technology into
people’s lives ahead of quick profits. However in the same spirit i believe the idea will register massive success because
of its motive-achievement ahead of profitability. Last but not least this is a tech based idea requiring low start up and
maintenance expenses, profits will be ploughed back in the business and hence very low risks of financial doldrums.

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