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import pygame

import time
import random
import numpy
import math
from datetime import datetime
import csv

#Creating and opening file that will store data produced by simulation
filename ="%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S")+".csv"
file = open(filename,"w")

#Defining different colors

BLACK = (0,0,0)
DARK_BLUE = (0,0,128)
BLUE = (0,0,255)
DARK_GREEN = (0,128,0)
DARK_CYAN = (0,128,128)
SKY_BLUE = (0,128,255)
GREEN = (0,255,0)
PASTEL_GREEN = (0,255,128)
CYAN = (0,255,255)
MAROON = (128,0,0)
PURPLE = (128,0,128)
ROYAL_PURPLE = (128,0,255)
DIRTY_YELLOW = (128,128,0)
GRAY = (128,128,128)
PASTEL_PURPLE = (128,128,255)
LIME_GREEN = (128,255,0)
PALE_GREEN = (128,255,128)
PASTEL_BLUE = (128,255,255)
RED = (255,0,0)
BRIGHT_PINK = (255,0,128)
MAGENTA = (255,0,255)
ORANGE = (255,128,0)
PEACH = (255,128,128)
PASTEL_PINK = (255,128,255)
YELLOW = (255,255,0)
CREAM = (255,255,128)
WHITE = (255,255,255)

#kilogram meter second units used throughout

G = 6.674*(10**-11)
DISTANCE_SCALE = 10**5 #meters per pixel
RADIUS_SCALE = 10**7 #if it were to scale the planets would be too small to see
(also meters per pixel)
TIME_SCALE = 10**6 #seconds per frame
INIT_TIME_SCALE = TIME_SCALE #Later used while adjusting time scale

#Initializing pygame and creating fonts to be used later

font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',10)
fpsfont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',20)

#the vector outputted points from point2 to point1

def diffTwoPoints(point1,point2):
xDiff = point1[0]-point2[0]
yDiff = point1[1]-point2[1]
return numpy.array([xDiff,yDiff])

#Gives distance between two points

def distTwoPoints(point1,point2):
return numpy.linalg.norm(diffTwoPoints(point1,point2))

#Gets user input of very large or very small numbers using scientific notation
#Message explains what value that program is asking for
def getSciNotation(message):
invalid = True
while invalid:
orderedPair = input("Enter an ordered pair \"a,b\" for the number a*10^b:
orderedPair = tuple(orderedPair)
orderedPair = (float(orderedPair[0]),float(orderedPair[1]))
if len(orderedPair) == 2:
answer = orderedPair[0] * 10**(orderedPair[1])
if not math.isinf(answer): #Very large numbers could be rounded to
infinity, which would be bad
invalid = False
return answer
#This function takes the current time and the positions and velocities of all the
heavenly bodies and saves them to the file created and opened earlier in a new line
using csv
def saveData(time,bodies,file):
line = ""
line += str(time)+"," #records time
for body in bodies:
line += str(body.getPosition()[0]) + ","
line += str(body.getPosition()[1]) + ","
line += str(body.getVelocity()[0]) + ","
line += str(body.getVelocity()[1]) + ","
line += "\n"

class Body:
def __init__(self,name,color,position,velocity,mass,radius):
self.color = color
self.position = numpy.array(position)
self.velocity = numpy.array(velocity)
self.mass = mass
self.radius = radius
self.energyPerMass = 0 = name
#pastPositions is a record of where the body has been, but with positions
rounded to the nearest pixel (using the DISTANCE_SCALE). A new position is only
added to pastPositions
#if it is in a different pixel. The advantage of having a list of rounded
positions instead of a list of pixels is that if the DISTANCE_SCALE changes (from a
body going off screen), pastPositions can be
#used to accurately draw the body's path with the new DISTANCE_SCALE,
something which would be harder if pixels were stored directly.
self.pastPositions = []
#As mentioned above, a new position is only added to pastPositions if that
position is in a different pixel. The pixels which the body has already covered are
stored in pixelsAlreadyCovered so that
#a new position can be added to pastPositions only when that position is in
a different pixel.
self.pixelsAlreadyCovered = []
self.nameTag = font.render(,True,self.color,(0,0,0)) # to display
the name of the body
self.nameRect = self.nameTag.get_rect() =

def getPosition(self):
return self.position

def setPosition(self,position):
self.position = position

def getVelocity(self):
return self.velocity

def setVelocity(self,velocity):
self.velocity = velocity

def getMass(self):
return self.mass

def getRadius(self):
return self.radius

#Later, mechanical energy per mass is used to adjust the speeds of the different
bodies in accordance with conservation of energy
def getEnergyPerMass(self):
return self.energyPerMass

def setEnergyPerMass(self,energyPerMass):
self.energyPerMass = energyPerMass

def getName(self):

def setName(self,name): = name

#Finds the gravitational potential energy of the body divided by its mass
def findGPEPerMass(self,bodies):
answer = 0
for otherbody in bodies:
if not distTwoPoints(self.position,otherbody.getPosition()) == 0:
distance = distTwoPoints(self.position,otherbody.getPosition())
answer -= G*otherbody.getMass()/distance #GPE equation based on
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
return answer

def findEnergyPerMass(self,bodies):
answer = 0
answer += 0.5*numpy.linalg.norm(self.getVelocity())**2
answer += self.findGPEPerMass(bodies)
#This summed up the GPE divided by the mass and the kinetic energy divided
by the mass
return answer

def drawBody(self,screen):
#When drawing the bodies, SCREEN_WIDTH/2 and SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 are added to
the pixel values. This is because
#(0,0) in pygame refers to the top left of the screen (positive y direction
is down), so adding those values
#moves the origin used by the position variables to the center of the
x = int(self.position[0]/DISTANCE_SCALE+SCREEN_WIDTH/2)
y = int(self.position[1]/DISTANCE_SCALE+SCREEN_HEIGHT/2),self.color,(x,y),int(self.radius/RADIUS_SCALE))

def calculateAcceleration(self,bodies):
acceleration = numpy.array([0,0])
for body in bodies:
if not distTwoPoints(self.position,body.getPosition()) == 0: #Doesn't
calculate gravitational attraction on body from itself
#Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation combined with his Second Law
distance = distTwoPoints(self.position,body.getPosition())
r_vector = diffTwoPoints(body.getPosition(),self.position)
accelContribution =
acceleration = acceleration + accelContribution #sums up
contributions from all the bodies
return acceleration

#This function adds the body's position (having been rounded to the nearest
pixel) to the pastPositions list and adds the pixel covered to
pixelsAlreadyCovered, but only if the pixel hasn't already been covered
def recordPosition(self):
roundedPosition =
pixelCovered =
if not pixelCovered in self.pixelsAlreadyCovered:

#This function is used when the DISTANCE_SCALE changes. A pixel which was once
covered by the body's path may no longer be covered
def clearPixelsAlreadyCovered(self):
self.pixelsAlreadyCovered = []

#uses pastPositions to draw the path of the body on the screen

def drawPath(self,screen):
for point in self.pastPositions:
y = int(point[1]/DISTANCE_SCALE+SCREEN_HEIGHT/2),self.color,(x,y),1)

#animates the names of the bodies displayed on screen

def drawName(self,screen): =
#This section of code is how the user determines the number of bodies and the
properties of each
addingBodies = True
bodies = [] #creates the bodies list, which is where all of the bodies are stored
print("Welcome to the n-body simulator!")
print("All data should be inputted and will be stored in m/k/s units :)")
print("The positive x direction is rightward, and the positive y direction is
print("The first body added to the system will start at the center of the screen.")
while addingBodies: #while loop runs until the user says to stop adding more bodies
to the system
continuing = input("Would you like to add a body to the system? (yes or no): ")
if continuing == "no":
addingBodies = False
if continuing == "yes":
name = str(input("Name (The
names \"Sun\", \"Mercury\", \"Venus\", \"Earth\", \"Mars\", \"Jupiter\", \"Saturn\"
, \"Uranus\", or \"Neptune\" will automatically fill in the masses and radii of
those bodies): "))
validColorMode = False
while not validColorMode: #While loop that gets which metho the user would
like to use to enter a color and acts on the user's choice
colorMode = input("Would you like to use a color word or an RGB value?
(word or rgb): ")
if colorMode == "word":
validColorMode = True
validColor = False
while not validColor: #While loop that gets the name of a color
coded into the system from the user
color = input("What color? (BLACK, DARK_BLUE, BLUE, DARK_GREEN,
if color == "BLACK":
color = BLACK
validColor = True
if color == "DARK_BLUE":
color = DARK_BLUE
validColor = True
if color == "BLUE":
color = BLUE
validColor = True
if color == "DARK_GREEN":
color = DARK_GREEN
validColor = True
if color == "DARK_CYAN":
color = DARK_CYAN
validColor = True
if color == "SKY_BLUE":
color = SKY_BLUE
validColor = True
if color == "GREEN":
color = GREEN
validColor = True
if color == "PASTEL_GREEN":
validColor = True
if color == "CYAN":
color = CYAN
validColor = True
if color == "MAROON":
color = MAROON
validColor = True
if color == "PURPLE":
color = PURPLE
validColor = True
if color == "ROYAL_PURPLE":
validColor = True
if color == "DIRTY_YELLOW":
validColor = True
if color == "GRAY":
color = GRAY
validColor = True
if color == "PASTEL_PURPLE":
validColor = True
if color == "LIME_GREEN":
color = LIME_GREEN
validColor = True
if color == "PALE_GREEN":
color = PALE_GREEN
validColor = True
if color == "PASTEL_BLUE":
validColor = True
if color == "RED":
color = RED
validColor = True
if color == "BRIGHT_PINK":
validColor = True
if color == "MAGENTA":
color = MAGENTA
validColor = True
if color == "ORANGE":
color = ORANGE
validColor = True
if color == "PEACH":
color = PEACH
validColor = True
if color == "PASTEL_PINK":
validColor = True
if color == "YELLOW":
color = YELLOW
validColor = True
if color == "CREAM":
color = CREAM
validColor = True
if color == "WHITE":
color = WHITE
validColor = True
if colorMode == "rgb":
validColorMode = True
validColor = False
while not validColor: #loop that gets a valid RGB triple from the
color = tuple(input("What color? (input as a tuple, e.g.
(234,156,83): "))
if color[0] >= 0 and color[0] <= 255 and color[1] >= 0 and
color[1] <= 255 and color[2] >= 0 and color[2] <= 255:
validColor = True
if len(bodies) == 0: #Sets the first body the user entered to have position
position = [0,0]
#gets position of body from user
position = [getSciNotation("Input initial x position of the body
(relative to first body)"),getSciNotation("Input initial y position of the body
(relative to first body)")]
velocity = [getSciNotation("Input initial x velocity of the
body"),getSciNotation("Input initial y velocity of the body")] #gets velocity from
#The following lines set the mass and radius of the body if the user used
one of the reserved words from bodies in our solar system
if name == "Sun":
mass = 1.989*(10**30)
radius = 696.34*(10**6)
elif name == "Mercury":
mass = 3.285*(10**23)
radius = 2.4397*(10**6)
elif name == "Venus":
mass = 4.867*(10**24)
radius = 6.0518*(10**6)
elif name == "Earth":
mass = 5.972*(10**24)
radius = 6.371*(10**6)
elif name == "Mars":
mass = 6.39*(10**23)
radius = 3.3895*(10**6)
elif name == "Jupiter":
mass = 1.898*(10**27)
radius = 69.911*(10**6)
elif name == "Saturn":
mass = 5.683*(10**26)
radius = 58.232*(10**6)
elif name == "Uranus":
mass = 8.681*(10**25)
radius = 25.362*(10**6)
elif name == "Neptune":
mass = 1.024*(10**26)
radius = 24.622*(10**6)
#If the user didn't used a reserved word, this gets the mass and radius
from the user
mass = getSciNotation("Mass: ")
radius = getSciNotation("Radius: ")
bodies.append(Body(name,color,position,velocity,mass,radius)) #A new body
is appended to the list

#Writes the first row of the csv file so that it can be interpreted as a
firstRow = "time,"
for body in bodies:
firstRow += body.getName() + " x pos,"
firstRow += body.getName() + " y pos,"
firstRow += body.getName() + " x vel,"
firstRow += body.getName() + " y vel,"
firstRow += "\n"

#The program should be able to display systems of very different sizes, so this
adjusts the DISTANCE_SCALE such that every body in the system is within a quarter
of the screen width horizontally and a quarter of the screen height vertically of
the origin
scaledWell = False
while not scaledWell: #loop that runs until the conditions are met
scaledWell = True
for body in bodies:
if not (body.getPosition()[0]/DISTANCE_SCALE > -SCREEN_WIDTH/4 and
body.getPosition()[0]/DISTANCE_SCALE < SCREEN_WIDTH/4 and body.getPosition()
[1]/DISTANCE_SCALE > -SCREEN_HEIGHT/4 and body.getPosition()[1]/DISTANCE_SCALE <
scaledWell = False
if scaledWell == False:
aren't met
print("Distance scale adjusted to "+str(DISTANCE_SCALE)+"meters per pixel")
elif (body.getPosition()[0]/DISTANCE_SCALE > -SCREEN_WIDTH/40 and
body.getPosition()[0]/DISTANCE_SCALE < SCREEN_WIDTH/40 and body.getPosition()
[1]/DISTANCE_SCALE > -SCREEN_HEIGHT/40 and body.getPosition()[1]/DISTANCE_SCALE <
DISTANCE_SCALE = DISTANCE_SCALE/10 #If the bodies are all very close
together close to the origin, DISTANCE_SCALE is reduced
print("Distance scale adjusted to "+str(DISTANCE_SCALE)+"meters per pixel")

running = True #Variable for simulation loop

simTime=0 #keeps track of how long the simulation has been running for
timeA = time.time() #timeA and timeB are used to keep track of the frame rate later

#calculate initial total mechanicalenergy of each body divided by the body's mass
for body in bodies:

#generate stars to make pretty background

stars = []
isStar = []
for x in range(0,SCREEN_WIDTH+1):
newRow = []
for y in range(0,SCREEN_HEIGHT+1):
#isStar is a 2D array that shows that for every pixel on the screen, it doesn't
have a star (hence "False")
for x in range(1,SCREEN_WIDTH):
for y in range(1,SCREEN_HEIGHT):
#If the die roll is the right number and there are no adjacent pixels which
are stars, a pixel is designated as a star
dieRoll = random.randint(1,300)
if dieRoll == 300:
if not (isStar[x-1][y-1] or isStar[x-1][y] or isStar[x-1][y+1] or
isStar[x][y-1] or isStar[x][y+1] or isStar[x+1][y-1] or isStar[x+1][y] or
isStar[x][y] = True
for x in range(1,SCREEN_WIDTH):
for y in range(1,SCREEN_HEIGHT):
if isStar[x][y]:
stars.append((x,y)) #stars is now an array with the (x,y) coordinates
of every star

screen = pygame.display.set_mode([SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT])
lastShownPositions = [] #used in determining whether the screen needs to be
updated, which is only when the bodies have moved enough from their last animated
position for the difference to be visible

while running: #main simulation loop, which contains the animation code as well

for event in pygame.event.get(): #makes the program exit the simulation loop if
the X in the top-right corner of the window is clicked
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
#Adjusts time scale. If the time scale is too fast, the bodies will essentially
"skip around" too much and the results won't be realistic (we need a small delta-t)
#So the program adjust the time scale such that no body's delta-v during the
time interval used is more than 1% its prior velocity (if its prior velocity is at
least 100 m/s)
previousTimeScale = TIME_SCALE
TIME_SCALE = INIT_TIME_SCALE #Uses 10^6 seconds as a baseline delta-t
for body in bodies:
oldspeed = numpy.linalg.norm(body.getVelocity())
if oldspeed>100:
while tooFast:
accelmag = numpy.linalg.norm(body.calculateAcceleration(bodies))
if TIME_SCALE*accelmag/oldspeed >= 10**(-2): #Ensure delta v is
less than one percent of previous velocity
tooFast = False
if TIME_SCALE != previousTimeScale:
print("Changed time scale to: "+str(TIME_SCALE)+" seconds per frame from
"+str(previousTimeScale)) #notifies user of change to time scale

simTime += TIME_SCALE #updates counter of time that has passed since start of
for body in bodies:
#change velocities such that new velocity equals old velocity plus
(acceleration times delta-t)
#changes positions so that new position equals old position plus (velocity
times delta-t)
#Because only a conservative force (gravity) acts on the bodies, their
total mechanical energy must stay the same. If it hasn't, something went a bit
wrong, so the program
#adjusts their speeds to maintain conservation of energy. The formulae are
easier to work with if one takes total mechanical energy divided by mass, and the
masses are also constant, so this is fine to use
newEPM = body.findEnergyPerMass(bodies)
if not newEPM == body.getEnergyPerMass():
correctSpeed = (2*(body.getEnergyPerMass()-
body.findGPEPerMass(bodies)))**0.5 #If the total mechanical energy divided by the
mass isn't the same, it calculates what the speed should be to make it the same
if not math.isnan(correctSpeed): #for some reason there was a NaN error
before, so this avoids it
uncorrectedSpeed = numpy.linalg.norm(body.getVelocity())
correctionFactor = correctSpeed/uncorrectedSpeed #Figures out by
what factor the speed must change to maintain conservation of energy

body.setVelocity(numpy.multiply(body.getVelocity(),correctionFactor)) #multiplies
the velocity by that factor
body.recordPosition() #this function is explained where it is defined

saveData(simTime,bodies,file) #Each time the simulation loop runs, this saves

the positions and velocities of all the bodies to the csv file created earlier

#Rounds positions to nearest pixel. Then, if the pixels occupied by the bodies
are different from the last time the screen was updated, the screen will be updated
to show the movement
currentPositions = []
for body in bodies:
currentPositions += (int(body.getPosition()

if currentPositions != lastShownPositions: #If the bodies have moved enough

that the screen will look different when updated, then the screen is updated
#only updating the screen when the difference is actually perceptibly makes
the program run faster
lastShownPositions = []
for body in bodies:
lastShownPositions += (int(body.getPosition()
[0]/DISTANCE_SCALE),int(body.getPosition()[1]/DISTANCE_SCALE)) #Records the last
positions shown on screen to check against new positions in the future to see
#if the pixels are different
offScreen = False
for body in bodies:
if body.getPosition()[0]/DISTANCE_SCALE < -SCREEN_WIDTH/2 or
body.getPosition()[0]/DISTANCE_SCALE > SCREEN_WIDTH/2 or body.getPosition()
[1]/DISTANCE_SCALE < -SCREEN_HEIGHT/2 or body.getPosition()[1]/DISTANCE_SCALE >
offScreen = True #checks if any of the bodies have drifted off-
if offScreen: #if any of them have, DISTANCE_SCALE is adjusted so that they
are all on screen again
for body in bodies:
body.clearPixelsAlreadyCovered() #The particular pixels covered by
the path will change when the DISTANCE_SCALE does, so the pixelsAlreadyCovered list
is cleared
screen.fill((0,0,0)) #black background
for star in stars: #draws stars0,WHITE,star,1)
for body in bodies: #draws bodies
for body in bodies: #draws their paths
for body in bodies: #draws their name tags
#calculate frame rate
timeB = time.time()
elapsed_time = timeB-timeA #determines time since last time the screen was
updated (or, the first time the screen is updated, since the simulation loop began)
frameRate = int(1/elapsed_time) #calculates frame rate
#If the frame rate is above 60 fps, the program waits a moment such that it
goes down to 60 fps, to make the animation speed more consistent
if (elapsed_time<0.0166):
frameRate = 60
#Display other stats, including frame rate and approximate distance scale
and time scale (relative to real time)
#displays them in the top left corner of the screen
frameRateText = fpsfont.render(str(frameRate)+" fps",True,WHITE,BLACK)
frameRateBox = frameRateText.get_rect() = (35,20)

distanceScaleText = fpsfont.render("Distance scale:

10^"+str(int(math.log10(DISTANCE_SCALE)))+" meters per pixel",True,WHITE,BLACK)
distanceScaleBox = distanceScaleText.get_rect() = (30,40)

if frameRate != 0: #The if statement prevents the program from crashing if

the frame rate is so low that it is rounded to 0
timeScaleText =
fpsfont.render("10^"+str(int(math.log10(TIME_SCALE*frameRate)))+"x real
timeScaleBox = timeScaleText.get_rect() = (85,60)

#blit text to screen

#Without blitting, the screen would not be updated
if frameRate != 0: screen.blit(timeScaleText,timeScaleBox) #prevents the
program from crashing if the frame rate is so low that it is rounded to 0
timeA = time.time() #to calculate the frame rate the next time the screen
is updated
#update screen

#clear up loose ends


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